Selling eloquence

Chapter 4 Practice your eloquence well and make your exports into gold at any time

Chapter 4 Practice your eloquence well and make your exports into gold at any time (3)
(4) Do not talk about personal privacy.When dealing with customers, the main thing is to grasp the needs of customers, rather than talking about privacy issues in a single mouth. This is also a mistake that salespeople often make.Some salespeople might say, "I'm talking about my own privacy issues, so that's okay".Even if you only talk about your own privacy issues and don’t talk about your customers’, let me ask you, can the salesperson provide substantial help to sales if they tell the truth about their marriage and financial situation?
(5) Do not speak indecent words.Everyone wants to be with people who are self-cultivated and level-headed. On the contrary, they don't want to associate with those who "talk dirty".Similarly, in sales, indecent words will have a negative impact on the sales of products.For example, when selling life insurance, it is best to avoid words such as "death" and "dead".Indecent words will greatly reduce the personal image of the salesperson, and it is also a word that must be avoided in the sales process.

(6) Don't talk too much.In the sales field, words spoken are like water poured out, which cannot be taken back.Under the domination of the mentality of eager to sell the product, some salespersons are easy to inadvertently say too much, and as a result, the customer accidentally catches the handle, which makes each other unhappy, and even makes the salesperson Leave a bad impression on the customer's mind.

In addition, "We will deal with it soon, please forgive me!" "I will be responsible for that matter." "I know how to deal with this!" Salespeople should also use these kinds of words with caution.

As the saying goes: "One word from a gentleman is hard to follow." Whether this word is good or bad depends on a clear judgment in advance.Therefore, before speaking, think carefully before speaking.

7. Be mindful of your “little movements”

Body language is usually unconscious and difficult to control and conceal, it can express inner intentions more clearly than words!

— Orison Madden
When a salesperson had a hearty conversation with a client, while saying the mantra "Do you you know?" One mouthful of saliva on the client's face, the result can be imagined...

Have you ever noticed that maybe it is because of a small inadvertent action on your part that your customers turn away from you?Therefore, when talking with customers, salespeople must pay attention to some of their "little actions", and don't make big mistakes because of small things.

(1) Too many mantras.People hear such mantras as "that", "did you know", "didn't you", "right", "um", etc.If a person uses these words repeatedly in speaking, he will definitely lose his speaking image.If you have a tape recorder, you might as well record your own voice on the phone to see if you have this problem.Once you have figured out your mantra, you should always remind yourself to avoid it when speaking with people in the future.

(2) Speak foul language.Speaking foul language is a bad habit of speaking and is extremely uncivilized, but it is not an easy task to overcome this habit.A more effective way is as follows:

A. Find out the most frequent foul language and concentrate on getting rid of it first.The first is to change the frequency of speaking and pause at the end of each sentence; secondly, remind yourself before speaking to change the original conditioned reflex.Once the swear words with the highest frequency are changed, it is not difficult to overcome other swear words.

B. Ask others to supervise.It's best to be someone who knows themselves well, so the urging can be straightforward.Because sometimes I don't know when I speak foul language, asking others to supervise can serve as a reminder and check.Supervision has another psychological meaning, which is to create an external environment that is not conducive to the natural occurrence of the original conditioned reflex, so as to promote the termination of old habits.

(3) Small movements are frequent.You can check yourself to see if the following actions are constantly appearing when speaking: fidgeting, frowning, raising eyebrows, crooked mouth, pulling ears, touching chin, scratching scalp, turning pencil, pulling tie, fingering, shaking calf, foaming, etc. .These are some bad factors that affect your speaking effect.When you speak and move too frequently, the listener will be attracted by your movements, and it is impossible to listen to you seriously.


This is just an introduction, summarizing the regularity that is common in speech that is not welcomed by the audience.In the actual sales process, the salesperson will encounter various factors that make you say that the customer has run away.Therefore, if you are good at summarizing findings, you should also find out the unacceptable points of yourself or others in speaking through observation and accumulation, and correct them if you have, and your own speaking level will naturally improve after you get rid of bad habits.

Sales staff should pay attention to timely summary and timely improvement.

8. Make up for the lack of eloquence with creativity
Using creativity to develop your own potential customers is an important way for salespeople to succeed.

— Dave Dotholson

Salespeople are not perfect, and there are no such people in the world.Therefore, in the sales process, if the salesperson is introverted and not good at talking, or because of unclear enunciation and other reasons, the oral expression is affected. Then, in addition to working hard to correct and improve his eloquence, these reasons also have to be solved. You can make up for your lack of eloquence through some small skills.

Orison Madden, the pioneer of the American success movement, used the following method to make customers like to have a conversation with him through the production of scripts.

At first, read the latest catalog.Because there are many technical terms, it is very difficult for customers to fully understand, so Orison Madden has written down the detailed information of the catalog in advance.

Secondly, explain the incomprehensible content in the catalog from the customer's point of view, so that the customer will have the expression of "I will understand it easily if you explain it this way".In this way, more and more customers will listen carefully to your explanation, and they will often express "I understand it very much", "Is that so?", etc.

If the customer's compliments are all about the topic of product description, such as "the performance of this part is good", "it's easy to operate here", etc., then the script demonstration of the content to be said in front of the customer is completed.

With a script in place, Orison Madden, who was not good at talking, was transformed into a conversationalist that clients loved.The reason for this miraculous effect is that he observes the customer's reaction every day to create a script, and finally he can naturally enter the role and make the customer like it.At this time, what reason does the customer have to refuse what he said?So, making a script is very important for salespeople who are not good at talking.It is also based on this that Orison Madden gradually got rid of his bad-spoken communication style and became a successful salesperson.

In Orison Madden's era, there were no computers, and there were no various drawing or software with sound and color, but the current sales staff can use these magic weapons to demonstrate your products to customers more vividly.It is hoped that under the inspiration of Orison Madden, the salesmen who are not good at talking can use the more convenient and efficient information transmission tools of contemporary people, such as various tables, graphics, models, etc. in the computer, to create ideas and develop more suitable own way of selling.

In addition, in the new era, salespeople must pay attention to accumulation and learning at any time, and pay attention to enriching their minds with fresh knowledge. When they have goods in their minds, they can only "spit out lotus flowers" when they speak.If there is nothing in your mind, what can you communicate with customers?In terms of learning to make up for the lack of eloquence, Orison Madden's learning method is also very distinctive.

Orison Madden met a farmer in his early years, and the farmer's practice gave him a lot of inspiration:

The farmer bought a piece of land from a lazy man, but it was already late May, and the previous owner of the land did not sow grain in early spring, but only planted some vegetables.

After the farmer bought the land, his neighbors all said: "Spring has long passed, and it's too late to cultivate food, so we can only grow more vegetables."But the farmer was not discouraged by this. He was a man of great judgment and good thinking. He believed that it was not too late to plant late-maturing cereal crops.So he did what he had in mind, plowed and harrowed the field, sowed late seeds, and tended it very carefully.Later, he got a very rich harvest, even better than his neighbors.

This incident made Orison Madden deeply realize: If you really have the ambition to make progress, if you really want to make yourself up, and if you are determined to make up for what you have lost before, then you must realize that no matter who you meet, there will be something for you. The benefits will add some knowledge and experience to you.If you meet a printer, he will tell you a lot about printing techniques; if you meet a plasterer, he will tell you about construction methods; if you meet a farmer, he will teach you various knowledge about agriculture...

It can be seen that knowledge can be obtained all the time in life. Those who can absorb knowledge through various channels or absorb nutrition from other people's knowledge can make their knowledge more extensive and profound, open-minded and interesting. more extensively,

Salespeople deal with all kinds of people all the time. Some of these people like philosophy, some like music, some like science, and some like art... In short, salespeople are faced with different situations anytime and anywhere. People with different hobbies and knowledge structures, and if salespeople want to sell products, they must first chat with them, find common topics, and enhance mutual friendly relations.This requires that the salesperson should be a person with extensive knowledge and diverse interests, so that he can find more common ground with customers and become one with customers.Therefore, sales staff need to accumulate knowledge and increase knowledge through various channels at all times, so that they can find various talking materials when communicating with customers, arouse common topics, and communicate with customers better.

chapter summary
1. Dare to speak is the basic skill of sales eloquence, but how to speak depends on accumulating more knowledge in various aspects in order to speak meaningfully.

2. Appropriate use of praise can dispel customers' doubts, disgust and other repulsive emotions, and shorten the distance between each other.

3. Humor is a refreshing agent to adjust the atmosphere of the conversation, and it is also a pistachio to make customers like you.

4. Flexible use of various rhetorical techniques can make witty remarks, add color to your language, and make your expression more moving.

5. Listening is always more important than talking. Serious and active listening can move customers and allow you to concentrate on understanding customers' true intentions.

6. Always pay attention to the lethality of small actions that hinder eloquent communication and words that should not be spoken.

7. Don’t be afraid of poor eloquence. In addition to strengthening learning to improve eloquence, you can also create unique methods to make up for the lack of eloquence and help sales success.

(End of this chapter)

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