Selling eloquence

Chapter 16: Approaching with clever words, making customers welcome you

Chapter 16: Approaching with clever words, making customers welcome you (1)
When the salesperson prepares to make an appointment with the customer, he creates an impression on the customer, and this impression lays the foundation for approaching the customer.When making an appointment with a customer, the customer will put forward various reasons to refuse, so the salesperson must work hard to let the customer accept your appointment, and eloquence is very important at this time.This chapter focuses on four aspects: the preparation stage, the appointment stage, how to attract customers' attention and how to see customers again.

1. Be fully prepared for approaching customers

"Although you can't judge people by their clothes, the effect of dressing is obvious-gaining confidence. Try to dress decently, and you will find that others' trust in you has increased significantly. This method is very applicable and will make you see Up is the best."

— Frank Bettger

Approaching customers is a very important process in the sales process, therefore, salespeople should make full preparations for this in advance.Only when these preparations are made, salespeople can speak meaningfully and express themselves appropriately when facing customers, and can cooperate well with their persuasion work and make breakthroughs.Here's how to prepare in detail:

(1) Work hard under the stage to understand customers better than customers.Salespeople play the role of information communicators, like a conductor, connecting the company's business and end users in series.Only by knowing the customer's situation in advance can we know the industry, job or education level of the customer, and then we can communicate with the customer according to the corresponding situation.

Specifically, it is necessary to understand the following aspects of the customer:

A. The customer's personality traits.Only after mastering the personality characteristics of customers can we be targeted and avoid conflicts with them. At the same time, we can make our marketing language more targeted and inspiring.

B. Customer's life history.Everyone has fond memories of their life experiences and will often recall them.If a salesperson is able to find another way when facing a difficult customer, starting with the customer's life experience as a topic to communicate with the customer, he will be able to get a strong resonance from the customer.

C. Customer's interests and hobbies.Knowing the interests and hobbies of customers can often make salespeople turn passive into active when they are helpless and encounter setbacks in sales. This can be said to be a trump card for salespeople.

D. Customer's social contribution.From a higher level, everyone pursues their own life value, and social value is an integral part of life value.As your customers, whether they are businessmen, teachers, civil servants or company employees, they will all care about their social value without exception.

E. Learn to analyze customer needs.Understand what type of customer's needs are, what are their urgent needs, and what is their ability to pay.

(2) Know the enemy and know yourself, and know the products of the enemy and ourselves like the back of the palm of your hand.It is necessary to understand the relevant information of this product and competing products, so that we can deal with customers' attention or preference on competing products flexibly, so that customers' "preferential eyes" will come to our side.

Specifically, look for the following product information:

A. Product performance and technical composition.This is what customers are most concerned about.Therefore, every salesperson must have a clear understanding of the material, texture, performance data, specifications, and operation methods of their products.

B. The market situation and brand awareness of the product.You must introduce your product market share or brand awareness to your customers so that they have a more perceptual understanding.

C. Understand the shortcomings of the product.When necessary, sales staff can also euphemistically explain the shortcomings of the product to customers, and perhaps be able to gain their understanding and trust.

D. The price structure of the product.The price composition of products is a key issue for customers to judge whether their purchase behavior is "necessary" and "worth it".

E. Familiar with the after-sales service terms of the product.The after-sales service terms of the product include product maintenance, product life cycle, product warranty period and replacement period, etc., which must be clearly explained to customers. Like the technical performance and brand of the product, they are also important factors that affect the customer's decision-making. factor.A salesperson must keep this knowledge in mind and be able to answer it accurately and clearly.

(3) Create an unforgettable image for customers.The famous insurance salesman Frank Betteger once said: "Although you can't judge people by their clothes, the function of clothing is obvious-gaining self-confidence. Try to dress decently, and you will find that others trust you Visibly increased. This method works really well and will make you look your best."

So how should salespeople pay attention to their image?The key is to do the following:
A. Highlight features.For salespeople, the uniform dress will not make people think you are rigid, you can change in details, such as Shibata Kazuko who once set the world's number one life insurance sales performance and was awarded the Guinness World Record for this , she often wears her distinctive "nightcap" to see clients, thus leaving a "different" impression on clients.

B. The appearance should be neat and tidy.Neatness includes the cleanliness of clothes, such as changing and washing clothes frequently, and also includes the care of clothes, such as frequent ironing.At the same time, pay attention to personal hygiene:

One is regular haircuts.To keep one's hair at a certain length, especially for men, it is difficult to imagine a long-haired male salesperson standing in front of customers, especially standing in front of those important "big shots" - the company's boss or a department head. The funny look in front of the character.

The second is to shave every day.A beard is a sign of a mature man, but as a salesperson, it is recommended to shave off the beard, because a clean chin will make you look younger, more energetic and full of passion.

The third is to wash your hair and take a bath frequently.Make yourself with a light fragrance of washing powder or the natural fragrance of various soaps.It is best not to spill a strong perfume, because you are working, not attending a banquet or making a date.

C. Clothes should be coordinated.For salespersons, the most standard clothing collocation should be: suits in spring and autumn;In addition, in the collocation of clothing, we should pay attention to the following requirements:
One is to pay attention to the choice of suits.The style of the suit should match your personality.In terms of color, suits have three major shades of blue, black and gray.In terms of fabrics, the fabrics of suits include striped fabrics and fabrics without any patterns.Generally, in formal sales occasions, dark suits should be worn.

The second is to pay attention to the matching of the shirt and suit color inside.Generally, white or light blue shirts are better. It is best to avoid those shirts with too bright colors. coat.

The third is the choice of tie.Salespersons should not choose very gorgeous and bright ties. The color of the tie should be solemn and restrained, so that it can reflect your solemnity and rigor together with your whole dress.

(4) Don't be flashy.But don't think that you must wear very expensive clothes if you pay attention to your appearance. Of course, it is not impossible to wear them at all. The specific situation should be based on your own situation, the situation of the products you sell and the situation of your customers.Don't give customers the impression that your company values ​​packaging over quality.

2. The basic method of approaching customers

Sales staff should be good at using various topics to approach customers.

— Frank Bettger

Being close to customers is a key part of sales. The "close" here is not only the physical distance between you and the customer, but also the psychological distance. It is best to achieve an intimate relationship without distance.Here are several effective ways to approach customers for your reference.

(1) Use the gift approach method.The time for sales staff to approach customers is very short, and they use gifts and free tasting methods to approach each other to attract customers' attention and interest, and the effect is also very obvious.This method is especially suitable for salespersons of new products, and it can be more effective in places with dense passenger flows in major shopping malls.For example, in daily life, in order to get acquainted with each other quickly, many salespersons who come to make sales often pass each other a cigarette to arouse the closeness of both parties. This is the most common and typical gift-giving approach.When using this method, the salesperson should pay attention to the appropriate gift items, which are convenient for customers to take or taste, and the language used should be enthusiastic and active.

(2) Direct access approach method.There are usually two forms of direct visits: one is the appointment time with the customer in advance, this kind of visit is a planned visit, because it has been determined who to meet with before the visit, so it can be fully prepared to visit the customer the relevant information.The other is to visit the customer directly without notifying the customer in advance.

The purpose of direct visits is to identify potential customers, and try to talk to key people to collect information on potential customers.

Direct calls have many benefits, but are often viewed as daunting by new salespeople.Because it was a sudden visit, it was easy for the other party to turn away the sales staff.Too many rejections can easily destroy a salesperson's will.Many salespeople give up halfway because they can't break through this barrier, and turn to other industries and fail to become first-class salespeople.

(3) Use the product approach method.This is a close method for the salesperson to directly use the sales product to attract the attention and interest of the customer, and then transfer to the interview.

Let the product approach the customer first, let the product introduce silently, and let the product realize self-sale, this is the biggest advantage of the product approach method.For example, clothing and jewelry salespersons can deliver products to customers without saying a word, and customers will naturally look at the goods. Once customers become interested and speak, the purpose of approaching is achieved.

The following points should be paid attention to when using products to approach customers:
A. The product itself must be attractive to arouse the attention and interest of customers, so that the purpose of getting close to customers can be achieved.

B. The product itself must be exquisite and light, easy for sales staff to visit and carry, and easy for customers to operate.The product approach method is not suitable for bulky and inconvenient products.For example, heavy machine tool, real estate, bulldozer salespeople are not suitable to use product approach method.However, salespeople can use product models, product pictures, etc. as a medium to approach customers.

C. Sales must be tangible physical products that can directly affect the senses of customers.Intangible products or services that are invisible and intangible cannot be used in the product approach method, such as haircuts, baths, life insurance, travel services, movie tickets, etc. cannot use the product approach method.

D. The product itself must be of good quality, withstand repeated contact by customers, and not easily damaged or deteriorated.Sales staff should prepare some special access products, and pay attention to maintaining them at ordinary times, so as to avoid malfunctions during customer operations and affect sales results.

(4) On-site demonstration of approach method.Sales staff attract customers' attention and interest through exhibitions and demonstrations of commodities.This vivid and intuitive display is better than the vivid description of the salesperson, so that customers can fairly obtain an intuitive impression.If the salesperson can seize the opportunity to play the role of salesperson's language art, answer questions for customers enthusiastically, and clarify the product's price positioning and broad market prospects, it can lay a good foundation for the final transaction.

(5) Use the curiosity approach method.Here's how to tap into your customers' curiosity to get closer.Sales staff use various ingenious methods and language arts to arouse the curiosity of customers, arouse customers' attention and interest, and achieve the purpose of sales staff.For example, when a salesperson selling new printing paper opened the door of the customer's office, he said to the customer, "Do you want to know a way to improve office efficiency and effectively reduce costs?" The goal that the department strives to pursue, but who would not be tempted by the good ideas and good strategies that are offered to the door?When the customer's curiosity is firmly grasped, the salesperson should seize the opportunity to skillfully use sales skills and salesperson's language art to make the best use of the situation, strengthen the customer's attention and interest, and then achieve the purpose of sales.

(6) Question approach method.The questioning method refers to the method in which the salesperson directly asks the prospective customer, uses the questions raised to attract the attention and interest of the customer, and triggers a discussion, thereby facilitating the approaching method of the sales interview.

(7) Introduce the approach method.This method is a way for the salesperson to approach the salesperson's service object through self-introduction or introduction by others.Its main purpose is that the salesperson introduces his identity to the customer in order to gain the understanding and trust of the other party, dispel his wariness and create a relaxed atmosphere for the salesperson.Self-introduction is mainly through oral introduction and identity documents and business cards to achieve the purpose of getting close to customers.The introduction of others is to achieve the purpose of getting closer by means of the introduction of a third party who has a close relationship with the customer.In addition, introduction also includes oral introduction and written introduction.

(8) Proximity of interests.The high quality and low price of products is an important factor to attract customers, and it is also the key for customers to seek their own interests.Sales staff can take advantage of the customer's psychology of pursuing interests, and give customers some benefits or benefits in product sales, so as to attract customers' attention and stimulate their interest, so as to smoothly transfer to business interviews.

This method is in line with the profit-seeking psychology of customers in consumption. It directly shows what kind of benefits customers can get when they buy goods, which helps customers to correctly understand the products, thereby enhancing purchase confidence.

However, the following issues should also be paid attention to when using the approach of interest method:

A. Statements of product benefits must be factual and not exaggerated.Exaggeration will lead to two results: one is to lose the trust of customers; the other is that the sales staff will exaggerate the interests of customers at will, which may cause the sales staff themselves to have no actual benefits.Therefore, it is necessary to truthfully explain their respective interests in order to increase the trust of customers.

B. Product benefits should be comparable.Through the analysis of product supply and demand information, sales staff can make customers believe in the actual benefits that can be generated by purchasing the product, thereby effectively guiding consumption.

3. Break through the defense line of the front desk and the secretary
Selling is a kind of persuasion, suggestion, communication and request. Therefore, everyone is selling all the time.

— Brian Tracy
In the communication process of telemarketing, the salesperson will often not meet your potential customers so smoothly, because in front of the final customer, there are often obstacles such as the front desk and the secretary standing in front of you.Therefore, in order to communicate smoothly, you must first bypass those obstacles.So, how to successfully break through these obstacles?Please master the following rules:
(1) Pleading for help.Everyone has the desire to help others deep in their hearts, so the first way to break through the secretarial barrier is the law of helping.

"Miss, hello! I have something urgent to discuss with Mr. Zhao immediately. Can you transfer the call directly to Mr. Zhao for me?"

If the salesperson makes this wish, and at the same time what you say is very appropriate and polite, it will be difficult for the other party to refuse.

When the salesperson communicates with the secretary, respect them.The tone of respect is firstly expressed in polite greetings, appropriate pauses in speech and listening to the secretary's response.If you don't greet him, the language is abrupt, there are too many terms, and you don't care about the response of the contact person, making the other party lose the point.This will not only cause the secretary to have a bad first impression of you, but also give him a feeling of being harassed by the phone.

Sometimes you can also say: "Hello, I am so-and-so from company A (this kind of abbreviated self-introduction sounds much more intimate), I have a sample introduction list, we want to send an email to the general manager, you Do you know the phone number of the general manager, I want to remember it."

It doesn't matter whether the introduction sheet is true or not, the key is that it is a good temptation, leaving room for both parties to talk, and politely avoiding those offensive words.Because it is clear and reasonable, you can easily get the approval of the contact person.

(2) Make good use of private affairs law.

Salesperson: "I'm looking for Mr. Li."

Secretary: "May I ask what you need from Mr. Li?"

Salesperson: "There are some personal matters between me and Mr. Li. I don't think it's convenient for you to handle his personal affairs for the president, right?"

Secretary: "Okay, I'll transfer you in."

Ordinary secretaries are afraid of involving the president's privacy in private affairs, and if they don't handle it well, they will be fired, so they will transfer you in immediately.However, the language and voice you speak should make her feel that there is a personal matter, personal friendship, and personal relationship between you and the president.

(3) Return calls tactfully.

"Just now I received a call on my mobile phone. It may be from your general manager. Can you transfer it for me?"

Maybe you have never received a call on your mobile phone, but when you say this, the secretary will think that it is from his boss, so he will transfer it to you.This method is particularly ingenious. If you use this method to call the secretaries of the presidents of many companies, they are generally hard to guard against.Because she really can't judge whether what you said is false or true.

(End of this chapter)

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