Selling eloquence

Chapter 15 Developing customers, customers are by your side

Chapter 15 Developing customers, customers are by your side (3)
The owner of a store was a stubborn old man who hated salespeople very much.One day, a salesman who was selling washing powder came to the store. Before he could speak, the boss shouted, "What are you doing here?"

The salesperson was not intimidated, but said with a smile on his face: "Old man, what do you think I am here today?"

The boss replied unceremoniously: "I know if you don't tell me, why don't you sell your crap to me!"

After hearing this, the salesman laughed and said, "You are smart all your life, and you were confused for a while. I am not selling to you today, but begging you to keep selling to me."

The boss was stunned: "What do you want me to sell to you?"

The salesperson replied: "I heard that you are the best at doing business in this area, and the sales volume of washing powder is the largest. Today I am here to ask you for your old sales methods."

So, the boss enthusiastically talked about his business experience to the sales staff.Until the salesman got up to leave, the old man suddenly seemed to remember something, and said loudly: "Hey, please wait a moment, I heard that your company's washing powder is very popular, order me 30 boxes."

If the salesperson hadn't adopted a surprise tactic and sold washing powder to the boss as soon as he opened his mouth, he might have been kicked out of the door by the other party.

9. Persuade customers who don’t want to change suppliers
As long as I think of sales, dealing with countless customers, and making friends with countless strangers, I have an indescribable impulse and drive.

——Tai Yongfu
When the customer says "I am very satisfied with the current supplier", although this sentence shows that the customer is satisfied with the various services provided by the current supplier, it does not mean that he will always be satisfied.If the salesperson can let the customer continue talking at this time, it is actually very easy to find opportunities and breakthroughs.You can send customers samples or trial orders first, showing customers something that proves the value of your product.

(1) Concrete analysis of specific issues.Just like other similar excuses, the salesperson should analyze the real reason for the customer's rejection, and then find a way to solve this problem.First of all, it is necessary to understand why the customer's supplier is so satisfied with the customer, which is very helpful for the next step of coping strategy.

The common reason is that the goods supplied by the supplier to the customer not only satisfy the customer in terms of quality, but also provide considerate service, such as the supplier can deliver the goods at any time and the price is relatively reasonable.In addition, because customers and suppliers have cooperated for many years, they have special business relationships and deeper personal relationships.

Once a salesperson understands these reasons, they should take the following steps:

A. Obtain information on the current supplier: "What do you like most about the current supplier?" "What do you like most about them?" "Is there anything you would like to change?" "We recently introduced new technology, Far beyond your existing equipment, if you will give me a chance, I will be happy to demonstrate it to you."

B. Use the motivator method: "I'm sure you'll agree, sir, that as an entrepreneur, you should be proactive in finding ways to bring the highest return to your company."

C. Give a professional answer: "Sir, when we are satisfied with the supplier, we still need another supplier as a reference to ensure that we really get the best price, best product and value."

D. Ask about the customer selection process: "What criteria do you use to measure your suppliers?"

Asking questions about standards allows clients to think about future performance, not just the present.

If you have the opportunity to provide information, be sure to do it in a first-class manner, emphasizing that you have a long-term relationship with the current customer and showing that you want to be able to obtain the same opportunities as this current supplier.It can be suggested to provide samples first or let customers try your service, or place a small order, so that reliable products and high-quality services can prove themselves.

(2) Analyze the advantages of the product.

Salesperson: "Hello, Manager Zhang. I'm Xiao Zhou. I visited your company on Wednesday morning. We agreed to finalize the advertisement today. Do you plan to make a 1/2 version or a 1/4 version?"

Client: "We have always placed advertisements in newspapers, and we are quite satisfied with the current newspaper. To tell you the truth, your charges for this page are too high."

Salesperson: "Manager Zhang, you know that our page fee is a standard page fee, which is the standard in the industry, and our newspaper has a very large circulation. You have done a few advertisements on other tabloids, and these The combined circulation of the tabloids is not as good as one of our newspapers, but the cost is much higher, don’t you think?”

Customer: "Well, this..."

Salesperson: "Don't hesitate, do you want to make a 1/2 version or a 1/4 version?"

Client: (silent for 10 seconds)
Salesperson: "Manager Zhang, you know that there are many customers who want to make this front page. If you hesitate any longer, you will miss the next day's page. Today is the last day to finalize the sample. You see, I will come to you now. Where to get the materials, or... If you are busy, you can give it to your secretary Xiao Li, I will go to pick it up, and I will send you a sample in the evening."

Customer: "Okay, I'll take a look first."

(3) Emphasize the benefits that the product can bring to the other party.Customers are based on the premise of maximizing their own interests. If you can show customers your products in detail and what kind of changes and benefits you can bring to him, then customers will definitely be tempted.

Customer: "We have our own factory and can make these products, so we don't need to import your ready-made products."

Salesperson: "Our product is produced on a large scale. The price is not high, it is easy to use, it can improve the work efficiency of employees, and it can also save costs. I believe that using our product will definitely make a better Promote your business, and your business will definitely become more and more prosperous."

Through the conversation with the customer, the salesperson knows that they are hand-made, which is definitely not satisfactory in terms of efficiency and quality, and the price must also be considered, so the salesperson starts from these aspects to show the customer their own advantages and it. the benefits that can be brought.

10. Quickly identify who is the decision maker

Shoot people first, shoot horses, and capture thieves first.

Sometimes, salespeople will encounter such a situation: when you spend all your energy on a customer who has no decision-making power, in the end he will say "I have to discuss with the leader", "I can't make the decision", "This matter I’m not responsible, you can find someone else”, “You can find X”, “I’ve already transferred it to the boss, I’ll call you if I have any news” and so on, at this time, all your efforts are almost in vain up.Therefore, the salesperson must seize the real decision makers to develop.Only by holding key people can substantial progress be made in the future sales work.

If your client tells you "I'll have to talk to my superiors" or something like that, you're not doing enough customer verification.When the transaction still needs the approval of others, in addition to verifying with the customer in advance, you must take the following three steps in the process of communicating with them:

(1) Obtain the customer's private commitment.To get full approval from customers, you have to figure out the following questions:
A. Are the customers satisfied with the product?
B. Price Is the customer satisfied?
C. Are the service customers satisfied?
D. Are the company's customers satisfied?
E. Is my performance satisfying the client?

For example:

"Sir, if you were the only one, would you buy it if you didn't need to discuss it with others?"

Customers will almost always answer "yes".

(2) Join the customer's camp. Phrases such as "we" allow the salesperson to join the customer's camp and make the customer feel that you are on the same side as him, which makes it easier to sell your product to the customer.

Customers are more receptive if they use the following sentences:

A. "Do you think our company's partners are satisfied with this product?"

B. "What are we going to do?"

C. "When can we bring them together?"

D. "How do we get them together?"

E. "When does the group meet? My presence is important because I'm sure they're going to ask some questions, and I think they want someone to answer their questions."

F. "Can you introduce me to other relevant people in our company?" (Write down each person's personality, try to understand the personal characteristics of each decision maker)
(3) Proactively schedule time to meet with all decision makers.For example:
The salesman Xiao Wu was selling his products to the customer Mr. Zheng. After successfully persuading Mr. Zheng, Mr. Zheng said: "I have to discuss it with my superior."

Xiao Wu asked: "How about I come to see you and your superior next week? We can sit down and talk about the product."

"I think we can talk tonight and I will explain it to my superiors," Mr Cheng said.

Xiao Wu asked: "If I gave you a proposal tonight that you are satisfied with, would you sign it right away?"

Mr. Cheng said, "Oh, of course I have to speak to my superiors first."

Xiao Wu said, "I see. Then he should be in our meeting, so I want to see him."

"But I can explain it to him myself," Zheng said.

Xiao Wu said: "It took me several months to make a detailed plan to recommend you to buy, and it took me so long to explain it to you. I think you have to figure it out in one night and tell others It's not easy to explain."

Mr. Zheng said, "Isn't it very simple?"

"The question is, if your superiors are not satisfied with some of the terms, what should you do?" Xiao Wu said.

Mr. Zheng said: "Then I guess he won't buy it."

Xiao Wu said: "But if I was there, I would answer his questions and tell him that he can modify it according to his ideas and ensure that the product satisfies him. I think I should sit down and talk to him."

Xiao Wu continued: "I don't want you to sell the product to your superiors, because that is my job. You have told me that this product is very beneficial to your company's efficiency, and you want to buy it as soon as possible, right?"

"I think so, I'll call him right away," Mr. Cheng replied.

After a week, Xiao Wu met with Mr. Zheng and his superior.He spent an hour or two answering the customer lead's questions and successfully convincing them to buy his product.

In short, in order to determine whether the prospective customer has decision-making power as soon as possible, this requires the salesperson to make the negotiation touch the substantive issues as soon as possible during the negotiation process, instead of going around in circles. After confirming that the customer has no decision-making power, To urge him to report to his superiors for instructions as soon as possible.

But in this process, if the customer that the salesperson is facing has no decision-making power or has relatively little decision-making power, the salesperson must pay attention to keeping the atmosphere of the conversation relaxed, so as not to affect the harmonious atmosphere of the conversation between the two parties.

Salespeople can use an emotional tactic to impress the customer with your friendliness and encourage him to coordinate with his decision makers.

chapter summary
1. Determining potential customers is the basic skill of the sales staff. This "sharp eye" skill requires the sales staff to study hard in practice.

2. It is very important for the salesperson to determine who is the decision maker, so the salesperson must be good at analysis, keen observation, and careful inquiry.

3. It is normal for customers to resist sales promotion. The key is how to turn his resistance into acceptance. Like Yuan Yiping, it is the realm that every salesperson should pursue to be a master at talking about customers as his own.

4. Telephones and various modern communication tools can provide convenient services for customers opened by sales staff at any time. The key is how you use them wisely.

5. To develop customers, you must have a creative mind. With it, you can turn strangers into your customers at any time.

6. To develop customers, we must pay attention to the people around the customer. Sometimes it is easier to hit the customer's heart than to "attack" the customer directly.

7. You can develop 250 customers for yourself through customers, and so on, your number of customers will grow larger and larger like a snowball.

(End of this chapter)

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