New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 20, Many Funerals and 1 Wedding

After returning to Oahu, Major Braun directly announced a three-day holiday for everyone to relax.So everyone went to the city in a noisy manner.As for Ron, he got a month-long vacation and could go home to visit relatives.But Ram's wedding was just two days later, and Ron was also invited.So the matter of going to the North American continent can only be delayed for another two days.Anyway, idle is idle, so we went to the city to go for a stroll together.

Honolulu is not a big city, only about 30 people, small and exquisite.Now it is during the war, the original scene of tourists can no longer be seen.However, the market is not depressed because of this, because new tourists have replaced the old tourists.Soldiers in green or white uniforms can now be seen everywhere on the streets of Honolulu.

The military are often the best customers, because most of them are willing to spend money.Where those who live and die in the field need a place to relax, Honolulu has it all.Hawaii is the only state in the United States where whites do not make up the majority. There are expatriates from all over the world, local aborigines, Chinese, Malays, um, and of course Japanese.But now it is very difficult for you to see Japanese residents on the street. When Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, there were Japanese spies who assisted in indicating the target.When the United States declared war on Japan, out of fear of Japanese spies, the Americans locked up Japanese Americans in the United States.As for a military powerhouse like Honolulu, of course there can't be Japanese residents staying there.

This reminded Ron of traveling to Honolulu years ago, oh no, many years later.That was when he and Xie Na first got married. At that time, they were still young and didn't think it was important to save money.So as soon as the two moonlight clansmen got married, they ran to Honolulu in a wild and unrestrained way.Many years later, various social pressures gradually surfaced, so that if it was not organized by the work unit, the days when the two of them went out together at their own expense seemed to be gone forever.

Compared with that time, oh, no, it should be that Honolulu at that time has not changed drastically compared to this time. Some classic buildings still stand, and it seems that they are not much newer than that time.Of course, there are still many differences. Honolulu is simpler and more beautiful now than it was then.If Xie Na is also here, she who likes nostalgic atmosphere will definitely like it more.

"Hey, why are you in a daze?" Kanu, who was traveling with him, elbowed him, and by the way, he took off his hat and waved it vigorously at the little girls who were passing by, "Hey, beauties, Hello!"

The girls looked back, smiled at them generously, and continued to walk forward.

After Kanu escaped from the zero battle last time, he was very grateful to Ron who taught him the escape technique.So as soon as the holiday was off, he took Ron out together.According to him, he planned to treat Ron to a nice meal.Who pays for what?It goes without saying that since it is an expression of gratitude, of course you have to pay for it yourself.However, the Silver Heart Medal that Ron received before has just been hung on the skirt of his shirt, and it is said that this time he even has a chance to get a Distinguished Service Medal - which of course should also be a treat.Since there are treats, there are naturally many uninvited guests.Kanu's brothers: Kidd and Farah also followed.It seems that the Chinese are not the only ones who like to take advantage of every opportunity.

Kanu told Ron that the most delicious thing in the world, um, is definitely Chinese food.According to him, his father was a missionary who had served as a missionary in China, and he spent time with his father in the Chinese mansion when he was a child.He even knew Pearl Buck.

"Let me tell you, Ron. You won't believe it. The Chinese are so good at eating. They eat everything, such as big crabs and even bugs!" Kanu showed off with an exaggerated expression, "But it cannot be denied that , Although those things are weird, they are indeed delicious in the world. Did you know that they even have a whole set of tools for eating crabs, a lot of things like small hammers and small pliers. Of course, the things they use the most are Chopsticks are two wooden sticks. I'm sure you can't play with that thing, but I have been able to since I was a child. So my fingers are more flexible than you..."

"It's right there! There's a very good Chinese restaurant there. But if you don't have me, you can't eat it. They usually cook things that are Americanized. You can only cheat the taste buds like Kidd and Farah. Incomplete guy."

Just on the corner of the street, there is a Chinese restaurant. It is almost noon now, and more and more people are eating.As soon as Kanu entered, a waiter greeted them upstairs and took out the menu.

Kanu threw the menu aside and said something in a special language.Judging from the way of pronunciation, it is very similar to the dialects of southern Fujian or Chaoshan.The waiter's eyes widened in surprise, and he ran down immediately after hearing this.After a while, a thin old Chinese man came up.When Kanu saw him, he greeted him familiarly, and continued to chat with him in a dialect that even Ron could not understand.

But the conversation was not long. After a while, the food ordered was served, and the old man also turned out.Just when everyone was about to eat, with the sound of wooden steps, another young Chinese woman came up.Honolulu is also one of the areas where the Chinese live in large communities, and it is not uncommon for Chinese women to appear.However, the dress of this woman was very different from that of ordinary Chinese women at that time.First of all, she is taller than the southern girls Kanu usually sees, about 1.6 meters [-].He was wearing a white long-sleeved shirt, but now that the sleeves are rolled up high, it has become a short-sleeved shirt.Underneath he wore a pair of denim trousers with a wide belt, and a pair of dark brown calfskin shoes on his feet.There is also a Leica camera hanging on the chest.This outfit is definitely an anomaly in conservative Chinese circles.She sat down at the table beside her, and took off the Mexican-style cowboy hat she was wearing, revealing a neat short hair and a pair of big shiny black eyes.

"Hey, Miss, can I invite you to have a drink and chat?" It was Kanu who spoke, and he used the Chinese dialect that even Ron couldn't understand just now.

But this woman obviously understood, she looked up at Ron and the others in surprise, then walked over generously, and said to everyone in fluent English: "Then I will disturb everyone, my name is Hailan , is a reporter for the New York Monitor. It's been a pleasure getting to know all of you here..."

The female reporter was obviously very interested in the Battle of Midway that just happened, and asked many questions related to it.Especially when he learned that Ron was an ace pilot, he asked him more questions.Some of the questions are quite professional, and it can be seen that she is quite familiar with the war.As if aware of their suspicions, Hailan told them that she had done field interviews in Shanghai and interviewed some pilots of the Republic of China.And personally took photos of them taking off to intercept the Japanese aircraft, and this photo was later quoted by many media.But she also knew what to ask and what not to ask.Of course, Ron and the others also know what to say and what not to say.During the period, Kanuna's proficiency in southern Chinese dialect and Ron's proficiency in chopsticks also left a deep impression on her.When she parted, she took a half-length portrait of both of them and promised that they would be on the front page of the newspaper.It wasn't a big newspaper, but it made Kanu happy.

Two days passed quickly, and it was Ram's wedding soon.Early this morning, Ron came to the venue of the wedding as agreed - Kawaiahao Church

This church built with coral reefs is the oldest Anglican church on the island, built in 1842.During the Kingdom of Hawaii, this church has always been the place where the royal family held coronations, weddings and funerals.Although in terms of scale, it can't compare with those huge Gothic cathedrals in Europe, but in Hawaii, this church with a huge pipe organ with 3000 wind pipes is of course the best wedding venue.

Ron also traveled here in the past, and the appearance of this place has hardly changed from his memory.When I and Xie Na came here back then, it happened to meet a couple's wedding.The warm and romantic atmosphere at that time made Xie Na jealous.Now that I came here again, I met another wedding, but Xie Na was no longer among the people with me.This reminded him of an ancient poem, and he couldn't help but recite it softly: <Wind.

"Huh? Didn't expect you can speak Chinese?" A voice suddenly rang in my ear.

Ron, who was immersed in memories, woke up immediately, turned his head, and saw Hailan standing beside him.

"Oh, it's you, are you here to interview the wedding?" Ron asked casually, because the other party spoke Chinese, so he used it naturally. Leica camera, and also dressed very differently from last time.This time she wore a long one-piece dress and a sun hat with lace trim. She also put on some makeup on her face, her eyebrows were finely outlined, and her eyelashes were also treated. Those big eyes that were always flickering, compared with the bold and unrestrained cowgirl image at noon that day, now suddenly look like a lady.Well, it's just that the chest is a little too flat, it doesn't look like a towering mountain at all, not even a hill, it's almost, literally, basically an airport.

"It's so cute, it must be a boy." Ron couldn't help thinking, "It just doesn't have an Adam's apple."

"Oh, not all, I'm here to be a bridesmaid." Hailan smiled lightly, the reddish light of the morning sun shone through the lace edge of the sun hat and cast a warm radiance on her fair face.

"My bride Helena and I are classmates in college. She wrote to me a few days ago, telling me that she is going to marry a navy pilot, and now she needs a bridesmaid. I went to the newspaper and applied for one. So here comes the mission of interviewing in Hawaii. By the way, you haven’t told me where you learned your Chinese from?” Hailan frowned slightly, as if Ron didn’t answer her question and asked instead She was rather dissatisfied.At this time, she suddenly found that Ron's eyes seemed to be looking at the "airport" all the time, and her dissatisfaction became stronger.

"Where are you looking! Why don't you answer the question!" She said coquettishly, and at the same time tried her best to straighten her chest.

"Oh, it's nothing. I am very interested in classical culture, so I have taught myself a lot of languages, and Chinese is one of them."

"Oh?" Hailan looked at him, his big eyes seemed to reveal a look of disbelief, "You know those languages?"

It is not foolish to say that you also know a lot of other languages.Because he often has to deal with some foreign technical materials, Ron does know a lot of foreign languages.

"Well, I can also speak Arabic (before crossing, the camels were the company's most valued customers, and their foolishness and money are their portrayal.), and a little Hebrew (many technical manuals are in Hebrew. ), a little bit of Russian (another great source of technical material) and German, um, a little bit of Japanese."

"Wow!" Hailan's eyes widened in surprise, "You are such a language genius! Are you familiar with these other languages ​​as well as Chinese? I mean, can you also recite poems in these languages?"

"Not necessarily. For example, in Japanese, I only know a few words for swearing, such as Bageyalu." Ron laughed, and Hailan also covered her mouth and laughed.

"Why did your bridesmaid escape?"

"It's so stuffy inside, besides, it's still early. Come out to get some air, otherwise, you'll be driven crazy by that silly girl inside."

"what happened?"

"It's nothing, but that girl treats me like a certain magic mirror, and asks me every 30 seconds, 'Hai Lan, Hai Lan, do you think I'm so pretty? like."

Hailan stomped her feet, and said suddenly, "You are very cunning, and you have turned the topic around again!" Hehe, she must not know that crooked buildings are a classic feature of the later Internet era, such as buildings in World War II, no more than ten floors , must be crooked.

"You just read it as if it was a love poem, it seems to be the one of 'Last Year Today, This Door'? Did you have any romantic past here?" At this moment, Hailan's big eyes were shining brightly, and the fire of gossip was raging combustion.

However, her question was not answered. Ron told her directly that this matter was personal and could not be told to her.And someone was calling for the one who sneaked out to get some air.

"I'll be right over!" Hai Lan responded and ran over.After running a few steps, she turned around again and said to Ron, "Goodbye, it's really pleasant to talk to you." Then she held the hem of her skirt with both hands, bent slightly, and walked Classical curtsy, then turned around, and ran towards the direction of the call like a small deer.

The wedding was held at around 5 o'clock in the afternoon. First, the groom Ram arrived at the church accompanied by Petrov. What is rare is that throughout the ceremony, Petrov's performance was extremely decent and gentlemanly.Perhaps, he really came from the nobility.A few minutes later, the bride wore a white wedding dress and arrived at the church in a carriage, accompanied by her father and Hailan.The bride is slightly taller than Hailan, but maybe it's because of the shoes.His father took her on the red carpet, all the way to the front altar, and handed her into Ram's hands.Ram bowed his head to greet the old man, and then turned to the altar with Helena, where a priest asked them classic questions that were almost invariable...

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