Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 47 Set fire

A large number of Chinese joined Yin Feng's team with their families. His team has increased from more than 800 people at the beginning to more than 2000 people, and now it has increased to more than 3000 people.He didn't have time to reorganize the team. Except for the Pirate Gang at the head, the Sailor Musketeers, the artisans at the end, and the Chinese Christians, the rest of the fleeing crowd gathered in the middle of the team in a mess. Some people kept falling behind and others kept joining.

For three days in a row, the fleeing Chinese insisted on marching toward Dalun Mountain regardless of the cunning shots that appeared in the surrounding forests, manors, and villages.If there is a checkpoint blocked by the native soldiers ahead, the Sailor Musketeers will stand up and fire a volley, and then the brothers of the Pirate Gang will charge up to open the passage.

Many people died in the sneak attack of the native soldiers, or fell on the road because of being too tired. After the remains were hastily buried by their companions, the brigade continued on the road.All kinds of belongings were also lost along the way, and the natives from all over the place swarmed out to participate in the robbery, and often clashed with the Spanish troops chasing after them, which slowed down the pursuit of the Spaniards a lot.

But Yin Feng still kept urging the team to speed up. Under his driving, the fleeing team only rested at midnight every day, and continued on the road early in the morning, covering at least 40 miles in one day.A few elderly wealthy businessmen couldn't move anymore, entrusted the funeral to their relatives and friends, and then took advantage of the dark to hang themselves in the forest.

By the fourth day, it was already close to the mountainous area, and there were almost no major roads, only the path taken by the local aborigines meandering between the tropical jungle and the grass.There are also more and more sneak attacks by the aborigines. Even in broad daylight, they dare to shoot arrows at the Chinese team dozens of steps away.As soon as Lu Shitou and others pursued them, they all hid in the woods and disappeared without a trace, making the Chinese angry but had nowhere to vent.

Since the Musketeers had run out of ammunition, Yin Feng had not allowed the Musketeers to chase the natives since 2 days ago.

However, the aborigines became more and more unscrupulous because of this, and some people directly broke into the Chinese team to rob property, causing waves of riots, and the whole team walked slower and slower.Several daring natives wielding primitive bone spears attacked the tail of the team, but Yin Feng killed one with a revolver pistol, and then scared the rest away.

Lieutenant Galina was a subordinate of Captain Biragon, and he was an officer of the vanguard in this pursuit.These days, he led 50 Spanish regular troops and 200 Pampanga indigenous infantry at the forefront of the large army, and had countless small-scale battles with many Chinese and indigenous people.These trivial and tedious battles can wear down people's patience the most.

It stands to reason that the local natives should be the auxiliary servants of the Spaniards, but in the face of the gold and silver property that can be picked up everywhere, the natives did not give the Spaniards any face.They are familiar with the road terrain, and their hands and feet are much faster than the Spanish troops, which caused the dissatisfaction of Captain Gallinado's subordinates. This often happens: Although it is the dry season in the Philippine Islands, the Spaniards are still sweating hard to catch up to the ground. What I found was only stripped corpses all over the floor, and worthless sundries thrown aside.

Legend has it that the fleeing rebels possessed a large number of treasures and property, which was the greatest motivation for the Spanish army's outposts to pursue them desperately.However, from Balian to here, except for sporadic Chinese refugees who were chased and killed and their belongings were robbed, their economic income was pitifully low, and dissatisfaction pervaded the entire team.

On this morning, Lieutenant Gallina ordered the troops to get up an hour earlier than usual, and sent 10 native soldiers and guides to go 100 meters away as pioneers, and the troops also stepped forward at a faster pace.This is already the edge of the forest, and there is only a small path between the trees and the grass, which is the path that Yin Feng and his party have been harassed by the natives.

All the weeds on the road have been trampled down, and the surrounding area is full of traces of the march of the brigade.The second lieutenant was very anxious: Many of the people living in this area are uncivilized natives. They are savages who would rob even the Spaniards, and they will not be polite to the Chinese. Don't let them rob everything!

In the bushes on the side of the road, corpses of Chinese hanged themselves on the trees began to appear one after another.They were all exhausted and left alone, or poor people who could not keep up with the brigade. They did not want to die in the hands of the enemy, and adopted the traditional Chinese culture's method of death that could preserve their self-esteem, in order to leave a whole body.

However, these corpses have been ransacked, not even their clothes were spared, let alone anything of value left behind.

Lieutenant Galina yelled: "Sons of the devil, damned savages!"

He drew out his command sword and loudly ordered the non-commissioned officers: "Damn it, let the team speed up! If you can't catch up with the physiological man, I will let you all go to the battleship to paddle!"

Suddenly, a figure of a black-robed priest rushed over from the front, panting and shouting: "Mr. Second Lieutenant, wait a minute!"

It turned out to be the missionary Flores who volunteered to join the vanguard.He just followed the outpost and fell to the front to investigate.

In the Spanish colonies, the Catholic religious forces represented by the missionaries were very strong. The missionaries and churches that penetrated into the rural areas of the Philippines actually assumed the responsibility of the colonial government's grassroots political power.A low-ranking officer like Lieutenant Galliner had no choice but to restrain his anger and impatience when facing the missionaries: "Dear Brother Flores, what happened?"

"Mr. Second Lieutenant, there are natives moving ahead."

"On the way we came here, there were aboriginal activities everywhere. Is there anything strange?"

Brother Flores stretched out his hand and put a few lead pellets in front of Lieutenant Gallinator's eyes: "I found these musket bullets, indicating that someone used a musket here. From here on, there is no Spanish manor. At the checkpoint at the foot of Dalun Mountain, only our colonial militiamen use matchlock guns, and the aborigines do not have such weapons. Therefore, it must be physiological people who used matchlock guns in the process of fighting the aborigines!"

Lieutenant Galliner's expression turned ugly. After carefully looking at the bullets, Shen Qiang said for a long time, "You mean, among the rebels we are chasing, is there a member of the mysterious musketeer team?"

"Other than that, there is no explanation."

Yin Feng's sailor musketeers have always been a mystery in the minds of the Spaniards; in the process of this so-called biological rebellion, except for Colonel Das Marinas who underestimated the enemy and was wiped out in the Tondo Swamp, in all other battles, Spain Anyone can easily defeat the Chinese.Only this mysterious musketry appeared suddenly from time to time, and caught the Spanish army by surprise; on the south bank of Pinondo, Captain Gaspar's 50 soldiers were almost wiped out; Indigenous auxiliary soldiers were recruited; the Japanese were raided on the Pasig River before the siege of Manila, but there was no organized Chinese musketeer team in the key siege battle.In fact, almost no Spanish soldier, or native soldier, could tell exactly how many people there were in this musketeer team and what kind of organizational structure it was.

Lieutenant Galina thought for a while, and immediately called the messenger to report the information to Captain Biragun's main force, which was a day away.Then, he gathered all the horses, arranged 50 Spanish soldiers in a tight 5-column column, placed them in the middle of the whole team, and distributed the native auxiliaries around; .Then, the troops moved forward cautiously, and the vanguard sent out two groups of people, the farthest one was placed 200 meters in front of the team.

Along the way, more and more situations indicated that the physiological human brigade was not far ahead.Lieutenant Galliner became excited, but also more cautious, letting the soldiers move closer to each other, and everyone was carefully observing the wind and grass in the dense forest around them.

It was noon, and the sun in the dry season still steamed the dense forest and grass.The Spanish troops moved carefully through the grass.Suddenly, chaotic and noisy human voices came faintly in front of him.

As soon as Lieutenant Gallina waved his hand, the Spanish army stopped immediately, and the native soldiers also stopped; Brother Flores ran out of the queue very actively and said, "I'll go ahead to investigate." He said and took a few native soldiers The soldiers slipped into the grass ahead.Lieutenant Galliner shook his head, he really didn't understand how this missionary was so keen on his career as an ordinary soldier.

Not long after, Brother Flores quickly ran back with a few native soldiers.

"It's the local Tagalog natives fighting with the biological man! The biological man seems to have retreated into a swamp." Brother Flores said excitedly: "We can press the whole army, and wait for the natives and the physiological man When everyone is exhausted, a surprise attack..."

Lieutenant Galina thought so too, and now he ordered all the soldiers to advance quickly and prepare for all battles; a large number of gold and silver treasures are right in front of them!The morale of the entire Spanish army was high, and they were sweating profusely while advancing in tight formation.

At the edge of the swamp about 2 miles ahead, Yin Feng stood on a mound of soil and looked around, holding a torch.All the Chinese refugees who are still alive are about 2800 people, and they have all gathered in this swamp.At that time, there were many such uncultivated natural wetlands in the central, southwestern, and southeastern parts of Luzon.Yin Feng inquired about the existence of this swamp from the guide of the Pirate Gang who led the way, and brought everyone here the night before.

Along the way, Yin Feng had no choice but to organize a musketeer team to ambush at the edge of the swamp for the pursuit of the low-level natives, and beat the natives who swarmed behind them into an ambush.Two arquebus salvos and a charge by the pirate gang almost killed nearly 100 native pursuers.This battle prevented the natives from attacking for a whole night, but Yin Feng's Musketeers only had ammunition left for two more salvos.Moreover, several projectiles were found by Brother Flores, revealing the whereabouts of the Musketeers.

After entering the swamp, Yin Feng instructed everyone to endure the torment of moisture and the bite of mosquitoes, and spent one night cutting off all the thatch bushes in the swamp, and piled them up around the swamp.Then, Yin Feng asked everyone to take out all the things that could start the fire: scythes, flints, tung oil, and cloth.In order to ensure the fire-igniting effect, Yin Feng reluctantly sprinkled gunpowder on some thatched grass.

This morning, the local aborigines suffered a great loss because they were ambushed yesterday, and gathered fighters from several nearby tribal villages to seek revenge from the Chinese.As soon as they came to the edge of the swamp, the vanguard fell into the pit dug by Yin Feng, and many people were nailed to death by wooden and bamboo sticks at the bottom of the pit.The natives were very angry. This trick of catching wild animals is their patent. How can the Chinese use it on them?

So, the annoyed natives forgot to take cover and rushed over in a swarm.The Chinese had been prepared for a long time. Dozens of pirate gang brothers guarded the only two entrances to the swamp with bamboo spears prepared at night.The brothers in the first row were all wearing the Spanish plate armor helmets captured in Tondo. They were not afraid of the inferior bows and arrows of the natives.These natives did not realize that a thick layer of thatch was artificially laid under their feet.

Seeing the aborigines appearing around the edge of the swamp, and the number of people gathered more and more, Yin Feng raised the torch and shouted: "Set fire!" and threw the torch into the haystack in front of him.

Lin Xiao immediately fired Yin Feng's revolver into the air, "Boom!"

Immediately, the people ambushing around the swamp moved after hearing the news, and lit the thatch piles everywhere. After the fire rose, thanks to the support of gunpowder and tung oil, the fire immediately burned to the grass on the bank along the pre-paved fire path. middle.The pirate gang brothers who blocked the enemy at the entrance of the swamp also retreated one after another, and ignited the haystack in front of them by the way.The haystack at the entrance of the passage wasted a lot of gunpowder by Yin Feng, and the burning speed was so fast that it quickly burned the two native warriors who rushed in the front into burning men.

But in a short time, several feet of flames rose around the swamp, and the heat wave emptied, and the Chinese in the middle of the swamp could also feel the blazing power of the fire.Zhang Zhongji, Colonel Cutley, the black Magaro and others surrounded the flatbed vehicle Zeng Yue and the others were riding in. They were already in the middle of the swamp, but they could still feel the heat of the fire on their faces.Li Lihua stared blankly at the fire, her face was reddened by the flames: "God!"

Li Lihua kept making the sign of the sign of the cross on her chest, and both Coutere and Magaro kept making the sign of the sign of the sign of the sign of the cross and praying, and most of the Christians in the fleeing team did the same.And Lu Shitou couldn't stop muttering to himself: "Damn it, it's too ruthless! It's too ruthless!"

All the people looked at the fire all around in horror, and prayed to various gods at the same time.

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