Wisdom Book

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Secretly guard against others, but not leak
Hidden intentions can be exploited, but they cannot be detected by others.All schemes must be concealed, and even more so those that are not intended to be known, because people hate it.Fraudulent behavior can be seen everywhere, and you must take precautions against it, but you must not let others notice your defensiveness, otherwise it will make others feel that they have been hurt, so that they will wait for an opportunity to retaliate and bring you unexpected disasters.No matter what you do, it is very beneficial to think it over before you let it go, and the thing that proves you are wise is the most important thing.Whether a thing can be completed or not depends on the comprehensiveness of the means.

control your aversions
Before we have discovered the advantages of some people, we always dislike them out of instinct.Sometimes this vile, visceral antipathy is directed against the eminent.This kind of disgust should be carefully controlled, because hating outstanding people is the most damaging thing to one's personality.It is admirable to be at peace with great men, as much as it is disgraceful to have animosity against them.

Don't meddle in adventures
Avoiding worthless risks is the most important point of prudence.Those of great intellect and strategy always avoid extremes.There is a long way to go from one extreme to the other, and the prudent always choose the middle ground.They act only after careful consideration, so they are always able to deal with danger calmly.Dangerous situations test our judgment, so it's best to get out of them.Sometimes dangers come one after another until they bring us to the brink of catastrophe.Because of their differences in nature and race, some people tend to provoke right and wrong, cause disputes, and end up getting themselves into a quagmire.Those with a clear mind can assess the situation, and they clearly know that those who can conquer danger are not strong.People who show off their bravery are fools, so don't follow in their footsteps and become another fool.

become a deep person

A person's connotation is much more important than appearance, just as diamonds are always buried deep in rocks.Some people are flashy, like those houses that are only decorated on the outside because of lack of funds. The entrance is like a palace, but the inside is like a hut.Here you will find no rest, although they themselves are always resting.After a few pleasantries with you, they will become speechless.When you meet someone for the first time, the words of such people are at first like a Sicilian steed, and then become as quiet as a monastery, because without the fountain of thought, the words will soon dry up.Those who are superficial are often deceived by such people, but wise people see through them and know that there is a void deep inside them.

see through, see through

A man of keen judgment is able to drive things without being ruled by them.He can quickly penetrate into the deepest things of others and analyze the details of their talents.No matter who it is, as long as he looks at it, he can understand and grasp its essence.He has a rare observation ability and can decipher the most deeply hidden secrets.His observations are rigorous, his ideas are subtle, and his reasoning is clear. In this world, there is nothing that he cannot observe, pay attention to, grasp and understand.

don't lose your self respect
Don't lose your self-esteem, and don't be too casual with yourself. Let your own good character become the real criterion of your integrity, so that you always maintain self-discipline and strictly demand yourself instead of relying on external rules and regulations.Avoid all inappropriate words and actions, not because of fear of people's criticism, but because of self-esteem.If you can do this, then there is no need for what Seneca called the "hypothetical watchdog" ① (① refers to one's own conscience, from Seneca's "Letters of Morals.").

Choose wisely

Many things in life depend on your ability to choose. It is far from enough to rely on wisdom and learning ability. You also need to have good taste and correct judgment.To achieve perfection, one must be observant and selective.This involves two kinds of talent: the talent to choose and the talent to make the best choice.There are many men of bright mind, sound judgment, and great learning who are often defeated in matters of choice.They always make the worst choices, as if they are making mistakes on purpose.Knowing how to choose is one of the greatest talents God has given to human beings.

always keep calm
The prudent wise man is always able to keep his composure, and this ability shows the real cultivation of personality and temperament, because only a big-hearted person is not easily controlled by emotions.Passion is a whimsy that arises in the mind, and a little excess can weaken our judgment.If you let it show, it will inevitably damage your reputation.If you want to be completely in charge of yourself, you should be so that no one will criticize you for being emotionally unstable, whether it is smooth sailing or difficult.On the contrary, everyone admires your poise and composure.

Be hardworking and decisive
Diligence can hasten the realization of your hesitant plans. Fools often fail because of their haste. They ignore real problems and act rashly without careful consideration.Wise men always fail because of procrastination. They think long and hard, and this kind of procrastination often leads them to make mistakes.Perseverance is the mother of luck.Do the things that should be done immediately, and never delay until the next day. This is a major principle of doing things. "Sneak in your busy schedule, take your time in a hurry", this is indeed a wise saying.

Time to show your courage
Even a rabbit dares to pluck a dead lion's beard.Courage, like love, is no joke.As long as you succumb to it once, you will succumb to it one after another.Since the troubles you will bear in the end will not be less than those at the beginning, it is better to solve them at the beginning.Thoughts are often braver than actions.Therefore, it should be carefully inserted into the scabbard like a sharp sword, and wait for the opportunity to take it.This is the shield that protects important parts of yourself.Mental weakness is more dangerous than physical weakness.The lack of this vigor in many persons of eminent nature makes them appear depressed, and seem to be surrounded by an atmosphere of malaise.The miraculous nature has its own very ingenious arrangements: to make honey both sweet honey and sharp poisonous thorns.People should also have courage and backbone, don't let your spirit always be in a decadent state. .

learn to wait
People who are good at waiting have a broad mind, they never act in a hurry, let alone be controlled by emotions.If a person wants to control others, he must first learn to control himself. Before reaching the center of opportunity, you have to go through its periphery.Wise waiting will make success more secure, and important and secret things will finally come to fruition.Old Man Time's cane is more effective than Hercules' iron rod.God does not punish people with an iron fist, but with time.There is a proverb that sums up this truth beautifully: "As long as you give me time, I can defeat two with one." For those who can wait patiently, fate will always give him double rewards.

timely action
The perfect shot often comes from good poise and preparation.If you have this ability, you will not be in a state of tension, and there will be no unexpected surprises that are difficult to deal with.Some people think a lot, but they will make mistakes in everything they do. Some people have no opinions, but they can always achieve their goals.Some people are very resilient, and the more they are in an emergency, the better their ability will be. They are strange talents different from ordinary people. Their success seems to come naturally. After careful consideration, they will encounter obstacles instead.If they didn't pay attention at the time, they will never have an idea afterward. For them, there are no second chances.Dexterity is admired because it shows something of a genius: subtlety of thought and deliberation of action.

Less bad luck comes to those who are far-sighted

Doing things safely and perfectly is equivalent to doing things quickly.If you only want things to be done quickly, then things will inevitably fail quickly.Those things that last forever must be done with continuous power.Only true perfection can attract people's attention, only true success can last forever, and only profound wisdom can last forever.Great value requires great effort, and so it is with metals, the most precious being the most weighty.

see what people say
Don't show your talents clearly in front of everyone. Use as many talents as you need to pay for things. Don't waste your brain power or your physical power.A good falconer releases only valuable hawks when hunting.Don't show your talent every day, or it won't be long before people lose interest in you.You always have to keep something new and wonderful to make people shine.If you show a little bit of your talent every day, people will always have expectations of you, because they won't know the depth and breadth of your talent.

strive for the perfect ending
When you visit the House of Destiny, if you enter by the door of joy, you must leave by the door of sorrow: if you enter by the door of sorrow, you must leave by the door of happiness.Therefore, before doing something, you must first consider how it will end. A lively opening is not as good as a successful ending.People who are lucky often have a very good beginning, but they often have a tragic end.It doesn't matter how much applause you get when you go in - it happens almost everywhere - what matters is that people remember you when you leave.On the stage of life, if you are considered worthy of a new start, you are a truly rare individual.Lady luck won't send you all the way to the gate.She always greets you with a smile when you come, and is as cold as ice when you go.

good judgment
Some people are naturally resourceful and cautious, and by virtue of this advantage, they have already achieved half the success at the beginning of their studies.With the growth of age and experience, their reason gradually matures, and their judgment becomes quick and accurate.They abhor all quaint ideas that might tempt prudent minds, and especially in matters of state, they insist on infallibility.If a boat is used as a metaphor for a country, this kind of person can preside over the planning of the ship, even if he does not guide the ship himself, he should be the teacher of the navigator.

(End of this chapter)

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