Chapter 40
In the original form, the forbidden power grid, the benefit is obtained from the near, and the harm is from the distance.Get up and down.

The translation is limited by geography and other reasons, and when the development of the situation is hindered, it is advantageous to attack the nearby enemy, and it is self-inflicted disaster to bypass the nearby enemy and attack the distant enemy.This is just like how flames go up and water always flows to low-lying places. For distant enemies, we can also obtain temporary alliance with them to ease the situation and defeat them one by one.

Interpretation of "distance and near attack" was originally a diplomatic and military strategy, which was to form alliances with distant countries and make enemies with neighboring countries.Doing so can not only prevent changes in the times of neighboring countries, but also make the enemy be attacked on both sides and unable to compete with us.

When it is used specifically, in order to prevent the enemy from forming an alliance, it does everything possible to create and use contradictions, divide the enemy, and defeat them one by one.Eliminate close enemies first, and the countries that were previously "distantly diplomatic" will become new targets of attack.Therefore, distant friendship does not mean long-term reconciliation.A distant enemy is also an enemy, and sooner or later it will be a confidant's trouble.Therefore, the purpose of "distanced diplomacy" is actually a temporary diplomatic deception adopted to avoid making too many enemies, which helps to concentrate forces to deal with the immediate enemy and put them in an isolated and helpless situation.And once the close enemy is eliminated, the mission of far-reaching can be declared complete.

There are two disadvantages of inbreeding: one is that the nearby enemies who are temporarily appeased may turn against each other at any time.The second is that the near enemy is on our periphery, just like before the cocoon and snake shed, tightly binding us to develop outward.There are three disadvantages of long-distance attack: First, the risk of attacking people from afar is quite high.The second is to look far away and waste money.The third is that even if we win and occupy the territory, we will be unable to defend it because we are far away from the mainland, and it will become a heavy burden for us.

Correspondingly, there are three benefits of close attack: First, it can expand our territory and sphere of influence.The territory obtained by close attack is adjacent to our country, which is very convenient to guard and use.The second is that close-range combat is convenient for concentrating forces and winning in one fell swoop.Third, it consumes relatively less manpower and material resources, and will not have a serious impact on national finances.There are two advantages of distant friendship: one is to isolate nearby enemies, so that they can be captured without assistance.The second is that making friends with people far away is itself a means of paralysis, allowing them to relax their vigilance so that they can win surprise attacks in the future.

The following issues need to be paid attention to when using the timing of long distance and close attack.

[-]. Different strategies should be adopted for different enemies.The geographical location, objective conditions, and values ​​of the enemy are different, and the perception of danger will be different, so the use for us is also different.Therefore, enemies with different backgrounds should be treated differently and different countermeasures should be adopted.Only in this way can we put ourselves in a favorable position and not let the enemy lead us by the nose.

[-]. Start from the place that is easy to break through. It is as powerful as a broken bamboo. It can open up the situation as soon as possible and get twice the result with half the effort.After winning, it will also be an incentive for morale, which will generate a virtuous circle, which in turn will promote greater victories.On the contrary, if you start with the victims and cannot attack for a long time, your morale will be greatly reduced.Therefore, when dealing with numerous enemies, it is even more necessary to start with those who change, and wipe them out in an orderly and focused manner.

And when the enemy uses the timing of long-distance and short-term attack on us, what countermeasures should we take to deal with it?

[-]. It is necessary to see through the enemy's conspiracy in time, and even take advantage of the enemy.Once it is discovered that the enemy has made friends with us as a "distant enemy", we can pretend to actively accept their kindness and buy time for our side.During this period, we can make full preparations and avoid being caught off guard. This is a strategy of retreating and advancing.In addition, we can also take advantage of the enemy. Since we can become the "far away" of the enemy, in turn the enemy can also be "delivered" by us as a "far away".Then take the opportunity to go ahead, cleverly use the enemy, and create opportunities for success for yourself.

[-]. Expose the enemy's conspiracy in time and unite against the enemy.If you find out that the enemy has regarded us as a "close enemy", you will not escape bad luck, don't wait passively and kill yourself.In response to the enemy's strategy of division and disintegration, make friends and seek sympathy and assistance as much as possible.When fighting for aid, it is necessary to know the benefits and disadvantages, and openly and thoroughly expose the enemy's splitting conspiracy of "distance and close attack", so as to arouse the righteous indignation of the allies, unite, and jointly fight the enemy, so that the enemy's conspiracy will go bankrupt as soon as possible.

36. Pay attention to the enemy's situation and move with the camera.If our strength is strong enough, we have enough assistance, and we have made sufficient preparations for combat, then we might as well "defend the enemy from outside the country"; You might as well come up with a "lure the enemy to go deep"; if the enemy has an opportunity to take advantage of it, you might as well come up with a "surround Wei and rescue Zhao". The [-]-measure defensive measures do not exist in isolation, nor are they static. They can be used flexibly to control the enemy on the move.

Examples of Wisdom
The growth of ancient Babylon

"Long-distance and close-attack" is a strategy of exploiting contradictions, dividing and disintegrating opponents, and implementing individual defeats.In history, many people have used this strategy handy, so they have achieved their goal of encroaching on the nations.

Ancient Babylon was originally a small country with a narrow territory and weak national power.There are many powerful countries around it: Mari in the northwest, Eshnuna in the northeast, Yixin and Uruk in the south, Larsa in the southeast, Assyria in the north, and the warlike Ilan people in the east.

In 1792 BC, Hammurabi succeeded to the throne and became the sixth king of the Babylonian Dynasty.Hammurabi was an ambitious monarch. Since his succession, he has determined to make Babylon strong.For this reason, he vigorously developed the economy, and in just a few years, Babylon became rich and prosperous.

However, Hammurabi, who possessed great talents, was not satisfied with this. His goal was to annex the countries, unify the Mesopotamia, and make Babylon a big country.To this end, he decided to adopt the strategy of "distance and close attack".

Hammurabi identified Yisin, its neighbor to the south, as the first target for annexation.In order to successfully achieve this goal, he did not hesitate to wrong himself, bowed his head to the powerful Assyrian Empire, and tried his best to please him.At the same time, he also tried his best to maintain a close and friendly relationship with Larsa.Soon, Hammurabi combined with Larsa to eliminate Yixin in one fell swoop, and annexed Uruk.Later, Hammurabi united Mary, who had been bullied by Assyria, to deal with Assyria.

In 1783 BC, the Assyrian king Mashyadad I died.Hammurabi took the opportunity to help the former Mali king Jimerilim to restore, and then the armies of the two countries marched towards Assyria and captured the southern part of Assyria, and the Assyrian Empire never recovered.

In order to further win over Mari, Hammurabi sent troops to help Mari defeat the attacks of the nomadic tribes in the west and Eshnuna in the east, prompting the king of Mali, Jimerilim, to take the initiative to become a life-and-death friend with him.Seeing that there was no strong enemy in the north of Babylon, Hammurabi began to annex Larsa, his former ally.

In 1763 BC, Hammurabi joined forces with the Mari army to defeat Larsa.Finally, when King Jimorilim of Mali realized that his situation was beginning to turn bad, Hammurabi had placed his army under the city of Mali. Jimorilim, who was originally a "brother", was finally forced to surrender to Hammurabi. The rabbi gave in.

In 1755 BC, Hammurabi conquered Eshnunna, the last neighboring country of the original Babylonian kingdom.So far, after 30 years of fighting, Hammurabi finally unified the Mesopotamia and established a powerful Babylon.

Hammurabi used the strategy of "distance from distance and close attack" to make the enemies contradict each other, separate from the siege, and then break down one by one, turning his weak country into a powerful alliance, which fully proves that "distance and close attack" is indeed a constant on the battlefield. law of history.

Britain out of the haze
The strategy of "distance and close attack" is used well, and it is easy to put a powerful enemy in a situation of isolation and helplessness.Canning, who was the former British Foreign Secretary, successfully used this strategy to save Britain from dire straits and re-establish Britain's leading position in the whole of Europe.

Throughout his long war career, Napoleon had always regarded his neighbor Britain as a confidant.Therefore, he did not hesitate to sacrifice some important interests, and tried every means to win over Russia in the distance, in an attempt to isolate, attack, and eventually subdue Britain.After the collapse of the Napoleonic Empire, Tsarist Russia continued to unite European countries to form a holy alliance to further exclude, isolate and attack Britain.

In 1822, Canning became the British Foreign Secretary.In order to comply with the wishes and demands of the British bourgeoisie and the working masses, he was determined to break the unification of the Holy Alliance and restore Britain's leading role in European affairs.What Canning wants to use is the strategy of "communicate far and control near", that is, "communicate far and attack close".

Since the 18th century, Latin America has launched an independence movement against the colonial rule of the suzerain.Therefore, Canning decided to take this opportunity to take bold actions, reaching out to Latin America and the United States, and attacking the holy alliance in the European continent.The opportunity came quickly.

In 1823, the Holy League of Europe decided to send troops from France to Latin America to suppress its independence movement. Canning quickly stood up and firmly opposed it.He claimed that the reality of the independence of Latin American countries should be recognized and opposed to any armed interference in their independence or attempts to transfer it to the French.Canning also appealed to the United States, hoping that Britain and the United States would jointly issue a statement to oppose and stop the Holy Alliance's interference in other countries' affairs.At the same time, Canning asked the British government to send ships to patrol the Atlantic Ocean to obstruct any ships sailing from Europe to America without the British consent.

Under the strong pressure of world public opinion, the Holy Alliance's armed intervention in the Latin American independence movement was blocked. In 1824, Metternich, its central figure, proposed to convene a European conference on Latin American issues.Canning immediately stated that the United Kingdom would never participate in this meeting, and firmly refused to recognize any resolutions passed at this meeting.At the same time, Canning also suggested that the British cabinet establish diplomatic relations with Latin American independent countries as soon as possible, conduct trade negotiations, and strive to enter this vast market as soon as possible.

Thanks to Canning's efforts, in 1825, Britain recognized new Latin American countries such as Argentina, Colombia, and Mexico, and established friendly cooperative relations with these countries.Canning’s series of actions dealt a heavy blow to the global reputation of the Holy Alliance of Europe. They not only gave great encouragement to the liberal forces on the European continent, but also won the favor of the new Latin American countries. prestige.The process of Canning's restoration of British prestige fully demonstrated the great power of the strategy of "distanced friendship and close attack".

Amka's Strategies for Outreach
"Long-distance and close-attack" is to use or create contradictions, borrow power that does not threaten oneself, to divide and disintegrate the enemy, so as to turn the balance of power into one's own advantage.The application of this strategy in business warfare can be extended as follows: When multiple competitors compete for the market, in order to make the situation favorable to us, we can not give up the competition with the nearby powerful competitors on the one hand, and on the other hand, we can also fight against the distant competitors. Timely alliances with rivals at the location.This strategy was adopted by Amka Corporation of the United States when it succeeded in obtaining a new type of low-iron silicon steel sheet.

The energy problem has always been the primary problem that plagues the industry and even people's daily life, and it is also an important way for entrepreneurs to pay attention to making money.There was a time when General Electric Company, Westinghouse Electric Company and Amka Corporation of the United States took a fancy to the development of new low-iron silicon steel sheets for energy-saving transformer cores at the same time.Among these three companies, General Electric Company is the most powerful and is the giant of the American electrical industry, and Westinghouse Electric Company is not bad.Relatively speaking, Amka's strength is weaker.

Therefore, the person in charge of Amka felt that the chances of winning were too low to compete independently with General Motors and Westinghouse, and that if they cooperated with these two companies, they would lose their independent status.Just when he was frowning, the information and intelligence department of Amka Company obtained a piece of information: a Japanese steel factory is also preparing to develop ultra-low iron and electricity-saving silicon steel sheets, and also intends to adopt the most advanced laser capsule processing technology.

The person in charge of the Amka company was enlightened, and realized that cooperating with this Japanese steel mill could not only speed up the development process, but also share the world's largest market with the Pacific Ocean as the boundary.As for the US market, it is none other than Amka.Therefore, the company immediately sent people across the ocean to Japan to discuss with the relevant party of the steel factory. After several rounds of negotiations, the two parties reached a mutually beneficial agreement, and soon entered the substantive research and development work.As a result, the new product was successfully developed half a year earlier than planned.Amka combined with the Japanese steel mills and finally defeated the two strong neighbors of General Motors and Westinghouse.

"Long distance and close attack" is not only a tactical strategy, but more importantly, a strategic strategy.In business warfare, it is equally adaptable.The rapid development of modern high-tech technology and its application in production and life enable entrepreneurs to take the road of independent development or the shortcut of technology introduction.The introduction of technology is a "distance" strategy.Using this strategy can reduce the investment in scientific research funds and technical forces, and buy time to shorten the technological distance with foreign companies as soon as possible.Many foreign companies have achieved great success in adopting this method.

Little Wisdom for Job Hunting
"Long distance and close attack" is used in the workplace strategy. The essence is: according to one's existing conditions, first stay in a unit that can stay. This is "close attack".Then slowly look for opportunities and jump to the ideal unit. This is "distance communication".There are many examples of this in the workplace.

After graduating from Xiaomi University, seeing his classmates entering good units in government agencies, post and telecommunications finance, or electric power, he also wanted to stay in the bustling city for development, but no matter which unit he went to, he said that he had no plans to recruit people recently.It has been three months since I graduated, and the unit has not yet been confirmed.One of his teachers suggested to him, "Regardless of whether the unit is good or not, stay here first and say, 'You can find a horse when you ride a horse'. As long as you work hard, you will have a good chance sooner or later."

Therefore, Xiaomi stayed in a little-known small material company, responsible for fetching water, distributing newspapers, answering the phone, sending emails and other office work.At the beginning, many people said that he was an anti-aircraft gun to shoot mosquitoes-overqualified.But Xiaomi thought, it is gold, and sooner or later it will shine brightly.

Xiaomi would never be reconciled to staying in a unit that barely pays wages regardless of food and lodging, but this unit provided him with an opportunity to gain a foothold in the city after all.Xiaomi is a literary student, and likes to practice writing in his spare time, and has published some articles in local newspapers.A military industry company happened to be short of a computer writer, and Xiaomi was hired by the company without a hitch.Subsequently, he worked as a secretary in this military industrial enterprise for three years.

Soon, a good opportunity finally came.Xiaomi confidently took part in the recruitment examination organized by a certain district committee, and was ranked No.1 in the result, becoming a civil servant of the government.Since then, he has skyrocketed and made greater development.A few years later, Xiaomi has become the person in charge of a unit.

Xiaomi’s experience enlightens us: For most of the fresh graduates, adopt the career strategy of "distance and close attack", first stay in the city, without worrying about immediate employment and livelihood, and then consolidate the foundation and accumulate strength, and you will definitely find your own career. own position. "Long distance and close attack" is a good strategy in job hunting.

(End of this chapter)

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