Selling eloquence

Chapter 30 Resolving complaints and promoting after-sales cooperation

Chapter 30 Resolving complaints and promoting after-sales cooperation (1)
Joe Gillard said: "I believe that sales activities really start after the transaction, not before." It can be seen that the transaction does not mean the end of the sale. If the after-sales service is proper, a new round of sales will begin after the transaction .Therefore, how to use your eloquence to understand customer feedback, especially complaints, and properly handle and retain customers and let them develop new customers for you is the focus of after-sales work.This chapter focuses on various methods to resolve complaints and pave the way for a new round of customer development, so as to attract jade.

1. Customer complaints are your driving force
When you treat customer complaints with the attitude of putting yourself in the shoes of others, you will not feel dissatisfied.

Customer opinions are the driving force for sales staff to make continuous progress. By listening, you can get effective information and innovate accordingly to promote better business development.At the same time, you can also correctly identify the customer's requirements, and then convey them to the product designer, so as to produce the products that best meet the customer's requirements at the fastest speed to meet the customer's needs.

Therefore, when a customer complains, don't feel troubled, and treat customer complaints as an excellent opportunity to retain business.Here are a few ways to handle customer complaints that can turn a disadvantage into an advantage:

(1) Allow customers to vent their emotions and encourage them to voice their dissatisfaction.

(2) Never quarrel with customers.

(3) Never use challenging language such as "what you said is not a problem" to customers.

(4) Exchange opinions with customers as politely as possible.

(5) Don't make excuses, be brave and responsible.

(6) Immediately take remedial measures.To ensure that the solution to the problem is provided to the customer, delay will only make the situation worse.

(7) Give front-line staff sufficient power to enable them to resolve complaints flexibly.Give employees enough space to bend the rules at critical moments.If you don't want to do this, then you need to make sure that you or another management person with authority to deal with customer complaints is present at all times.

Remember, when a customer complains to you, you have to sit down and listen carefully, play the role of the listener, and if necessary, record the customer's request, so that the customer feels that he is valued and his opinion is valued.

Of course, just listening is not enough. We should also promptly investigate whether the customer's feedback is true, and quickly feedback the solution and results to the customer and ask them for supervision.

2. Properly handle customer complaints

Complaining can also sometimes be turned into a way to foster friendship.

—Joe Girard

How to deal with customer complaints and complaints is a very important part of after-sales work.

The process of dealing with the problem is the most critical.Handling customer complaints and grievances is a complicated job, especially with the support of experience and skills. It is by no means an easy task to handle such things properly.

How can sales staff handle customer complaints and complaints?

(1) Be more patient.In actual handling, listen to customers' complaints patiently, don't interrupt customers' narration easily, and don't criticize customers' deficiencies, but encourage customers to talk and let them vent their dissatisfaction.When you have patiently listened to your customers' complaints and complaints, and when they are satisfied with venting, they will be able to listen to your explanations and apologies more naturally.

(2) Have a better attitude.Customer complaints or complaints means that customers are not satisfied with the products and services.Therefore, if the attitude is unfriendly during the process, it will make the customer feel bad and the relationship with the customer will deteriorate.Conversely, if the salesperson is sincere, polite and enthusiastic, it will reduce the resistance of customers.

(3) MOVE FASTER.Handling complaints and complaints quickly can make customers feel respected; second, it can show sincerity in solving problems; third, it can prevent customers’ “negative pollution” from causing greater damage to business development in a timely manner; fourth, it can minimize losses. minimized.Generally speaking, when a salesperson receives a complaint or information from a customer, he or she calls or faxes the customer to find out the specific content, and then negotiates a solution internally, preferably replying to the customer on the same day.

(4) The language should be more appropriate.Customers are dissatisfied with products and services, and may speak aggressively. If the salesperson confronts them, it will inevitably deteriorate the relationship between them.In the process of explaining the problem, the salesperson should pay great attention to the wording, be reasonable, decent and generous, don't say words that hurt people's self-esteem, and try to communicate with customers in euphemistic language.Even if there is something wrong with the customer, don't be impulsive.

(5) A little more compensation.Customers complain or complain, to a large extent, because their interests have been damaged after using the product.Therefore, after customers complain or complain, they often hope to get compensation. This compensation may be material (replacement of products, returns or gifts, etc.) or spiritual (apology, etc.).When compensating, if customers get extra gains, they will understand the sincerity of the sales staff and rebuild their confidence in the company.

(6) The level is higher.Customers want their problems to be taken seriously after making complaints and complaints, and the level of sales staff who often deal with these problems will affect the emotions of customers.If high-level leaders can handle or intervene in person, they will resolve many grievances and dissatisfaction of customers, so as to cooperate with sales staff to deal with problems.Therefore, when dealing with complaints and grievances, if conditions permit, the level of the salesperson who handles the problem should be raised as much as possible.

(7) There are more ways.In the after-sales service, many companies deal with customer complaints and complaints by comforting, apologizing, compensating products, giving small gifts, etc. In fact, there are many ways to solve problems.In addition to the above-mentioned means, customers can also be invited to visit the product production process, or invite them to participate in internal seminars, or give them rewards, etc.

3. Linguistic skills for handling complaints

Proper and appropriate language is very important when dealing with complaints.

In the process of handling customer complaints, salespeople must not shirk their responsibilities, let alone teach customers and argue with them.In the initial stage of customer complaints, if the salesperson can skillfully use the art of language to ease the complaints, they can quell the complaints in the bud.

(1) Sincerely use "very sorry" to stabilize the customer's emotions.In the early stage of complaints, customers are often filled with righteous indignation and emotions, so that they speak violently, even with abusive language.In this case, the salesperson must calmly listen to all the grievances of the customer, fully understand the reasons for their dissatisfaction, and then sincerely apologize to the customer, using words such as "very sorry" to calm the customer's emotions.When the customer's mood is more stable, then discuss the complaint, and the problem will be easily solved.

(2) Properly use "please come to the VIP room and sit down and talk" to prevent affecting the emotions of other customers.When complaining customers make loud noises in some store-type sales places, it will directly destroy the sales atmosphere and affect the shopping mood of other customers.When some customers are emotional, they will say a lot of words that are not conducive to the image of the store, such as "Why is your company selling fake and shoddy products", "Why is your store so unreputable", etc., and even said to other customers: "Don't buy anything here, it's all a scam!" and so on, the effect on the store will be extremely bad.In this case, the salesperson should try to invite the customer to another occasion to talk, the specific methods are:
A. You can say to the customer: "Look, it's inconvenient to talk standing up, please sit down and talk in the VIP room, okay?" Or say: "It's too hot here, let's have some tea in the office first, and then talk slowly okay?"

B. Guide the customer to the reception room (office) to sit down. It is best to make a cup of tea or pour a glass of juice to entertain the customer, so that the customer can ease his emotions: "Have a sip of tea first, and talk slowly."

C. When the customer arrives at the reception room and the mood is still not calm, the salesperson can say to the customer: "We are investigating the cause of the incident now, please take a rest first." Or say: "The person in charge will come right away, please take a moment Waiting." Then close the door and let the client inside alone to calm his over-excited emotions.

For those customers who are loud and noisy, if they suddenly stay away from the scene of the quarrel and stay alone in the empty reception room, their spirit will suddenly relax. In addition, the sales staff will provide him with a comfortable place and tea to relieve his emotions, and he will soon calm down.

If he is a client with strong self-reflection ability, he may even secretly regret the excitement just now.Although this is a good way to solve the problem, we must pay attention to the appropriate time for the customer to wait alone: ​​if the time is too short, the customer's emotions have not completely eased down, and it is easy to get angry again; If people pay attention to him, he may be even more angry.Therefore, it is generally advisable to let customers wait for two to three minutes.

(3) Don't forget to use the apology saying "it's my fault".If the customer complains that the product is damaged due to improper use, it should be blamed to a certain extent on the fact that the salesperson did not explain clearly when selling.Therefore, when dealing with such complaints, the salesperson should sincerely apologize to the customer, and frankly admit that he has caused losses and troubles to the other party due to his poor explanation.

(4) Use polite words "I have caused you trouble...", "To express my apology..." The customer spent money, but found that the goods he bought back had quality problems, and came angrily to ask for a return or exchange.At this time, the salesperson should try to meet the customer's wishes and needs.When going through the procedure of returning and exchanging goods, I said: "I'm really sorry, I made you make an extra trip." "I have caused you trouble, and to express my apology, I will wrap this bottle of perfume for you in wrapping paper."

When explaining or explaining to customers, you should grasp the following two points: First, the tone of your speech should be tactful, and you should not embarrass the customer.Second, you can't keep emphasizing that you are right.Most people don't like to admit that they have misunderstood others. Therefore, when the salesperson explains, he will definitely be resisted by the customer on the surface.They are likely to justify themselves and cover up their fault with words such as "I couldn't have wronged you" or "I would never be so confused as to understand something so simple."

In this case, the salesperson should not repeatedly emphasize that he is right, but should sincerely tell the customer that you just want to eliminate his doubts and dissatisfaction, so that the other party will be more likely to accept your explanation.

4. Handling the "stop words" for complaints

Never make a client feel like you are criticizing him.

Those customers who complain are like a pile of dry wood, any spark will ignite a full of anger.If in the communication process, the salesperson in charge of mediation speaks carelessly and uses inappropriate language, it is easy to make the customer even more angry and intensify the conflict.Therefore, it is best to avoid the following words in communication:
(1) "Even a three-year-old child can do this kind of question." When a customer asks a salesperson without understanding the characteristics or usage of the product, the salesperson is most likely to say this sentence.This sentence is very likely to arouse customers' resentment, because this sentence contains obvious ridicule.

(2) "You get what you pay for." When the salesperson says this sentence, it usually makes the customer feel that the salesperson is looking down on him, thinking that he can't afford high-end products and only deserves cheap ones. Therefore, Can hurt the customer's self-esteem.

(3) "Impossible, absolutely impossible for such a thing to happen." Generally, merchants are full of confidence in their products or services, so when customers complain, salespeople often use this sentence to answer.In fact, when the salesperson said this sentence, the customer had already suffered serious psychological harm, because this sentence indicated that the store did not believe the customer's statement and suspected that they were lying, so it would inevitably arouse great disgust from the customer.

(4) "This kind of problem has nothing to do with us. Please ask the manufacturer. We are only responsible for selling the goods." Know the quality and characteristics of the product itself.Therefore, using this sentence to prevaricate and perfuse customers shows that the salesperson is irresponsible and does not pay attention to credibility.

(5) "I don't know, I don't know." When a customer asks a question, if the salesperson's question and answer is "I don't know, I don't know", it will leave an irresponsible impression on the customer, thus intensifying the relationship between the two parties. contradiction.Therefore, as a conscientious salesperson, you must make every effort to answer customers' questions. Even if you really don't know, you must ask professionals to answer.

(6) "I never said that kind of thing." There is no word "absolutely" in the market. Regardless of whether the salesperson said it or not, this challenging word should not be used, so as not to arouse customers' rebellion psychology.

(7) "I won't." Negative words such as "no", "no way" and "no way" indicate that customers' hopes and requirements cannot be met, so they should be avoided as much as possible.

(8) "This is the company's regulations." "Sorry, this is the company's regulations." There are quite a few salespeople who respond to customer complaints with these words.In fact, the company's regulations are usually formulated to improve the work efficiency of sales staff. The purpose of formulating corresponding regulations and systems is to better serve customers, not to supervise customers' behavior and restrict customers' freedom.Therefore, even if the customer violates the so-called regulations without knowing it, the salesperson cannot use this as a shield to blame the customer.

(9) "There is always a way." This ambiguous statement usually leads to bigger troubles.Because for customers who are eager to solve the problem, this kind of irresponsible statement will only make them feel more disappointed.

(End of this chapter)

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