Chapter 9
At this time, a veterinarian brought good news to Hamer: According to his diagnosis, "Prince Eric" suffered from impotence, but it was only psychological, and his semen could be used for artificial insemination.The news made Hammer very happy, and he immediately called O'Brien: "Les, old friend, how about selling your prince to me?" . "Well, what price do you plan to offer?" "10 yuan." O'Brien gave Hamer a heavy blow.He couldn't help yelling: "Are you crazy? I just heard that this cow can no longer be mated, and it has not been mated for more than a year." "Then why do you still buy it?" The other party was not to be outdone. "I know what you want to do. The university has sent someone to say that 'Prince Eric' can also be used as an artificial insemination bull." Seeing that O'Brien had gained insight into his own psychology, Hamer was a little discouraged up.He immediately bargained with the other party in a very tactful tone: "I am just trying my luck. No one can prove whether it is really fertile, can it? Well, 'Prince Eric' has served you for so long, I have a lot of money, so how about giving it to you at the original price you bought it for?" "10 yuan! Not a penny less." O'Brien didn't budge at all.In desperation, Hammer had no choice but to grit his teeth and more than double the price: "Well, let's make a compromise. I will offer 1 yuan, but you have to let me do an experiment." O'Brien pondered for a while , and then said: "Okay, you come!" Hamer went to the veterinarian, and the test results were very satisfactory.So he took out a check for 7.5 yuan and handed it to O'Brien.O'Brien took the check, looked at it, and returned it to Hammer: "There is not enough money." "What? Didn't we agree on 7.5 yuan?" "No, I didn't agree to the 7.5 yuan transaction, I just agreed You came here for an experiment." Hamer was so angry that he turned around and left.O'Brien laughed triumphantly behind his back.

In December of the following year, the most prestigious Chicago International Livestock Show opened.At this time, although Hamer was well-known in the cattle industry, unfortunately, his cattle never won the world championship at the Chicago Show.This time, Hammer brought a cow descended from "Prince Eric" to the exhibition. When it was still a calf, he bought it back at a high price of 12 yuan, and at the same time hired some skilled experts to raise it. .Hamer has a plan in mind, and many colleagues in the cattle industry also believe that the champion must be him.However, to everyone's surprise, this cow only won the runner-up, and the championship was snatched away by another descendant of "Prince Eric"!Hammer was hit hard, so he returned to the hotel, and he called O'Brien again: "Less, I am willing to pay you the 5 yuan you asked for." The high price of 000 yuan was sold.O'Brien was content.

Hamer, who is known for his shrewdness, had no choice but to submit willingly to a tough opponent this time.O'Brien had long seen Hammer's special liking for "Prince Eric", and kept laying the groundwork, attacking calmly, taking advantage of Hammer's eagerness to buy "Prince Eric" to "take advantage of the fire" and raise the price. High price, waiting for the opportunity, and finally after Hamer lost the game, he succeeded in trapping the other party in his own trap.

morgan exploits the white house
In the business war, "looting while taking advantage of the fire" is a common strategy of business masters.There are two ways to follow: one is to "take advantage of the fire", that is, to take advantage of favorable objective conditions to benefit.The second is "arson and robbery", that is, to use a more sophisticated and rigorous plan, within the scope permitted by law, to get opponents into trouble and force them to submit, so as to achieve their own goals.Many famous chaebols in the world are masters of "looting while taking advantage of the fire".The objects of their "robbery" are not limited to large companies, and sometimes even the government is included in their conspiracy list.

John Morgan was a famous bond investment genius in the United States at the end of the 19th century. In 1873, he teamed up with several big bankers to buy half of the US government's 33 billion Treasury bills.Soon, Drexel & Morgan became the most powerful investment bank in the United States, controlling the US government bond market in its own hands. In 1884, the financial crisis broke out in the United States.At the end of the year, there was a rush to buy gold in the market, and a large amount of gold from the US Treasury began to flow out.At that time, there were rumors on Wall Street that the US government planned to abandon the practice of paying currency with gold in order to control the outflow of gold.Although President Grover Cleveland personally refuted the rumors, the practice of selling U.S. securities for gold was still in full swing, causing the treasury to strain.

In order to alleviate the predicament and avoid public panic that may be caused by the empty treasury, the US government decided to immediately raise a huge sum of at least US$1 million.This was a huge sum at the time, and ordinary consortiums simply could not afford it.In addition, there are not many people who can really understand the real situation of the national treasury. For a while, no one is willing to take the initiative to relieve the government's urgent needs, and no one can see the profits that can be obtained.Morgan is an exception.Due to his long-term dealings with the government, he knew very well that the government had reached the point where it could do nothing at this time, so he successfully persuaded another banker to form a syndicate (a form of monopoly organization) to undertake gold bonds. It seems to be a righteous move to save the financial crisis, but in fact it is to take the opportunity to make huge profits.Because the conditions proposed by Morgan were too harsh and were not approved by Congress, the "Syndicate" plan was not implemented smoothly.In desperation, the Minister of Finance, Callisher, planned to issue 5 million US dollars of public bonds to ease the emergency situation, but because the whole country was in a state of financial panic, and the major banks could not protect themselves, no one responded to the call of the Minister of Finance.Callisher had no choice but to use his trump card and proposed to raise 000 million US dollars of public debt at 117 points above the face value.This practice broke the rules of the financial world and insulted the investment banks, so Morgan operated in private, so that the treasury secretary's New York fundraising trip ended in failure.

In desperation, the president personally summoned Morgan, and the two discussed the debt issue openly and frankly.When Morgan learned from the president that there was only $900 million left in the treasury, he became more confident in getting the government to agree to his terms.He said confidently to the President: "Unless Rothschild and I form a syndicate and let London's gold flow back into the United States, no one will be able to rescue the bankrupt treasury. Now, I have a check for $1 million in my hand. Cash it, if I insist on cashing it, the national treasury can't even keep the 200 million, if you don't agree with my conditions, I will send a telegram to cash this check immediately." Although Cleveland is expensive to be president, the country is in deep crisis , he also had to greet Morgan with a smile.Knowing that he had the upper hand, Morgan deliberately put on a haughty posture, and even smoked a cigar that the president hated, and calmly got up.

Ultimately, the president was forced to approve Morgan's "syndicate" plan.That night, Morgan handed over enough funds to the Treasury to tide it over.And Morgan and his partners netted $1 million just in the spread of government debt contracted to the government.During the negotiations with the government, Morgan thoroughly found out the real situation of the national treasury, "take advantage of the fire" and formulated a clever and careful plan to let himself win "knowledge". This move laid a solid foundation for its future growth .

Since then, the influence of the Morgan consortium on the government has grown by leaps and bounds, and its reputation is well known throughout the United States.

Landlords openly save and steal women from the people

In the 20s, there was a farmer named He Taishu in North Korea.His daughter, heartbroken after her husband was captured by the Japanese and taken to China for labor, set off for the Northeast to look for her husband.Several months have passed, and Uncle He Tai has never heard from his daughter.He waited and waited, and finally one day, the oil peddler brought a letter from his daughter.But seeing that Uncle He Tai was not at home, he was in a hurry to go, so he casually put the letter on the steps in front of He's house and left.Uncle He Tai was illiterate, so he thought the letter was just a piece of waste paper thrown away by the oil seller, so he tore off a piece of rolled tobacco from it, and stuck the rest on the window to fill the window opening.

Soon, news of floods in Northeast China came.Worried about his daughter's life, Uncle He Tai decided to borrow a sum of money from the big landlord in his village so that his wife could go to China to find her daughter.No, this landlord is a well-known bully. He wanted to get Uncle He Tai's daughter for a long time. Seeing that Uncle He Tai wanted something from him, he made a plan. Put your fingerprint on the loan contract.Just when Uncle He Tai's wife was about to leave, the oil peddler happened to pass by the village again, so he asked Uncle He Tai whether he had received the letter from his daughter.Only then did Uncle He Tai know that the piece of waste paper used to paste the window turned out to be the news from his daughter who he had been thinking about day and night, but when he ran around with this incomplete letter, no one could understand it. Read the letter.Uncle He Tai did not give up, and finally found someone who read the letter in its entirety. He was very relieved to know that his daughter was safe.However, he immediately fell into endless pain, because the literate person told him that the loan contract with his thumbprint read: "Uncle He Tai voluntarily sold his daughter to the landlord of this village for 20 yuan. "

The big landlord had a plan for Uncle He Tai's daughter for a long time, and finally took advantage of Uncle He Tai's eagerness to spend money but was illiterate, and tricked her into signing a contract of sale. The "fire" who was so anxious to know the whereabouts of his daughter.It is obvious that it is to save people, but in fact it is secretly robbing people, taking advantage of people's danger, and taking what they need, it can be described as extremely cunning.

Show your skills in "Fire"
"Take advantage of the fire to rob", literally, it will undoubtedly be despised by a gentleman.But in the complicated real life, it can be extended to the workplace.For example, when the unit encounters a difficult problem that others cannot solve, or a colleague who undertakes important work happens to be sick or makes some mistakes, if you can act resolutely in accordance with your own decision in these emergency "fires", and show your strength, you will eventually put these things to rest. If the problem is solved well, the chances of promotion and reuse will fall on you are very high.

In a semi-military enterprise in Shandong, an electrician squad leader surnamed Wang once received a heavy award.It happened at 6:30 one morning.That day, a huge mouse suddenly rushed into the substation control room, causing a serious line failure.The three production workshops immediately fell into chaos, and more than 500 workers in three shifts had been working for a whole night.Their nerves are already very fragile at this time. If they are not handled properly, it will not only cause huge losses in equipment scrapping, but may also cause casualties.

At this time, neither the workshop director nor the factory leader was at work, and squad leader Wang did not have the power to switch off the power and deal with emergencies.At this critical moment, squad leader Wang didn't care so much, he pulled down the gate decisively, and led the electrician on duty to start emergency repairs.

When the workshop director rushed from home, the whole factory had returned to normal.The workshop director immediately reported the matter to the factory manager.After listening to the factory manager, he immediately held a team meeting and announced that he would reward Squad Leader Wang with 3 yuan and promote him to be the Deputy Section Chief.

Such "taking advantage of the fire" is not uncommon in the workplace, and many successful people are like this.They are willing to use their brains, able to discover the "fire source" in time, attack accurately, dare to break the rules, never turn back, and go straight to victory.Of course, planners must also be fully aware that if the "fire source" and "fire duration" are not well grasped, it may cause the consequence of "stealing chickens will not pay off a handful of rice".

(End of this chapter)

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