Selling eloquence

Chapter 25 Quotation negotiation, making customers willing to pay

Chapter 25 Quotation negotiation, making customers willing to pay (1)
The price issue is most directly related to the performance of the salesperson, and ultimately linked to the profit of the salesperson.Therefore, when negotiating prices with customers, salespeople must master skills. On the one hand, they must learn how to use quotations flexibly; The method persuades the customer, and the two parties finally reach an agreement on the price issue.Only in this way can we guarantee pleasant cooperation with customers while ensuring that our own interests are not lost.

1. The basic principles of dealing with price issues

Often, objections to price are a sign of a real need for information, and you've probably dealt with many of these things by emphasizing the quality of your product.

— Frank Bettger

Price is an important factor affecting the success of the transaction between the two parties.In sales promotion, the salesperson uses flexible skills to persuade customers to change the customer's point of view based on the reasons for the price problem, so as to resolve the price objection.

Under normal circumstances, salespeople should grasp the following principles when dealing with price issues:
(1) Value first, then price.Value first, price second is a basic principle in dealing with price issues.Talk about the value of the product first, let customers have a full understanding of the value of the product, and then talk about its price.In this way, the initiative will be taken to a certain extent, so that the customer's thoughts and actions will be guided and influenced by the sales staff.

(2) Talk more about value and less about price.The value and price of the same product are generally consistent with each other. When dealing with price problems, in addition to the principle of first value and then price, the salesperson should also master the principle of talking more about value and less about price.That is to say more about the value of the product in the meeting, and try to talk less about the price.Because the price issue is directly related to the interests of both parties, both parties are very sensitive to this issue, and if the negotiation is not good, there will be a stalemate.

In addition, from the point of view of sales, the price has certain relativity for customers.For example, the stronger the customer's demand for a certain product, the less he will pay attention to the price of the product. Even if the price is higher, he will think it is still suitable; , he will think less about the price issue.

Therefore, in communication, salespersons should emphasize more on what benefits products can bring to customers, what problems they can solve, and what needs they can meet, so as to dilute their price awareness.

(3) Scientific pricing of products.When dealing with price problems, the salesperson should first consider whether the company's product price is reasonable, which requires the company to comprehensively consider various factors when pricing to make the price scientific and reasonable.At the same time, try to be relatively stable.Because the price of the same product fluctuates frequently, it will arouse suspicion among customers.

(4) Clarify the facts and target the target.For the price problem raised by the customer, the salesperson should first figure out what is going on, and then take corresponding countermeasures.For example, customers may think that the price is too high. The reason may be financial constraints or they have not yet realized the additional benefits of using the product.For the former, the salesperson can advise the customer to pay in installments; for the latter, he can explain to the customer in detail what kind of benefits they can get by using this product, so as to dispel their doubts about the price.

(5) Be firm in your position and not back down.In sales negotiation, encountering price barriers is not a new thing. The salesperson must believe in his company and its products, and try not to make concessions to customers; otherwise, it is easy to be held back by the other party on this issue, resulting in Retiring again and again, constantly reducing prices, causing losses to your own business.When quoting, the salesperson should have a loud and clear voice, a firm attitude without hesitation, and no explanations for the quotation to increase its credibility and sense of reality.Of course, if the price reduction can get a large number of orders, the original price can also be reduced appropriately to achieve the purpose of small profits but quick turnover.

In short, on the price issue, the salesperson must be firm and not make concessions unless it is absolutely necessary.

If the salesperson knows through investigation in advance that customers like to make a fuss about the price when purchasing, then when the customer asks about the price, they can ask the other party to propose the actual price of the product.

If the other party's estimated price is much lower than the actual price of the product, the salesperson can eliminate the customer's objection on the price by analyzing the characteristics and utility of the product.

To sum up, the price issue is a sensitive issue of great concern to both parties.Sales staff must actively grasp, take a positive attitude and effective measures, in order to make the deal.

2. The basic method of dealing with price issues

Price is never an issue if there is a more important message that speaks to the customer's heart.

Mastering practical methods is an important aspect of effectively dealing with price problems.In general, there are several ways to deal with price problems:

(1) Emphasize the advantages of the product.When dealing with price problems, if the customer points out that the price is too high, the salesperson should introduce the advantages, functions, practicability, and utility of the product to the other party. Carry out a detailed analysis to make the client realize that it is worthwhile for him to spend so much money.

A woman wanted to buy a certain brand of beauty cream, but she felt that it was too expensive and she was a little bit reluctant, so she had price concerns.So the salesperson said: "Miss, you don't know, this beauty cream contains special biotin extracted from Ganoderma lucidum, white fungus, and velvet antler, which has special effects of regulating and improving the metabolism of skin tissue cells. Therefore, it can eliminate wrinkles and make skin smoother. Rough skin becomes delicate, and it can keep the skin white, soft, elastic and lustrous, so as to achieve the purpose of beauty. Moreover, it only needs to be used once a day, and it is suitable for any type of skin. One bottle It can be used for half a year." After the lady listened to this detailed explanation, the price barrier in her heart disappeared.

(2) Compare the advantages.Under normal circumstances, before making a purchase decision, customers will compare the performance, efficacy, and style of the product in detail, and raise objections to the price to the salesperson. "Why are your products so expensive? Others' products are much cheaper." When encountering this situation, the salesperson can adopt the method of comparative advantage, highlighting the advantages of their own products that other manufacturers' products do not have.For example:
A salesperson of a complete set of instruments said to the customer: "Our temperature control system is indeed a little more expensive than the same type of products from other manufacturers: First, the test records, the control accuracy reaches 0.1 degrees, which can ensure the quality of your products. , and can save power consumption; second, the environmental requirements of the installation site are not high; third, the instrument has high reliability, and the average trouble-free working time can reach more than 8 years; fourth, the update and maintenance of the instrument is very convenient. These characteristics are other The same type of products from the manufacturer cannot be compared with it.”

Through this comparison, the customer felt that it was worth spending an extra 500 yuan, so he no longer entangled in the price issue.

In addition, sales staff can compare product advantages with customers, and can also compare non-product advantages, such as free commissioning and installation, installment payment, on-site maintenance services at any time, etc. Therefore, the advantage comparison method is an important method to relieve customers' doubts about prices.

(3) Dissolve benefits.The benefit resolution method is a method often used by salespeople when dealing with price problems.The advantage of this method is to resolve the other party's different opinions on the price by emphasizing the benefits and benefits that the promotional products bring to customers.For example, when selling production supplies, sales staff should focus on explaining the advantages of their products in terms of saving raw materials, reducing energy consumption, improving labor productivity, long service life, and low maintenance costs, in order to eliminate customers' concerns about prices.Because the above-mentioned aspects are important factors for the survival and development of industrial enterprises, industrial enterprise customers are most concerned about these aspects when purchasing products.When commercial enterprise customers purchase goods, they pay attention to whether the products are popular or not, and how high or low the sales profit is.Therefore, the requirements for products are "excellent, multiple, and new", that is, excellent quality, multiple functions, and new varieties.Only such products can sell well, so as to obtain more sales profits.

(4) Time decomposition of product prices.Sales staff should use different methods to sell different products. When selling high-priced products, they can use the time decomposition method, that is, to decompose the price of the product according to the use time, so that the customer's cost appears to be less.For example:
A bottle of beauty cream of a certain brand is 180 yuan, which can be used for one year. In this way, you only need to pay 1 yuan per month, and you only need to spend a few cents per day, which is not worth the price of a piece of ice cream.This is so cheap.

(5) Decompose the product price by unit.This method is to reduce the pricing unit of the commodity, break down the large unit into small units, and make the price sound relatively low.For example, how much per ton is decomposed into how much per kilogram; how much per box is decomposed into how much per box;In this way, the price of the product does not sound so high, and it is easier for customers to accept it, thereby reducing price objections.

(6) Carry out appropriate price cuts.When the two parties are at an impasse in price negotiations, appropriate price adjustments can be used to break the deadlock in negotiations.Within the scope permitted by the authority, the sales staff can appropriately lower the price according to the specific situation, so as to urge customers to place a large number of orders in order to make small profits but quick turnover.If it is beyond the scope of authority of the sales staff, you should ask the leader in charge of the unit for instructions, and you must not make your own claims and adjust the price at will.

3. Find out the bottom line of customers

Knowing the customer's rejection price is more important than knowing his expected price.

In the negotiation process, it is very important to find out the customer's bottom line on the price.Because only by doing this can both parties make a deal under mutually beneficial conditions.So for the salesperson, how to find out the bottom line of the customer?

(1) You can use the method of fabricating the boss's opinion to raise the reserve price.For example, a customer wants to buy a power socket for 15 yuan, but you want 20 yuan.You can say, "We all think the price of this product is okay. If I can get the boss to drop it to $17.5, would you accept it?" Using the boss as a shield doesn't mean you have to sell it to them for $17.5.However, if he thinks that 17.5 yuan is also acceptable, you can increase his negotiated reserve price to 17.5 yuan, and now the difference with your request is only 2.5 yuan, not 5 yuan.

(2) Judging their quality standards by offering a lesser quality product.For example, "If you're only paying $15, would it be okay for me to show you a receptacle with copper contacts?" In this way, you might get them to admit that price isn't their only consideration.They do care about quality.

(3) Recommend products of better quality and determine the highest price they are willing to give.For example: "We also have higher-performance outlets, but they are $25 each." If the customer is interested in this performance, you know he is willing to pay more.

One way to disarm a customer is to tell you the truth, and if he knew you were selling this item, he wouldn't do it.You say, "I'd love to do business with you, but this item isn't mine, let's work together in the future." You disarm him in this way, and then you say, "I'm sorry I can't sell you this socket, but just the two of us, how much do you pay for it?" He might say, "I think 15 yuan is the lowest price, but I think 18 yuan is also okay."

The customer has an expected price and a rejected price. During the negotiation, you don't know what his rejected price is, because you always consider his expected price.If you use these techniques, you are likely to figure out the customer's rejection price.

4. Quotation skills

Although the figures quoted in the quotation are simple, the amount of information implied is not.

Quoting is a critical stage in the sales process.If the price is too high, customers will think it is not sincere, and if the price is too low, it will damage their profits.Therefore, how to quote just right requires certain skills.

(1) Master the question of who quotes first.In the communication with customers, who should quote first?Is it quoted by the salesperson or by the customer?This issue has been controversial in practice.

But in any case, the salesperson should pay attention to the advantages and disadvantages of the quotation sequence.Its favorable aspect is that the influence of quotation first is great.If the salesperson quotes first, it actually sets the framework for the negotiation, and the final transaction contract will be reached within this range.Therefore, the influence and intensity of quotation first is greater than that of quotation later.

The disadvantage is that if the customer already knows the price starting point of the salesperson, the other party can modify his quotation, that is, counter-offer, and obtain benefits that may not have been obtained.

In sales quotation, who should quote first should analyze specific issues to see whether it is beneficial to the salesperson to quote first and then quote.If the negotiation is very intense, the salesperson may wish to quote first to gain the initiative; if it is a sales negotiation in a normal atmosphere, they can act according to the camera and play by ear.

If the sales target is an old customer, they have long-term business contacts with each other, and the cooperation relationship between the two parties is relatively long, and they understand each other and have a harmonious relationship.In this case, whoever quotes first is feasible for both parties.Moreover, when negotiating various contract terms, there is no need to negotiate item by item, because the previous and common practice has been confirmed by both parties, so only a few transaction conditions need to be negotiated.Because the two parties trust each other and the atmosphere of cooperation is strong, the quotation and negotiation stage is no longer a tricky process that requires repeated contests, and neither party will entangle too much on side issues, so the entire negotiation process It can be greatly accelerated, and the transaction can be successfully completed in a relatively short period of time.

(2) The highest feasible price.When quoting, from the seller's point of view, the general quotation is the highest feasible price.From the customer's point of view, the general quotation is the lowest feasible price.

Why are salespeople's quotations often the highest?The reasons are as follows: First, the quotation sets a maximum limit for the buyer's asking price.Once determined, generally speaking, it is difficult to raise a higher asking price.And customers won't accept a higher price than that.Second, the quotation directly affects the customer's impression and evaluation of the product, that is, whether the product is worth the "price".Third, if the quotation is higher, there will be room for future negotiations, and there will be a "chip" in hand to conduct transactions.Fourth, quotations often have a substantial impact on the price level of transactions.

When quoting, salespeople often think that the higher the asking price, the higher the target, and the customer's counteroffer cannot be too low. Therefore, this quotation method may bring more benefits.However, the high price quoted by the salesperson must be reasonable, and it should be noted that the quotation cannot be exaggerated, just talk about it, and do whatever you want.For any quotation, the salesperson must speak the truth and tell the "why"!If the salesperson can't give more reasons, it will damage the whole sales negotiation process, make himself passive, lose face, lose credibility, and finally be forced to make concessions.

When quoting, adopt the strategy of "quoting high", that is, the salesperson should ask for a high price and make concessions slowly.Using this strategy, the salesperson can undercut the customer's confidence at the outset, while at the same time taking the opportunity to understand the strength and position of the other party.If the salesperson can make good use of this strategy during negotiations and strive for opportunities for discussion, there will be unexpected gains.

It is worth noting that: when entering the quotation stage, when quoting, the determination of the highest price must pay attention to the customer, that is, to study the customer's transaction method and attitude, and treat it differently.

If the customer pursues his own interests too much and puts pressure and influence on the salesperson from the beginning, the salesperson must build confidence and put some pressure on them at a high price.

If it is not just your own company that is negotiating with customers, but there are many competitors, then you only need to set the price to a position that can at least attract the attention of customers to make it attractive and maintain sales negotiations.

Sales staff should also pay attention when quoting: the quotation must be clear, without reservation, without hesitation, and there is no need to explain when making a quotation.The reason is: the other party will generally not accept your offer, or will not accept it right away, and must inquire.If you explain it immediately after the quotation, it will make the other party realize: "Ah! It turns out that you are concerned about these issues."

5. Basic principles of counter-offer

Soldier to block is just a conventional and somewhat passive tactic, but the most advanced tactic is to see the opportunity first.

Know the enemy and know yourself, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles.After the salesperson makes a quotation, the customer will definitely counter-offer. Therefore, knowing the relevant rules of the customer's counter-offering can help you respond to the customer's counter-offer in a more targeted manner.The following will focus on the relevant principles of counter-offering in sales negotiations.

(1) Operational principles.Sales negotiations must never be unprepared.As people often say, "everything is forewarned, nothing is forewarned".Therefore, we must be fully prepared before counter-offering.

A. Study the procedure of the other party's quotation.The general steps to study the quotation of the other party are: ① Understand the general content and key content of the quotation, and master the method of writing the quotation by the other party. ②Mark the quotation on the unclear parts, compare the other party's quotation with your own inquiry request, compare the other party's current quotation with the past transaction price, find out the difference and similarity, analyze the reason, and prepare for the problem.At the same time, pay attention to the other party's quotation attachments, such as product samples, purchase and sale of licenses, etc.If there are multiple quotations, it is necessary to compare the methods, items, scope, etc. of each quotation in detail, and also consider the payment terms, delivery methods, responsibilities and obligations of each quotation.

(End of this chapter)

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