Chapter 44
In the original scriptures, those who bully the little ones should be lured by the police.Respond right in the middle, take risks and go smoothly.

Translation To deter the weak, the strong must be good at using intimidation and warning methods to induce them.Appropriate majesty and toughness can get wider response and support, and only when decisive means are used in critical moments can people be admired.

Interpretation of "pointing at mulberry and scolding locust tree" originally meant pointing at mulberry trees and scolding locust trees, and later it was extended to an art of cursing: it becomes a strategy of insinuating sideways tactics in which A teaches B a lesson by scolding C.

Under the constraints of various factors such as environment, identity, etiquette, etc., the scolder wants to scold someone, but it is not convenient to scold someone directly, so he finds another person to scold, so that the scolded can be alerted, obviously feeling that he is being scolded, But because he was not named, he couldn't find a reason to fight back, even if he gritted his teeth, he couldn't stand up and fight back, which is hard to say.Therefore, this plan can successfully avoid confrontation.

As a strategy, accusing Sang Huai of Huai is a strategy of "killing chickens to scare monkeys" to enforce law and order and establish prestige in the military.A naughty monkey, he often refuses to be taught, so the trainer kills the chicken in front of him and threatens it with a bloody end, so the monkey is obediently tamed.

In the face of many subordinates, in order to unify the will and actions within the organization, in order to prevent the soldiers from disobeying the general, there are orders that cannot be followed, and there are prohibited incidents, or in the face of weak enemies, in order not to use direct force. To make them surrender and effectively disintegrate their resistance, wise commanders often secretly find excuses to warn the relevant people, or use a tougher attitude to lure them.That is, indirectly admonishing subordinates or intimidating the weak, so that others can fully respect them.This is a psychological strategy that easily dominates the crowd.

The strategy of "pointing at the mulberry and scolding the locust tree" is to achieve the effect of shaking the mountain and shaking the tiger, and being vigilant and showing off its prestige.That is to use the method of knocking on the mountain ridge to show the prestige and deter the tiger.The knocking on the mountain here is just a stance, intended to show the tiger its power and tough attitude, so that it realizes that the opponent is also very powerful and difficult to deal with, so it should not be underestimated.If you don't obey or surrender honestly and politely, you will have a tragic end.

Of course, if we are worried about being "pointed at" by the other party, we can take the following preventive measures to deal with it.

[-]. Observe and analyze carefully to find out the real situation of the other party and not be confused by illusions.Especially when we are in a weak position, it is even more important to find out the reality of the other party.If the other party is bluffing on the surface, but is actually ruthless and soft on the inside, and we are intimidated by his false toughness, we will easily suffer, be fooled, and lose rare opportunities.On the contrary, if the opponent is indeed very powerful, we underestimate their strength, and if we cannot retreat in spite of difficulties, we will only fall into the trap of ourselves in the end, with no regrets.

Second, unite with other forces, and don't let yourself fall into a situation of isolation and helplessness.When you can't fight against a powerful enemy for a while, but you want to get out of the predicament, one of the positive and effective ways is to unite the small ones to resist a strong one.Many weak and weak people unite to attack, which will form the trend of "tigers fear wolves".Unity is powerful.Never be a lone goose that strays from the group, the last whine can only prove its misery and helplessness.

[-]. Rescue the "mulberry" tree in a timely manner, so that the attempt of the evil party cannot succeed.Many people have this experience: When splitting bamboo, the first few knots are very difficult to split.However, as long as it is split open, no matter how thick or long the bamboo is, it will be easily solved.

"Pointing at mulberry and scolding mulberry tree" sometimes produces this kind of breaking trend.Although we are not "Sang" for the time being, if we cannot effectively curb the momentum of the other party's "swearing Huai" in a timely manner, we will eventually be doomed.Therefore, when the "locust tree" is scolded, we can't stand by and watch, but should do everything possible to give support to help it withstand the pressure of the other party and avoid greater breakthroughs.In this way, the enemy's conspiracy of accusing Sang and Huai cannot continue, and we will be safer.

Examples of Wisdom
Guo Wei kills his beloved general to frighten the army

"Pointing at the mulberry and scolding the flower tree" is used in governing the army, that is, killing chickens for monkeys to watch, and killing people for people to watch.The purpose is to alert him and make him submit obediently.Sometimes in the situation where "it is difficult to kill all the scholars" and the law does not punish the public, this method of dealing with one person to warn the others can be used to achieve the effect of killing one person to warn others.

Guo Wei
During the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, Li Shouzhen, Zhao Siwan, and Wang Jingchong of the Later Han Dynasty started the famous "Three Towns Rebellion" together.The Later Han Dynasty sent General Guo Wei to lead the army to conquer.Before Guo Wei set off on the expedition, he specifically asked Feng Dao, the old master, for advice on how to run the army. Feng Dao said: "Li Shouzhen is a veteran, and he relies on the unity of the officers and men. If you can reward the soldiers, you will be able to beat him, and you will be able to fight against him. Its uniform." Guo Wei repeatedly said yes after hearing this.

After dispatching troops, Guo Wei quickly arrived outside Hezhong City (Puzhou Town, Yongji County, Shanxi Province) where Li Shouzhen was entrenched, cut off its contact with the outside world, and tried to force Li Shouzhen to surrender by means of a long-term siege.Following Feng Dao's teachings, Guo Wei rewarded his subordinates for their meritorious service, visited soldiers immediately when they were injured and sick, and did not punish them for mistakes.After a long time, Guo Wei really won the hearts of the army, but it also encouraged the trend of appeasement and raising traitors.

After Li Shouzhen fell into the siege, he tried to break out to the west several times in order to get in touch with Zhao Siwan, but they were all repelled by Guo Wei, unable to do anything.One day, when Li Shouzhen heard the soldiers talking about Guo Wei's rule of the army, he suddenly frowned and thought about it.

He sent a group of smart soldiers to pretend to be the people of Hezhong City, sneak out of the city, and opened several hotels near Guo Wei's garrison camp. These hotels are not only cheap, but also can be credited at will.Therefore, Guo Wei's soldiers often went to the hotel to drink in groups of three or four, and they became very drunk when they drank, and the generals did not restrain them.

Seeing that the ingenious plan worked, Li Shouzhen quietly sent his general Wang Jixun to lead more than a thousand elite soldiers to sneak into the Houhan barracks in Hexi by night and launch a surprise attack.The Hou Han army was not on guard at all, and even the patrolling cavalry were drunk unconscious at this time.

Suddenly, Guo Wei woke up from his dream and hurriedly sent reinforcements.The soldiers looked at me one by one, and I looked at you one by one, and they all flinched.In a critical situation, Pi rushed Li Tao out with his life.At this time, all the soldiers shouted, held their breath, and followed.In the end, Wang Jixun fell short because of too few troops, so he had no choice but to retreat to Hezhong City.

This surprise attack sounded the alarm for Guo Wei.He felt the great danger of lax military discipline, so he immediately ordered: "Except for rewards and banquets, all soldiers are not allowed to drink alcohol privately. Violators will be punished according to military law."

Unexpectedly, in the early morning of the second day after the military order was promulgated, Guo Wei's beloved general Li Shen took the lead in drinking in violation of the order.Guo Wei was angry and hated, he considered again and again, and finally ordered Li Shen to be dragged out of the camp gate, and beheaded for public display, in order to rectify the military law.Seeing Guo Wei beheading his beloved general Li Shen, all the officers and men were terrified, and hurriedly put away their indulgences, so that military discipline can be maintained.

Soon, Guo Wei launched a fierce attack on Hezhong City, put down Li Shouzhen in one fell swoop, and then suppressed the armies of Zhao Siwan and Wang Jingchong, and the "Three Towns Rebellion" finally came to an end.

It is not difficult to see that Guo Wei's "referring and scolding" was very timely. If he had continued to condone and raise traitors out of affection, then Li Shouzhen, Zhao Siwan, and Wang Jingchong would be the three who finally sang triumphantly.

LG Rush to China Market
In doing business, using the strategy of "pointing at the tree and scolding the tree", for the strong party, it can deter the weak party through vigilance; for the weak party, it can also take tough and decisive measures to put pressure on the strong. Get unexpected marketing effects. LG used the latter to successfully occupy the Chinese market and share the world with Galanz.


There is no doubt that LG is secretly eroding the sphere of influence created by Galanz with the unique tenacity of Koreans.The reason why LG can compete with Galanz in the Chinese market so quickly is because it has adopted a series of effective measures:
The first is to follow up the low price strategy.

The low-price strategy was once Galanz's trump card to prevent competitors from entering the microwave oven market. This strategy led China to become the country with the lowest price of microwave ovens in the world.According to Yu Yaochang, deputy general manager of Galanz, the current microwave oven market has reached the point where each microwave oven only earns a few cents, and this is not sensational.

(End of this chapter)

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