Chapter 24
At this time, the famous Red Army general Vadudin, who was 400 kilometers away from Stalingrad, led his troops to stop the German attack on the periphery and won a short rest.However, the German troops who failed to break through the Vadudin line of defense, stationed in place, began to repair the fortifications, and had no intention of attacking again.Compared with Stalingrad, the fighting here has become less intense.This unusual contrast quickly aroused the vigilance of General Vadudin.He guessed that this may be a German delaying tactic, the purpose is to delay his troops, so that they can not go to support Stalingrad.

General Vatutin realized the seriousness of the problem and began to analyze the situation closely: if troops were dispatched to rescue Stalingrad, the German army would inevitably pursue them from behind, which would instead lead the enemy into Stalingrad.And if you stand still and just watch the enemies in front of you, you will fall into the trap of the German army.what should I do?Seeing that the German army mobilized a large number of troops, causing Stalingrad to be at stake, General Vatudin decided to decisively adopt the tactics of "striking the grass to scare the snake", so as to force the German army attacking Stalingrad to withdraw reinforcements.

Under the command of General Vadudin, Red Army planes circled over the German army during the day and dropped bombs at the German barracks at night, harassing the German army continuously.This move did not cause much reaction from the German army at first. After a few days, the German army was disturbed.I couldn't sleep well at night, and I didn't dare to come out to bask in the sun during the day, and I was huddled in the bunker all day and couldn't move.But the strange thing is that the German army did not deploy troops on a large scale.

Seeing that the German army would not shed tears without seeing the coffin, Vatudin simply organized a real attack.He sent troops around to the back of the German army, suddenly launched an attack on the enemy one night, and quickly occupied the rear position of the German army.The German army did not understand the Soviet army's combat intentions, and coupled with the continuous bombing of the Red Army's planes in the past few days, they thought that the Red Army was really going to carry out a strategic general offensive from the rear position, so they immediately reported to the front-line headquarters: "The Red Army is going to launch a counterattack from the rear, please hurry up." Deploy troops for reinforcement." Based on "various phenomena", the general headquarters determined that the real intention of the Red Army was indeed to counterattack from behind, and hurriedly mobilized a large number of troops from Stalingrad to fight.The troops guarding Stalingrad took the opportunity to launch a real counterattack, and easily won the Stalingrad Defense Battle.

The strategy adopted by General Vatutin in this battle was: pretending to attack, but intending to "frighten the snake", leading the snake out of the hole, so that the enemy's troops stationed in Stalingrad will be weakened rapidly, and I will lie in ambush, and then take the opportunity to wipe them out.This move not only preserved one's own strength, but also dealt a heavy blow to the enemy with little effort.

Othello kills his wife by mistake
The story of Othello has made many people cry and lament.The reason is that he fell into other people's treacherous tricks, was "frightened by the grass", and killed his beloved wife Desdemona by mistake, which caused him to commit suicide with regret.

The reason for the matter is this.After Othello defeated the Turks and returned to Cyprus, he was enthusiastically sought after by the locals.Because of his bravery in battle, Cassio was favored by Othello and appointed as his adjutant.This action aroused strong dissatisfaction with Yago, the flag officer. He held a grudge against Othello and decided to wait for an opportunity to get rid of him.

One of Yago's schemes was to deliberately provoke a fight between the Roman nobleman Rodrio and Cassio, and then let Cassio get drunk and lose control, drawing his sword and accidentally wounding the governor Montano who came to mediate.When Othello wanted to know the situation, Yago filed a complaint first and blamed Cassio for everything.Othello gets angry and demotes Cassio.

Cassio was very annoyed, so he asked Yago for help.Yago with ulterior motives suggested that he turn to Othello's wife, Desdemona, and plead with Othello through her.The unsuspecting Cassio thought that Jago had given him a good idea, so he hurried to Desdemona, telling her that he must reform himself, and hoped that she would ask Othello to forgive him.At the same time, Yago went to see Othello again, implying that Desdemona had an ambiguous relationship with Cassio and was unfaithful to him.Othello is dubious about this.At this time, Desdemona happened to come to intercede for Cassio, which undoubtedly allowed Othello to confirm that his wife had a close relationship with Cassio, otherwise how could she come to intercede for Cassio?
Suddenly, Othello was furious, and he threw the handkerchief that Desdemona wiped his forehead on the ground heavily.This small handkerchief happened to be picked up by Yago's wife Emilia.As soon as Yago saw the handkerchief, he immediately thought of a poisonous plan to blame others.He secretly put the handkerchief in Cassio's house, and Cassio thought the handkerchief belonged to his lover, so he kept it.Later, Yago assured Othello that he had evidence of Cassio's misbehavior against Desdemona: first, he heard Cassio calling Desdemona's name in his dream in the middle of the night; Second, he saw Desdemona's handkerchief at Cassio's place.

These lies not only failed to be seen through by Othello, but made him even more irrational.He asks for a handkerchief from his wife who comes again to intercede for Cassio, but Desdemona can't find it.Othello humiliates his wife severely and does not allow her to make any excuses.Desdemona ran out full of grievances.

In order to convince Othello of his false accusation against Cassio, Yago never stops, and secretly arranges for Othello to eavesdrop on his conversation with Cassio.In fact, they are only talking about Cassio's lover, but Othello mistook it for Desdemona.Especially when Othello sees Cassio taking out his wife's handkerchief through the window, he is more convinced of Desdemona's infidelity.He immediately ran back to the palace and strangled his sleeping wife to death without any explanation.

Afterwards, Emilia accidentally told the truth, which made Othello extremely remorseful, and he could not forgive what he had done to his wife.In desperation, he committed suicide in order to apologize to his beloved wife Desdemona.

In this story, Yago, who is full of hatred, cunningly uses Desdemona as the "grass" to alarm the "snake" Othello, and induces the "snake" to bite Cassio, thereby achieving his insidious goal. revenge purpose.

The leader reprimanded "kill one to warn others"

Faced with a subordinate who made a mistake, do you blame him in public or privately?Since they are all reprimands, it is more appropriate to do it in public.

Mr. Wang of a certain company made an obvious mistake, and his colleagues all thought that the section chief should lose his temper with him.However, the section chief just said to Wang, "Be careful in the future", and forgave Wang.This is why everyone can't understand.It is not difficult to imagine that the colleagues must be talking at this time: "Why is the section chief not angry?" "He scolded me badly when I made a mistake!"

And if the section chief took a gentle approach this time, then the next time Lin made a mistake, he would not be able to blame him either.Gradually, his knife edge became more and more blunt, and finally he would end up in an ending that no one could scold, so he couldn't continue to lead his subordinates.Therefore, when it is necessary to rebuke, some people advocate that they should be rebuked loudly.

If you scold a certain subordinate in front of everyone, other subordinates will also learn from it.This is the so-called "kill one to warn others".Its meaning is not to punish hundreds of people, but to make others reflect by disposing of one person.The person who was scolded on the spot was like a representative of the crowd, making others wary.This is a very useful method.

And not everyone is qualified for this role. You have to choose someone with a moderate personality, who is cheerful and optimistic, not too horny, and not overwhelmed by trifles.Avoid people who are prone to pessimism or who are too nervous.If you choose this type of subordinate by mistake, it will bring you more troubles in the future.

The director of the sales department of a certain department store is usually quite dissatisfied with the section chief of the purchasing department who is too lazy, but because the other party is the section chief, he cannot accuse him face to face.Although the director had discussed the matter with his superior, but because his superior was a nice gentleman, he did not come up with any solution in the end.

When he was thinking hard about how to use the opportunity to negotiate directly with the other party, a staff member in the distribution department had a problem because he did not comply with the payment deadline.The director of the sales department took the opportunity to scold the employee loudly in front of the head of the purchasing department: "It's not just today, this situation has happened many times!" The head of the purchasing department didn't express any opinions, but his work attitude changed after that a great change.

The director cleverly used the strategy of "throwing the grass to scare the snake", taking advantage of the relationship between "grass" and "snake", and between subordinates and superiors, to scold one person and warn others, which is really a clever trick!

(End of this chapter)

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