Wisdom Book

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Associating more with prudent and wise men
Stupidity often brings misfortune, and it has a chain reaction.Don't leave the door wide open for small crimes, for the big ones are always hidden outside the door.There are some knacks you should know when playing poker, you need to know which hands to discard, the least important hand in the winner's hand will be more important than the best hand in the loser's hand.In times of doubt, associate with prudent and wise men who will sooner or later be winners.

Let your generosity be well-known

Help others with kindness, especially if you are in a position of power.Possessing this virtue, the king can win the favor of his subjects.It is the advantage of being a king to have more opportunities than others to do good.Those who can help you are true friends.The reason why some people don't help others is not because of how difficult it is to do, but because of their surly temperament.No matter what they do, they like to go against the unalterable credo of being good to others.

know when to say no

Knowing how to refuse at the right time is a great rule of life. The most important thing is how to refuse when you don't want to be involved in certain things.In life, some things are not important, but they are consuming our precious time.Many people are always busy with some irrelevant things, it is better not to do it.The way to be prudent is not only to ignore other people's business, but also to prevent others from interfering with you.Don't rely too much on others, so you will lose yourself.For friends, you can't make excessive demands, and you can't ask for more help than they are willing to give.If things are overdone, they will become harmful, and this principle should also be followed in interpersonal communication.Know when enough is enough, and you will be favored and respected by others.No matter what you do, you can be polite and polite. This is a very valuable quality, and it will benefit you endlessly.Have the time and freedom to choose the best and never fail to live up to your refined taste.

Run your own specialty

Fully understand your own strengths, and manage it, so that other strengths can also develop simultaneously.If a person can understand what he is suitable for, then he will be able to achieve excellence in a certain field.First recognize the type of your own strengths, and then work hard to develop and improve them.Some people have keen judgment, and some people have fearless spirit.Some people's strengths are often used blindly by themselves, and in the end they can't do anything.They lose themselves in the enthusiasm, and when they suddenly wake up, it is too late to regret.

carefully consider everything
Everything should be carefully considered, especially those things that are of vital importance.Stupid people fail because of lack of thinking.They never think carefully when doing things, neither see the advantages nor the disadvantages, and even put all their energy into it.Some people are diligent in thinking, but they always put the cart before the horse. They always pay attention to those trivial things, but often ignore the important things.Then there are those who don't lose their minds because they simply don't.There are some things we should carefully consider and keep in mind.The wise think about everything, especially those deep or dubious things, and decide on them after much deliberation, so that their insights are deeper than ordinary insights.

know your fortune

It is more important to know one's fortunes than to know one's temper, in order to be conducive to action and devotion.If at the age of 40, you are still seeking health from the famous doctor Hippocrates, this is undoubtedly a stupid behavior; if you still ask the philosopher Seneca for wisdom at this time, this is even more stupid behavior.If you want to control the fortune, you must know superb skills.Fortune is irregular and elusive, you have to wait for it patiently, because sometimes it likes to be late; you can also take advantage of it, because sometimes it will show you a favor.If you can get fortune's favor, go forward boldly, because it likes brave people; sometimes it will be like a beautiful woman, especially fond of young people.If your luck is bad, you should take a step back so that you don't lose again. If you have it under control, you have won a war.
know the art of irony

Sometimes, sarcastic words can detect other people's emotions and gain insight into their hearts.Those hasty, vicious sarcasms, because they are poisoned by jealousy or passion, can instantly discredit you.Some people are no longer intimacy because they are stimulated by such words.People who are good at using power will show no fear in the face of the conspiracy of everyone and the malice of some people.Although some sarcasm can play a good role and even improve our reputation, if these darts fly towards us with malicious intentions, we must be more careful and take precautions.A good defense is to be aware of other people's malice, and only then can it be resolved in a timely manner when the blow comes.

Retire bravely in the rapids, don't be too greedy

All good gamblers are not greedy, they know the truth of retreating bravely.A timely retreat is as important as a clever advance.When you have had enough success, stop in moderation and don't get too greedy, even if there are more chances of success waiting for you.Successive good luck is doubtful, intermittent good luck is safer, and it can also make people taste the bittersweet pleasure.When good luck comes too much too fast, the danger becomes greater and you may end up losing it all.Sometimes Lady Luck compensates us, by substituting continuity for tension.But she also gets tired if she carries someone on her back for a long time.

Grasp and take advantage of when things are ripe
Everything in the world has a time to mature, and before that they will continue to receive benefits, and when they enter a mature state, this benefit will gradually weaken.Very few of those artificial works can reach a mature state.People with refined taste know how to enjoy a thing when it reaches perfection, but not everyone can grasp this opportunity, and even if they can grasp it, not everyone knows how to enjoy it.The fruit of wisdom also has this highest degree of ripeness, but you have to take the time to cherish and take advantage of it.

gain the favor of others

Gaining the respect of others is an extraordinary thing, but gaining their favor is even more extraordinary.To be able to do this, there is naturally an element of luck in it, but more importantly, it is hard work.The former is the foundation, and the latter builds on the former.Some people think that after having a reputation, they can easily gain the favor of others, but in fact this is far from enough.You also need to have good moral character.Do all good things, say all good words, and if you want everyone to love you, you must first learn to love everyone.The magic weapon for a wise man to attract everyone is to pay attention to etiquette.Make merit first, then make a statement, first build merit, and then make a biography, because literati and refined scholars also emphasize moral cultivation, and this kind of moral cultivation is eternal.

never exaggerate

When talking to people, it is not wise to use exaggerated words too often, as this will both contradict the facts and make people doubt your judgment.Exaggeration is like throwing out compliments at will, showing that you have little knowledge and poor taste.Words of praise arouse curiosity, which in turn creates desire.When people find out that you are exaggerating, they will have a feeling of being cheated in their hearts, which will lead to the generation of revenge psychology, and finally will trample the praiser and the admired under their feet together.Therefore, the prudent and wise man is very restrained in evaluating things, and it is better to understate than to exaggerate.True excellence is rare, so it's not easy to praise and blame.Exaggerating is tantamount to lying and will not only cast doubt on your taste but also damage your reputation.

Born to be king

Born to be a king is a mysterious special power, which is not from man-made, but from natural dominance.For such a person, people will identify with his mysterious power and natural authority, and inexplicably surrender at his feet.This kind of natural king has the character of a king and the talents of a lion.They are awe-inspiring and convincing.If they have any other gifts, they are natural political movers, and often need only a light gesture to solve a problem that others can solve with a spout of words.

Think like an elite, follow the crowd

It is difficult to correct mistakes in a boat against the current, and it is full of dangers. Only Socrates dares to take this risk.To think otherwise is to insult someone else, because it means that you are doubting his judgment.When you criticize a certain opinion, you indirectly criticize those who agree with it, so you will make many people feel unhappy.Truth is held by only a few, and vulgar deceit is common.It's hard to judge people's wisdom by what they say in public, because they don't mean what they say, perhaps just to please the public, but they hate it in their hearts.A prudent wise man avoids both being contradicted and contradicting others.Although he has made judgments long ago, he does not easily publish them in the public.People's thoughts are free and should not be violated.They hide and wait silently, and will never reveal themselves until they meet a worthy person
Communicate with great people

One of the gifts of great men is the ability to communicate with other great men, a mysterious and beneficial ability that can be called one of the great miracles of the world.The magical sympathetic resonance effect of similar hearts and temperaments in the world is like a panacea in the hearts of secular people.This kind of sympathy not only earns us respect, wins the goodwill of others, and even produces friendship.It convinces without words, and wins many without merit.There are two types of emotional resonance, positive and negative, and for people in positions of power, both can work wonders.It takes great skill to understand them, to distinguish them, and to make use of them.The benefits of this mysterious ability cannot be replaced by ordinary efforts.

(End of this chapter)

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