36 Strategies Vernacular Full Translation

Chapter 27 Tune the tiger away from the mountain

Chapter 27 Tune the tiger away from the mountain (1)
The original code waits for the sky to trap it, employs people to lure it, and goes back and forth.

The translation is good at making use of the favorable conditions bestowed by God to cause difficulties for the enemy, and using artificial illusions to lure the enemy into submission.Since it is dangerous to attack the enemy, it is beneficial to our side to lure the enemy into battle.

The interpretation of "tuning the tiger away from the mountain" means luring the tiger out of the deep mountain.What are you doing to lure the tiger out of the mountains?It's for easy hunting.The ancients said: If the mountains are high and the forests are deep, there must be fierce tigers.The forest is the tiger's lair, and the tiger's presence in the forest is of course more powerful.If you want to fight a tiger in the mountains and forests, it is bound to be difficult to win, but if you can lure it out, make it leave the lair, turn your advantage into a disadvantage, and succeed in one blow, it will be much easier.

This plan is used in the military, and it is a strategy to mobilize the enemy. "Tiger" refers to the enemy; "mountain" refers to the favorable terrain occupied by the enemy.A strong enemy occupying a geographical advantage is equivalent to strengthening the strong. It is like the tiger, the king of beasts. If it occupies a mountain and uses the beasts to increase its momentum, it can run rampant.However, when the opponent loses the favorable terrain and is separated from all the beasts, it will greatly disperse and weaken the tiger's power, and then it will be much easier to destroy it.Therefore, in the face of a strong enemy occupying a favorable position, it is inconvenient to lure and mobilize them to leave the favorable natural conditions when it is inconvenient to attack, and our side will be more likely to win.Its core lies in the word "tune". "Tune" must be ingenious and flexible, concealing the truth and revealing the falsehood, so as to achieve the goal of letting the "tiger" leave the mountain, but not make the falsehood come true and let the "tiger" bite back.

Therefore, when using the timing of adjusting the tiger away from the mountain, the skill of "adjusting the tiger" should be used flexibly.Generally speaking, the following methods can be used.

[-]. Use various means to confuse the enemy and cause the enemy to make mistakes in judgment.Or according to the characteristics and needs of the enemy, we can use various interests to lure the enemy to leave their favorable terrain or the place where they rely for survival, so as to achieve our goal of diverting the tiger away from the mountain and form a situation that is beneficial to our side.

[-]. Enrage the enemy, make them lose their minds, and finally be at a loss and have to evacuate.

[-]. Create chaos inside or outside the enemy, and the enemy will flee in order to protect himself.

Fourth, cut off the root of their support, making them feel that they cannot stay where they are.

[-]. Explain the situation to the enemy, tell them their interests, and let them voluntarily back down.Doing nothing is the best strategy, but it has its limitations. The enemy must be a wise person, otherwise it will be difficult to implement.

In ancient and modern Chinese and foreign war arenas, there are countless examples of using this strategy to mobilize the enemy out of favorable terrain, force it to submit, and then eliminate it.In various fields such as modern politics, economy, and life, this plan is also widely used, and it often receives unexpected results.

In short, "tune the tiger away from the mountain" is a method to make the enemy lose his support.Since it is a strategy, it can only work if it is used well and correctly.If you don't use it well, or if your opponent sees it through, you will be "misunderstood by your cleverness" and suffer from it.Therefore, when using the "tune the tiger away from the mountain" strategy, we must fully grasp the following points.

[-]. The "tune the tiger away from the mountain" strategy is generally used when the following two situations occur: encountering an enemy stronger than one's own strength, or being helpless against the enemy's stubborn defense.It is a strategy in which the weak defeat the strong.If the opponent is just a "rabbit" or a "pheasant", then there is no need to bother to lure him away from the mountain.And if the strong use this trick against the weak, it will be easier to win after they succeed.

[-]. In "tune the tiger away from the mountain", the "tiger" is strong and cannot be manipulated by us, so "tune" can only be "lure".This is the key to this plan, but also the difficulty.Take stock of the situation, make the most of it, and guard against your adversary learning your motives.Therefore, the "tune" has to be disguised as realistically as possible, without showing any traces and keeping a calm face, so that the opponent really feels that he must "go".

[-]. The purpose of "tuning the tiger away from the mountain" is to lure the enemy to attack and find an opportunity to destroy it.Therefore, there must be full preparations for follow-up actions in advance, that is, how to quickly attack the "tiger" after it leaves favorable conditions.Otherwise, when the "tiger" wakes up and returns to the mountain, it will not be easy to catch it.

Fourth, "tune the tiger away from the mountain" is an insidious strategy, the purpose is to promote the transformation of the opponent's strengths and weaknesses, from good to bad, thereby weakening the opponent's strength and reducing one's own competitive pressure and danger.Therefore, in political struggles and business wars, people often use this tactic to achieve the goal of defeating their opponents, so special attention should be paid.If you want not to fall into the trap of "tuning the tiger away from the mountain", you must use your brains more, and you must not act rashly because of a small profit for a while, causing a big mistake.

Of course, the following preventive countermeasures can also be taken to deal with the enemy's plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain.

[-]. Occupy the favorable terrain first, and sit firmly on Mount Tai, not being moved by temptation.If we have already seized the favorable terrain, we cannot be impetuous and give up this advantage easily.We must withstand all kinds of temptations and do everything possible to lure the enemy to come to us for a decisive battle. This is the key to the problem.

Second, you must be able to go and return, flexibly control your own base area, and not be occupied by the enemy.That is to say, when we have to go out of the mountain, we should plan the way back to the mountain in advance to ensure that we can go out and come back.In addition, it should be noted that it is not advisable to leave too far away from the mountains and forests, so as to ensure that you can return to the camp in time if you have any problems.

[-]. Be aware of the terrain conditions that suit you, but don't rely too much on the conditions.We should be clear about our own characteristics and understand the conditions that suit us.You can move forward when you find a terrain that is beneficial to you, but you must avoid the terrain that is unfavorable to you as soon as possible.This is the reason why you can use conditions, but you can't rely too much on them.

Examples of Wisdom
Prussian "Cancer" array
"Tune the tiger away from the mountain" is used in military affairs, and it is a strategy to mobilize the enemy, and its key is "tune".If the enemy occupies a favorable position, is strong, and has tight defenses, at this time, we cannot attack hard.The correct method is to lure the enemy out of a strong stronghold, or lure him into an area beneficial to our side, and annihilate them.

1757 was the most difficult and uncertain year for Prussia in the "Seven Years' War".The Prussian army was besieged by nearly 40 enemy troops from all directions: in the west, 10 French troops led by Marshal Diestes and 3 French troops led by Marshal Subitz were approaching Berlin; The Ten Thousand Russian Army has penetrated deep into East Prussia and opened the road to Berlin; in the north, the Swedish army of 8 has begun to land from Pomerania; Heading north in a big way.At this time, Prussia was almost in a desperate situation.

Facing the crisis, King Frederick the Great of Prussia did not panic.After a comprehensive analysis of the unfavorable situation, he decided to buy time to annihilate the weakest force in the enemy army before the enemy's final encirclement, and then act accordingly.Therefore, he first ordered the Duke of Beven to lead more than 4 people to contain the Austrian army of Marshal Dawn, and then bought Duke Lixiliu, who succeeded Deestis as the commander of the French army, at a price of 10 gold coins, and let him The 10 French troops stood still.In the end, Frederick the Great personally led the elite main force of the Prussian army to a decisive battle with Subiz.

In order to avoid a decisive battle with the Prussian army, the cunning Subiz retreated back again and again, causing the enemy's encirclement to gradually shrink.In order to gain time and effectively improve the situation, Emperor Frederick the Great led a total of 2.2 Prussian troops to follow Subiz's army all the way, looking for fighters.

But Subiz retreated again and again, and finally retreated into the fortified camp of Braunsdorf.The enemy's new camp was extremely strong, and Frederick felt that a strong attack would not be effective, so he took the initiative to retreat to Rossbach, creating the illusion of withdrawing troops, and luring Subitz to leave his camp.

Subize's subordinates were already extremely dissatisfied with Subize's retreat because of fatigue and arrogance. Now, Frederick retreated without a fight, making them even more convinced that the Prussian army was weak and vulnerable.As a result, the generals suggested to Subiz one after another that they should attack quickly to end the war.Under the strong urging of the generals, Subiz began to attack all the way the next day.Frederick the Great's "retreat action" not only made Subiz finally determined to fight, but also induced him to come out, abandoning his strong position and losing his favorable advantage.

In Rossbach, Frederick deployed a new pocket formation.With the artillery position in the center, the cavalry and infantry as the left and right wings, the east and west are long and the depth is shallow, and the offensive is full.Its left and right wings are like the two long pincers of a giant crab, which can be stretched out at any time to attack the two flanks of the enemy army; while the artillery position in the center is like the bloody mouth of a giant crab, spraying dense sprays towards the coalition forces approaching the front. gunfire.The arrogant French army thought that the Prussian army would put up a defensive formation. They never dreamed that what awaited them was a "cancer" with a bloody mouth.

At 1757:11 pm on November 5, 3, when the last enemy army stepped into the maze he had set up, Frederick gave the order to attack.I saw 30 squadrons of 38 elite cavalry, accompanied by earth-shaking shouts, and rushed towards the right flank of the French column with overwhelming power.The French column immediately fell into chaos, and the formation was quickly dispersed by artillery fire.Subsequently, under the cover of artillery fire, the 4 infantry battalions of the Prussian army went straight to the left flank of the French army and projected fierce artillery fire at the French army.The French army suddenly fell into chaos, people turned their backs on their backs, and trampled on each other.

After nearly 3 hours of melee, the corpses of French officers and soldiers were scattered all over the mountains and plains, and the stragglers who fled fled for their lives.In the end, the Prussian army suffered more than 500 casualties, killed and wounded more than 7 enemy troops, captured more than 700 prisoners, and captured 5 cannons.More importantly, this victory enabled Prussia to break through the encirclement strategy of the coalition forces, lifted the threat from the French army on all sides, and reawakened the national pride of the Prussian people.

The reason why Frederick the Great was able to win was that he could closely combine correct strategy and excellent tactics.Under the unfavorable conditions where the enemy is strong and we are weak, and facing the enemy all around, he used a correct tactic: concentrate superior forces and attack the weak links of the enemy; Introduce the enemy into your own pocket array.

Walker seizes the route

"Tuning the tiger away from the mountain", as the name suggests, is to try to make the tiger leave the mountain, resulting in the situation of "the tiger falls on the plain and is bullied by the dog".In business activities, mastering the initiative is the most important.Using the strategy of "tune the tiger away from the mountain" can make competitors lose financial and material resources, gain the initiative for themselves, and achieve the purpose of controlling the situation and making huge profits.

(End of this chapter)

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