As soon as I speak, I can convince everyone

Chapter 5 What others don't want to hear, say it with a smile

Chapter 5 If others don't want to hear it, say it with a smile (1)
Talking like Jack Ma and knowing humor will make you popular everywhere
Humor is always the best weapon to show your demeanor

Everyone wants to be liked by others and not hated by others.But many people only have such ideas, but they don't have the corresponding abilities and means.In fact, in many cases, it is very simple to let others agree with you-just make yourself humorous.Especially when meeting someone for the first time, a timely silence can make the atmosphere more relaxed and instantly shorten the distance between people.

When it comes to humor, Jack Ma is a master.As we all know, Ma Yun's speech is not only passionate, but also very humorous.In fact, Jack Ma is not only like this in his speeches, but also very humorous at ordinary times.He can rely on his language charm to make people laugh instantly, and then draw closer to each other.

Ma Yun used to be a guest on the "Dialogue" program. At the beginning of the show, he created a good atmosphere with just two sentences.The secret is humor.Let's take a look at the scene at that time.

Host: Welcome everyone to the "Dialogue" program. You must be very familiar with the guests we are going to talk to today. Let's take a look.You can tell his name right away, can't you?ma yun.This is a photo of him on the cover of "Forbes" magazine. Today, while he is not present at our conversation site, I want everyone present to speak freely. When the word Ma Yun is mentioned, what do you say to him? What is the impression.

Audience: I think Ma Yun can be described as weird, and the second word is ugly, but the third word is strong.

Audience: When I mentioned Jack Ma, I thought of it. He is a successful example of aliens doing business in China.

Audience: In the minds of the post-90s generation, he can only be described as an idol, and he is not an ordinary idol.

Host: If you were looking for a boyfriend, would you look for Jack Ma?

Audience: Don't look for Jack Ma.

Audience: Jack Ma looks like an alien, and I also think I look like an alien. May I ask Mr. Ma to confirm whether I am on the same planet as him?

Moderator: So what is the real situation of Jack Ma?If you read today's conversation, we will restore a real Jack Ma to you.Welcome Jack Ma!
Ma Yun: I just heard from the back that after Ma Yun died, everyone was reading the eulogy.

Moderator: Do you think they are bold enough?
From the above paragraphs, we can see Jack Ma's wit.Relying on only a few words heard in the background, he made many articles, made fun of himself, and successfully created a humorous effect.

From this, we can see Jack Ma's quick response and the importance of humor in conversation.During the whole process, most of the words were the host interacting with the audience. Ma Yun only said one sentence, but this sentence was the highlight of the whole process.That's the power of humor, short and to the point, and it has a huge impact on the mood of the conversation.

One day after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, bursts of laughter came from an apartment in Shanghai.It turned out that the painter Zhang Daqian was going back to Sichuan, and his students saw him off, and celebrities such as Mei Lanfang were also present to accompany him.At the beginning of the banquet, Zhang Daqian toasted Mei Lanfang and said, "Mr. Mei, you are a gentleman and I am a villain. Let me toast you first!" Asked: "How do you explain this?" Zhang Daqian replied with a smile: "You are a gentleman—use your mouth; I am a villain—hands!"

A humorous person doesn't need to talk too much, as long as he occasionally inserts a sentence or two with humorous effect, he can become the focus.Therefore, it can be said that if you want to practice eloquence, you don't need to be eloquent at all, you just need to practice humor.To have the ability to be humorous, you must first have a different way of thinking.

In the eyes of ordinary people, it is a shame to be called ugly by others, but Ma Yun does the opposite, which can naturally create a humorous effect.Similarly, calling oneself a "little person" is also incomprehensible to ordinary people, but after Mr. Zhang Daqian's unique explanation, "Xiaoguo" came out.

It can be seen that as long as there are different thinking angles, it is not difficult to become humorous.

"Responsibility", the biggest feature of Ma Shi's humor

Some people say that the highest level of speaking is humor. A humorous person can always bring happiness to others, and at the same time win more attention and opportunities for himself.This is the role of humor, which not only entertains others but also achieves oneself.

Many people also pursue humor, but often they are not successful. As a result, they think that they have told a very funny joke, but others think it is not funny at all, which makes everyone fall into embarrassment.If you want to avoid this situation, you must have a certain ability to adapt to the situation. Only when you can adapt to local conditions anytime and anywhere can you make your speech interesting.

At the "2008 Annual Meeting of Chinese Business Leaders", Ma Yun gave a humorous speech.This time, Ma Yun once again predicted that the crisis will hit everyone within two to three years, but along with the crisis, opportunities will also come, and excellent companies can still develop in adversity.

At the beginning of the speech, Ma Yun said: "I was eating out at noon today, and the restaurant owner asked me, do you expect the crisis to end next year? I said, it will be in the second half of next year. He said, it will be in the second half of next year? I said, You'll get used to it in the second half of next year."

Using the example of frozen ducks on Tuanjie Lake in Beijing, Ma called for change in winter.He said that this duck has been with the wild ducks all the time, and when winter came, the wild ducks flew away, and the Peking duck didn't know the change, so it was frozen.

"If you think this is a disaster, the disaster has already come; if you think this is an opportunity, then the opportunity is about to come. Last year I told you that the disaster may come. Now I tell you that the formation of the opportunity has already begun, and everyone started Get ready!"

"Excellent entrepreneurs must learn to adapt to the environment earlier than others. Whoever adapts first will have a chance. At least 5 or 10 years of consideration should be taken into account when starting a business. A disaster of two to three years is not a disaster."

"Crisis is an opportunity in danger. This so-called crisis is the pain of human society entering the globalization of commercial society. Human society must face such challenges if it wants to enter commercial society and globalization." Jack Ma said that today it is no longer possible to say It is a catastrophe or a crisis, but the beginning of rebuilding the system.

This is Jack Ma's humor, expressing seriousness with ease, not only does not make people feel abrupt and uncomfortable, but it can give people an upward force.This is a high-level person in humor. Unlike some people, although they can make people laugh, they make people laugh uncomfortable and give people a sense of indignity.

In a speech, Jack Ma mentioned that “At the beginning of the year, someone asked me why Alibaba was doing search, and I replied that it was to keep Baidu from sleeping. If Baidu can sleep, Chinese Internet users will not be able to sleep.”

That's a good way to joke around.Although he was expressing that he wanted to compete with his competitors, he didn't have that kind of seriousness and depression, and he wasn't like many people who desperately belittled their opponents and raised themselves up, without any courage.

Jack Ma has always been able to find a balance in various relationships.He can express complexity with simplicity, and he can express seriousness with ease.To be able to do this, humor naturally plays a big role.

Try to exercise your ability to play on the spot, and be an adaptable humorist, which will naturally give yourself extra points.

Humor is an essential social tool for a person.Properly used, it can make the opponent speechless and make the embarrassment invisible.More importantly, it can bring joy to people, and make people more willing to get close to us.It can be said that humor is the lubricant for communication between people. With it, you can naturally make yourself more harmonious, and you can enjoy yourself wherever you go.

Wherever you go, bring your laughter

A person who can freely change roles in different situations is a social master, and a person who can maintain humor in different situations is a master of language expression.

Ma Yun is such a person, he can be humorous anytime and anywhere.Whether it's chatting with old friends, meeting strangers for the first time, or giving a speech to thousands of people, he can show his humorous side.Ma Yun's humor not only enliven the atmosphere, narrowed the distance between himself and others, but also brought laughter to everyone.

Humor has made Ma a popular man.

Ma Yun's first job was as a teacher. One of his former students once described Ma Yun as follows:
The class bell rang, and the students chose their own seats to sit down.But the podium was empty, and the teacher didn't arrive.After five or six minutes, commotion began in the classroom, and more and more people looked around.Some people began to suggest sending someone to ask if the classroom had been changed.

At this moment, I suddenly saw a man rushing up to the podium. This man was thin and special. He started to speak without standing still: "The topic we are discussing today is 'being late'. I hate being late the most. Being late is a punishment to others." Disrespect, in a sense, being late is murder for money..." At this time, the students all laughed heartily, and the teacher expressed his apology to the students in a humorous and self-deprecating way. This teacher is Jack Ma.

It is not good to be late, especially for teachers who give lectures to others, it is even worse to be late.When encountering such a scene, most people would feel very embarrassed, but Jack Ma resolved the embarrassment with humor.Ma Yun not only expressed his apology, but also wiped away the dissatisfaction of the students because of the long wait.

In 2006, at the Harvard AUSCR China-US Student Leaders Summit, a student mentioned that Ma Yun said in an interview with CCTV that a man’s appearance is inversely proportional to his wisdom. So is there anyone in the IT industry who is good-looking besides Mr. Kai-Fu Lee?This unexpected question caused the audience to burst into laughter.

Ma Yun also replied with a smile, I said at the time that a man's appearance is often inversely proportional to his wisdom.If God gave you a bad appearance, you will make yourself more attractive and smarter.Mr. Lee Kai-fu is really handsome.But I do say that there are more ugly people in IT than good-looking people.

Ma Yun said, I know that I met Kai-fu Lee two years ago on the "Dialogue" program, when Mr. Kai-fu Lee was talking with the president of Peking University, I admire Mr. Li's gentleness.The second time was at the buffet meeting of the Boao Forum.I admire Google very much, it is an Internet legend.And my ideal is to surpass Google.But as I said just now, every successful person has a different growth background and academics. For example, I admire Mr. Li’s rigorous academic research and gentleness. If I use him as a standard, I’m afraid I can’t even get 100 points out of 10. To; but if I use my standard to measure him, I am afraid he will only get 10 points.

This is Ma Yun's humor, regardless of the occasion or time, it can always make the listener laugh.And a person with this ability is naturally the person everyone likes.

Humor is the lubricant of communication between people, and this lubricant comes from the role of laughter.Even if two people meet for the first time, as long as they smile, they will naturally feel a lot closer.When we meet a stranger, if we keep quiet for a while, the other person will immediately relax and be willing to talk to us.When negotiating business with customers, if you keep quiet, not only will the tense atmosphere be relieved, but also the other party will relax their guard against us, so that we can negotiate more conditions.A moment of silence at a gathering of friends can adjust the atmosphere very well and make everyone feel uplifted in an instant.

These are the functions of humor, and humor can make the environment we live in warm.And to do this, it depends on the ability to be humorous anytime, anywhere.That requires not only resourcefulness but also a happy heart.Only by maintaining a relaxed and happy mood at all times can you be humorous.When getting along with people, don't just think about being a listener, but consciously be a happy person who can adjust the atmosphere.Only with this sense of humor can we be humorous anytime and anywhere.

Self-violating "disadvantages" and creating extraordinary "laughing fruits"

Some people say that the highest state of speaking is humor, and the highest state of humor is self-deprecating.The so-called self-deprecating is to make fun of yourself and make fun of yourself.Such humor is the rarest.

Everyone is willing to show their charm in front of people.Therefore, many people are reluctant to tease themselves, because it will make them appear inferior to others.A true self-confident person doesn't care about these, but often makes fun of himself.It's a real sense of self-confidence, and because of self-confidence, I don't feel like I have any problem making fun of myself.

At the same time, occasionally teasing yourself will give people a humble and low-key feeling.Making fun of yourself is itself a way of lowering your figure.If this person has a certain status or influence, and he has the courage to tease himself, then those who listen to his speech will definitely feel that this person is easy-going, friendly, and can put down his figure.This is the best way to gain approval from others.

Ma Yun is a person who is good at self-deprecating. Many people think that he is ugly, so he makes fun of his appearance.It is said that a person's appearance and talent are inversely proportional.Jack Ma still has a lot of humorous self-deprecation like this.

A friend of Ma Yun, when talking about his contact with Ma Yun, once said:

When he planned to resign, he was quite hesitant.Then one day when I was about to leave work, I met the head of the department on campus.The head of the department was riding a bicycle with two handfuls of vegetables just bought from the vegetable market hanging from the handlebars.He stopped Jack Ma and earnestly advised him to take up the promising job of being an English teacher. "I looked at him and suddenly realized that if I continue to stay in school, his present is my future 'future'!" So Ma Yun quickly resigned.

This is a very interesting way of ridiculing, from which we can see that Jack Ma is indeed an interesting person.He can express his experience in a very different way, so as to make the listener laugh.

And when it comes to "beautiful", Jack Ma is another expression, another kind of self-ridicule.

Regarding the role of "pretty" in life, Ma Yun once said: "Pretty is of course useful. Unattractive people can only be the boss after hard work, and beautiful people can be the boss's secretary after hard work, haha!"

Ma Yun is a person who likes Tai Chi very much, and people who know Ma Yun are willing to ask him some questions about Tai Chi.In an interview, Jack Ma once answered others like this.

I have fooled many people. I fooled Jet Li into founding "Tai Chi Zen", and Wang Zhongjun from Huayi came to me. He wanted me to invest, but I fooled him into becoming the largest film company.I also fooled a lot of online businessmen, but I don't regret it. I was successful in fooling and igniting the flames in many people's hearts. I will continue to fool.

Flicker depends on the target!I can fool Jet Li into doing "Tai Chi Zen", but I will never fool Zhao Benshan into doing "Tai Chi Zen".

(End of this chapter)

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