As soon as I speak, I can convince everyone

Chapter 4 says that a soldier without self-confidence cannot be a general

Chapter 4 A soldier who is not confident in his speech cannot be a general (3)
During the break at the venue, Ma Yun went to the bathroom, and Sun Zhengyi followed.The two sides looked at each other for a while, and Ma Yun suddenly proposed a compromise plan: "I think 8200 million US dollars is an appropriate figure, what do you think?" Sun Zhengyi thought for a while, and readily agreed: "Okay, then So it's settled."

Back at the negotiating table, they told those present that the problem was solved.Cai Chongqing said: "When the two of them went to the bathroom, they were still a little nervous, and when they returned to the negotiating table, they were already smiling." Why did Ma Yun raise $8200 million, no more, no less? "This is the result of balance, investors and we have made a compromise." Jack Ma explained.After Softbank's second capital injection, its shares have increased to nearly 30%, but it has not yet reached a relative holding. The relative holding is the employee shares of Alibaba, including the management.

This is Alibaba's fourth financing. In fact, Alibaba is financing Taobao. It can also be regarded as Sun Zhengyi's active investment in letting Alibaba do Taobao.

Ma Yun's spirit of not giving up and constantly exploring is of great help to his success.No one can easily convince another person. The fact is that no matter what you do, there must be a process, and this process is often not very pleasant.At this time, only persistence can achieve the goal.

Of course, if you want to insist, you must first solve a problem.Many people stop talking after being rejected. The reason for this is not that they don’t understand that only by continuing to speak can they persuade the other party, but because they feel that it is embarrassing to continue talking. Some people even feel that the other party has no good intentions after being rejected. , and thus hold a grudge.In fact, there is no need.

Think about it, don't we often reject others too?Summarizing our reasons for rejecting others, we will find that we have no malicious intentions, but there are many inconvenient conditions, so we don't want to talk to a certain person at a certain moment.If someone we reject comes back at another time, we are likely to be willing to chat with them.And those who reject us think so too.So don't think that after being rejected, you lose face, and never go to that person's door again.

Only by being more persistent and not shutting up after being rejected can we complete more persuasion.

Turn "bad" things into good ones

The standard for evaluating a person's talent is not only his speech skills, but also what kind of information he conveys.In the same way, people with good expression skills are naturally more popular.However, if a person is lacking in expression, he can always tell a deeper truth, while another person has good expression skills, but often says nothing. Obviously, the former is more popular.Therefore, if you want your speech to attract more people, you have to work harder on the content of your speech.

For today's society, words of positive energy are more attractive.The so-called positive energy words are words that can inspire people, words that can cheer and encourage people.Such words can ignite the passion in people's hearts, and ignite hope in people's hearts after listening to them.Ma Yun is a person who conveys positive energy.

If you know Jack Ma well enough, you will naturally know that he rarely complains, and when he encounters difficulties, he never attributes the cause to the change of the environment, and always looks for solutions at the first time.This attitude is the attitude of positive energy.More importantly, even if the words do not have positive energy, he can still speak positive energy.This is a state where one can always turn "bad" things into good ones.

When talking about the difficulties of starting a business, Jack Ma said:
What is a brand and a business?I live longer than others.You live and others die, you are the brand, it's that simple.

I think doing something, experience is a kind of success.You go for it, if not, you can still turn around; but if you don't do it, "Think about a thousand ways at night, get up in the morning and go the same way", you will definitely not succeed.

If a young man tells you what he wants to do today, and he still says he will do it three years later and insists on doing it, then you must give this young man a chance.

In difficult times, you have to learn to warm your right hand with your left hand.When you are happy, bring happiness to others; when you are unhappy, others will bring happiness to you.

Happiness is an investment. When you are happy, you must share it with others, and one day others will return it to you.Doing a job, doing a job you like is a good start-up.

Those who have not experienced difficulties themselves will not overcome more difficulties.Others can help him once, but it is difficult to help him a second time. People can only rely on themselves.Also remember that the world is full of love, care and concern, so he should think that what he encountered today is bad luck, and there are many people who are more unlucky than him.

No matter what others say, there is no way.You have to understand yourself, where am I going?What value can I create for society?When starting a business, my colleagues may have shed tears, and my friends may have shed tears; but I did not, because tears are useless.

I told myself that what I did was right, and what I did was very difficult. Although few people have done it, I am willing to try.The most difficult darkness is a critical point, and when you cross this critical point, it is possible to see the dawn.Because the darkness before dawn is the hardest to bear.

The most important and most precious thing is that even though we have made many mistakes and taken many detours, we still have the confidence to face tomorrow's challenges.

Don't be afraid when you encounter difficulties, but face up to them and solve them.This is Ma Yun's way of doing things, and it is also the philosophy he has been conveying.It is this philosophy that makes Ma Yun infected batch after batch of people.

Many people have a bad habit of complaining.When the work is not going well, they complain about the bad working environment, and when they are unhappy, they complain about the indifference of the society.In short, in the eyes of these people, all the bad things in them are not caused by themselves, but by the external environment.Such people are not pleasing, and their speech gives the impression that this is a gloomy person who dare not take responsibility.Their words are naturally negative words, not only will not gain the approval of others, but will make many people feel bored.

But those who transmit positive energy are not.They always have a positive and optimistic attitude, as well as a spirit of going forward bravely and not being afraid of hardships and dangers.Just like Ma Yun, when the Internet is facing a cold winter, others are worrying, but what Ma Yun thinks about is how to get through this cold winter.This is a kind of positive energy, which can give people strength and make people excited.A person who can give strength to others is naturally the person everyone likes.

Communication is about gaining approval from others, so don't always say negative things, that will only make us annoying.Let yourself be positive and pass on more positive energy to others, and we will naturally get the results we want.

Encourage others to encourage yourself

A person must not only know how to speak to others, but also occasionally speak to himself, encourage himself, cheer for himself, and cheer himself up.Only in this way can we maintain passion and self-confidence. Only with passion and self-confidence can we have the emotion and motivation to persuade others.

The so-called speaking to yourself means knowing how to encourage yourself.Many people don't have this awareness. When they explain the truth to others, they explain it very clearly, but once they encounter the same situation, they are at a loss, and thus begin to slump, losing the passion and vitality of the past.At this time, not only can I not adjust my emotions, but I also have no passion to persuade others.

Therefore, if you want to really keep yourself passionate, you must persevere in cheering yourself up and giving yourself strength.The world is very complicated and realistic. When we are depressed, few people can come to us in time and give effective persuasion.At this time, it is up to you.Complete self-encouragement, and then go back on the road with passion, in order to convince more people.

Let's see how Jack Ma encourages others, and at the same time encourages himself.

In 1999, we proposed to do it for 80 years. In 2001 and 2002, when the Internet was at its worst, the word we used the most in the company was "alive".If all the Internet companies are dead and we are alive, we win.We always believe that as long as we never give up, we still have a chance.

In the end, we still firmly believe that as long as there are dreams in this world, as long as we keep working hard, as long as we keep learning, there will be a day of success.Today is cruel, tomorrow is crueler, and the day after tomorrow is beautiful, but most people will die tomorrow night, so everyone should not give up today.

After having a dream, you have to experience the pain and accumulation of every day, no one will succeed at the beginning.Over the years, I have been fooled a lot, made countless mistakes, gone through many misunderstandings, and experienced various things, but these are the greatest wealth of an entrepreneur.

Don't always think about how much money I can make, it must be very painful if you think about it, especially friends who start a business online.Today there are a lot of successful e-commerce companies here. They didn’t make any money in the past three years. They posted posts on the website and went to forums every day. Sometimes I’m curious, what are these people doing at night?They woke up at 8:[-] in the morning and went online again.This is a kind of happiness, a kind of accumulation.

Every blow, as long as you survive it, you will become stronger.I also thought that usually the higher the expectation, the greater the disappointment, so I always think that tomorrow will definitely be unlucky, and there will be more unlucky things, so if there is really a blow tomorrow, I will not be afraid.What else can you do besides hitting me hard?Come on, I can handle it.When the ability to resist blows is strong, real confidence will also be there.

100 people start a business, 95 of them don't even know how they died, they fell off the cliff without hearing the sound, and 4 people fell down when you heard a scream; the remaining 1 may not know why they are still alive , but I don't know if I will survive tomorrow.

This is a passage in Jack Ma's speech, from which we can see that Jack Ma is a person who never loses his faith.He knows how to cheer and encourage himself, so he can always have passion.Afterwards, he ignited others with his passion, thus gaining everyone's approval.

What the speech conveys is not only an idea, but also an emotion and attitude.Therefore, if we want more people to be willing to listen to us and like to listen to us, we must maintain a positive and sunny attitude when speaking to others.And self-encouragement is essential if you want to have this mentality forever.Talk to yourself more and give yourself some strength. Only when we are full of positive energy can we ignite others.

There is nothing terrible in the world, it mainly depends on whether you can persevere, as long as you persevere, there will always be a day when you will succeed.What I am afraid of is that I will stop moving forward when I encounter a little difficulty.Such a person will not succeed.Give yourself some encouragement regularly, so that you have the motivation to persevere and the passion to fight on, so that you can convey more passion.When we pass on our passion to others, that is when others are persuaded by us and start to agree with us.

(End of this chapter)

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