Selling eloquence

Chapter 29 The promotion of punchlines, let the final hammer on the deal

Chapter 29 The promotion of witty words, let the deal be finalized (2)
The selective closing method is sometimes called the "either-or-choice" method.On the basis of assuming that the customer will definitely buy, the salesperson provides the customer with a purchase option, and asks the customer to choose a purchase method, that is, assume the transaction first, and then choose the transaction.

The specific method of choosing the transaction method is to put forward two choices in the question (such as size, color, quantity, delivery date, payment method, etc.) for customers to choose arbitrarily.

(1) The advantages of choosing the transaction method.Choosing the transaction method can reduce the psychological pressure of customers and create a good transaction atmosphere.On the surface, the option transaction method seems to give the initiative of the transaction to the customer, but in fact it allows the customer to choose within a certain range, which can effectively facilitate the transaction.

(2) Select the prerequisites for the application of the transaction method.Customers do not make a choice between buying or not, but making a choice in terms of product attributes, such as product price, specification, performance, service requirements, order quantity, delivery method, time, location, etc. can be used as reminders for choosing a deal content.On the surface, this method gives the customer the initiative to close the deal, but in fact it only gives the customer the option to close the deal, and he can close the deal no matter what he chooses.This can mobilize the enthusiasm of customers to make decisions and facilitate transactions more quickly.

(3) Seize the moment and present options.When the salesperson observes that the customer has a purchase intention, he should immediately seize the opportunity and use the selection method to talk to the customer.Such as:

"Do you want this suit white or black?"

"Do we ship on Tuesday or Wednesday?"

"Do you think the payment is through online banking or Alipay?"

All of the above are selection transactions.

Using the selection transaction method, first of all, we must look at the customer's transaction signal, identify the sales points according to the customer's purchase motivation and intention, and limit the scope of selection to the scope of the transaction.The point of choosing the transaction method is to make customers avoid the question of whether to buy or not.

(4) Precautions for using the selection transaction method.The options provided by the salesperson should allow the customer to make an affirmative answer, instead of giving the customer a chance to refuse; when proposing a choice to the customer, try to avoid proposing too many options to the customer, the best option is two, Do not exceed three items at most. Too many items will cause customers to hesitate, delay time, and reduce the probability of transaction.The salesperson should be a good consultant and assist in decision-making, otherwise the goal of closing the deal as soon as possible cannot be achieved.

6. Use discounts to close deals
Both direct discounts and disguised discounts can play a role in promoting transactions at critical moments.

In order to prompt customers to make a purchase decision and make the transaction successfully concluded, it is commonplace in modern commodity transactions to stimulate customers' desire to purchase through discounts.In the sales promotion process, when the negotiation with the customer enters a critical stage, the discount strategy can often achieve very good results.

(1) Use discounts to encourage customers to buy.

"Hello? Hello, this is Mr. Ding!"

"Yes you are?"

"I'm Xiaoxie from the club, how do you think about that matter!"

"what's up?"

"About your joining our club."

"I won't participate in this matter, the membership fee is too expensive."

"Mr. Ding, you are speaking too seriously. Those who join our club are senior executives like you. Due to overloaded work, it is easy to cause serious overspending of the body over time. The body is the capital of the revolution, and proper rest is more beneficial Work, don't you think?"

"It's not as serious as you say!"

"Mr. Ding, that's right. The success of an enterprise is the expectation of every manager. The way of civil and military affairs is to relax one piece at a time. Relax after busy work, go to the club to play ball, exercise your body, and worry about not having enough energy to work? At the same time , and save your family from worrying about your health. Compared with the profits our company makes for the country, what is the cost of a membership card?"

"You're pretty good at talking. Our company's profitability is not good, so we can't afford your card."

"Mr. Ding, you are always joking with us young people. Our club membership card also has unexpected benefits for you."

"What do you mean?"

"Cardholders can enjoy 20%~5% discounts in 10 large hotels and resorts across the country that cooperate with our club, and enjoy the convenience that non-cardholders do not have. Once you do the calculation, it is clear that you have at least Two dinner parties, 800 yuan each time, saved nearly 1 yuan in one month, and the money saved in one year is self-evident. Mr. Ding, you give me a point for my primary school arithmetic, is it correct? ?”

"You little girl has a really powerful mouth."

"Mr. Ding, you're too proud. As you said, our card is not cheap, and the money saved is not a small amount. If you join, I can give you the biggest discount within my ability. "

"Stop talking, for your work and for my body, I will sign up on weekends."

"Thank you Mr. Ding for your support. I will look forward to your visit then. Goodbye!"

In the above case, after the customer raised the price question, the salesperson did not explain the price according to the customer's thinking, but analyzed the customer from the two levels of demand and urgency, and guided the customer to the relative price.

(2) Use disguised discounts.In the actual sales process, disguised discounts can also be used to promote sales transactions.Xiao Fang, the salesperson in the following case, is using this method to sell houses.

Xiao Fang, who loves collies, often brings his pup with him when he sells his home.One day, his client Mr. Fei and his wife came to inspect a house worth 100 million yuan.They liked the house and the surrounding scenery, but felt that the price was too high, and the couple did not plan to pay that much.In addition, there are some things that are not very satisfactory to them - such as the design of the room, the space of the bathroom, etc.

With little hope of success in the sale, Xiao Fang almost gave up.Then Mrs. Fei saw the puppy and asked, "Will the dog be included in the house?" He replied, "Of course, how would a house be complete without a dog?"

Mrs. Fei liked the dog so much that she pushed hard for the deal.The special discount on the $100 million house turned out to be a small collie.

Xiao Fang used his shepherd dog as a disguised discount and gave it to Mrs. Fei, and Mrs. Fei also urged her husband to buy the house because of the satisfaction of her hobbies.Here, Xiao Fang's flexibility played a very effective role.

7. Use heuristics to get customers to buy

The key to testing is to find out the customer's willingness to buy without showing any traces and prompt him to buy.

Even if a customer has a purchase signal, it does not mean that he will buy immediately. If he really wants to buy, his demeanor is obviously different.Therefore, in order to accurately grasp the opportunity of business transactions, it is necessary to test the customer's purchase intention and help him make a purchase decision.

"This car is good, but the price is a bit high, how about a cheaper one?"

"The car body is made of manganese steel, and the shape design is also very beautiful, noble and durable. This is the lowest price." (Product Introduction)

"The rim seems to be a bit out of shape." (Dissent)

"We can debug right away."

(Probe immediately) Ask with concern: "Are you in a hurry? If not, I can install another one for you now." (Go to purchase details)

"Then get another one."

When dealing with a customer, there are many ways to test his purchase intention. Generally, the salesperson focuses on the purchase details, adopts the method of making suggestions, and puts forward two options, leading the customer to a road of choosing one, skipping whether to buy or not to buy. Substantial issues, and directly into the specific choice after the purchase.Thereby turning the intention of buying into a tacit fact.

In the process of facilitating the transaction, it is a very stupid question for the salesperson to ask the customer: "Do you want to buy it or not", because it contains the negative answer "No", leaving the customer with the opportunity to say "No".

In life, not every sentence can be said bluntly, sometimes substituting hints for bluntness is a way to achieve better results.In the sales process, facing the opponent who wants to beat you, the salesperson has a lot of things you can’t say in person, but hints can not only protect you from being “intruded” by the opponent, but also give the opponent appropriate information to promote sales success.

Allusion is implicit and ingenious.In sales, your suggestion may be ignored, so the suggestion must cooperate with both parties to achieve results.If you really play the piano against the cow, you have to pay attention to the technique of suggestion and strive to achieve your goal.

First, be able to speak and listen.In actual sales activities, most salespeople will miss the hints given by the other party due to excessive tension, prolonging the sales process.In addition, some salespeople think that hints can only be sent by themselves. In fact, your customers also expect an early end and success just like you.They are also trying to approach you and cooperate with you from various angles.Therefore, you should not only try to send out your own hints, but also be good at capturing the other party's hints.

Second, pay attention to emphasis.If you have reached an impasse and are eager to break through it, you can give a hint.No matter how you imply, it should be noted that when you make a statement, properly strengthen the tone and put a "emphasis" on your hint, such as: "Under normal circumstances, we do not give discounts", "We cannot accept all changes" , "The delivery date you requested is too early", "I have no right to decide the price".

If unfortunately all your hints fail to achieve results, you can also ask the other party some hypothetical questions, such as:

"If we accept your proposal in principle, would you accept our price?" "If we accept your request, would you consider accepting our request?" "How can we modify it so that you can accept this offer?" Proposal?" "If we come up with something new, are you still interested in this service?" "I'm not going to discuss that at this time."

If you can capture the results of the above hints, then you may get the following information by guessing:
A. Where there is general, there will be special.

B. Can not accept all or part of it.

C. The date is too early and can be postponed.

D. If I have no right to make a decision, I can talk to my boss.

E. Not talking about it now, but we can talk about it later.

Third, encourage the other party's hints as much as possible.When you are sure that it is not your wishful thinking, and the other party is doing everything possible to facilitate the sale, you will always find that the other party contains hints in a sentence, then you should cooperate with the other party as much as possible to make the sales towards a feasible direction. direction.Your words can be:

"If you could go into more detail, how it would be modified to make it acceptable to you..."

"We can consider..."

To correctly respond to the other party's hint, be sure to avoid absolute tone:

"We absolutely cannot accept your proposal", "We cannot accept this change", "Don't even think about it".

Do not use a provocative tone:
"Bad intentions", "absolute nonsense", "useless".

Repeat your cue until the other person understands.If a hint is overlooked, it's best to repeat it.

Fourth, intentionally miss cues.In sales, ignoring the other party will undoubtedly delay the sales time, but deliberately missing hints is a skill.This technique is the main weapon of those hardliners in sales, using it to assert their uncompromising will, and often defeating opponents in a turn-based manner to achieve their goals.

Suggestion does not guarantee that the goal will be achieved and an agreement will be reached, nor can it smooth the conflict between the two parties, but it can make the subsequent negotiations more flexible and efficient, so it is an indispensable part of sales skills. It deserves the attention of every salesperson.In sales, some suggestive questions can examine whether you have done this: Is there any willingness to change in the sales process?Are the changes in the sales process wishful thinking?Is the opponent rock solid?Have you ever used some explicit conditions to test the other party's true attitude?Are you spotting cues that customers are willing to change?When the salesperson has a business conversation with the customer, in order to take the initiative, the salesperson tries to test the customer's purchase intention, which is equivalent to pushing the transaction further, which is an effective method to promote sales.

8. Remember to consolidate sales results

Saying "thank you" doesn't cost much, but it means a lot and impresses your customers.

After the customer decides to buy and reaches a transaction agreement, as a salesperson, you must not have the mentality of success at this time, and must confirm the transaction result. Only when both parties confirm it means the real success of the transaction.Sales staff must consolidate sales results to avoid customers going back on their word.Sales staff can adopt the following practices to effectively consolidate sales results:
(1) Express congratulations and praise.Although the customer has agreed to buy, in many cases, he is still a little uneasy, a little uneasy, and even a little nervous.This is a very critical moment, and it is very important for salespeople to deal with customers calmly.The customer is watching the salesperson to see if his decision is correct, to see if the salesperson will "take the money and leave."At this time, more than ever, a client needs friendly, genuine reassurance to help him through this difficult time.

Immediately after the deal is completed, the salesperson should shake hands with the customer and congratulate him.Remember, actions speak louder than words, and a handshake is the customer's confirmation of the deal.Once a customer has shaken your outstretched hand, it would be unseemly for him to change his mind.Psychologically speaking, if the customer holds your hand, it means that he is not willing to go back on his word.

While shaking the customer's hand, the salesperson should congratulate him and praise him for his wise move.For example:
"Mr. Wang, congratulations... You have made a wise decision, not only will all your relatives and friends envy you, but the value of your house will also increase greatly."

"Congratulations, Mr. have received a product of excellent quality and you will enjoy its benefits."

(2) Fill in the form for confirmation.Salespeople should be contract experts and should be able to complete a contract in seconds, even with their eyes closed.

When it comes to filling out forms, many salespeople are incompetent, and many deals don't close due to mistakes, inaccuracies, and poor filling.These salespeople are "familiar" with the contract, but they are very unfamiliar with it. They often don't know how to fill out the contract correctly, so that the business they get slips away.

When some salespeople fill out the contract, they often keep silent and concentrate on the contract.This silence often creates anxiety in the client, and then all doubts and fears come back to haunt them.

Although the salesperson already knows what needs to be filled in, he still needs to confirm these contents to the customer when filling in.The salesperson should have a relaxed conversation with the client while writing, with the aim of smoothing the process and making the client happy with his decision.The salesperson's form filling action should be natural and smooth, and the content of the conversation with the customer should have nothing to do with the product.Talk about your client's work, family, or kids to take your client's mind off of shopping and show that you're not just interested in your client's pocketbook.

(3) Thank customers.This detail is one of the little things that separates great salespeople from the rest.Saying "thank you" doesn't cost anything, but it means a lot and leaves a lasting impression on your customers.Most salespeople don't know how to thank a customer after saying goodbye, which is why they often get returns from customers and don't get more customers.When a salesperson expresses sincere gratitude to a customer, he will be very enthusiastic about you, will try his best to repay you, and will thank you.

Please see the example below.

"Mr. Ji, I want to say thank you. I want to tell you that I am very grateful for your actions. If you need me to do anything else, you can call me at any time."

When the client hears these words, he knows he made the right choice, and he will appreciate your friendship.How could he change his mind and let you down in this situation?

(4) Give a small gift.When closing a big deal, you can send a gift to the client to show your appreciation.This gift could be a box of chocolates, a bouquet of flowers or a meal.A gift of thanks can also be a promise.

chapter summary
1. Sometimes the signal of the transaction is in an instant, and the salesperson must have sharp eyes, be able to catch it in time, and respond quickly.

2. You must grasp the rhythm when promoting the transaction, and don't show that you are eager to complete the transaction in front of the client, which will make him think that you really want to get his money.

3. The test of the transaction is the eloquence of the salesperson, and more importantly, his cultivation, quality and professional level.

4. The premise of promoting the transaction is to understand the customer's real purchase intention. Even if you don't understand it, you must know how to develop his purchase desire.

5. After the customer agrees to purchase, he must complete the transaction in time, do not let the cooked duck fly away, and pay attention to consolidating the sales results.

(End of this chapter)

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