As soon as I speak, I can convince everyone

Chapter 29 When you show off your smarts, you start to be stupid

Chapter 29 When you show off your smarts, you start to be stupid (4)
I am grateful to all Alibaba customers who have helped us realize Alibaba's dream.I remember that 9 years ago, someone thought that Alibaba's business model and the services provided by Alibaba were like lifting a [-]-ton oil tanker to the Himalayas.I would like to thank the family members of Alibaba present here. Without your support, Alibaba people would not be able to work day and night until [-] or [-] o’clock or even two or three o’clock in the morning every night. Fighting day and night, thank you.I am of course also grateful to our investors, without their trust we would not be where we are today.I would like to thank many of my friends, including many government officials.Today we have many friends of Alibaba here, many of them are friends of government officials. They are not only government officials, but also our friends. Their trust in e-commerce, trust in Alibaba, and trust in Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises Trust, I sincerely thank them.

I believe there are many people to thank.In the past few days, I have thought of a lot of people to thank, many people should be grateful, including the taxi drivers in Hangzhou, the boatmen rowing on the West Lake in Hangzhou, without their support, without their help to continuously promote Alibaba, without the support of Hangzhou citizens We, we will not have today, so gratitude is something that Alibaba has always kept in mind for 10 years.I remember that 9 years ago, I said at the meeting of 100 employees of Alibaba, I hope Alibaba will become the pride of Hangzhou, and I hope that the people in Hangzhou are willing to give their children, boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands, The wife sent it to our company to make our company bigger and bigger.We not only want to be the pride of Hangzhou and Zhejiang, but also the pride of China and the world.Today, we have just started, and the road ahead is still very long.

I also believe that, for whatever reason, we survive today, but we still have 92 years to go.In the past 92 years, why should we go on?In the first 10 years, Alibaba had only two major products. The first product was our employees, and the second product was our customers.I want to share a few things here, things that Alibaba must stick to in the next 10 years.First, Alibaba is a company driven by a sense of mission and values. For more than 8 years, Alibaba has evaluated its values ​​every quarter. Every quarter and every month is based on a sense of mission, and everyone insists on a sense of mission.Some people say that Alibaba founded an idealistic company. I still think that Alibaba is a company full of idealism and realism. Without ideals, it is impossible for Alibaba to get to where it is today.In the next 10 years, we will always be an idealistic company. Of course, we will definitely be down-to-earth. If we don’t do every little thing with realism, I believe we will not survive to the present. We will always insist on customer first, Employees second, shareholders third.Let all the investors on Wall Street scold us. We insist on putting customers first, employees second, and shareholders third.

We insist on focus, we focus on e-commerce, we focus on e-commerce in the first 10 years, we will focus on e-commerce in the next 10 years, we focus on small and medium-sized enterprises in the first 10 years, and we will still focus on small and medium-sized enterprises in the next 10 years.Because only by focusing on small and medium-sized enterprises and e-commerce can we last long, because small and medium-sized enterprises need us, because Chinese e-commerce and global e-commerce need us.Today is the 10th anniversary of Alibaba. Seeing everyone's passion, I have never been so worried, because today is the end of a stage of the previous 10 years, and the next 92 years have just begun.From last night to this morning, we received resignation letters from 18 Ali founders, and all 18 of us resigned as founders.Because we know that starting from September 9th, Alibaba will enter a new era, the era of partners, and the 11 of us do not want to carry our own honor to fight.We will sleep the most soundly tonight, because tonight we don't need to say that because I am the founder, I have to work harder, because today we resigned from the position of founder, and tomorrow morning we will continue to apply, job hunting Alibaba.We hope that Alibaba will accept us again. Like any ordinary employee, our past will be reset to zero, and we will start from scratch in the next 18 years.

To be honest, I was very touched when I received the resignation letters from these 18 founders and saw their sincere words. I will share each resignation letter on the company intranet. 10th Anniversary Alibaba, like everyone else, is concerned about the great changes in the world.The development of the Internet, the development of globalization, the financial crisis, and the world economy have undergone great changes. We saw in the 3-minute video just now, poisonous milk powder, atmospheric warming, all problems, the world is undergoing drastic changes .I think the world is calling for a new commercial civilization. In the old commercial civilization era, enterprises are self-centered, profit-centered, create the most value, and hope to obtain more profits. Self-centered instead of society-centered . In the 21st century, what we need is how to rethink the relationship between society, the environment, humanity, and customers under the new business civilization and the new environment.In the past one or two years, what has been entangled with Alibaba's management is how Alibaba will go in the next 10 years and what kind of company we need to become.I think it is not what kind of company we want to become, but what kind of company the world needs us to become.In the 21st century, we need a company with a 21st century philosophy. We hope for a company that is more open, more sharing, and more globalized.I believe that the reason why the Internet develops so fast is because the Internet knows how to be open, how to share, how to take responsibility, and has a global perspective.Any company today, if it wants to live well in the 21st century, must learn to be open, sharing, responsible, and global. Alibaba hopes to become such a company.

The world does not need another Internet company, the world does not need another company that can make money like Alibaba, and the world does not need a company with lasting experience. What the world needs is a company that is more open, more sharing, and more responsible. enterprise.The society needs a social enterprise, which comes from the society, serves the society, and is full of responsibility for the future society. What the world needs is a spirit, a culture, a belief, and a dream.Ali people will stick to our beliefs, our culture, and our dreams in the next 10 years.Only dreams, ideas, missions, and value systems can make us go further.

We hope that through the efforts of Ali people, the Internet and e-commerce can be used to focus on small businesses, so that all businesses around the world can operate on an equal and efficient platform.We expect that 10 years from now, on the land of China, we will no longer see the difference between private enterprises and state-owned enterprises. We only see enterprises that operate with integrity; Separately, we only want to see companies that operate with integrity; we don’t want to see the difference between large companies and small companies, we only want to see companies that operate with integrity.We hope to see that businessmen are no longer a symbol of profit-seeking, and we hope to see that enterprises no longer pursue profits, but pursue social benefits and social equity.We hope to see ourselves, as entrepreneurs and businessmen, shoulder the same responsibilities as politicians, artists, and architects in this society, and become one of the main driving forces for social development.

In the past 10 years, with the help of our friends from all walks of life, Alibaba has made its business a success.In the next 10 years, Alibaba hopes to help countless enterprises succeed through its own platform and help countless entrepreneurs become Alibaba.From 18 people to today's 17000 employees, we will always insist that employees come second, and we will never be satisfied with creating more millionaires, we pay attention to the happiness of employees.We Alibaba people work together to design and create a happiness index for Ali people in 2010.

We hope that employees are not only materially rich, but also spiritually rich.We hope that employees have a sense of accomplishment, be recognized by the society, and be respected by the society. We will always insist on living seriously and working happily.

For all shareholders, all shareholders who support Alibaba and trust Alibaba Group, we guarantee with our own actions that we will definitely give shareholders substantial returns, but what we return is not just money. We hope that all shareholders of Alibaba, Finally, I am proud that you have invested in a company that has greatly promoted the society, assumed great responsibilities to the society, helped employment, and fulfilled dreams.Only in such a company will you feel a sense of accomplishment when you invest in it.

Finally, just like 10 years ago, in my home, I told today’s Party Secretary of Hangzhou, Wang Guoping, that Alibaba will become a company with a market value of 10 billion US dollars in 50 years. At that time, we pooled 50 RMB in total. Very tough.I saw Secretary Wang nodded excitedly. Of course, many people around him thought it was unreliable. Over the past 10 years, many people have said that what Alibaba tells is a story, and that Alibaba cannot do this or that.But in 10 years, one of Alibaba’s companies has been listed on the stock market, and its market value has exceeded 100 billion US dollars. Alibaba’s members have grown from 18 people to more than 1 employees. Alibaba has also spread from China to more than 200 countries around the world. and region.Today, in front of 27000 Alibaba employees, Alibaba customers, relatives and friends, I will describe 10 years later, if Alibaba does a good job in the new business civilization, what are the specific indicators for our future.

The first indicator is that we will create an e-commerce platform for 1000 million small businesses, and we will create 1 million job opportunities for the world.We want to provide a consumption platform for 10 billion people all over the world. We hope that through the platform of 1000 million enterprises, through the platform of all our enterprises, all small enterprises can communicate with any large enterprise through technology, Internet, and e-commerce. compete.We hope that our consumers can enjoy real high-quality and low-cost products. We hope that in front of our services, any old lady will not queue up at the bank gate because of the 60 yuan less electricity bill, and use our services. Let them enjoy the same rights as the chairman of ICBC.

I believe that 1000 million small and medium-sized enterprises, 1 million job opportunities, and 10 billion consumers will definitely attract a lot of criticism, ridicule, and sarcasm. However, it doesn't matter, we Ali people are used to it.I also believe that the world may forget us, because we are not seeking others to remember us, what we are pursuing is that others use our services to improve their lives and promote social development.Dear Ali people, the road in 92 is very long. I came to Alibaba not for a job, but for a dream and a career.Here I want to share something that keeps motivating myself and everyone else. I have said it many times and I want to say it again today: Today is cruel, tomorrow is even crueler, the day after tomorrow is beautiful, and most people will die tomorrow night. Watch Before the sun of the day after tomorrow, Ali people must see the sun of the day after tomorrow.

All Ali people, please remember that Chairman Mao once said, "If you are confident that you will live for 200 years, you will hit the water for 1000 miles."The world has given us this stage, and the whole world has given us this opportunity. We will use all our wisdom, all our courage, and all our efforts to help 10 million companies survive, create more job opportunities, and provide real value to [-] billion people. Inexpensive platform.thank you all.

Question/answer session transcript:

Moderator: Mr. Ma, please stay.Mr. Ma just gave us a dream of a new commercial civilization. I think this dream is realized by all Ali people.Today we have a lot of online business friends, our partners, and our Ali family members.I have collected some questions here to ask you.First of all, I would like to ask for the online business friends, just now we heard that the blueprint you drew is inseparable from the online business, so do you have anything to say to the online business friends in the past 10 years?
Ma Yun: I believe that one day online merchants will become the largest business group in the world. Today, online merchants are basically born in the 80s and 90s. I believe they advocate "openness, sharing, responsibility, and globalization."Today we put forward the concept of "online business" and launched the concept of "online goods". We will also launch "online planning" in 2010.Only the rules and regulations of the Internet can bring about the birth of a new commercial civilization. "Online merchants, online goods, and online regulations" form a brand new era on the Internet.All online business friends, 10 years ago you didn’t know you could do this today, but 10 years later you will definitely cultivate so many for the world, let’s work together.

Host: In Alibaba, every May 5th is the Ali Reception Day, the Reception Day for Relatives and Friends. I believe that every Alibaba employee cannot do without the support of our Ali relatives.

Ma Yun: Thank you everyone.Please rest assured that Alibaba advocates transparency and fairness. We will take good care of your relatives, your children, your husband, and your wife.But the company does not take care of you, it is they who take care of the company.We will make him rich not only materially, but also spiritually.We hope that the people who come out of Alibaba will be truly happy people, and we also hope that all relatives and friends will recommend more outstanding young people. We are not pursuing the best people, but the most ordinary people.Special thanks to everyone for their support and understanding of Alibaba.In the next 10 years, I hope that everyone will support us as always, thank you!

Host: Mr. Ma gave a passionate speech just now. It is the first time for me to be so close to Mr. Ma. I was very excited to see Mr. Ma in the background. This may be the first time I have felt you so close Mood.I think there are many young people like me in the company, we need Mr. Ma to give us another love encouragement, right?
Ma Yun: Everyone in Alibaba, tomorrow we will start a new journey. Alibaba bid farewell to the era of the founders, and we will enter a new era-the era of partners.The mission of Alibaba in the future is to create a new commercial civilization. We Alibaba people have persisted for 10 years, and we are stupid and naive.We hope that in the next 10 or 20 years, there will be more people like us, in order to improve this society, promote this society, and help more people realize their dreams, realize the income generation of his enterprise, and realize the growth and development of the enterprise .Let's work together to help small businesses and entrepreneurs succeed.We will pay, we will get, thank you!
Ma Yun's speech on the Taobao mall incident

Thanks everyone, I'm a little jet-lagged.I just came back from the United States, I'm sorry everyone, every time I called you over in a hurry to communicate, and the opportunities for communication will become less and less in the future.If the activities promised this year are done, the meeting will not be attended.Before coming here, a media friend said, what did you write on your hand?I wrote four or five characters of "forbearance" on my hand.My friends are worried about me, afraid that I will lose my temper.There have been a lot of troubles this year, and there have been three such communications.The first time was that the TV station criticized Taobao for having fake products, the second time it was Alipay, and the third time it was this.It's strange that the Alipay incident has brought out VIE, saying that we are honest and we are cracking down on small businesses.

(End of this chapter)

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