Chapter 43
The original code changes its formation frequently, draws its strength, waits for its self-defeat, and then rides on it, pulling its wheels.

The translation tried to mobilize and change the enemy lineup frequently and continuously, so as to prompt them to replace the main force.When it is strong on the outside and weak on the inside, and when it tends to fail, you can take the opportunity to defeat it.It's like dragging the wheels and controlling the operation of the entire vehicle.

Interpretation of "stealing" is a strategy of stealing concepts, a strategy of changing the essence or content of things secretly in order to achieve the purpose of confuse and deception. "Stealing the sky for the sun", "stealing the dragon for a phoenix", and "changing the package" all have the same meaning. "Beam" refers to the beam of thick and solid wood; column refers to the thinner wood supporting the beam.It is used here to describe the relationship between the main force and the non-main force of the army.

In ancient battles, both sides had to set up formations, and the formations had to be deployed in the east, south, west, and north positions.There is a "Tianheng" in the formation, facing each other end to end, which is equivalent to the main beam of the formation; the "earth axis" is in the center of the formation, which is the support pillow of the formation.The position of the beams and columns is often where the main forces are deployed.Therefore, by carefully observing the enemy's lineup, you can find out where the main force of the enemy army is.

If the beams and columns of a house are replaced, the house will collapse; similarly, if the main force of an army is replaced secretly, the army will collapse.You must know that when the two armies confront each other, each has its own strengths, and sometimes it is often a loss for both sides.But if you can use tricks to draw out the opponent's elite power, make them use the inferior ones as good ones, and then use the strong ones to attack the weak ones, the chances of winning will be a little more.

And if it is a joint battle with other troops, you can try to change your formation many times, secretly withdraw the main force, and use friendly troops to replace its pillars, so that the allies are secretly merged, unified will, unified action, and unanimous opposition. enemy.This is the deeper meaning of the plan of "stealing the beam and changing the pillar".

Therefore, how to mobilize and whether to mobilize the elite main force of the enemy or friendly forces has become the key to using this strategy.It is a better way to lure, or force it to mobilize itself by means of transformation (illusion).But it must be noted that the exchange must be carried out in a very concealed state. Only when the enemy has not found any flaws, can the secondary one be exchanged for the main one, the fake one for the real one, and the bad one for the good one. own purpose.

And when the enemy uses the timing of "stealing the beam and changing the post", we should also be vigilant and take the following measures to deal with it.

[-]. Fortify everywhere, and do not give others an opportunity to take advantage of it.The characteristic of competition in a pluralistic society is multi-polarization. In this situation, in addition to taking strict precautions against the opponents in front of us, we must always take necessary precautions against neutrals, allies and other forces.Do not trust others, let alone entrust the main force to others casually, so as to prevent them from being annexed or completely eliminated.

In addition, you must continue to strengthen your own strength, so that you have strong independent competitiveness and resistance to prevent being attacked.In short, we must be alert and cautious everywhere, and set up a strong psychological and physical defense line for ourselves.

[-]. Strictly abide by the "beams" and "pillars", discover and remedy in time.Beams and columns play a major role in war, and the significance of tight protection is extraordinary. It is necessary to make it difficult for the enemy to approach or replace them secretly.Therefore, emergency measures should be prepared in advance. Once the beams and columns are found to be replaced by others, the remedy should be implemented immediately to recover the loss.

To do this, information feedback is particularly important.We should keep in close contact with all the parts we belong to, especially the important parts, to ensure the smooth flow of information and minimize losses as much as possible.

[-]. When stating your point of view, you must have clear conclusions and clear expressions, and do not give others a chance to take advantage of them.Because once our thoughts and viewpoints are not clear or our language expression is not clear, it will give people a feeling of ambiguity and paradox, and it is easy to be deliberately misinterpreted or taken out of context, and we will be caught by others and cheated.Therefore, where it should be clearly expressed, it must be expressed in scientific and standardized language, and when necessary, it must be explained and explained, so that the enemy has no chance to take advantage of it.

Examples of Wisdom
Napoleon set a trap

In military battles, in order to defeat the enemy, the strategy of "stealing the beam and changing the pillar" can also be used to divert the opponent's attention to achieve the purpose of hiding the main force by hiding the main force, attacking the enemy, and winning.

In 1799, after the "Brumaire Coup" in France, Napoleon quickly formed a Consulate.At this time, the anti-French coalition forces are threatening the French mainland from several directions, especially after the Austrian army fully occupied Northern Italy, the situation of France is even more precarious.

Napoleon knew very well that it would not work to use the old method to deal with the [-] Austrian army this time.So he deployed carefully, organized a powerful reserve army, and deliberately disclosed its strength to the enemy to induce them to make wrong judgments and combat plans.

In order to convince the enemy of the reserve army, Napoleon took various means to build momentum.He personally wrote to the Senate and published a message in the Government Bulletin, stating that he had decided to review the Reserve Corps in Dijon himself.As a result, in order to obtain information about the Reserve Corps, a large number of spies came hastily from all over Europe.

But they were quickly disappointed.They found that the "reserve army" in Napoleon's mouth was just a "headquarters" without combat effectiveness.Except for a few regiments of recruits just recruited, the rest are old and weak soldiers with extremely poor resistance.How can such an army still need Napoleon to inspect it? Isn't it enough to send a brigade commander to inspect it?
Soon, news about the review of the Reserve Corps spread like wildfire.And countries such as Yingde have used it as a joke after dinner, and even cartoonists have included it in their works.Napoleon's reserve army left an extremely bad impression on people, so everyone believed that Napoleon had no military strength to speak of.

In fact, this impression was entirely fabricated by Napoleon himself, a trap he had set up to keep the Austrians at bay.The Austrian army mistakenly believed that the reserve army could not pose a threat to them, so they decided to transfer troops to the south.Unexpectedly, the real "Reserve Army" has already made full preparations to enter Italy in southern France.

Napoleon's premeditated plan of "stealing the beam and changing the post" made the enemy unable to figure out where the real main force of the French army was, thus buying time and opportunities for his own victory, which is really a clever move.

The United States wins with talent
In today's business wars, the most fundamental condition for victory is to be able to manufacture products of higher quality and lower price than the opponent.This requires enterprises to have high-level science and technology, and high-level science and technology is the crystallization of human wisdom.Therefore, fully developing, absorbing and utilizing talents has become a magic weapon for enterprises to win.

The reason why the United States has been able to be rich in the world for a long time is not only because of its superior natural conditions, but also because its science and technology have always occupied a leading position in the world, and this depends on its having a large number of first-class talents.

In addition to cultivating talents by themselves, American companies are also good at accommodating, introducing and absorbing talents from all over the world for their own use.There are two ways to attract talents: one is to give high salaries, and the other is to provide them with excellent scientific research conditions.

The United States is the country most willing to spend money on scientific research.According to statistics, its scientific research funding is more than the sum of the major western developed countries, and it shows an increasing trend year by year.

In order to introduce foreign talent, the United States has also amended the immigration law twice.For accomplished scientists, regardless of nationality, qualifications and age, they are all allowed to enter the United States with priority.Therefore, talents from all over the world are willing to go to the United States.

A graduate student in Switzerland once successfully developed an electronic pen and a set of auxiliary equipment, which can be used to correct infrared photos taken by remote sensing satellites. This major invention has attracted worldwide attention.After hearing the news, a large American company immediately sent someone to find the graduate student, offered him a generous salary, and persuaded him to work in the United States.At the same time, some companies in Switzerland are also trying their best to keep him.As a result, all parties quickly launched a battle for talent. If you raise your salary, I will also raise your salary.

In the end, the shrewd and bold American said, "We won't add any more. When you decide to add more, we will multiply it by 5." In this way, this graduate student was poached to the United States together with his pen and man.

At present, in the US education system and science and technology system, especially in high-tech fields, the proportion of foreign scientists and engineers is quite high.According to the survey results of the National Science Foundation of the United States in 1985, more than 50% of the high-tech departments in the United States employ a large number of foreign-born scientific and technological personnel, accounting for 90% of the total number of scientific and technological personnel in these companies.And more than 33% of the scientific and technological personnel working in the famous "Silicon Valley" in the United States are foreigners.

Similarly, foreigners account for 66 percent of engineering postdoctoral graduates in advanced scientific research in the United States.33% of the deans of prestigious universities in the United States are scholars of Chinese descent.It is also foreign scientific and technological personnel who play an important role in the American Star Wars program.

According to statistics, from 1952 to 1975, due to the introduction of a large number of talents in the United States, at least US$150 billion to US$200 billion in personnel training funds was saved.More importantly, the introduction of foreign talents has played an extremely important role in the economic development of the United States. In the 20s, the contribution made by scientists from European countries to settle in the United States alone was equivalent to adding 30 billion US dollars to the wealth of the United States.

It is precisely because the United States can gather talents from all over the world to engage in scientific research for them that the United States can always be at the forefront of the world in science and technology.After the Second World War, the number of scientific and technological talents introduced by the United States was the highest in history, and thus the most scientific and technological achievements were obtained, accounting for 60% to 80% of the world's total scientific and technological achievements, and the Nobel Prizes won accounted for half of the total.

It can be seen from this that the reason why the United States can become the wealthiest country in the world lies in its deep understanding that talents are the basis for winning business wars.Therefore, a smart entrepreneur must do everything possible to "steal" and "exchange" the "beams" and "pillars" in the opponent's camp for his own use, but also try to prevent his "beams" and "pillars" from being replaced by others.

Repaired but replaced with new

Using despicable means to replace the original products and use fake products to deceive consumers is a way for merchants to "swap their posts".Similar "swapping" often occurs in electrical maintenance.

One day, Miss Zhu bought a branded computer from a specialty store.Recently, there was an abnormal sound on the host, so she called the specialty store to inquire.The repair price quoted by the other party was ridiculously high, so Ms. Zhu called a small repair shop.The store told her that all she had to do was use a soldering iron, and the cost was about 100 yuan.Miss Zhu sent the computer over immediately.

Two days later, Miss Zhu moved the repaired computer home.Unexpectedly, a month later, the computer had the same problem again.A friend suggested that she should still trust a professional repair shop, so she sent the computer to the specialty shop for repair.The maintenance personnel opened up the computer and found that all the main components, from the motherboard to the graphics card, had been stolen and replaced.

This reminded Miss Zhu of one thing.Two years ago, her colleague Mr. Chen bought a new car.Once, she and a few colleagues took Mr. Chen's car for a self-driving tour in other places, but the tire was accidentally punctured on the road.At that time, it was time for lunch. For the sake of convenience, Mr. Chen drove the car to an auto repair shop near the hotel for maintenance.A few people went to the restaurant to eat.

Unexpectedly, one month later, when Mr. Chen went to the 4S shop to maintain the car, the master told him: "Your car has been tampered with. All four tires have been replaced, and several other accessories have also been replaced. Replace it with an old one." Mr. Chen stomped his feet angrily.

It can be seen that for the maintenance of mobile phones, computers, automobiles and other products, it is best to choose a brand or a professional repair shop.These stores are more formal and more trustworthy.In addition, the product is within the warranty period, and the accessories replaced during maintenance must be new.Even outside the three-guarantee period, if the customer pays for repairs, the replacement parts must be new.If consumers find that the old parts have been replaced, they have the right to seek justice from the merchant.

In addition, before the repair, the customer can ask the repairman to indicate the brand and model of the main parts of the machine on the repair order for timely inspection.As for the repair of some small accessories, it is best not to leave the item in the repair shop for too long.If you have time, it is best for customers to watch from the side and supervise the maintenance personnel to repair or replace parts, so as to prevent others from "stealing" and damaging their own rights and interests.

(End of this chapter)

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