New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 19, Many Funerals and 1 Wedding

Ron came to the beach, and in front of him was a calm sea, without a single wave of wind; the waves were as thin as air, flowing across the sand, without sound or foam.Surrounded by silence, people feel that the war not long ago was like a nightmare that happened in another world.The sky at this time is amazing, the black flowers formed by the exploding anti-aircraft shells that once filled the sky have long since dissipated, and there is no smell of gunpowder smoke in the air. Looking at the beach at this time, The setting sun has already sunk into the bottom of the sea, but when a plane flies over from a high altitude, it can still pull out a long golden-red trail.Stars gradually emerged from the deeper and deeper sky.There was a boat at anchor in the bay, and two other boats.To the left, you can see the lighthouse on the reef in the distance, and to the right is a sparse coconut grove.

After the battle, Ron didn't slowly return to Hawaii with the fleet, because he had a faster way-going back in b17 with the Army guys.So after a brief summary, Ron took a seaplane to Midway Island.

Back at the army's barracks, Ron didn't feel the ease and happiness after the victory of the battle.In the Battle of Midway, the army paid a huge price. Most of the planes shot down belonged to the army, and apart from shooting down some Japanese planes during air defense operations, they had almost no use when attacking ships. reward.

Now the beds in the barracks are suddenly empty. Although some barracks have been destroyed by the Japanese bombing in the morning, there are still many beds left.The officers were carefully checking the items left by the fallen soldiers, and more than half of the entire regiment failed to return.The base sent a seaplane to search for survivors in the sea, but nothing was found until evening.Regiment Captain Braun and the chaplain stayed in an office, writing those same, painful letters one after another:

"Ms Mary, hello!

I am the comrade-in-arms of your son Jack. In this battle, your son was very brave... We are deeply proud of being able to fight side by side with your son, and sincerely hope that you..."

"Mr Robert, hello!

I am a comrade-in-arms of your son Tom. In this battle, your son was very brave... We are deeply proud of being able to fight side by side with your son, and sincerely hope that you..."

"Ms Anne, hello

I am the comrade-in-arms of your son Jerry. In this battle, your son was very brave... We are deeply proud of being able to fight side by side with your son, and sincerely hope that you... "

A soldier sat on the steps next to the blown-down flagpole outside the barracks, playing a sad tune on his harmonica.To be honest, his skills are average, but that sad tone is deeply imprinted in everyone's heart.

In such an atmosphere, Ron returned to the army barracks.An officer named Kanu temporarily arranged a bed for him. Anyway, he will be able to return to Oahu tomorrow.

The atmosphere in the barracks was suffocating, which made Ron feel uncomfortable just now because he had just won the battle.So, after putting away his things, he walked out of the barracks, and walked slowly across the road outside the barracks to the beach.I found a rock and sat down alone.

"Did I really do all I could?" Ron asked himself in his mind.

"It's true that I did a lot of things. I told them a lot. In war there are losses, there are deaths, there are...but I, a man from decades later, can do more than that. I Knowing more effective tactics, I know the development direction of many technologies, especially my own profession. Although the things of later generations are much more advanced than those of this era, in fact, according to the level of technology of this era, those things are not impossible to copy At least it's not impossible to reproduce a simplified version. I know that there will be a longer vacation when I go back, and I can use this time to..."

At this time, the roar of an airplane engine interrupted his contemplation. He looked up and saw a plane landing at the airport not far away. Although it was already night and he couldn't see clearly, he still You can tell it's a seaplane from the familiar roar of the plane's engines.

"Did something happen again?" Ron thought.

"Have you found any survivors?" Other people in the barracks who saw the plane thought so.

At 7 o'clock the next morning, just after breakfast, the transfer back to Oahu began.The pilots of Army Aviation came to the airport, ready to take the b17 back to Hawaii.At the airport, Ron unexpectedly ran into two acquaintances.

"Hey, Ron!" One guy was waving at him exaggeratedly, and another guy stood aside smiling.

Ron recognized that waving to him was the fighter pilot Petrov on the USS Yorktown, and standing next to him was the bomber pilot Ram.

"Hey, why are you here?" Ron was surprised.

"I'll tell you!" Petrov said, winking at Ram exaggeratedly. "Some guy was in a hurry to get back to get married. So the general opened the back door especially for him, and let us go back to Pearl Harbor on your plane first."

"Oh, Ram, there is such a thing? Why didn't I know in advance? You are too tight-lipped!" Ron feigned dissatisfaction and punched Ram's chest, "You really don't have enough friends!"

Getting such news after the war always makes people very happy, and even those army pilots who don't know Lahm well have congratulated him.And Ram just stood there, blushing and smirking at those who congratulated him.

Good news of this kind is always relaxing and cheery, and even people who don't have much to do with it find joy in the frolic.Everyone surrounded the groom's official, forcing him to teach the skills of chasing women, or asking to see photos of the bride.There are also people who deliberately publish various sour grape theories based on the principle of foxes who cannot eat grapes.All this made the somewhat introverted Ram at a loss.

What's even worse is that Petrov, who also came from the navy like him, not only watched him being bullied by the army, but even deliberately contributed to it.However, it seemed that Ron, who kept saying that he and Ram had been in trouble together, did not perform much better.Yes, war is too cruel.What could be a better escape from the stress of war than a wedding like this after a brutal war?

The embarrassing noise that made Ram finally subside temporarily-it was time to board the plane.Ram, Petrov and Ron were of course on the same plane.Just as I was boarding the plane, the guy who played the harmonica last night played the harmonica again.It seemed to be Wagner's wedding march, and it sounded like that at first, and several other guys also lined up in a row and sang along with the music:

The sound of the piano is melodious, the flowers are blooming, and the majestic temple is splendid.

I sincerely wish to sing together, let us praise this happy time. The beauty of < is unforgettable, the pure heart is praised by everyone,

Loyal love is steadfast and unswerving, and love each other forever.


But before he sang a few lines, the harmonica for the accompaniment suddenly went out of tune, causing everyone to follow suit, and in the end they didn't know what they were singing.So everyone was laughing and joking again.

After some frolicking, everyone boarded their respective planes.With the roar of the engine, the plane began to accelerate forward, and then took off into the air.Ron and his plane were overcrowded with a few people. These uninvited guys had no good intentions at all, and they continued to make fun of Ram as soon as they got on the plane.They seemed to enjoy watching Lahm's embarrassing embarrassment, his words became more and more presumptuous, and the topics became less and less appropriate.So much so that Major Braun, who was also in the plane, couldn't stand it anymore, and had to stand up to stop these fools who continued to vent.

Ram looked at Major Braun gratefully, then lowered his head silently, and looked out from the observation window of the plane. It was almost noon outside, and there were patches of white cotton-like clouds under the plane, and sometimes the clouds also It will dissipate, revealing the blue sea shining brightly in the bright sun.

The bad boys, who could no longer make fun of Ram because of Braun's intervention, started talking to Petrov.They first inquired about the battle situation of the navy yesterday.In fact, everyone knew yesterday that the navy had won.But at that time, many people were immersed in the sorrow of losing their comrades-in-arms, and did not pay much attention to the news.In addition, battle reports are always concise, and what people want to know more often are details.

These questions made Petrov more proud, and he began to brag about his bravery.But everyone is in the same industry, and they all know which of these words are true and credible, which ones need to be discounted in half, and which ones simply need to be discounted by 0.01%.

In Petrov's narrative, there are too few authentic and credible ones, and not many can be discounted in half, and the rest are discounted by 0.01.

"I rolled and rode on the 6 o'clock of the Zero Fighter. This action is my special skill. I just put the Zero Fighter under the front and bottom like I was pressing the most stinky bitch. At that time, the distance between us was more than 500 meters, so the Zero Fighter didn't panic at all, and made a sharp turn to get rid of me. But who am I, I know him when I raise my ass What was the idea. Just before he turned, I rolled in that direction. As soon as he turned the corner, I slammed in hard from his inner circle and put him firmly in my halo here, and then I pressed on his ass and shoved hard..."

After messing around for a while, everyone's interest gradually faded.Those who were the most noisy just now are starting to feel sleepy.Now is the time to ask questions.

"Petrov," Ron asked, "it's not you who got married, why did you come here?"

"That guy dragged me to be the best man." Petrov continued with a smug look, "I told him that a handsome man like me standing next to him would snatch him away. In the limelight. But he still insisted, so I reluctantly."

"Oh," Ron asked suddenly, "how's William?"

"William's hurt a little in the hand. But it's nothing serious."

"Oh, I see why it was you," said Ron.

"What do you mean? But, well, he is indeed more suitable as a best man than me, because he is not as handsome as me." Someone was inflated again.

"You have to do it yourself." Rarely, Ram retorted.

"Aren't I worried that you will be bullied?" Petrov didn't feel embarrassed at all.However, did he really help Ram from being bullied?No matter how you look at it, he is helping others to bully Ram.

"I'm afraid you're trying to get the bridesmaid's idea?" Major Braun suddenly inserted forcefully.

Petrov opened his eyes wide and looked at Major Braun, "How do you know?"


When Ron was pushed awake on the plane, it was already over Pearl Harbor.Now is the time when the lights are on. Looking down from the observation window of the plane, you can still vaguely see some traces left by the Japanese plane's sneak attack and bombing at that time, but the painful feeling that weighed heavily on everyone's heart last night The sense of depression has already gone with the wind, after all, life must go on, after all, tomorrow is a brand new day.

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