Chapter 26
Philips is a Dutch electrical company founded in 1891 by two brothers Herard and Anton.At first, it was just a small factory producing light bulbs, and more than 20 employees in the factory were members of the Philip family.After more than 100 years of development, Philips today is not only the largest monopoly in the electronics and electrical industry in the Netherlands, but also one of the largest monopoly organizations in the electronics and electrical industry in the entire capitalist world.It has subsidiaries in 65 countries and regions, more than 200 factories in 50 countries, and more than 34 employees.Not only that, the sales of Philips in recent years have been ranking first among European electronics companies, as high as 200 billion US dollars.

People see its brilliance, but they don't know that Philips has actually experienced three times of life and death.

At the beginning of its establishment, the company's operation was quite difficult.The eldest brother Herald who presides over the company is an electrical engineer, but he is a real "layman" in operation and management. As a result, the products cannot be sold, the factory has been losing money year after year, and the debts are high.

In 1895, when the company was facing liquidation and bankruptcy, Herald had to abdicate the company to his brother Anton.An Dun is a man who is good at thinking and has a great economic sense.He went out to sell the products himself, and handed over the production and technical management of the factory to his brother.When he learned through the newspapers that electric lights had just started to be popularized in Russia at that time, he quickly rushed to Russia with bulb samples, visited repeatedly, and finally received an order for 5 bulbs in Petersburg.

After opening the Russian market, Anton then sold the products to other European countries.Since then, Philips has made great strides forward. By 1912, the company changed its name to Philips Electric Company. It not only continued to produce light bulbs, but also began to produce other electrical appliances and telecommunications equipment.

In a world economic crisis after the outbreak of the First World War, Philip was not spared and fell into a dying predicament.After the brothers struggled to support them, Philip barely survived.

Just as Philips Electric was beginning to recover and regain its strength, the Second World War soon came to Holland. In May 1940, the violent bombing of the German army left Philips with very little plant and equipment, and Briz Philips, who had just taken over as the chairman, was also arrested and imprisoned.

After the war, Blitz, who was released, was determined to lead his family and some employees to rebuild Philip's home.He vigorously absorbed capital and advanced technology from developed countries, and established corresponding production departments according to product classification. He also set up a management bureau under the board of directors to uniformly lead production, research new technologies, new products, and sales strategies.

After this series of efforts, by the middle of the 20s, Philips had become one of the three super enterprises in the Netherlands.Since the 50s, the company has massively increased research funding, developed high-tech products, competed for the market with updated products such as electronic computers, and successfully competed in the electronic industry with products such as televisions and video recorders.

In the face of three life-and-death calamities, it was by adopting the strategy of "resurrecting the soul from the corpse" that Philips was able to survive from desperation, and eventually spread its fame all over the world.

Cao Cao coerced the emperor to make the princes

Throughout the ages, many people who have achieved great things have obtained the true inheritance and benefits of "borrowing a banner" to order the world.It was through this method that the well-known Spring and Autumn overlord Duke Huan of Qi gained his political and military initiative.Cao Cao's "holding the emperor to make the princes" can be said to be another classic example of using this strategy.

When Cao Cao first rose, the main forces in the world each had their own advantages: Sun Ce relied on the natural danger of the Yangtze River to hold on, and Liu Bei inspired the world by "recovering the Han Dynasty".In the situation where all heroes are rising together, in order to seek hegemony, one must create a unique advantage to command the world.After comparison and balance, Cao Cao decided to use "serving the emperor"-the so-called "taking the emperor to order the princes" as his political advantage.

Before Cao Cao, the "Flag of Righteousness" of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty was controlled by Dong Zhuo.It's a pity that he was a domineering and indiscriminate thug who failed to make good use of this advantage, and soon ended up "violating corpses in the city" and "burning corpses on the road".After that, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty left Guanzhong under the hostage of Yang Feng, Dong Cheng and others.Whether or not to take the opportunity to meet Emperor Xian has become a big question before Cao Cao.

After a fierce debate and a lot of hard and tortuous efforts, Cao Cao finally welcomed the embarrassing and exile Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty to Xudu in August of the sixth year of Jian'an, and acted as Emperor Xian's protector by himself.In doing so, Cao Cao not only gained himself a status higher than all civil servants and generals, but also turned Han Xiandi into a tool to help him launch a unified war.From then on, whether it was conquering dissidents or appointing personnel, he could justifiably kill his opponents in the name of Emperor Xian, creating a great political advantage for himself.

There is an allegorical saying in ancient China, which is called "If you want to fight ghosts, use Zhong Kui".It is indeed a very clever method and strategy to use Zhong Kui to fight ghosts.Because ghosts are afraid of Zhong Kui, whoever makes use of Zhong Kui will have the advantage and initiative to fight ghosts.This is similar to "borrowing the corpse and returning the soul". Cao Cao borrowed the "Son of Heaven" and had the privilege of commanding the world, which created countless conveniences for his political career.

Resurrection in the stadium

"Resurrecting the dead" generally refers to using all available conditions to reverse the situation when you are passive or facing defeat, so as to gain the initiative and achieve your original purpose.As a strategy of "using what cannot be used", the key is to be good at "borrowing corpses".However, in an unfavorable situation, whether there is a "corpse" that can be borrowed, the decision-maker must have a clear mind, sharp eyesight, good at identifying, and skillfully using it.

At a critical moment when Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia men's basketball team competed for the right to qualify for the group in a European Men's Basketball Championship, the Bao team's ingenious use of this strategy can be called "a must".Since the strengths of the two teams are similar and each has its own characteristics, when there are only eight seconds left in the game, the Bao team only leads by two points, but it must win by six points to guarantee qualifying.At that time, although the right to serve was in the hands of the Bao team, everyone knew that it was absolutely impossible to score two goals in eight seconds.Therefore, the audience lamented that the Bao team would lose the right to qualify.However, the coach of the security team did not change his face, calmly, calmly walked to the scorer's table to ask for a "timeout", and then went to his own players to teach face-to-face methods, as if he did not think that the situation on the court was serious.

The timeout expires and the game restarts.The Czech players all retreated to the basket, ready to fight for the final goal.Unexpectedly, after the Bao team served the ball, the player who received the ball did not attack the Czech team's basket, but quickly passed it to the unguarded own basket.It was too late, but it was too late. A striker from the security team caught the ball first and stepped for a layup. The gong rang in the ball and scored two points for the Czech team. The two sides drew.This "shocking" move stunned the Czech team members, and most of the audience were also very puzzled.

It turned out that this was the strategy of the team using "resurrecting the dead" to score a goal for the opponent to tie the game and get the "corpse" of the 5-minute extra-game decisive period; and then use this time to fight hard and win the game Team six points, in order to achieve the goal of "resurrection" qualifying.During the decisive period, the morale of the Bao team was greatly boosted, and they were extremely brave. They finally won the Jie team by three goals and got their wish.It wasn't until then that the audience suddenly realized that they were all impressed by the resourcefulness of the team's coach.

HSBC "resurrects the dead" to turn the crisis
"Resurrecting the dead" is used in management, and refers to the strategy of using and dominating those forces that have not done anything to achieve their own goals.Management often encounters situations that are difficult to control. At this time, it is necessary to find a suitable backer and borrow others to achieve the goal.The following story can be regarded as a wonderful move about "depending on".

In the 20s, there was a huge wave of stock trading in Hong Kong's stock market, which almost killed the well-funded HSBC Bank.As soon as the time came to the 60s, several large American companies began to implement an amazing plan: to monopolize Hong Kong's financial sector, win over Hong Kong, and control Southeast Asia.As soon as the plan was introduced, American financial tycoons came to Hong Kong one after another.As the "thorn in the side" of the United States, HSBC Hong Kong has a solid foundation and social foundation in Hong Kong, and actually plays the role of the central bank of Hong Kong.It is easier said than done to beat it!

The strategy of American financial circles to attack HSBC was actually written on the eve of the trip to Hong Kong.They first bought a large number of HSBC shares, making it a symbol of people's wealth in an instant.Then, within a day or two, the Americans quickly sold a large number of stocks they held to the market, and deliberately spread rumors to slander HSBC.Soon, the stock price of HSBC plummeted, and the situation was very serious.

Obviously, if Hong Kong HSBC cannot deal with this stock incident in time, then the only way to go is bankruptcy.Unexpectedly, the situation was even worse than expected. Just as HSBC was preparing to buy a large amount of stocks, various branches scattered throughout Hong Kong were also frequently in distress: depositors were withdrawing money one after another. If they continued to operate, they would go bankrupt completely.Telegrams written "absolutely confidential" flew to the headquarters of HSBC Bank.

Facing challenges from the American financial sector, HSBC began a Jedi counterattack.In order to stabilize the overall situation, the staff of HSBC Bank first stabilized the hearts of the people, and then ran around non-stop for loans. If the old relationship fails, they will find a new relationship, and the new relationship will not work, so they implore the Hong Kong triad organizations to help them... Finally , none of these worked, and the staff in charge of borrowing hit the wall everywhere, and no one would lend money to the unlucky guy who was about to go bankrupt.

How to do?
As the saying goes, distant water does not quench the thirst of the near, and distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors.In the face of this severe test of life and death, the headquarters turned to the rear of Hong Kong-the government of the People's Republic of China for help.

As for the ambitions of the US financial sector, mainland Chinese financial institutions in Hong Kong have long been aware of it, and have repeatedly hinted to HSBC, but unfortunately, HSBC was not aware of it.Now at this extremely critical moment, with the aim of stabilizing Hong Kong, mainland institutions have decided to support HSBC to ensure Hong Kong's economic stability.

Soon, mainland Chinese personnel stationed in Hong Kong urgently reported the situation in Hong Kong to Beijing.As China's financial authority, the People's Bank of China immediately made a decision: support HSBC for a certain amount of loans, and instruct the personnel stationed in Hong Kong to quickly handle the account entry business.

How dare America's financial tycoons run rampant at Wu Song's feet?
With the strong support of the People's Bank of China, Hong Kong's financial market has undergone great changes.Shareholders deeply understand that Bank of China's backing of HSBC means that HSBC's capital is all bet on mainland China, and the credit of HSBC's funds is guaranteed.The old depositors of HSBC also saw the prospect of this financial war. In an instant, the stock price of HSBC rose sharply, and the amount of savings soared all the way. The situation turned to the favorable side of HSBC.However, the American financial community was finally defeated and retreated, and its prestige was discredited.

The battle situation has become clear.American financiers were forced to negotiate with HSBC.The U.S. side pointed out that because they bought in at high prices and sold at low prices, they were already losing money.In order to make up for the loss, only one airline was agreed to be handed over.However, HSBC insisted that in order to ensure the stable development of Hong Kong's finance, it decided to keep part of the US assets in Hong Kong.At the same time, the United States is no longer allowed to interfere in Hong Kong's financial market.

Afterwards, a senior U.S. financial official said: "HSBC's 'resurrection' tactic of inviting the People's Bank of China to participate in the war was too extreme and too ruthless. It almost made us collapse and go bankrupt." A beautiful financial battle.

(End of this chapter)

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