Chapter 41
Between the two major groups of the original scriptures, the enemy is intimidating, and I am in a false position.Sleepy, do not believe what you say.

Translation: For a small country between two big countries, the enemy and our own, when the enemy threatens to surrender, we should immediately send troops to help, so as to win the trust of the small country and expand our power along the way.For a country in such a predicament, it will not easily trust us if it only talks about support but does not take actual actions.

Interpretation of "false way to attack Guo" has the meaning of aiming at the opportunity and infiltrating forces.This kind of action is not something to be deceived by rhetoric.The premise is that the small country that needs to borrow is just in an unfavorable situation, and the enemy is trying to use force to force it to surrender.At this time, our side can guarantee that it will not infringe its interests, and use its psychology of getting away with it to immediately expand its strength and control the entire situation.In this way, a small country is bound to be unable to stand on its own in the end, and we can easily take it down without launching a war.

The deeper meaning of "false way to attack Guo" is a kind of military springboard strategy.The idea is to first use A (a small country) as a springboard to eliminate B.At this time, A relaxes his vigilance and loses rescue. On the way back to the teacher, even A can be wiped out.This is a strategy of dominating in the name of borrowing a way.

The reason why the monarch of a small country is willing to provide convenience to other countries is because of the consideration of interests and the consideration of power.As far as the first situation is concerned, generally speaking, the monarch of a small country will expect the adverse consequences to himself of borrowing the road, but in the face of huge interests, he will often pretend to be confused and be blinded by the temporary interests in front of him. The eyes, without knowing why, handed over the country.In the latter case, most of the countries that have been borrowed are relatively weak, so they hope to destroy the neighboring countries by borrowing the road to the big country.On the one hand, you can reap the benefits, and on the other hand, you can build relationships with big countries to ensure peace.As everyone knows, "how can others be allowed to sleep soundly on the side of the couch"?Since big countries can use your way to destroy neighboring countries, they can also take you into their pockets.

For the planner, the key to this plan lies in the "false way".We must be good at finding excuses for "false ways", and we must have sufficient reasons, and we must be good at concealing the real attempt of "false ways", and then highlighting surprise soldiers, we can often win easily.

Of course, if we are in a weak position, are being watched by the enemy, and there are signs of taking the opportunity to use the "false road" strategy to deal with us, we must see through the tricks of the strong as soon as possible, and be careful everywhere so that the enemy's Attempts to be ruined at once will not succeed.Specifically, when we deal with the enemy's strategy, we can take the following preventive countermeasures.

[-]. Strive for internal unity, and do not give powerful enemies an opportunity to take advantage of it.If the internal disintegration and disputes continue, it will give the enemy an opportunity to attack.Therefore, it is very important to unite internally and fight against the enemy together.

Second, establish good external relations and avoid provocations.When powerful enemies take advantage of this timing, they often drive a wedge between us and our allies, leaving us isolated and helpless, and take the opportunity to defeat us.Therefore, strengthening the relationship with allies can effectively stop the enemy's eagerness to move.

[-]. Stay awake and make correct analysis and judgment.If you resolutely ignore the enemy's request for excuses, it will definitely arouse the hatred of the enemy.The enraged enemy is bound to launch a fierce attack on us and put us to death mercilessly.So, when the enemy asks to borrow your way, try to figure out what their real intentions are.Those who are not threatening can be agreed to, but those who are conspiring must be prevented in time.

Examples of Wisdom
Su used the way of the airport to destroy the enemy

The strategy of "false way to attack Guo" is to destroy the country in the name of borrowing the way.This not only has the strategic thinking of deception, but also intimidates the other party with strength and forces the other party to submit.This strategy has an important place in today's high-tech warfare.And mastering the spiritual essence of this plan will help one's own side take the initiative and fight the enemy tit for tat.

Since Dubcek came to power, a series of political and economic pressures exerted by the former Soviet Union on Czechoslovakia failed.The trend of "liberalization" in Czechoslovakia developed rapidly, and the centrifugal tendency of the entire Eastern Europe became increasingly obvious. The situation was extremely unfavorable to the Soviet Union.Therefore, the Field Marshal of the Soviet Army decided to invade Czechoslovakia by using the strategy of "falsely attacking the country", and wiped out all the anti-Soviet factions in the leadership of the Central Committee of the Czech Communist Party.

From May to early August 1968, the Soviet Army spent about 5 days doing a lot of preparatory work.First of all, 8 exercises were held against the background of the invasion of Czechoslovakia on the mainland of the Soviet Union and several directions of invasion.Secondly, the Soviet Union initiated and organized a joint military exercise in the Czech Republic code-named "Bohemian Forest" involving the Soviet Union, East Germany, Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic.During the exercise, the Soviet army took the opportunity to deploy heavy troops and combat supplies to the territory of the Czech Republic, familiarize themselves with the terrain of the theater, and made key strategic preparations for the successful capture of the Czech Republic.

At 1968:8 on the night of August 20, 23, on the navigation platform at Prague Airport, a red light alarm suddenly sounded.The staff on duty immediately turned on the alarm communication device, and a very urgent cry for help came from the device: "This is a Soviet transport plane flying over Prague in order to execute the order. Now the plane has a serious mechanical failure, please allow an emergency landing!"

After the officer on duty asked his superiors for instructions, he immediately replied: "Prague Airport allows your plane to land in accordance with international practice. Please follow my navigation order to fly." Five minutes later, the An-5 transport plane of the Soviet Airborne Division landed smoothly at the airport On the runway not far from the navigation station.

Since the Soviet army had already been familiar with the terrain of Prague Airport when conducting military exercises in the Czech Republic, soon after the transport plane landed, various strategic positions of the airport were quickly controlled by the Soviet army, and the entire airport navigation center was also under full control.Soon, under the cover of the fighter planes of the 24th Army in the south of East Germany, Major General Neva led an airborne division stationed in Vitebsk, Belarus, and landed safely at Prague Airport.

The success of the Soviet army's "false road" at the Czech airport officially opened the prelude to the Czech war.

While the First Airborne Division occupied the city of Prague, the Soviet Supreme Command sent out transport planes and helicopter detachments, which quickly transformed the Czech airports in Bujovice, Bratislava, Brno, etc. base for the airlift of troops, equipment and supplies.At the same time, the helicopter unit led by Lieutenant General Ivanovich of the Soviet Army also occupied the entire railway hub and airport in the Kosice region of the Czech Republic.

At this time, all communication units and systems received the same telegram order: "From August 8th to August 20st, use the strongest transmission frequency to send jamming radio waves to West Germany and Austria." By Volker The missile force commanded by the marshal also used a large number of the latest metal reflectors to West Germany and Austria, causing a white mist to appear on the radar screen of the West monitoring the sky over Prague.

Under the careful combat plan, the Soviet army took only 22 hours to fully occupy the entire territory of Czechoslovakia.

In this battle, the Soviet army took advantage of the opportunity of the Czech Republic to allow its planes to make an emergency landing, and quickly occupied the Prague Airport by "fake roads", thus firmly grasping the initiative of the war in their own hands, and unexpectedly controlled the the whole situation.

"The Beatles" hit the record industry
In a specific business war, people should use a sober and keen eye to understand the strategy of "false roads and attacking countries", and they can even take advantage of the other party's existing resources and experience to help themselves create a smooth path for development. That's how Ebos, the manager of the Beatles, who was popular all over the world in the 20th century, achieved great success.

The Beatles

"The Beatles" is a 20-member small band initiated by a young man named John Lennon in Liverpool, England in the late 50s.At first, they were just doing some small touring performances in the local area.It wasn't long before rock and roll became popular with audiences as the Liverpool music scene flourished.John went out of his hometown and led the "Beatles" to hold a series of performances in clubs and dance halls in northern England. In the summer of 4, the band performed in Hamburg, Germany for four months, forming a more complete "The Beatles". In the same year, they recorded their first record in Germany, which caused a great sensation.

At this time in the UK, the owner of a certain record company, Brian Ebos, kept receiving calls and letters from Germans, requesting to record records for "The Beatles".Ebos was very surprised. He had never heard of a "Beatles" band in Liverpool. Although "The Beatles" became famous in Germany, they were still a little unknown band in their hometown.After asking around, Ebos finally found the band members.Soon after, he became the band's signed manager.

(End of this chapter)

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