Chapter 46
Yuan Dian would rather pretend not to know what not to do, and not to pretend to know what to do.Quiet and not revealing the opportunity, Yunlei Tun also.

It is better to pretend not to know and stand still, than to pretend to be smart and act rashly.Do things calmly and calmly, and don't reveal your true motives.It's like the swift and fierce clouds and thunder hidden in the ground in winter, as calm as if they are ready to go.

The interpretation of "fake insanity is not insane" is transformed from the folk sayings "pretending to be crazy and acting stupid" and "pretending to be deaf and dumb".In daily life, in order to avoid certain conflicts or survive certain crises, or to deal with a powerful opponent, people deliberately pretend to be stupid and demented for a period of time in order to protect themselves, take advantage of the situation and defeat their opponents.

The strategy of "fake insanity without insanity" focuses on the word "fake".The "fake" here is demented, but the heart is very clear.It's a brilliant move.Therefore, this trick is often used by ambitious and scheming people.When they are not strong enough and the time is not ripe enough, they often use false obsession to confuse everyone in order to cover up their real intentions.

This plan is used for political strategy, which belongs to the art of hiding.When the situation is not favorable to him, he pretends to be stupid on the surface, giving people the illusion of mediocrity.Its essence is to hide one's talents, conceal one's bosom full of political ambitions, avoid the vigilance of political opponents, and avoid their edge.Then concentrate on waiting for the opportunity to complete your mission.

In the military, sometimes it is to seek advancement by retreating, so as to strike after the strike.It's like the cloud force suppressing Lei Dong, without showing any signs of expression, and once it explodes in the end, it will surely win by surprise.

To have a good understanding of the strategy of "falsely insane but not insane", you can grasp it from the following meanings.

One, it is rare to be confused.It is difficult to be confused. The so-called difficulty is that it is not really confused, but you have to pretend to be confused.The purpose is to make others believe in you completely and treat you as a fool.

Two, great wisdom is like foolishness.Under unfavorable conditions, in order to protect themselves, they often deceive the other party by pretending to be crazy, dumb, or deaf.This method of pretending not to know, pretending not to act, and pretending to be wrong, on the surface makes people feel indifferent, weak and incompetent, but in reality they are extremely shrewd.

Three, do not reveal the mystery.It is necessary to be quiet and not reveal the opportunity, but to be ready to go.The reason why I want to hide my inner thoughts deeply and not let others know is because I have to wait for the time to mature.If the timing is not ripe, if you reveal your intentions too early, you will definitely fail miserably.

Fourth, it is hidden deep.Originally very orderly, but intentionally appearing chaotic; originally full and warm, but showing hunger and cold appearance; originally there were many people, but it made people feel that the number was small; originally very brave, but appeared very cowardly; originally well prepared , but showed a defenseless appearance, thereby paralyzing the opponent and achieving success.

And when the enemy uses the "false insanity" strategy, we should take the following preventive measures to deal with it.

[-]. Be good at observation and analysis, which is conducive to discovering the clues of the enemy's "fake idiots".Once you recognize the truth, you must expose its true colors face to face.Many wars in history have warned us of the importance of seeing the essence clearly through the phenomenon.When the other party is playing the trick of "fake insanity but not insane", expose his ugly true face face to face.Let the enemy who has no mental preparation in advance find it difficult to deal with unexpected situations for a while, and can only be in a very passive and embarrassing situation.In this way, the painstaking efforts they have spent in the past will come to naught.But to expose the opponent's deception face to face, one must have certain evidence, and then hit the vital point quickly, leaving no excuses for sophistry and no chance to fight back.

Second, follow the tricks, take the "false" as the truth, and lead the enemy into a trap.Once you find out that the enemy is using a strategy against us, even if you have already seen it through, don't expose it for a while.It's better to take advantage of the trend to pretend to be confused, deliberately take it seriously, and let the enemy believe that we have been fooled.In this way, they will continue to play his "fake idiot" play with confidence and boldness, but unexpectedly we have already laid a solid trap, and finally let the enemy harm others instead of themselves.

Examples of Wisdom
The Soviet Union secretly developed the atomic bomb

"Fake ignorance is not insane" is a strategy to paralyze the enemy and act on standby.Stalin once used this method to perform a realistic "pretending to be deaf and dumb" play without revealing any flaws.


During the Second World War, the military contests between the Allied Powers and the Axis Powers on the battlefield were often regarded as eye-catching events, and were reported and disseminated in newspapers, periodicals and radio broadcasts all over the world all the time.However, for another silent contest - the study of the atomic bomb, each country is conducting it fiercely and secretly under little-known circumstances.The United States, the Soviet Union, Germany and other countries all want to be the first to successfully develop it so that it can be used as a deterrent weapon in war.

On July 1945, 7, the heads of the Soviet Union, the United States, and the United Kingdom met in Potsdam to study major issues such as the war against Japan.At this time, they already had their own plans for their strategic plans after the war.

During a break in a meeting, U.S. President Truman mentioned to Stalin that the United States had developed a very powerful bomb, in order to imply that the United States already possessed an atomic bomb and intimidate Stalin.As Truman made these remarks, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill watched Stalin's face closely, observing his reaction to Truman's speech.

However, Stalin didn't show any abnormal expression as if he didn't hear it.So many people recalled that Stalin was probably a little deaf and couldn't hear Truman's words clearly at that time.In fact, he not only understood Truman's words, but also heard the overtones of these words.After the meeting, he told Foreign Minister Molotov: "We should speed up the progress of our development work."

It was after this meeting that the Soviet Union began to concentrate on developing the atomic bomb.By the end of 1946, the first uranium-graphite reactor in the Soviet Union was built.Researchers then built powerful experimental and industrial reactors and began producing fission matter.By September 1949, 9, the Soviet Union successfully exploded its first atomic bomb.This incident completely exceeded the expectations of the Americans and caused great shock all over the world.

After the atomic bomb exploded, Truman only woke up to Stalin's pretending to be deaf and dumb like a dream. He only issued a brief communiqué: "We have the evidence that the Soviet Union carried out an atomic bomb explosion." What do you say?This "surprise attack" hit the United States too hard.

Since then, the strategic nuclear competition between the United States and the Soviet Union has been in full swing.

It is not difficult to see that Stalin's original action of "pretending to be deaf and dumb" was undoubtedly a move of strategic significance and an outstanding manifestation of psychological warfare.

mad indian painter

There are many people who use the strategy of "falsely insane" to cover up the truth, confuse the other party, give themselves an advantage, and finally gain benefits in business activities.

Once, an Indian painter exhibited his works in the gallery of the Belgian National Gallery.Because the artist is not very well-known, although the bids for each painting are only between 10 and 100 US dollars, the booth is still deserted.

At this time, an American tourist who loves to collect exhibits came to the exhibition stand.He carefully examined the paintings of Indian painters, and finally selected three paintings with great collection value.He was overjoyed by the low price when he looked at the price tag when he approached, so he prepared to pay for these three paintings.

The clever Indian painter saw the eagerness of American tourists for these paintings, and decided to sell the three paintings at a high price.When the Americans paid, he coldly asked for a price of $250 per painting.The Americans were very dissatisfied with his rip-off business method and expressed their unwillingness to make a deal, so they continued to bargain.

Unexpectedly, the Indian painter burned a painting angrily.Seeing his favorite painting being burned, the American felt distressed, and asked the Indian what price he was willing to pay for the remaining two paintings.The Indians still insisted on asking for $250 each, and the Americans were still unwilling to buy.

At this time, the Indians immediately burned another painting.The American who loves to collect calligraphy and painting finally lost his temper, and he begged the Indians not to burn the last painting.

In the end, the forced Americans bought the remaining painting at a high price of 500 US dollars.

The characteristic of the strategy of "fake insanity is not insane" is to take advantage of the opponent's psychology and adopt tactics according to the situation, so that the opponent will be defeated by himself when he is moody.The performance of this Indian painter is that on the surface it seems to be in conflict with the Americans, but in essence, it captures the psychology of Americans who love collecting, and complies with this psychology, burning paintings crazily, finally forcing the Americans to change their minds .

Wang Yunzhi pretends to be insane to avoid disaster

When you want to overcome difficulties, you can also use the strategy of "fake insanity without insanity".The situation is very critical, and when the other party may kill you, you have no choice but to pretend to be stupid.As a result, if it is used well, it can also pretend to be real and escape death.

In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, there was a child named Wang Yunzhi, who was clever by nature and extremely good at understanding the psychology of adults.

Wang Yunzhi's uncle was Wang Dun, a great general of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.This person is in charge of the government, arrogant and domineering, cruel and vicious to others.Once, in order to force his guests to drink, he cruelly killed several beauties one after another, making it difficult for the guests to swallow their food.Therefore, people call him the devil who kills without blinking an eye.

One night, Wang Yunzhi slept with Wang Dun as usual.

At dawn, Wang Dun was awakened by one of his men.Wang Dun hurriedly got up and had a secret conversation with him: "Hey, what happened to the soldiers, horses and weapons I told you to prepare?"

"Master General, everything is ready, the only thing we need is the east wind."

"Excellent. When are you planning to lay siege to the palace?"

"Be sure to keep it strictly confidential. If outsiders find out about this, they will be shot to death!"

The more Wang Dun talked with the confidant, the more excited he became, and he completely forgot that there was a child sleeping in the tent.

At this time, Wang Yunzhi had already woken up and heard everything about their rebellion.Because he was afraid of being in a dangerous situation, he was in a hurry, so he dug his throat deeply with his fingers, and vomited the overnight food and drink onto the bed.Then, he closed his eyes, pretended to be asleep, and snored slightly.

Wang Dun talked with his subordinates for a long time, and suddenly remembered that Wang Yunzhi was still asleep on the bed behind him, and ran away in panic.Lifting the curtain and looking at it, I couldn't help laughing in relief, covered my nostrils, and said to myself: "It smells so bad, it's like a drunken pig! A child is a child, so it's very safe!"

It turned out that there was a sour smell of vomit all over the bed, and Wang Yunzhi was sleeping soundly buried in the filth.

Wang Yunzhi pretended to be stupid, and at a young age, he used his adaptable wisdom to pretend to be drunk and sleep soundly, and escaped the disaster of being murdered and wiped out by the demon king. People can't help but admire him for being young but brave!
"Fake Idiots Are Not Crazy" Marriage Sutra
People often say that stupid people have stupid blessings.Everything has its ambiguities, and marriage is no exception.If it is too serious, it will inevitably cause small cracks in the marriage. As time goes on, the gaps will become bigger and bigger. In the end, it may not be repaired, leading to the dissolution of the marriage.

Therefore, a smart woman will pretend to be stupid, and being stupid is really smart.

But there must be a bottom line for pretending to be stupid. As long as the general direction of marriage is correct, there is no need to pursue other details.This requires a woman to understand the man around her very well, and to be clear about his temperament, emotions, and desires, so that she can advance and retreat freely.For my husband, sometimes it’s like flying a kite. If the line is long, I’m afraid it will break; if the line is tight, I’m afraid it won’t fly high.And pretending to be stupid is to let him fly, but it must be under his own control.Only in this way can the marriage be operated at its best.From this point of view, a woman who pretends to be a fool is more likely to be happy than a woman who likes a real woman.

When a friend encounters a strong temptation and is about to deviate from the track, what he worries most is that his wife cannot leave him. Without him, his wife will not be able to live a day.In the end, he returned to his original life trajectory.In fact, his wife is a very shrewd little woman, and she knows almost every move of her husband.She was also suspicious and afraid of losing her husband, but she knew better how to treat everything about her husband.If she had fought and robbed unscrupulously at the beginning, her husband might have become someone else's possession long ago.

During the days when her husband was absent-minded, she pretended to be ignorant and took care of him as always.In fact, she also rummaged through her husband's purse, checked his phone number, and secretly followed him quietly.But all of what she did was done quietly without the knowledge of her husband.

And the husband really couldn't bear to leave her, let alone hurt her. In the end, this matter that wasn't picked up just passed away in such a muddle.Afterwards, this friend felt the tolerance brought by his wife's unique personality and beauty, so he loved and respected her even more.

Many women don't want to pretend to be stupid, let alone pretend to be blind, so when they encounter this kind of thing, they will quarrel and fight with their husbands to find out what is right and what is wrong, and finally win the marriage but lose the love.

Married life cannot be bounded by right and wrong. If everything is clear, such a life cannot be maintained.In contrast, rare and confused days will be happier.Men like women to be stupid. Women hide their strength, cover up their talents, and use their shrewdness to pretend to be a little stupid, which will make men feel tall and indispensable, and life will be much more interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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