Chapter 10
The enemy's aspirations are scattered in the original scriptures, but there is no danger, the image of Kun Xia against Shang, benefiting him and taking it involuntarily.

Translation When the enemy is in a state of bewilderment, disordered behavior, and chaotic will, it is like a swamp above the ground.At this time, we should take advantage of their confused minds and their inability to independently grasp the timing of the direction of advancement, and flexibly use the strategy of moving from east to west, advancing and retreating, to create the illusion of the opponent, and then wipe them out in one fell swoop by surprise.

Interpreting the strategy of "striking east and attacking west" is generally used when one's own side is in an offensive situation. "Shengdong" aims to feint a shot, and the "West" it hits is the main target.Therefore, the key point of this plan is to keep our intentions and actions absolutely confidential, create false appearances, pretend to mislead the enemy to disguise our attack direction, divert the enemy's target, make it negligent, and make "West" the enemy's target. Unprepared or unprepared, and then take advantage of the unpreparedness to launch a sudden attack, defeat the enemy in one fell swoop, and win by surprise.

There are many cases of "sounding east and attacking west", and the methods used are also different. The key to success or failure lies in whether the attacking side's "sounding east" can completely convince the defender, or confuse its will, or set up suspicious formations so that the opponent's strength is dispersed. Make it weaken the defense of the "west side" or even completely give up the defense against the "west side", so as to achieve its own purpose.To sum up, the tactic of "striking east and attacking west" can be used in the following ways: one is to contain the enemy from east to west.We do not fix our attack direction, sometimes east, sometimes west, here for a while, there for a while, making the enemy dizzy, unable to determine our main attack direction and true intention, so we have to passively fortify.After a long time, there must be only the power of parrying, but no power to fight back. I can use the opportunity to win a big victory.The second is to confuse the enemy immediately.It means that our side sometimes takes the initiative to attack and sometimes leaves far away.When the enemy thinks that we are going to fight, we don't fight; when the enemy thinks that we are not going to fight, our side suddenly launches an attack.As a result, the enemy cannot deploy pre-war preparations, and failure is inevitable.The third is to launch a feint to deceive the enemy.It means that our side deliberately launches an attack on a place to attract the attention of the enemy. When the enemy has transferred all its troops to the A place, our side suddenly launches a fierce attack on the B place.After the enemy knows, it's too late.The fourth is to avoid the strong and attack the weak to attack the enemy.It means that under our erratic attack, the enemy cannot formulate an accurate attack plan, so we avoid the enemy's edge, take the opportunity to storm the enemy's weak link, make him unable to deal with it, and compromise.In short, "strike east and attack west" has always been valued by Chinese military strategists, but if this strategy is not used well and the opponent discovers his true intentions, he will lift a stone and hit himself in the foot.

Secrecy and initiative are the highest means of dealing with affairs, being open means being undefended, and being passive means being restrained.No matter on the battlefield, shopping malls or on the political stage, the strategy of "striking east and attacking west" can be seen everywhere, available at any time, and in a wide variety.It's just that some of them are used well, and the ending is very successful; some of them are used improperly, but they are self-defeating.And when others are trying to "strike the east and attack the west" against us, we should take some preventive measures to deal with it.First of all, it is necessary to respond back and forth as much as possible to prevent accidents.Establish a good instant connection for troops in all directions, so that when one is attacked, the other can immediately rush to rescue, effectively responding to the enemy's conspiracy.Secondly, no matter how concealed the enemy's disguise is, there will be clues to reveal it.If you are diligent in observation and good at analysis, you can always find flaws.Finally, think more empathy and beware of being scammed.Always think from the enemy's standpoint, imagine what actions you would take if you were the opponent, and then observe whether the enemy's behavior is the same as what you imagined. If it is completely opposite, you must guard against whether the enemy is cheating.

Examples of Wisdom
British raid
In 1982, in the Malvinas Islands battle with Argentina, the British army used the strategy of "striking from the east and attacking the west" to successfully land in a surprise attack.

Battle of the Malvinas Islands
The Malvinas Islands have a winding coastline with many sheltered bays and natural harbours.The port of San Carlos, the landing site chosen by the British army, has the advantage that the water depth at the entrance is 36 meters, which can be docked by large ships, and the land on the shore is open, which is convenient for troop activities.But its disadvantage is that the bay is narrow and long, with a width of only 6-16 kilometers, which results in a narrow room for the fleet to move, and it is impossible to establish a deep defense and warning system against the air, and it is easy to be concentrated by enemy fighters.Moreover, the transportation here is very inconvenient. There is only one trail connecting with Port Stanley, and the road is full of swamps, muddy, and difficult to move. It is not convenient for the landing troops to move to Port Stanley.Therefore, the Argentine army concluded that the British army would not land here, so they only sent a very small number of troops to defend, and focused their defense on Port Stanley, Darwin, and Goose Green, where the sea was relatively wide and the traffic conditions were good.

At the beginning of May, the British army had already selected San Carlos Port as the landing point. However, in order to cover up this real purpose and confuse the Afghan army, the British army took various measures of "striking east and west". False predictions and analysis, pointing out that the British army will land on the west island or the south of the east island of the Malvinas Islands.Shortly before launching the landing operation, officials of the British Ministry of Defense were still pretending to the media that the British army is currently only using a small number of combat troops to harass the Afghan army, consume the force of the Afghan army, and is not planning to land on a large scale.Then, two days before the landing, the British army used planes to continuously bomb the Afghan army stationed in the southern part of the East and West Islands, but turned a blind eye to the northern part of Tsushima Island.At midnight on May 5, when the landing ships headed for San Carlos Bay, the two aircraft carriers of the British Task Force were still sailing from the northeast to the waters off the southern tip of the Falklands, pretending to attack the southern part of the Falklands.When the British army landed in Port San Carlos, they were still bombing Port Stanley, Goose Green, Howola, Port Louis and Fox Bay with aircraft and warships.At the same time, the commando forcefully landed in Darwin, Port Louis and Fox Bay, and launched diversionary attacks.After the British army made the above preparations for "Shengdong", it still felt that it was not enough, and destroyed all the communication facilities of the Afghan army. As a result, the Afghan army could not get front-line news and could not implement air assistance in time.At the same time, it also used radio silence to interrupt the provision of information about the British and Afghan ship positions to the United States.This not only prevented the Afghan army from accurately judging the true intentions of the British army, but also kept them in the wrong place.The A army knew that San Carlos had fallen, but was unable to draw troops to rescue it.

Since the British army adopted a series of measures of "strike east and attack west" to serve the overall strategy, the Afghan army has been kept in the dark, constantly strengthening the vigilance and defense of Port Stanley and the port of Darwin in the south, but not at San Carlos in the north. Hong Kong increased by one soldier. At 5 o'clock in the morning on May 21, under the cover of fierce artillery fire, the British army quickly went ashore and easily completed the landing.The Afghan army didn't wake up until after dawn, and at this time, the British army had established a solid beachhead in San Carlos Port.This successful landing laid a solid foundation for the British army to achieve successive victories. In the end, 2 Afghan troops were trapped in Port Stanley, forcing the Afghan army to surrender for peace, thus ending the war.

President campaigns to save the company

Ten years ago, the Japanese SB Curry Powder Company was on the verge of bankruptcy because its products were unsalable, unable to make ends meet.The newly appointed president couldn't sleep or eat because of this. He racked his brains and finally came up with a special method of creating public opinion to help the company come back to life.At that time, private cars in Japan were expensive, and ordinary families could not afford them, so many people had driver's licenses but no cars.After the new president learned of this situation, he decisively decided to use this to expand the company's reputation.A few days later, he published an advertisement in several newspapers at the same time: "Looking for those who have a license and do not have a car. The company rents out curry-colored cars for one year at a low cost." This advertisement quickly attracted many interested people. A young man without a car.In just a few days, curry-colored cars can be seen everywhere on the streets of Tokyo.Whenever people see this kind of small car, they can't help but say: "These cars are leased by SB Company." The small curry-colored car has made a very effective live advertisement for SB Company, which has made SB Company famous. With the rapid increase in popularity, the sales of curry powder naturally increased, and SB company got rid of the predicament.

In the second year, in order to further expand the company's influence, SB Company threw out a new trick: they published huge advertisements in several of Japan's largest newspapers at the same time, claiming that they would rent several helicopters to transfer the company's Curry powder is sprinkled on the top of the snow-capped Mount Fuji to change the color of Mount Fuji. "My God! The white top of Mount Fuji will no longer exist! People will see the yellow top of Mount Fuji in the future!" As soon as the advertisement was published, people across the country were in an uproar. Mount Fuji is a symbol of Japan, how can it be defiled casually!People criticized one after another, and even started to lash out at SB.Amid the condemnation, the name of SB company spread throughout Japan.And the shrewd SB company issued a statement in the newspaper the day before flying to Mount Fuji, deciding to cancel the original plan.The Japanese people were ecstatic, thinking that their condemnation had played a role, and SB was also celebrating its victory at the same time.Because all this is a bluff scheme by the president, not really to sprinkle curry powder on Mount Fuji.He fully expected the pressure of public opinion on this announcement, so he decided to use this seemingly crazy move to attract the attention of the Japanese people, making them firmly remember the name of SB, and mistakenly think that this is an extremely powerful company. Strong business.This unexpected move really made SB company famous and established the image of "wealthy and powerful" in people's minds.Many companies came to negotiate business with SB one after another. After a few years, SB really became a big company with a good reputation at home and abroad.

In the competition of enterprises, clever use of "striking east and west" to create public opinion, so spreading doubts is an effective means to defeat opponents, expand product sales, and occupy the market. The two campaign strategies adopted by SB successively allowed them to successfully deceive the public and partners, and use the power of public opinion to win a broad development space for their products.

(End of this chapter)

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