As soon as I speak, I can convince everyone

Chapter 30 When you show off your smarts, you start to be stupid

Chapter 30 When you show off your smarts, you start to be stupid (5)
I heard a song on the plane, "The person who hurt me the most is the person I love the most".The introduction of this policy, Taobao Mall has done a lot of research, and I have been paying attention to this matter. The starting point is: first, several ministries and commissions jointly crack down on counterfeiting and online integrity. E-commerce is getting bigger and bigger. If we do not take measures against counterfeit and parallel imports, China's e-commerce will not go far.Second, China's e-commerce is facing industrial upgrading.I think China's economy will face new challenges within three years, and the biggest challenge is Chinese private enterprises. The structure of the United States has done a good job in this regard.Another reason I went to the United States this time is to see how Obama solves the problem of employment. The road they have traveled may be an experience for China.

Some people will say, Ma Yun, why do you always stand on the peak of morality?I didn't actually, I was just an ordinary entrepreneur.At the end of last year, at the Taobao conference, I said that there must be a difficulty in Taobao in 2011. I forgot what I said, but who knew it would come.I hope 2011 will be the last time for Taobao.What Alibaba lacks today is not engineers and customer service personnel, but what it lacks most are legal experts, economists and policy scientists.Have you ever come across such a company?There are 800 million shoppers on Taobao, and many people make a living from it. If you don’t change, online shopping will start in three years. Online shopping and e-commerce may be the best way to solve China’s domestic demand and expand employment.I was on the plane at 1:20. Before 9:[-], I was discussing the issue of employment in California with the governor of California. How difficult it is for China to get a job every year!It's just doing business, okay, I like to do what I think is right.

We chose this path ourselves, and we did not ask for your sympathy, but just hope that you can understand the difficulty of doing this.My reputation this year is "crossing the river and tearing down bridges". I have never been a hero of the Internet, I am just a mortal born in Hangzhou.What I sometimes feel sorry for at night is my co-workers who are doing more than they can handle.Some people say that we siphoned money, illegally raised funds, and said that we used it to buy Yahoo. Do you know how much it costs to buy Yahoo?Calculated according to today's market value, it will cost 200 billion US dollars, and at the current speed of tens of thousands, it will not be fully funded in the next life.We are the company with the largest cash reserves among Internet companies, and we have already prepared for more than 200 billion US dollars.How much does it cost to run Taobao for a year? In 2011, the cash expenditure was more than 60 billion yuan, excluding 20 billion yuan in fixed expenses, and 80 billion yuan was spent a year. I didn't ask the bank or the government for a penny.You have difficulties, which company has no difficulties?How did we get up?More than 200 million direct jobs have been created. Every enterprise has its own pressure, and it is not easy.When Taobao was first established, everyone said that you beat eBay for free, and some people said it was a monopoly.Some time ago, I went across the desert in the United States. I ran out of gas. After walking for a long time, I found a gas station. When I saw that it would cost 75%, the driver was very angry and said it was a monopoly.The owner of the gas station said, go and see other places, and you are welcome to invest here. I started to work as a gas station 10 years ago and invested day and night.

The people who came to make trouble today are not without reason.I have listened carefully and heard a lot. The idea of ​​our policy formulation is good, but the method needs more improvement and communication.Wang Shuai reminded me again and again not to scold the media, but to use the communication method of the Internet age. I was surprised that the report was not that we were cracking down on counterfeiting and building a high-quality mall, but that the price was increased by 5 to 10 times.I think there is a problem with our communication this time. Those who formulate the system are all young people in their 30s and 5s, and there is a lack of system experts.There is resentment, and I fully understand that this challenge must be faced today. More than 5000 people participated in the attack. More than [-] people actually participated in the attack. Half of them did not have Taobao stores. Those who had stores had been punished. Of course, there were employees of an Internet company behind them.We are not without fault, and we apologize to everyone.

How to change this matter: Taobao Mall will not take half a step back for principles and pressure.This principle is to maintain the integrity of e-commerce, combat fakes, hype credit, maintain and support property rights, and conduct a comprehensive reflection on the shortcomings of one's work and communication methods.

1. Annual fee.For all sellers who are already in the mall, starting from September 9th, the new rules will be issued, and the time will be extended for one year. New merchants will have new rules, and old merchants will be given one year.

2. Margin.In 2012, half of the new share rules can be paid as a security deposit. Ali Group will contribute 10 billion yuan to enter the consumer protection fund. The security deposit will be supervised by the Zhejiang Industrial and Commercial Bureau and fund management by the Bank of China.

3. Loan guarantee.Ali Group took out 5 million yuan as an advanced guarantee to provide guarantees to banks and third-party financial institutions for qualified small businesses.

4. Increase investment.Ali Group invested 3 million yuan for marketing and technology platforms.If your platform service is in the bottom 10%, we will not give you any support, especially if you sell fake goods and parallel imports, I will definitely drive you out.If there are difficulties in operation, we will give you one year, half of the annual fee and half of the deposit will be paid for you.

5. Transferred to Taobao to operate.For merchants who do not renew their contract with the mall or fail to meet the standards, Taobao Mall provides technical assistance to convert their store (B store) into a Taobao store (C store), and the credit and transaction records are kept in C store.

We are a group of very ordinary people. Some people say that we elevate ourselves very high. In the future, I think there will be less and less communication with everyone. Sometimes I think that I also have my own family, and I also have 2 colleagues. There are so many People who trust and support our e-commerce.It was really sad some time ago, and my friends sent me a lot of condolence text messages.I thank them, I am not a person who gives up easily, as long as I am not killed, I will become stronger as I fight.

Today is not Ma Yun, but only represents this generation of people, new entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, and new spirits.The sadness of the past few days is that if we lose our trust in society and our idealism, many young people in Alibaba will also lose it.It was the best of times and it was the worst of times; it was the age of hope and it was the age of despair.I believe that Ali people and Taobao people work so hard to keep hope alive.

Jack Ma's Retiring CEO Speech
Good evening, everybody!Thank you everyone, thank you colleagues from all over the country, from the United States, the United Kingdom and India, thank you for coming to Hangzhou, and thank you for participating in the 10th anniversary of Taobao!

Today is a very special day, and of course for me, I have been looking forward to this day for many years.Recently, I have been thinking, at this meeting, what should I say to all colleagues, friends, e-commerce companies, and all partners?Everyone is very strange, just like a girl who is looking forward to getting married. When the bride gets married, she really doesn't know what to do except giggle.

We are very lucky people. I actually think that 10 years ago today, when SARS was the most dangerous in China, everyone had no confidence.Everyone is not optimistic about the future. A dozen young people in Ali believe together that China will be better in 10 years. After 10 years, e-commerce will attract more people's attention in China, and many people will use it.

But I really didn't expect that 10 years later, we would become what we are today.In the past 10 years, countless people have paid a huge price for this.They walked for 10 years for an ideal and a persistence.I have been thinking that even if we take away 99% of the Alibaba Group this year, we are still worth it and have no regrets in this life, not to mention that we have so many friends today, so many people who believe, and so many people who persist.

In fact, when I was thinking about what made us what we are today, what made Jack Ma what we are today, I found that I had no reason to succeed, Ali had no reason to succeed, and Taobao had no reason to succeed.But we have walked for so many years, and we are still full of ideals for the future.In fact, this is a kind of trust, in this world where no one believes.Everyone doesn't believe in the future.When everyone does not believe in others, we choose to believe, we choose to trust, we choose to believe that China will be better in 10 years, we choose to believe that my colleagues will do better than me, and we believe in the youth of China People can do better than us.

Whether it was 20 years ago or 10 years ago, I didn't even believe in myself.I am especially grateful to my colleagues for trusting me. Being a CEO is difficult, but being a CEO employee is even more difficult.I never thought that in China, everyone thinks that this is an era of lack of trust, that it would actually make you pay money to buy one from a man with a name you have never heard of Things you may have never seen before, after thousands of kilometers, through a person you don't know, to your hands.Today's China has trust and trust. The 2400 million transactions on Taobao every day mean that there are 2400 million trusts circulating in China.

All Ali people, Taobao, and small and micro finance people here, I am especially proud of you.We are colleagues with everyone in this life, and we will still be colleagues in the next life!Because it is you who have brought hope to this era. You are like all the post-80s and post-90s in China. You are building a new kind of trust. This kind of trust makes the world more open, more transparent, and better able to share. More willing to take responsibility, I'm so proud of you.

Today's world is a changing world. 30 years ago, none of us would have thought that today would be like this. No one would have thought that China would become a manufacturing powerhouse. No one would have thought that computers would be deeply rooted in people's hearts. With such a good development, no one thought that Taobao would develop, and no one thought that Yahoo would have what it is today.This is a changing world, and none of us thought that we could gather here today and continue to imagine the future.

We all think that the computer is fast enough, and the Internet is even faster. Many of us have not figured out what the PC Internet is, and the mobile Internet has come; when we have not figured out the mobile Internet, the era of big data has come again.The era of change is the era of young people. Today, many young people feel that countless companies like Google, Baidu, Tencent, and Ali have taken away all opportunities.

When we saw countless great companies 10 years ago, we were also confused. Do we still have a chance?But 10 years of persistence and persistence have brought us to where we are today.If it is not an era of change, all the young people here will not be able to turn to you.In the industrial age, seniority is considered, and there is always a need for a rich father, but today we do not have it, and what we have is persistence and ideals.Many people hate change, but it is because we have grasped all the changes that we can see the future.In the next 30 years, there will be more changes in this world and this China, and this change is an opportunity for everyone.Many of us complain about the problems of yesterday and 30 years ago. No one has experience in the development of China today; no one has experience in the development of the world today.We have no way to change yesterday, but today, 30 years later, is decided by the group of us today, change ourselves, and start from a little bit.Persist for 10 years, this is everyone's dream.

I am grateful for this era of change, and I am grateful for the complaints of countless people, because when others complain, it is your opportunity.Only the era of change is the time for everyone to see clearly what they have, what they want, and what they should give up.

I have been involved in the construction of Alibaba for 14 years, and I am honored to be a businessman.Human beings have entered the commercial society today, but unfortunately, in this world, businessmen do not get the respect they deserve.Businessmen in this era are no longer the era of profit-only.I think we are just like any profession, any artist, educator, or politician. We are doing our best to improve this society. 14 years in business has taught me to understand life, what is hardship, what is persistence, what is responsibility, what is success of others is my own success.What we look forward to most is the smile of the staff.

After 12 o'clock tonight, I will not be the CEO.Starting tomorrow, business is my fancier, and I am very proud of myself for 14 years in business!
Seeing you, seeing young people in China, I don't hope that one day we will have a middle age that has passed us by.No one in this world is sure that you can be popular for 5 years, and no one can say that you will be undefeated, you will not grow old, and you will not be confused.The only way to solve your undefeated, not old, not confused is to believe in young people!Because believing in them means believing in the future.So I will never return to Alibaba as CEO.

If you want me to go back, I won't come back, because it's useless to come back, you will do better!
As a company, I am very proud to be able to reach this scale.But in terms of contribution to society, our company has just begun.All of us Ali people are very excited, diligent, and hardworking, but we are ordinary, living seriously and working happily.What we get today far exceeds what we pay for.This society hopes that this company will go far and long in this century, that is to solve social problems. There are so many problems in today's society, and these problems are the opportunities here.If there is no problem, you don't need everyone here.

(End of this chapter)

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