Selling eloquence

Chapter 24 Dealing with Objections and Turning Customer Concerns into Sales Opportunities

Chapter 24 Dealing with Objections and Turning Customer Concerns into Sales Opportunities (2)
Treat customers sincerely, from the customer's point of view, to better understand the problem of customer objection, and then help customers to solve the problem reasonably, and then get the customer's approval and facilitate the transaction.

(1) Put yourself in the other person's shoes.To be considerate of the customer, one should agree with the customer's point of view, but agreeing is not the same as agreeing, agreeing means agreeing with the other party's views and opinions, and agreeing is just agreeing with the customer's feelings and understanding his ideas, but not agreeing with the other party's views .What the salesperson has to do is to agree rather than agree.Recognition can dilute the conflict between the two parties, and regard the problems that need to be solved as problems that both parties need to face together, so as to further resolve the differences.

(2) Learn to appease customers' emotions.After the customer raises an objection, the salesperson must appease the customer's emotions on the basis of agreeing with the customer's feelings.Treat customers with a friendly attitude, pay attention to customers' emotions and needs, directly talk to customers' emotions, truly understand customers' voices, understand customers' psychological needs, and make appropriate responses to this, thus creating a fair and pleasant environment. A good atmosphere will bring a good feeling to customers and will greatly increase the turnover rate.

(3) Handle customer objections sincerely.It's normal to be impatient and uncomfortable when confronted with an objection, but the salesperson should adjust your attitude to make the customer feel that you obviously respect his objection.Objections will only be taken seriously if the client feels respected, and he will trust that you will do your best to solve the problem instead of taking it lightly.Only then will he communicate with you, speak out what is in his heart, and provide more information.

A. Make active inquiries.In general, there are usually complex reasons behind the objection.Before confirming the focus and extent of customer objections, salespeople directly deal with customer objections, which often only treat the symptoms but not the root cause, and may even cause more objections.Therefore, it is particularly important to actively ask customers, ask more "why", and let customers tell the reasons themselves.When asking customers questions, ask more open-ended questions, so that customers will tell more information and salespeople can make better judgments.

B. Express your sincerity.In the face of objections from customers, the salesperson can use the following answers to show sincerity: "This is our responsibility... I'm sorry..." "It's normal for you to think so, but..." "No later than 5 o'clock in the afternoon today I'll give you a satisfactory answer when I do." "I'll call the manager right now." "I'll do it right away."

For some emotional objections, such as: "This packaging is too ugly", "I don't like this style", etc., the salesperson only needs to smile. As long as the personnel are treated with sincerity, then quickly change the subject.

C. Respond to customer objections.Competent salespersons not only know how to find out the problem of customer objection and answer the customer's question accurately, but also are good at choosing the right time, and the salesperson who knows when to answer customer objection will achieve greater results.When to answer the customer's question, it should be treated according to the specific situation. In general, the objection needs to be answered immediately. This is not only the need to respect the customer, but also the need to promote the customer's purchase.

6. Language Skills for Handling Objections

When dealing with objections, salespeople must never set themselves up for stumbling blocks.

According to the objections of different customers, the salesperson should choose the corresponding treatment method, and explain and explain it.This process of answering and explaining is essentially the process of persuasion.

(1) "YES" - "BUT" method.Accept the customer's opinion with the answer of "YES", and then state the objection in the form of "BUT".For example:
"You just said that the mascara is drying, yes, if you pull it back and forth a few times before each use, it can fully adhere the mascara to the brush, so it won't feel dry."

(2) Preemptive strike law.When customers may have some objections, the best way is to point them out first, and then take the initiative to eliminate the objections by asking and answering yourself.This will not only avoid customer objections, but at the same time, the sales staff candidly point out some shortcomings of the product can also give customers an honest and reliable impression, thereby winning the trust of customers.However, salespersons must not stumbling blocks for themselves, and remember: while actively proposing the shortcomings of the product, they must also give the customer a reasonable and satisfactory explanation.For example:
"You may be thinking about whether the pressure is too high now, don't worry, the role of this safety valve is to prevent excessive pressure."

(3) Inquiry method.Find out the misunderstanding from the customer's objection, and then ask for opinions by asking.For example:
A customer is looking at a saw with a plastic handle and asks, "Why does the handle on this saw have a plastic face instead of a metal one? Looks like it's to keep costs down."

Salesperson: "I understand what you mean, but the switch to plastic handles is by no means to reduce costs. You see, this plastic is very hard and as safe and reliable as metal. When you use it, you like the bulky, What about expensive products? Or do you like to use lightweight and cheap products?"

(4) Citing metaphors.Eliminate doubts of customers in a more vivid way by introducing facts or metaphors and using demonstrations, etc. (such as free promotional materials, product demonstrations).For example:
The customer said: "If so many layers of cosmetics are applied on a good face, it won't be ruined!"

The salesman replied: "Look, the skin inside the many layers of clothes is delicate because the clothes block most of the sunlight and the dust and dirt in the air, so it is not easy to be damaged. But the skin on the face is different. It will cause dark spots due to frequent exposure to the sun. After the oil secreted by the sebaceous glands is stained with dust and dirt in the air, it is easy to block the pores and cause the skin to produce melanin, pustules, acne and allergies. So, we should clothe the facial skin."

(5) Self-eating method.Let the customer's shortcomings about the product become the reason for him to buy the product, which is the law of self-indulgence.For customers with low prices, this method can be used.For example:
A customer asked: "Why is your system so dead, not as flexible as other businesses, can you sell it?"

At this time, the salesperson should answer in an affirmative tone: "Because the brand is created through quality, not through sales, we have always believed that without a rigorous and stable system, good products cannot be manufactured, Can’t be responsible to consumers. What do you think?”

7. Ask clever questions to resolve objections
Some doubts become objections, while many represent legitimate concerns on the part of the buyer.These may represent a change in the sale, but if not handled properly, it is likely to blow up the sale.

— Frank Bettger

When customers raise objections, they usually ask various questions or give various reasons.At this time, when the salesperson faces the customer's objection, he might as well adopt the method of resolving the customer's body in his own way, and use clever questioning methods to resolve various problems of the customer one by one.

(1) Turn the opposing question into a question. 10 books are opened separately or stacked together, which one looks more?Of course, it feels more to open it separately. This is the visual impression of people. 3 questions turned into one question, which one is annoying to think about?3 of course. The three questions are psychologically stressful, which is a human illusion.

Customers say: "I don't think insurance is good." "Claims are not easy." "I don't have money."

There are a lot of problems, which confuse the sales staff, and the customers themselves think: "There are so many problems, it makes sense for me not to buy insurance."

Experienced salespeople will point out: "It's not that the insurance is bad, it's that you have hired the wrong salesperson; it's not that the claims are not straightforward, but that the documents are not complete. In fact, there is only one real problem for you, which is 'money'. You want to eat , Don’t you eat if you don’t have money? You want to buy a house, but don’t you buy it if you don’t have enough money? No, the key is whether you think this thing is important to you? If it’s important, you will try to raise money, right?”

Turn a bunch of problems into one, and the problem will be solved. This is the ultimate way to deal with rejection.

(2) Use surrounding things to resolve customer objections.In order to better resolve the objections of customers, it is advisable to make more use of the things around the customers as the subject matter. Most people have a common psychology. Things that have nothing to do with themselves are the things of others after all, and they rarely pay real attention; My own heart is in a mess!
Customer: "My kids don't like to study at all, and it's useless to buy them!"

Salesperson: "If all the mothers give up, who else will care about the children's homework? That pot of jasmine blooms so beautifully, isn't it you who planted it?"

Customer: "Yes!"

Salesperson: "Water it every day! You care so much about a potted flower, why do you ignore your child's affairs? Children are just like flowers. Flowers need watering and fertilization to bloom beautifully, otherwise they will soon bloom. Dead. Similarly, children also need someone to take good care of them and provide them with nutrients. If you don’t buy books for your child because he doesn’t like to study, then the child will only want to study even more, don’t you think?”

Here's another example:
Customer: "It's useless to work hard with poor qualifications!"

Salesperson: "Mrs. Li, the gold ring you are wearing is really unique. Gold is originally hidden in black stones in granular form. I believe you must have heard that the stone must be broken first, and the gold in it must be broken. Gold dust and gold grains are taken out, and then tempered to become pure gold. There are countless gold dust and gold grains hidden in the human brain. It depends on whether someone is willing to help them and refine them into gold. I believe you must want your children Jackie Chan, are you willing to help him?"

All in all, there are many themes that salespeople can use, and it is more convincing to use the visible objects as a metaphor. At the same time, they can also use the intimacy to change the customer's insistence on refusing.Therefore, before the salesperson visits, you may wish to prepare some small props that can be used as metaphors in advance. If you can find a suitable theme from the customer's home and possessions, the effect will be better.

8. Negate objections flexibly and appropriately

More than anything else, create an atmosphere conducive to communication, especially when the atmosphere is tense.

When a customer raises an objection, in most cases, directly refuting the customer will easily make the atmosphere tense and make the customer feel hostile, which is not conducive to the customer to adopt the opinions of the sales staff.However, if the customer's objection is based on a misunderstanding of the product, and you are sure of your ability to persuade the customer, you might as well speak up and make your point.But when refuting customers, you must pay attention to using a friendly and gentle attitude. It is best to be able to cite classics to persuade customers with absolute advantages. This will make customers feel your confidence in the product, thereby enhancing customers' confidence in the product.

(1) If you directly deny the customer, you must grasp the degree.When directly refuting customer objections, salespeople should pay attention to the following points:
A. The attitude should be tactful.Directly refuting the customer's objection will inevitably cause the customer's displeasure to a certain extent. In order to avoid offending the customer, the salesperson should be sincere, sincere in tone, with a smile on his face, and never reprimand or ridicule the customer.The following passage from the salesperson is obviously inappropriate: "If your company insists on this price, please prepare winter clothes and food for our employees, and we must not let our employees work for you with hunger and trembling Bar."

B. Treat things but not people.When directly refuting a customer, the most taboo thing is to hurt the customer's self-esteem.When the salesperson speaks euphemistically, the customer's feelings should be considered, and the rebuttal should be aimed at the matter itself instead of the customer, so as to reduce the customer's bad psychological feelings as much as possible.

C. Targeted inquiries.If the customer's objection is raised in the form of questioning, it is better to use the direct rebuttal method, which is easy to give the other party a sense of affirmation and confidence, and because the other party is in the form of questioning, it will not cause much harm to the other party in terms of tone. of psychological harm.

(2) Substitute direct rebuttals with indirect rebuttals.Direct rebuttal to customers tends to make the conversation atmosphere rigid and unfriendly. Although it can persuade customers, it is easy to make customers feel hostile, which is not conducive to customers' acceptance of salesperson's opinions and suggestions.If possible, salespeople should try to use indirect rebuttals instead of direct rebuttals.

Indirect rebuttal refers to the fact that after listening to the customer's objection, the salesperson first affirms a certain aspect of the other party's objection, and then states his own objection. This method is also called the roundabout negation method.For example:
The customer said: "Your project is not as perfect as you said, and there are many loopholes in it."

If the salesperson retorts directly: "Manager Sun, you are wrong. You didn't understand me at all." It will inevitably cause the other party's displeasure and cause psychological pressure on the other party.

If the salesperson said: "Manager Sun, you are right, the average customer will have the same view as you when looking at this issue. Even I myself will think so. But if you think about it carefully, and study it in depth , you will find..." Saying this to the customer can easily change the customer's thinking and gradually make the customer agree with your statement.

There are two ways to use indirect rebuttals:

A. Transform objections.This method refers to using the customer's objection as a reason to persuade the customer to buy. Although it is also a rebuttal, it is not easy to be noticed by the customer in terms of expression, but it is directly transferred to the problem.For example:
The customer said: "I'm sorry, I have limited financial resources, and I don't have the money to buy it now."

Salesperson: "Manager Sun, don't say that. I think it's because of limited financial resources that now is a better opportunity. Now that housing prices are rising so fast, it's better to be early than late."

B. Affirm the form and deny the substance.Everyone is eager to be understood and recognized. To indirectly refute customers, you can first find out what is agreed with each other from the opinions of the other party, affirm it, and resonate.Then, use the opportunity to express your different views.What is affirmed here is only the secondary part, and what is negated is the essence of the problem, but it is easy to be accepted and recognized by the other party.

chapter summary
1. It is not necessarily a bad thing for customers to raise objections.With your clever persuasion, bad things can be turned into good things.

2. In the face of objections from customers, you must be calm and not be impulsive, but resolve them with sincerity and wisdom.

3. Be sure to find out the real intention of the customer, read the real intention behind the objection, and pay attention to distinguishing which objections are real and which are false.

4. Be flexible in dealing with objections, and use a tactful tone. When negating a client's objection, do not emphasize the absurdity of the objection, but let the client know that you understand his objection.

5. There are many reasons for customers to raise objections, but the key is that you must patiently let the customer realize that his objection is untenable by reasoning and presenting the facts.

(End of this chapter)

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