Chapter 49
The original scriptures took advantage of the gap to step in, strangled its main engine, and gradually advanced.

The translation takes advantage of the other party's loopholes to step in quickly, grasp its key points, grasp its head office, and skillfully progress step by step to achieve its own goals.

The original meaning of "anti-customer-oriented" is that the host is not good at hospitality, but is entertained by the guests.There are many kinds of customers: temporary customers, long-term customers, and cheap customers. These are still real "customers", but once they gradually grasp the secrets, they have become the main customers.In the old saying, this process is divided into five steps: fighting for a seat, taking advantage of the gap, stepping in, grasping the opportunity, and succeeding.This process is to change from passive to active, and gradually take the initiative into your own hands.

To understand this plan, you can grasp it from the following aspects.

[-]. Preemptive strikes, changing from passive to active.When we are in a passive situation or our own strength is weak, we can actively take the initiative to launch an attack to gain the initiative.In the military, it is generally manifested as "strike first, and restrain others later". Only by striking first and suppressing the opponent can the passive situation be effectively changed.

[-]. Turn offense into defense, and let the opponent change from active to passive.The first to launch an attack and go deep into the opponent's line to provoke troubles is the "guest"; while the one who defends on his own position is the "master".As a "guest" who comes from afar, not only will he be exhausted due to the long journey, but also it will be difficult to supply supplies because he is far away from the base area.The party that is the "master" waits for work with leisure, "more than enough".

If we are the "customer" side, in order to change this unfavorable situation, we must become the customer-oriented.The method is to tease the enemy to attack us, while we turn from offense to defense.In this way, the goal of fighting the enemy is achieved, and the favorable conditions can be left to ourselves, and the unfavorable conditions can be passed on to the opponent.In short, switching from offense to defense not only gives us the initiative to choose a favorable location, but also increases the favorable factors for defeating the enemy.

[-]. Take the place of the host by taking the place of the host.That is, the guest who speaks loudly seizes the position of the host, and it is later used as a metaphor for the alien occupying the original position of things.This kind of meaning is to advocate that when there is an opportunity, insert one foot first, then slowly squeeze the other side out with force, and then replace it and become the master.

Fourth, annex allied forces and own them.It generally refers to taking advantage of the opportunity of aiding the allied forces to break into the allied forces, and after gaining a firm foothold, slowly dominate and control the allied forces, so as to be steady at every step, and finally seize the power smoothly.That is, gradually cannibalize, step by step.

Therefore, "anti-customer-oriented" in the military generally means looking for loopholes in the enemy's defense, taking the opportunity to penetrate into its hinterland and attack its vital points, controlling the enemy's command system, head office or vital parts, and taking advantage of favorable opportunities to change from passive to active , grasp the initiative of the war as much as possible, and achieve the purpose of annexing or controlling others.

Of course, we should adopt the following preventive countermeasures to deal with the enemy's "anti-customer-based" strategy.

[-]. Try not to give the other party a chance to take advantage of it.There is a saying in China: "Flies don't bite seamless eggs".In fact, it's not that the fly doesn't want to bite, but that it has no way to bite, and it can't bite if it wants to.Therefore, the breakthrough point of anti-customer-oriented is to "take the opportunity to step in".The reason why the enemy can step in is mainly because we have exposed gaps that can be "bited", that is, conditions that can be used.And in order not to give the enemy a gap to take advantage of, one must be cautious in doing things and take precautions before they happen.If there are certain problems, they must be discovered in time and made up for in time.Or if there is a problem, we must be good at covering up and concealing it, so that the client cannot easily find out.

Second, avoid allowing the other party to hold confidential power.Once the enemy has stepped in and become a regular visitor, his next step will inevitably be to march towards the "controlling authority".At this time, we must not trust it easily or over-trust it, let alone entrust or cede confidential power casually.

[-]. Don't let the guests stay because of the sympathy.For those "guests" who come uninvited, we are often inconvenient to expel them out of sympathy, but the result is bound to cause endless harm.Most of these uninvited guests have ulterior secrets, and in order to win the main position, they often use all means and tricks.At this time, we will be easily confused by them, regard them as friends and treat them warmly.The result will inevitably be that they will turn "guests" into "hosts", take control of our power, and mercilessly chop us down with their knives.

[-]. Use tricks and tricks to turn defeat into victory.Once you find that your position has been replaced by someone using the strategy of "anti-customer first", don't give up on yourself and let them do what they do.This will only encourage the arrogance of the enemy and make yourself completely defeated.At this time, we should take a rational approach: "use the way of the person to fight against the person", regroup, and be ready to go out again and regain the position of master.

Examples of Wisdom
Breakout with military plan
In military warfare, "anti-customer is dominant" is often used in the situation of the weak against the strong, and in the end, the weak often wins the strong.At the beginning, the weak side is in a passive position, and the most important thing to get rid of danger is to turn passive into active and strive for the initiative. This is the highest principle of using troops.

September 1973, the eve of the Fourth Middle East War.An Israeli armored brigade was struggling to support the Syrian armored forces several times its own.Although all the Israeli tankers are highly skilled, after several hours of fatigued fighting, the Israeli army has gradually been unable to resist.

"Brigadier, let's retreat as soon as possible. Otherwise, the whole army must be wiped out." Hearing the suggestions of the staff officers, the Israeli brigade commander looked at the only 30 tanks left, and felt desolate: "There are nearly [-] tanks in the whole brigade. Now that more than half of it has been lost, are we really going to be buried in this vast Gobi today?" Thinking of this, he scouted the enemy's situation through the binoculars in the car, and wanted to choose a retreat route in advance.

israeli tank

Seeing this, he couldn't help taking a deep breath: 200 follow-up tanks of the Syrian army were pressing down from all directions silently, forming a tendency to encircle him. "When your eyebrows are burning, you must be calm." The young brigade commander warned himself silently in his heart.So, he closed his eyes and began to concentrate on how to break through. "The Syrian army is several times larger than mine. It is difficult for our army to form a superior force in any direction. Moreover, we have been fighting for half a day. Our army consumes a lot of fuel and ammunition. Even if we get out of the encirclement by chance, we will not run far. Being overtaken by the Syrian army. It seems that the most urgent task is to stick to self-protection first, and then wait for an opportunity to break through."

After the strategy was finalized, the Israeli brigade commander began to consider the implementation of the details.The enemy is outnumbered, and it will definitely not work to stick to it with conventional methods. Only new tactics can be used to win by surprise.The Israeli brigade commander suddenly came up with a strange trick that the Syrians had never seen before.He calmly opened his eyes, his eyes full of confidence and excitement.

At this time, the Syrian army has tightened the encirclement and set up a loudspeaker to shout to the Israeli army, urging the Israeli army to surrender early.The officers and soldiers of the Israeli army dismissed the advice of the Syrian army at all.Under the command of the brigade commander, they were busy arranging troops, posing as if they would accompany them to the end.Seeing that the persuasion had no effect, the Syrian army quickly launched tanks to press down on the Israeli army.At this time, the Israeli army had shrunk all the tanks into a circle, and turned their cannons all outwards, and fired violently at the Syrian tanks coming from all around, forming a tight armor protection circle and firepower net for a while.

The defense of the Israeli army is not a passive static defense.When the Syrian army approached, the Israeli army narrowed the protective circle and concentrated its firepower to prevent the Syrian army from breaking through; when the Syrian army retreated, the Israeli army quickly attacked and attacked the opponent close to the target.The Syrian army has never seen this kind of tactics, and for a while, they couldn't think of any way to crack it.

syrian army

In this way, although the Israeli army seems to be "in the pocket" of the Syrian army, it is like a hedgehog ordered to resist, making it impossible for the Syrian army to speak.When the Syrian commander was at a loss, the battle report came that another 130 tanks were destroyed by the Israeli army, and the Syrian commander hurriedly ordered to retreat.

As dusk approached, both sides got busy during the short interval between battles.The Israeli army is busy replenishing fuel, ammunition and other supplies, while the Syrian army has also transferred heavy troops and has worked out temporary tactics to deal with the Israeli army.

The next day, the Israeli army, which had rested overnight, took the lead in attacking.The Syrian army was confident, and concentrated its heavy troops in one direction, thinking that once the old tricks of the Israeli army were repeated, they would break into the circle with all their strength and subdue them.Unexpectedly, the Israeli army saw that the Syrian army had changed the formation of average force, and also concentrated all its forces on the weak link of the Syrian army like a hungry tiger, highlighting the encirclement in one fell swoop.At this time, the main force of the Syrian army could not be mobilized in time, so only Wangchen lamented.

So far, under the guidance of the commander's powerful thaumaturgy - "reverse the enemy", the Israeli army, which was originally in a weak position, turned defeat into victory, changed from passive to active, and finally escaped smoothly.

Yang Haiquan takes every step

In the business war, using the strategy of "anti-customer-oriented" to change from passive to active is to find the gaps and weaknesses of the market and competitors in practice, find ways to intervene in them, and then gradually occupy the dominant position in the market step by step, so as to win the competition.

In Thailand, almost everyone knows Yang Haiquan, who is honored as the "King of Crocodiles", but few people know how this rich man has achieved success step by step.

When Yang Haiquan was 15 years old, he opened a small grocery store. He wanted to make a living by buying local products, but due to lack of capital, he soon closed down and lost his job.At that time, many people relied on crocodile hunting to make a living, and Yang Haiquan met a group of such "crocodile guys".Therefore, he also wanted to make a living by this, but it was not easy to engage in this industry with his young strength alone.

Yang Haiquan, the king of crocodiles

Later, he had an idea and thought, if he can't catch it, can't he raise it?So, he pretended to be a crocodile hunter and began to buy young crocodiles everywhere.Yang Haiquan was smart and capable, and the young crocodiles were not worth much, so many young crocodiles soon lived in the pool he dug in the courtyard.

At the beginning, others thought it was a child's joke, but Yang Haiquan was confident in breaking out a new way of crocodile breeding.Finally, after three years of hard work, Yang Haiquan became rich.Therefore, he expanded the crocodile pond, added slaughtering equipment, and began to study crocodile killing techniques carefully in order to improve the quality of crocodile skin.In the end, the product developed by Yang Haiquan was much higher than the cortex that the crocodile hunter killed and peeled, and of course, the price was also much higher.

With the increase in profits, Yang Haiquan continued to expand the livestock farm in order to ensure the export of high-quality crocodile skins.After four or five years of such a virtuous cycle, Yang Haiquan established a trading company for friends and merchants, which exclusively exported Thailand's crocodile skins.Facts have proved that Yang Haiquan's move hit the nail on the head.

But Yang Haiquan was not satisfied. As the profit of raising crocodiles skyrocketed, he fell into deep worry: Thai crocodiles are becoming more and more common. are endangered like other species.At that time, his own business must also go bankrupt.Is there a way to save it?Yang Haiquan suddenly thought of artificial reproduction - a practice that was considered a fantasy at the time.

In 1955, Yang Haiquan built a crocodile farm near Samut Prakan Harbor and began experimenting with artificial breeding.After several years of hard work, he finally conquered the world's cutting-edge project, allowing the small crocodile to be born in an artificial environment.In the next few years, after continuous expansion and improvement, in March 1971, Yang Haiquan proudly announced to the world that 3 captive-bred crocodiles had been stocked in the crocodile lake he operated.

Yang Haiquan succeeded.So far, he has strangled the host computer, making his crocodile breeding business completely invincible.

Yang Haiquan first caught the opportunity of crocodile hunters, so he collected young crocodiles to raise; after expanding the scale of operation and improving the technology of killing crocodiles, he seized the main engine of Thailand's crocodile products export industry; The artificial breeding of species fully embodies the strategy of "anti-client-oriented", which is to strive for the initiative instead of being passive, so it can always be the first to win business opportunities.

Competing in the workplace
A promotion in the workplace not only represents power, status and dignity, but also represents an increase in salary and treatment.Therefore, seeking promotion is the goal that most people strive for.Generally speaking, a good position is obtained by "grabbing". Only by daring to speak and do, daring to fight and grab, can we change from passive to active, and instead of customers.

In a certain bureau in a certain provincial capital, Division A undertakes a large task, and Division B undertakes a small task.Therefore, Director A regarded himself as "big" and had very poor work initiative.Every time I report to the director's office, I am always arranged by the office at the end.By the time he spoke, the bureau chiefs were already exhausted, so they kept urging him to "be simpler and faster".Sometimes, before he finished his report, the host announced the end of the meeting due to lack of time.

Director B dares to fight and grab, and does not feel inferior because of his small "department".Every week, he insisted on reporting to the superior office once, and asked the director of the office to arrange for him to report first.Every time he reports, he not only talks about his work, but also praises the good people and good deeds in the office.

One year later, when the chiefs evaluated the work of the two directors, they all agreed that Director B had done a lot, while Director A had a feeling of "not knowing" or "not knowing".Some leaders even gave him an evaluation of "doing something, but not outstanding".

It can be seen that if one fights and one gives way, the methods are different, and the effect is diametrically opposite.This director of Division A not only discounted his one-year job evaluation, but also his colleagues in the division also suffered.

In the workplace, not only reporting work requires initiative, but doing other jobs also requires initiative.As long as you feel that you have the talent and ability to do something, you must try your best to strive for it.If you don't fight, you will be left behind objectively.

Therefore, no matter how perfect the assessment system in the future official career is, there must be a mentality of scrambling to be the first in the workplace.Only by taking the initiative to attack will you gain something, and you will be able to take the lead in the position and show off your demeanor.This is the beauty of "anti-customer-oriented" in the workplace.

(End of this chapter)

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