Chapter 25
If the original text is useful, don't borrow it; if you can't use it, ask for it.Use what you can't use, the bandit begs Tong Meng, and Tong Meng begs me.

Translation All vigorous and useful things are often difficult to control and cannot be used; however, decadent and useless things often depend on others to exist, and we must use them.Using something that seems unavailable doesn't mean I'm turning to the fool, but the fool is turning to me.

Interpretation of this strategy means that if you want to achieve success, you can turn to Weimang and turn to things that are at the end of the day.It is a metaphor for something that has died, and it appears in another form.Its essence is to take advantage of some favorable situations in things that are already in decline, and add vigorous and powerful new content, so as to change the original and make it appear a new look.That is to use things that are useless but acceptable to others, and come up with a method that is the opposite of "changing the soup without changing the medicine"-"change the medicine without changing the soup".

This conversion sometimes has an irreplaceable positive effect on success and achieving a certain purpose.This strategy seems unimaginable and unbelievable, but it really exists and has been really successful.This is the actual meaning of turning decay into magic.

In history, whenever there is a change of dynasty, a new generation of risers will support the descendants of the subjugated monarchs one after another, use their banner to call on the world, pave the way for their own actions, and achieve the goal of seizing the world.This is the strategy of "borrowing the corpse to return the soul".

After a failure, people will have two attitudes: one is to be devastated and give up on themselves; the other is to look for opportunities and regain their strength.The resurrection of the corpse belongs to the latter.In military terms, "Borrowing the dead" advocates that even when the initiative in war has been lost, all available opportunities should be used to turn defeat into victory.Therefore, the commander must be good at observing and analyzing the changes of various forces in the war, and be good at using all available forces.Even if one's own side suffers setbacks and falls into a passive position, we must do our best to snare everything for our own use to achieve the goal of winning.

In addition, this plan is also widely used in politics, economy, life and other fields.Many famous politicians and military strategists in history have successfully used the strategy of "reviving the dead" and achieved unexpected results.

And when others use "resurrection from the dead" on us, it is also very necessary to take the following preventive measures to deal with it.First of all, we must thoroughly eradicate the hidden dangers left by the enemy and uproot them in time to prevent future troubles.Second, to hide the useless things that we can use so that they cannot be used by the enemy.We often throw away some seemingly useless things unintentionally, and the cunning enemy is likely to target them early on, vowing to turn them into "corpses" for resurrection.It is a terrible thing for the enemy to use our own things against us, so we must bury these things deep in time.Finally, we must always be vigilant, not to be confused by the false appearance of the enemy, and strive to see the essence through the phenomenon.To see through the enemy's "resurrecting the dead" strategy, one must see the truth hidden inside through the illusion of the opponent.Analyzing and judging from the outside to the inside, once it is found that the enemy has "borrowed the corpse" and is about to "resurrect", it should be stopped in time to destroy its attempt.

Examples of Wisdom
Dutch siblings 'resurrection'

In ancient China, it was said that something should appear in a certain form, or use something to achieve one's own purpose.This strategy of "borrowing the corpse and returning the soul" is often used internationally.In the Netherlands during the Second World War, two siblings cleverly used the "corpse" of an enemy pilot to return their "soul", and successfully achieved the purpose of deceiving and attacking the enemy.

During World War II, the Netherlands fell.The heroic Dutch people took up arms one after another to jointly fight against German fascism.At this time, a very influential clandestine resistance group emerged in the north of the Netherlands.The group is said to have been started and led by a British Royal Airman named Johnny Spitfire.This pilot has repeatedly made outstanding achievements in the battle against Germany, has great appeal, and has many followers.But the mysterious pilot never showed up, and his plans, orders, etc. were all conveyed by Annie and his brother.It wasn't until after the war that the Allies figured out that this organization was not led by some Royal British pilots.In fact, the leaders of this resistance organization are precisely the Anne siblings.

The reason for this is this: After Germany occupied the Netherlands, it began to repress and persecute the Dutch people wantonly.The parents of Anne's siblings were also brutally killed, and they formed a sworn feud with the German army.One night, after they found Johnny Spitfire, a British royal pilot who was seriously injured in a parachute jump, at their door, they quickly carried him home, nursed him meticulously, and secretly invited doctors to treat him. Finding medicine for the pilot at the risk of his life.But because the pilot lost too much blood, he died within a few days. For this, the siblings were very sad.To deceive others, they dressed the pilot in local clothes and buried him.

When they sorted out the relics of the pilots, they suddenly had a bold idea: Why not use the name of the pilots to form a resistance organization to avenge the German army?The siblings dared to think and do, and they soon began to contact comrades in the name of the late British Royal Pilot.As a result, due to the joining of many local people, the organization became famous in the north of the Netherlands for a while.They attacked the German army many times, causing the German army to suffer heavy blows again and again.

With the victory of the World Anti-Fascist War, German fascism gradually declined, and its fate of failure was a foregone conclusion.The Anne siblings also knew that once the war was over, Britain would definitely send someone to find out the whereabouts of Johnny Spitfire.In order to continue to hide the secret, the siblings unanimously lied to the outside world that the pilot had unfortunately died in an accident.After the war, the Allied Forces sent people to investigate, and finally found out the truth of the matter, and rewarded Anne and her brother.

The Anne siblings used the strategy of "resurrecting the dead" to actively organize resistance movements in the name of the British Royal Pilots, fought bloody battles with the German army, and finally won a brilliant victory.

Herbage the Borrower
Some so-called rich people are actually running a lot of deficits.Once they are bankrupt, people realize that it is more accurate to call them bankrupt rich or debt rich.

One of them is Alex William Herbeck, a British rich and indebted tycoon.Herbeck was born in 1930. Since he was born, people have found that this child has an extra "tongue" than others, so others can't tell whether he is telling the truth or lying.This skill was quickly used by him to start various companies and made him an early bankrupt.

This identity is not a good thing.Once they bear the identity of a bankrupt, they will become the target of market management agencies.No matter what business you do in the future, as long as it is within the jurisdiction of the British government, it will be difficult to accommodate you.So Herbeck moved to Zurich.There, he "resurrected the dead" like a fish in water, making huge profits in the spot futures trading of cocoa, copper, silver and other commodities.

Between 1967 and 1968, Herbeck invested £2.5 to set up a stock exchange for mutual fund clients in Germany.After the advertisement was published, social hot money surged in.In less than 3 months, his company changed from a room to a whole building, the number of employees increased from a few to hundreds, and customer accounts reached 2 to 3 million US dollars a day.

The good times didn't last long. At the end of 1970, the New York stock market plummeted 250 points, and Herbeck fell from the top of wealth.Misfortunes never come singly, and then while inspecting a newly bought yacht, Herbeck accidentally slipped and fell from the deck to the bilge, breaking a leg.To make matters worse, the police came at this time to search and closed the business, leaving only £5 in debt.Since then, Herbeck continued to struggle and opened seven more companies, all of which ended in failure.

In 1973, Herbeck went to Andorra again and founded Commodity Research Digest.This was his most desolate period, but fortunately, Herbeck has gone through hardships and has been fully proficient in marketing and company studies.

In 1981, Herbeck returned to the UK and bought Lord Ranke's real estate Sutton Manor for 46 pounds, and started a series of international companies with this, with a total of 66 large and small companies.

It is not difficult to see that Herbeck's trick is mainly to set up a mutual fund to absorb international hot money with high interest.Especially for agents who introduce American clients, Herbeck will pay them a commission of 0.75%, which has attracted countless funds.

It wasn't until 1984 that Herbeck finally ran into trouble.The interest checks he sent to investors were becoming rarer and more and more were being returned by banks stamping them “not enough money on hand to pay.”As a result, customers complained one after another.

Soon, Herbeck was imprisoned in a dirty, cramped, smelly prison.The 400-pound body that was fattened up in the happy years really made his life difficult.But his clever mouth is still extremely sharp, and the visiting creditors are still babbling with hype by his second tongue, and then they feel sympathetic, dreaming that one day this devilish fat man will be able to get out of prison and help them get back the money they lost. A huge amount of money was cheated.

In the Western business world, if you have not experienced bankruptcy, you can only be regarded as an insignificant person.Once you go bankrupt three times, the market will be shocked, and someone will stand up and support you to start over.After the first bankruptcy, although Herbage didn't seem to have such good luck, he seized the opportunity and moved his base. As a result, he borrowed 2.5 pounds to save the company's fate and get out of bankruptcy.This time, who can say that he can't do it?

In the Art of War, there is a saying "survival from a desperate situation", which means that a person in an extremely dangerous situation must do his best to fight back in order to have hope of survival.In business operations, those companies whose products are in a period of decline, or who have lost money year after year, must be better at "resurrecting the dead".If you want to resell the right products, or reform the management of the enterprise, you can go wherever there is vitality without hesitation.In this regard, Philip is a successful example.

(End of this chapter)

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