Selling eloquence

Chapter 5 Ingenious exploration and deep digging to find out the customer's mind

Chapter 5 Ingenious exploration and deep digging to find out the customer's mind (1)
What the customer really thinks is very important to the sales staff, because only by understanding the customer's real mind, the sales staff can carry out targeted sales work, so as to achieve twice the result with half the effort and avoid wasting time and energy.And as the saying goes: "People are separated by their stomachs, but they don't know what to do." It is difficult for salespeople to guess the true thoughts of customers.In order to help the sales staff to accurately guess the customer's mind, here are some commonly used words for the sales staff's reference. I hope that everyone can sum up a more suitable method in their own practice.

1. Find out the customer's purchasing power

Only by asking can you understand the real needs of customers. The more you ask, the more you will understand. At this time, you can better grasp the real needs of customers.

— Brian Tracy
Only the demand with the ability to pay constitutes a realistic demand.Therefore, while appraising customers' purchasing needs, their payment ability must be appraised.Generally, salespersons can judge customers' purchasing ability through the following methods and approaches:

(1) Start with the competent department or the industry where you work.Usually, enterprise customers have competent departments, while individual customers belong to a certain enterprise or industry, and sales staff can understand the customer's purchasing ability from top to bottom.

For corporate customers, sales staff can learn about the customer's business status, financial profit and loss, and payment transactions from government departments, and even learn about related situations from banks and judicial departments.

For individual customers, their purchasing power can also be inferred from the status of the customer's business or industry.For example: the salesperson can ask the customer: "Which line are you in?" The customer said: "I am in the IT industry." Determine the client's income.

(2) Understand from the "inside".In order to obtain accurate data on customers' purchasing power, sales personnel must enter into the "customer" to find out the changes in the customers' purchasing power and financial status from the inside. Such information is more authentic and reliable, and has a high degree of credibility.For example, a salesperson can ask a customer: "Have you got married?" "How long have you been married?"

If the customer is a married man, then his wife is likely to judge his purchasing power.When hearing his wife say, "We might as well buy a flat-screen TV" or "I prefer a Haier refrigerator," don't take it for granted.From such words, experienced sales staff can clearly deduce that customers are capable of buying flat-screen color TVs or inverter refrigerators.

(3) Snooping from customer data.In many cases, it is difficult to judge the purchasing ability of unfamiliar customers in a short period of time, so the salesperson can use the method of collecting customer information.When analyzing the purchasing power of such customers, the salesperson should gather all the data and extract useful data from it, so as to understand the purchasing power of the customer from the side.Generally speaking, such indirect information can be obtained from mass media such as bank credit announcements and consulting agencies.

(4) Multi-analysis.Observation and analysis is a method that every salesperson is familiar with. For example, the customer's clothing, transportation means, favorite sports, etc. are all breakthroughs in judging the customer's purchasing ability.Generally speaking, customers who dress stylishly, often play golf, and have private cars have relatively strong purchasing power.The conclusions drawn by this method are sometimes inaccurate.In practice, salespeople often make subjective mistakes of one kind or another.This requires the accumulation of long-term experience, so remember not to judge customers by "appearance" and jump to conclusions.

Of course, salespersons should use multiple methods at the same time and make a comprehensive analysis, so that they can judge the purchasing power of customers relatively accurately and lay a solid foundation for the next step of sales.

2. The way to ask the customer's mind
Salespeople can use the questions and the answers they get as a solid basis for more and faster orders, further improving sales effectiveness.

— Raymond A. Schlesinski

Asking questions to customers is a common way to understand the customer's mind, but how to ask and how to ask can make the customer willing to answer, and it happens that his answer is the truth, and there is a technical problem in it.Here are several techniques for asking questions for reference by sales staff.

(1) Active questioning.Active questioning means that the salesperson expresses the main meaning he wants to express by asking questions through his own judgment.In general, customers will give a clear answer to these questions.For example:
A salesperson of a shampoo company asked: "The current shampoo must not only wash clean, but also have a certain hair care function, right?" The customer replied: "Yes." The salesperson asked again: "In order to be able to protect and nourish hair, we must make reasonable use of the effects of various natural medicines, and achieve hair care and nourishment while shampooing. Would you like to use this shampoo with multiple functions?" The customer replied: " willing."

Of course, the salesperson can then ask the question he wants to know: "This medicated shampoo has a faint medicated scent, do you like it?" If the customer says he doesn't like it, then the "crux" is already there found it.

(2) Reflexive questions.Reflexive questioning is also called repetitive questioning, that is, repeating the customer's language or point of view in the form of a question.For example:
"You mean that you are not satisfied with the service we provide?" "You mean that you have suffered a lot of losses because of the machine's problems, don't you?" "That is to say, pay 50% upfront , and the other 50% of the payment has to be paid after inspection, right?"

The advantages of this type of question are: first, it has the function of testing, that is, it can be used to test whether the salesperson really understands the customer's point of view.If the understanding is wrong, the customer will point it out on the spot.Second, it encourages the client to continue to make a point in a logical manner.Third, it can make the salesperson respond appropriately to the customer's speech, and can avoid expressing affirmation or denial directly to the other party.Fourth, it can also be used to reduce the emotional behavior of customers such as anger and boredom.The sales staff repeat the customer's complaints in the form of questioning, so that customers feel that their opinions have been taken seriously, and their resistance will also be weakened.

(3) Directive questions.This questioning method usually uses who, what, where, why, etc. as interrogative words. It is mainly used to understand some basic facts and situations from customers, and to find breakthroughs for subsequent persuasion work.For example, "Where do you currently buy parts?" "Who is using the copiers?" "What is your profit system?" etc.

The purpose of asking such questions is very clear, and it is relatively easy to answer. They are usually used to understand some simple information that is suitable for disclosure, and are not suitable for understanding personal situations and deeper information.It should be noted that when using this type of question, it is necessary to show concern for the customer, and the tone should not be too blunt.

(4) Evaluative questions.The evaluative questioning method is used to understand the customer's opinion on a certain issue, and generally there is no fixed answer to such questions.For example, "What do you think of small cars?" "Which do you think is more cost-effective to rent or buy?"

Evaluative questions are usually used after directional questions to further dig out relevant information.In many cases, it is likely that the customer will not wish to comment on an issue.At this time, the salesperson should use indirect evaluative questions.Indirect evaluative questions ask the client to comment on the perspective of a third party.For example, "It is reported that a certain brand of elevator has a high reputation among consumers. Do you think it is popular among customers?"

(5) Detailed questions.The function of such questions is to prompt customers to further express their views and explain the situation.But different from other ways of asking questions, detailed questions directly ask customers to explain detailed questions.For example, "Can you give an example of what you think?" "Please tell me more about it, please?"

(6) Detrimental questions.The purpose of this type of question is to ask customers to say what problems exist in the products they are currently using, and finally to persuade customers to use your products.

For example, a copier salesperson asked a potential customer: "I heard that the copying effect of the copier you are using is not very good, and the handwriting is often blurred, is it?" customers will be disgusted.Therefore, when asking such questions, we must pay attention to the euphemism of words and tone, and consider the customer's tolerance.

(7) Concluding questions.This kind of questioning is based on the customer's point of view or existing problems, deduces the corresponding conclusion or points out the consequences of the problem, and induces the customer's demand for the product.This type of question is usually used after evaluative and damaging questions.

For example, after the customer affirms the damaging question, the copier salesperson can then use the conclusive question: "Will using such a copier to copy advertising materials affect the effect of the promotion?"

(8) Selective questions.The salesperson should classify the objections that the product may cause, and let the customer choose one or several of them.For example, a salesperson can ask a customer: "Hello, what's wrong with our product that makes you think it doesn't meet your needs? Is it the style, size, weight, or taste..."

(9) Suggested questions.Sales staff should take the initiative to propose to customers the relevant benefits that can be obtained by purchasing related products, and give some good suggestions to stimulate customers' desire to buy.For example, a stroller salesperson might ask his customer:
"May I ask if you bought this car for a baby of several months to sleep or for a baby of one or two years old to sit?" Does he or she practice riding a two-wheeled bicycle?"

A short question not only won the trust and recognition of customers, but also cleverly explained the multiple functions of the product, thus leaving a good and deep impression on customers.

(10) Consultative questions.Here is an example to illustrate:

A salesman from a large company went to a school to sell computers, and he asked the school teacher, "Now schools are all engaged in modern teaching, and they are all equipped with computers, aren't they?"

Teacher: "Yes."

Then the salesperson can logically sell his computer.

(11) Properly ask questions with the answer "yes" or "no".To determine that the customer has a need, you should include the customer's need in the question (using language that reflects the need), eliciting a "yes" or "no" answer.For example:
Customer: "The laptop we're using now has such a short battery life that it died several times in a pinch."

Salesperson: "So you want the battery to last longer, right?" (use optional question to identify need)
Customer: "Yes."

This way of asking questions can make customers feel respected and relax to communicate with the sales staff about their situation.

3. Use positive questions to see through customer psychology
Using the method of asking questions can not only get what you want to know most, but also satisfy the desire of customers to pour out their hearts, which is conducive to the success of sales.

— Frank Bettger

In the process of communicating with customers, salespersons should ask more positive and affirmative questions to enhance customers' confidence in the product and prompt them to make up their minds to buy.

(1) Ask active questions.The purpose of this questioning method is to actively guide customers, get a positive answer from the other party, and induce customers to make a decision.

Question: Then, do you agree that the most important thing to obtain profit is to rely on good operation and management?


Q: Does expert advice also help in making a profit?

A: There is no doubt about it.

Q: Have our suggestions in the past helped you?

Answer: Yes.

Q: Considering the current production situation, will the technical reform be conducive to the production of some best-selling products?
A: It should be said to be beneficial.

Question: If the final processing of the product is made more refined, will it be beneficial to your sales in the market?

Answer: Yes.

Question: If you sell good quality products at a reasonable price at the right time, will your company get more orders?

Answer: Yes.

Q: If you follow our method and are satisfied with the test results, are you planning to adopt our method next?

Q: So can we sign an agreement now first?

A: Yes.

It can be seen from this that only by continuously asking customers to say "yes" actively through positive questions, can the salesperson seize the opportunity, go deeper step by step, and guide customers to make purchase decisions one after another.

(2) Actively suggestive questions.Sales staff should use more suggested questions to make customers follow your train of thought.

"Is there anything else I need to do? In fact, you only need to sign here, and this policy will take effect from midnight tomorrow morning."

"Do you think the insurance premium is paid annually or quarterly?"

"I believe you must be very clear about the protection function of this policy?"

"This insurance policy should be very suitable for you, right?"

In the conversation, the salesperson should avoid using the following methods: "What do you think?" "Did you stamp or sign?"

(3) Actively inquire about customer requirements.Sales staff should constantly ask customers, understand their requirements, and solve problems for them at any time.

Salesperson: "Do you prefer two doors or four doors?"

Customer: "Oh, I like the four-door one."

Salesperson: "Which of these three colors do you like?"

Customer: "I like the yellow one."

Salesperson: "Do you want an AM or FM radio?"

Customer: "Amplitude modulation is better."

Salesperson: "Do you want an anti-rust coating on the underside of the car?"

Customer: "Of course."

Salesperson: "Would you like stained glass?"

Customer: "Not necessarily."

Salesperson: "Do the tires need white circles?"

Customer: "No, thank you."

Salesperson: "We can deliver by May 5 at the latest."

After guiding the customer through a series of small decisions, the salesperson hands over the order and says lightly, "Okay sir, please sign here and your car is now ready for production."

Here, all the questions asked by the salesperson assume that the other party has decided to buy, but has not yet decided what to buy.

4. Use rhetorical questions to lock customers' attention
Personally, I think the strongest word in a sales pitch is "why."

— Frank Bettger

When communicating with customers, the use of rhetorical questioning can make customers focus on the communication process and enable salespeople to take the initiative in the entire sales process, which is conducive to the smooth development of sales work and the conclusion of transactions.

(1) Affirmative rhetorical questions.For example:
"If you take such a camera with you when traveling, it will not only make you more fashionable, but also keep your beautiful memories forever. Please think about it, if you lose these precious moments because you don't have a camera, wouldn't it be The regret of a lifetime, isn't it?"

"Don't you think you'd be more comfortable wearing tights designed and produced by our company?"

Customer: "I want your price to drop another 10%!"

Salesperson: "Sir, I'm sure you want us to give you [-]% service? Do you want us to give you a discount too?"

(2) Ask the customer "why".Every time a customer refuses or raises an objection, the salesperson asks the customer why and listens carefully to his answer.The more the customer talks, the more he will find that his reasons are not entirely correct, and then he will reconsider whether to buy.Here is an example of selling hats.

Client: "I don't really like this hat."

Salesperson: "Why wouldn't you like it?"

Customer: "The style is not very good."

Salesperson: "Why do you think the style is bad?"

By asking "why", the salesperson can guide the other party to express their true thoughts step by step, and then they can find ways to persuade the other party to conclude a deal.

A mechanical salesman related his experience.

A gentleman came to inquire about the price of a machine. The salesperson told him that the price was 3 yuan, and he replied that it was too expensive.

The salesperson asked, "Why?"

The other party said: "Because the cost is too high, you can't make back your money! Do you think it's worth it?"

The salesperson said, "Why isn't it worth it? It's been the best investment ever."

(3) Use rhetorical questions to deny the customer's question.For example:
Customer: "I want to buy a pair of cheap leather gloves."

Salesperson: "Isn't it 1/3 cheaper this year than last year?"

Customer: "But, the store next door sells it cheaper."

Salesperson: "How does the quality and style of the goods next door compare with those here?"

Client: "Oh, his..."

Here, "how to" is used to remind consumers not only to see the price, but also to see the quality and style, so that he can feel that he gets what he pays for through comparison in his heart.

5. Convince customers with leading questions
Salespeople can and should ask targeted questions at every stage of the sales process.

— Raymond A. Schlesinski

The so-called guided questioning is to first state a fact, and then ask questions about this fact, and let the other party give a corresponding answer, so as to obtain relevant information.Leading questions are an important skill in questioning.Here's how to apply this technique in detail.

(1) Compare with similar problems.

Xiao Pan is a salesperson who is learning software. He often uses the customer's belongings as a practical example to convince the customer.

Once, a customer wanted to see the specific content of the desired software after reading the product introduction.

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Customer: "I should decide whether to buy or not based on whether the content of the product I want to buy is suitable for me, right?"

Xiao Pan: "You are right, but the publishing house that published this software is very famous. I hope you can trust the first-class publishing house. Sir, may I ask what brand your laptop is?"

(End of this chapter)

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