36 Strategies Vernacular Full Translation

Chapter 28 Tune the tiger away from the mountain

Chapter 28 Tune the tiger away from the mountain (2)
In the late 19s, gold mines were discovered in California, USA.As soon as the news spread, it set off a crazy gold rush in the United States, and thousands of Europeans left their homes and went to the Americas to seek gold.

At that time, because there was no trans-American railway, all those who went to California to seek gold had to take a steamer to detour to the southernmost tip of South America, which was a long and time-consuming journey.A businessman named Vanderbee realized that this was a good opportunity to make a fortune, so he went to Nicaragua himself and signed an agreement with the Nicaraguan president.The agreement stipulated that Vanderbilt would be responsible for opening up a route across Nicaragua, and in return, "transit fees" for passing ships would be levied by him.After the route opened, Vanderbilt earned millions of dollars within a few years, and the route became his "cornucopia."

The businessman Walker saw that Vanderbilt had made a fortune on this route, and he felt jealous immediately.Therefore, he decided to seize Vanderbilt's route and use it for himself.But Walker clearly knew that Vanderbilt had been in business for decades, so he could be regarded as a veteran in shopping malls, and it took a lot of effort to fight against him.In the end, Walker decided to use the strategy of "turning the tiger away from the mountain": first try to get Vanderbey to go abroad, and then take advantage of it by surprise.This will not only successfully seize the route, but also save time and effort.

Subsequently, Walker spent a lot of money to buy Vanderbilt's personal doctor and told him in detail how to act.One day, the private doctor said to Vanderbee: "Your heart has been very bad recently. I suggest that you go abroad to recuperate for half a year, otherwise your life will be in danger." Soon, he got up and went to Paris to recuperate.

As soon as Vanderbee left, Walker immediately acted.He led hundreds of soldiers with live ammunition to land in Nicaragua, and with the cooperation of traitors, he quickly occupied the presidential palace in Nicaragua.The president of Nicaragua suffered a heart attack in a fit of anger and died.Walker quickly installed a national scum as president, and named himself commander-in-chief of the Nicaraguan army.Soon, the new government of Nicaragua announced the abolition of Vanderbilt's privileges on the route, and the "cornucopia" that originally belonged to Vanderbilt fell into Walker's hands easily.

Since ancient times, business opportunities are easy to get and easy to lose.In the gold rush wave, Vanderbilt was the first to get ahead and made a lot of money.The shrewd Walker grasped the key point, knowing that a man who loves money also loves his life, so he bribed Vanderbee's personal doctor to help him remove the "Tiger Zhanshan", taking away the fruits of victory that belonged to Vanderbee.

Giannini succeeds

In business competition, many conspiracies are realized by "tuning the tiger away from the mountain".To see through this trick, it is necessary to take strict precautions, assess the situation, return to camp in time when the opponent is aware of the signs of tactics, and resolutely counterattack to preserve one's own strength.

At the end of the 20s, the founder of the Bank of Italy, Matteo Peter Giannini, decided to resign as the president of the Bank of Italy because of the intervention of the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States, and set out to establish Pan American Limited by Share Ltd.

In order to allow Wall Street to recognize and support his view of "the national network of commercial banks", Giannini entrusted others to facilitate his interview with Morgan, but Morgan simply ignored him.So the intermediary introduced another banker named Woka to Giannini.

Worka was then chairman of a mid-sized Wall Street investment firm called Brea & Co.At the first meeting, Giannini was very satisfied with Woka, so he asked him to be the president of Pan American Corporation.After that, Woka gained the complete trust of Giannini through a series of actions.Then, what Giannini never expected was that he, who was relieved to rest in Europe, fell into the plan of "turning the tiger away from the mountain" by Woka and others.

On October 1929, 10, Giannini in London saw an amazing news in the newspaper: Wall Street stock market plummeted!He set off immediately to return to the United States.On the way, he received a telegram: Your son Mario has resigned as vice president of Pan American Corporation!
In the following days, Giannini continued to have a high fever and was unable to move.When Pan Am's stock price fell to 28 yuan per share, he received another telegram: Worka is going to sell Pan Am!He could no longer sit still, and immediately asked the nurse to send a telegram for him, instructing Mario to return the Brea firm to Woka at the original price, and told Woka to go back to Wall Street.Soon, he received a reply: Worcah announced that it would close the Italian bank chain in California and the American Trust and Savings Bank in New York under the pretext of reducing the size of the company.

It turned out that Worca was preparing to hold an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders suddenly, announcing the closure of the Bank of Italy; at the same time, it had spread rumors that the Bank of Italy could no longer hold on, and urged everyone to quickly withdraw their deposits and sell their stocks.Woka intends to use this method to cause the stock price of Pan American Co., Ltd. to plummet to 2 yuan per share, and then he will buy the company at a low price and swallow the company as his own.

But this time Woka miscalculated.He did not expect Giannini to return to the United States so soon, and immediately organized a series of powerful counterattacks.Giannini first taught Mario how to deal with the fund allocation between the branches and how to deal with the run. At the same time, he published revelations in major newspapers in the United States: Woka, the president of Pan Am Inc., is preparing to infringe every bank with ulterior motives. The basic rights and interests of good-natured shareholders are trying to put the subordinate banks on the verge of bankruptcy.In addition, Giannini also appealed to the court in Wilmington, Delaware, pointing out that the emergency shareholder meeting called by Wuka is invalid.As a result, Giannini won the case.

Due to Giannini's high reputation, many shareholders have deep trust in him and are willing to support him.At the general meeting of shareholders four months later, Giannini regained control of Pan Am with a vote of confidence of 1 million shares.

In this large-scale stock market struggle, the reason why Woka and Wall Street bankers were able to succeed for a while was largely due to the great effectiveness of the strategy of "turning the tiger away from the mountain".But Giannini's timely return not only made this plan aborted, but also helped him to make further progress, and finally became the bank king who became the president of the largest commercial bank in the United States.

thief trick
In daily life, many lawbreakers often use the trick of "turning the tiger away from the mountain" to avoid people's attention and wait for opportunities to steal.For this kind of people, we should be vigilant and take more precautions, try to avoid being away from our property because of the interference of strangers, and not give the thief a chance.

One day, Ms. Zhao went to work in the company as usual.As soon as she opened the door of the company, the phone rang.A male voice came out of the phone and said anxiously: "Why do you come to work so late? There is an urgent notice, and the Health Bureau will send someone to check it soon. You should clean it up quickly." Before arriving, Ms. Zhao put down the phone and began mopping the floor of the lobby.

At this time, another colleague came to work.The phone rang again, and Ms. Zhao's colleague answered the phone. The other end of the phone said: "The Health Bureau has just issued a document. You should send someone to Gaoxin Building to get the document immediately." The colleague put down the phone and confessed to Ms. Zhao. Then I went to Gaoxin Building.

Within 2 minutes, the phone rang again, and the same male voice said, "The inspection team from the Health Bureau will be here soon, please hurry up and clean up." Ms. Zhao thought to herself, why do you keep calling to remind me?After putting down the phone, she went back to the company lobby to mop the floor.

At this time, a man poked his head in from outside the door and said to Ms. Zhao, "clean it up!" Ms. Zhao glanced at the man, who was in his 40s and wore a motorcycle helmet on his head.She promised: "I'm cleaning now." She was thinking in her heart: Why does this staff look like a motorcycle driver?Because cleaning is important, Ms. Zhao didn't think much about it.Seeing some rubbish in the trash basket at the door, she picked up the trash basket and went out.

After a while, Ms. Zhao's colleague came back and said that the Health Bureau hadn't issued any documents at all. He even called the bureau to ask about it, and there was no such thing as checking the sanitation.And those inexplicable phone calls did not arouse too much suspicion from Ms. Zhao and her colleagues.

At noon, Ms. Zhao suddenly found that the handbag she put on the office chair was gone.At this time, they began to link the packet loss, those "fool's phone calls" and "the driver of the motorcycle".According to Ms. Zhao's analysis, the reason for that person's frequent calls was to send away people in the office, and then took the opportunity to steal. It is very likely that the bag was taken away by him when he was taking out the trash.

It turned out that in order to facilitate business contacts, the company's phone number was left on the signboard at the entrance of Ms. Zhao's company.Unexpectedly, the thieves used this information to carry out the trick of "tuning the tiger away from the mountain".

"Tune the tiger away from the mountain" to help promote
There are many "tigers" in the workplace, such as competitors among colleagues, narrow-minded superiors, etc. These are stumbling blocks to our career development.Therefore, we must use unique ideas and tricks that are easy to achieve results, and use the strategy of "tuning the tiger away from the mountain" to remove our stumbling blocks, and make achievements while gaining the recognition and support of our superiors.

Because the hit rate of submissions is relatively high, when Xiao Zhao was doing publicity work in a certain factory, he attracted the jealousy of the department staff.Especially her immediate superior, because she was afraid that Xiao Zhao would take her place one day, always restricted the staff in the department from reporting to work.It is stipulated that no matter what, you must first tell her, and then she will report to the secretary in charge.

Once, the secretary in charge and the factory manager wanted to arrange a job for Xiao Zhao alone.Her immediate superior lied that Xiao Zhao had other work to do, and prevented the factory leaders from contacting Xiao Zhao.After Xiao Zhao learned about it, he thought that if he wanted to develop in the company, he must have the approval of the secretary in charge.But now, her immediate boss is like a "tiger", riding between her and the factory leader.How can we "tune the tiger away from the mountain"?

Soon, the competent department of the enterprise arranged for the backbone of the business to go out for training, and Xiao Zhao was also on the list.Because there are a lot of travel projects arranged for out training, many people are scrambling to go.Xiao Zhao took the initiative to give this opportunity to her immediate superior.After the boss left, Xiao Zhao presided over the department's work for half a month, and her talents were fully utilized, so she was appreciated by the leaders.Not long after, she was transferred to the factory office as the deputy director and secretary to the factory manager.

In the workplace, if your talent is too outstanding and you may replace your immediate boss, then the boss will often hold the attitude of "do not use the hidden dragon" and make you oppressed everywhere at work.In this way, your career will undoubtedly be limited.At this time, as long as you cleverly use the strategy of "tuning the tiger away from the mountain" and leapfrog performance, your talent may be discovered by your boss's boss, and your fate will change from then on.

(End of this chapter)

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