Wisdom Book

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

combine knowledge with kindness
Combining knowledge with kindness will ensure your continued success; combining knowledge with evil will lead to the emergence of demons and ghosts.Evil thoughts destroy perfection, and if they are fueled by knowledge, they can do more harm.No matter how high intelligence a person has, if his mind is not right, he will inevitably go to ruin.Learning without keen judgment does double the harm.

Change your style of work from time to time
If you want to confuse others, you have to change your style of doing things from time to time, especially when facing your opponents.If you always want to do it, then others will become familiar with your style of doing things, so they can predict your next behavior and block you.It is very easy to kill birds that fly in a straight line, but it becomes somewhat difficult to kill birds that fly in different paths.Of course, don't always act according to the second idea, otherwise others will quickly see through the mechanism.People with bad intentions are always thinking about how to plot against you. Only by taking more tricks can you not suffer from being fooled.When playing chess, masters never make moves that the opponent can predict, let alone let the opponent lead them by the nose.

Hard work is more important than ability
If a person wants to stand out, both practicality and ability are indispensable. If both are combined, he will inevitably gain a prominent reputation.Those who do not have the ability to do things can do more than those who are capable but do not work hard. Hard work can create performance and make you stand out, but paying less will only produce small value.Whether one has the spirit of hard work is related to a person's disposition. Some people would rather achieve a little in a noble position than attract attention in a humble position. This is completely understandable.But it doesn't make sense if you settle for mediocrity and do the smallest things without thinking about being great at something great.Practical work and lack of ability are both ineffective. Ability supplemented by hard work will definitely help you stand out.

Don't place high expectations on others
Things that are praised at the outset often turn out to be huge disappointments when completed.Reality can never be equal to imagination, because it is easy to imagine a perfect thing, but it becomes very difficult to actually practice it.The combination of imagination and reality will give birth to many things that are far from reality, so that no matter how good the results are, it is impossible to achieve the results people preconceived.Therefore, imagination always makes people feel cheated, and disappointment is more than admiration.Imagination is like a liar, distorting the truth in people's minds, so it must be controlled with good judgment to ensure that the results of everything done are beyond imagination.A successful start is just about grabbing people's attention, sparking their curiosity, and not giving others too much hope.If the results can exceed expectations, people will become very happy.Please remember that this principle does not apply to bad things. When the badness of a thing is exaggerated by people in advance, but the result is not as bad as imagined, people will appreciate it. Things with devastating results were happily accepted by people in the end.

About those born at the right time

True wise men are always dependent on their times.Not all of them can be born at the right time, and even if they are born at the right time, some people don't know how to move with the time.Some people are affected by the times, they should have been born in better times, because good people don't always succeed.There is a time for the growth and development of all things, and many people lose it after grasping the opportunity.Eternal wisdom is the advantage of a wise man, even if it is not his successful age, he will be successful in the next age.

The path to success
Luck has its own laws. For a wise man, not everything can be successful by chance. Only hard work can maintain luck.Some people circle the door of fortune hopefully, hoping that the person inside will open the door.Some go a step further, and with daring and prudence, they step over the gate of fortune, and with virtue and courage as wings, they chase opportunity within the gate, and seize it at last.But, philosophically speaking, virtue and prudence are the real plan of action, since good fortune and bad fortune depend on prudence and recklessness.

The well-informed are the most respectable
A wise man often enriches himself with tasteful knowledge, which is the spirit of practical thinking, rather than vulgar gossip.As long as a wise man speaks, it must be witty and witty words, and once he acts, he must be full of gentle demeanor.Their words and deeds can always be used at the right time.Advice spoken in humorous terms is far better than serious teaching.For some people, flexible and practical knowledge is more effective than refined seven arts.

learn to hide flaws
There are few perfect people in the world, and everyone has certain moral or disposition defects. Although these defects can be easily corrected, people always let them go.Those with a sharp eye can always spot a flaw in a wise man, and they will lament it: a little cloud hides the brilliance of the whole sun.Flaws are like moles on the face. People with bad intentions can always see them at a glance, and then take the opportunity to continue to make things difficult.Therefore, it is necessary to use techniques to turn moles into beauty moles, just like

Julius Caesar used to cover his baldness with laurels.

Hold the reins of fantasy in your hands
With fantasies we have to alternately control and sometimes facilitate, it is a matter of our pleasure and well-being, so you must use your wits to master your fantasies.Sometimes, our fantasies will run wild because we are not satisfied with the fantasy, affecting and even dominating our lives, making our lives happy or sad, making us content or dissatisfied.To some, fantasy is the devil, because it always troubles fools.For others, fantasy is the promise of happiness and adventure in the form of pleasurable illusions.If we do not use prudence and common sense to control fantasy and become its master, it must become omnipotent.

Be good at reading between the lines
The use of logical thinking to reason was once regarded as the pinnacle of all technologies, but it can no longer meet the needs of today's use. We should also understand the implication of others, especially when it comes to things that are easy to deceive us. As it should be.If you can't read the implication, you will never become a wise man. Some people are good at reading other people's minds and insight into their intentions.The prudent man always speaks only half of the very important truths, though he knows them in himself.Therefore, those things that seem to be beneficial to you cannot be lightly believed, and those things that seem to be unfavorable to you, believe that they exist.

catch the weaknesses of others

Controlling the will of others requires skill, not determination alone.You have to know where to start.Everyone will have their own interests according to their own taste.Everyone also has their own greed, some people have the same name, some people value profit, and more people value personal pleasure.To understand what a person's greed is is to find the key to open the door of his desire, so that he can be further controlled.The original motivation you need to look for is not necessarily noble, and more often it is despicable.Because there are always more arrogant and rude people in this world than there are people who follow the rules.First try to figure out the nature of others, then catch his weaknesses, and then use his interests to seduce him, so that you can successfully control him.

It's better to be good than to be rich

Excellence lies in quality rather than quantity, and perfect things are always very rare in the world.The same is true of people, great people are often small.Some people like to praise those heavy books, as if these books are for exercising our arm strength rather than intellect. Those polymaths who claim to be knowledgeable in all fields are often incomprehensible in everything. Being able to maintain specialization in important things will surely gain a good reputation.

don't be vulgar
First of all, you can't fall into the cliché in terms of taste.You are a wise person when you can feel uneasy about your actions to please the majority.A prudent man will not be a prisoner of worldly applause.Some people are like vain chameleons who would rather eat the vulgarity of the masses than breathe the gentle breeze of Apollo.You can't be vulgar in your knowledge, and don't show a strong interest in the miracles created by the worldly people, because only ignorant people will show interest in them.Worldly people always worship stupid things, but often turn a blind eye to insight.

be upright

A man of integrity can persevere in the company of reason, and will not lose justice because of vulgar passion or fear of tyrants.But where do we find such phoenix-like impartiality?There are only a handful of people who can uphold justice, a virtue that everyone praises, but few practice it themselves.Upholding justice means giving up friendship, power and even one's own interests, so many people would rather abandon it.Hypocrites always talk about "for the sake of the overall situation" or "for the benefit of the country" confidently, while those who are truly fair are often seen as breaking their promises and being immoral.They pay more attention to the strong will, rather than those little cleverness.If they disagree with others, it is not because of their fickleness, but because others have turned their backs on the truth.

don't do bad things
Don't do things that affect your reputation or even bring you notoriety.There are many things in the world that can mar praise, and it would be wise for a wise man to avoid them all.Some people have strange tastes, and they can always accept without rejection what the wise man rejects.He loves every weird hobby very much, which indeed makes them known to more people, but these people are all ridiculed, and there are almost no people who praise him.Wise men don't go around proclaiming how wise they are, especially in unorthodox venues, and they don't show their faces.This kind of example does not need to be specified specifically, it can be known by observing many common examples in the world today.

(End of this chapter)

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