Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 46 Breaking Out and Missing

At this time, Yin Feng's brigade marching towards the bada geese has reached as many as 2000 people.

When Yin Feng's brigade left Balian in disorder, they basically rushed out of Balian's wooden wall under the constant fire from the cannons of the San Diego Fort.Along the way, sand and rocks flew everywhere, walls and houses collapsed, and the fugitives were surrounded by howling shells and screams.Several unlucky fugitives were directly hit by shells when they climbed over the wooden fence wall, and they were beaten to pieces; a brother of the pirate gang was stabbed to death by the side of the road by a flying bamboo stick.

Yin Feng looked angrily at the Spanish fort in the distance, and he could faintly see the soldiers running on the fort.The Spanish cannons fired with impunity, knowing that the Chinese insurgents would not be able to fight back.

On the first day after setting off from Balian, Yin Feng's team broke through a checkpoint set up by the native soldiers. There were only more than 50 native soldiers guarding the checkpoint. Shoot a few arrows to show that he has done his duty.Then immediately let go of his feet and ran away.The next day, a large group of people passed by a colonist's manor, and a few shots were fired ignorantly in the manor, and a musket bullet killed a brother of the pirate gang.

This annoyed everyone. Lu Shitou brought his brothers and took down the manor in a single charge. The white master, black slaves, and indigenous servants inside were all killed, and then the manor was burned to the ground. white ground.On this day, two Spanish colonial manors were destroyed, and a Tagalog village that shot arrows at the Chinese team was burned.Yin Feng tried his best to prevent the pirate brothers from killing wantonly, but the pirates who were jealous of killing him kept killing him as soon as he walked away, and the persuasion effect was not great.Yin Feng is not out of sympathy, but because he is afraid of delaying the escape time.

That is to say, from this day onwards, Chinese fleeing from the direction of Balian kept catching up, asking to join Yin Feng's team.News of the fiasco of the Chinese under Manila also spread throughout Luzon.

Blacksmith Li Dayu, the leader of the craftsmen's guild, died in battle under the city of Manila. His apprentices and buddies protected his son Li Yue and escaped from Balian, catching up with Yin Feng and others.Behind them was a refugee crowd composed of nearly 8000 overseas Chinese, scattered over tens of square kilometers, and fled in the direction of Dalun Mountain and Badalan in disorder.

In the direction of Manila, a combined force of more than 1500 Spaniards and indigenous soldiers, led by Captain Biragon and Brother Flores, is following and pursuing them step by step.

Yin Feng asked all the newcomers to go to the middle of the line.At this time, the actions of the brigade stopped.

Yin Feng walked quickly to the front of the team, but saw the pirate brothers sorting some spoils, so the whole team stopped.Yin Feng was really furious. He rushed forward and snatched a European-style silver candlestick from a pirate, and kicked the guy down; he cursed loudly.Since returning to the Ming Dynasty, he has never scolded anyone like this.

While cursing, he used judo kung fu to bring down these guys who wanted money but not life one by one. The guys from the Pirate Gang didn't react for a while, and more than a dozen sailors behind Yin Feng were staring at them, all pointing their arquebus guns at them.Immediately, more than a dozen people were knocked to the ground, and everyone was stunned by Yin Feng's sudden outburst.

In fact, these "former" pirates are all veterans, and loyalty and warmth alone cannot command them, and Yin Feng has just figured out this joint.To deal with these men who have fought desperately in the sea of ​​swords and fires at sea, the only way is to give kindness and strength together.

Yin Feng stood angrily on a flatbed truck: "... If you want to make money, then stay and wait for the people from Guanlian to help you get it! I, Yin Feng, the owner of Xinxing, hereby declare: I am willing to share money with you." Those who go to Badayan, you have to obey my orders! Otherwise, please stay and help us resist the army of the Ganla people. Just behind us, there are more than 2000 enemies chasing and killing them, but you are still wasting time here Now you make your own choice: follow me, and you may board a boat and go to sea alive, and return home alive; stay, and wait for the army of the Ganla people to come! Those who follow us are all Tang people, there are no Quanzhou people, Zhangzhou people There is no difference between people from Chaozhou and people from Chaozhou, and there is no difference between believing in foreign religion and not believing in religion. We are all Tang people!

He finished speaking in one breath, and looked around seriously: "What do you think?"

Lin Xiao, Mai Xiaoliu and others consciously stood behind Yin Feng, raised their matchlock guns, and stared coldly at the group of pirate gang brothers.

"I listen to you, Brother Yin!" Lu Shitou was the first to stand up and express his opinion.

An Heping, the leader of the Christians, also stood up and said, "Captain Yin, we Christians obey your orders!"

The brothers of the Pirate Gang actually belonged to more than a dozen pirate gangs, and it was not a strict organization.Right now, everyone has to rely on Yin Feng's boat to escape from Luzon Island. The situation is stronger than others, and no matter how rebellious the pirates are, they have to bow to the situation. Besides, Yin Feng is indeed a reliable leader.Therefore, the pirates expressed their opinions that all actions should be under Yin Feng's command.

At the moment, Yin Feng asked 100 pirate gang brothers and his sailor musketeers to clear the way, and the other pirate brothers and craftsmen guarded and protected the elderly, weak, women and children in the middle of the team. More than 100 Chinese Christians were more organized. Yin Feng left them at the end of the team, and he, Lin Xiao and other sailors also stayed there, together with the Christian leader An Heping.

He walked through a long queue, and people in the middle of the queue kept saying hello to him:

"Captain Yin, the Ganla people haven't caught up yet, have they?"

"Don't worry, Han Dong's family is still far away." Yin Feng replied with a nod and a smile.

"Master Feng, why don't you leave!" This was the guy from the Zeng family asking.

"Let's go right away, keep an eye on the third young master and the others, oh, are they asleep?"

"Yin Feng!"

Yin Feng couldn't help but stop. Nowadays, in Luzon Island, few people call him by his first name.

Only one person could say that, Miss Li Lihua came to Yin Feng like a gust of wind.

"Those Christians said my house was burned?"

Yin Feng sighed: "Yes, I heard that Huang Kang's house was also burned, and the whole family died."

"What about my elder brother? What will happen to my elder brother?" Li Lihua's beautiful face was full of concern.

"He will be fine, don't worry." According to the original history, Li Dan will stay in the Spanish prison for several years, and then become a convict rowing the bilge of a battleship.Yin Feng comforted him a bit, and resolutely rejected Miss Li's request to follow him, thus getting rid of the trouble.

The team was on the road again, and the speed was finally much faster than the previous few days.When encountering the Spanish colonists sneaking on the side of the road, the large group of people ignored them and only sent a few people to make a charge, while most of them advanced quickly along the main road.


At about the time when the black female slaves in Manila staged a live drama of god-possessed bodies, which led to a full-scale war between the Spaniards and the Chinese, Quanzhou encountered a typhoon that had not happened in a century.For several days in a row, heavy rain and hurricanes broke out one after another, the sea water suddenly soared, and flash floods broke out.The berths in Hong Kong and Macau along the Jinjiang River were almost completely destroyed. In Quanzhou Prefecture alone, more than [-] people were drowned, and residential houses were destroyed, and countless animals were drifted away.

Within a few days, the back garden of Zeng's mansion almost became flooded, and Yin Feng's house next to the back garden also got flooded.

After the water receded, Zeng Jing and her servants worked for several days to clean up the yard, but all the flowers and plants she had planted were destroyed.The concubine Mai Wan'er was also busy with the maids, her eyes were red all day long and she kept silent.She has to cry for a long time every night before falling asleep.

Of course, Zeng Jing would not be like this, and would never show her deepest yearning in front of others.

Before Yin Feng left, he handed her a piece of paper, on which was a sketch Yin Feng had drawn with homemade charcoal: a portrait of Zeng Jing.On the side was written with crooked calligraphy: "Flowers are not flowers, and fog is not fog." Zeng Jing had to look at this portrait every day these nights.At that time, the Chinese did not know sketching, and this portrait is probably the first charcoal sketch in China.Zeng Jing's first feeling when looking at the painting was that he wanted to rush out the door impulsively, to go to sea with Yin Feng, wherever he wanted.

The incident soon came to October, and the entire Zengjia firm was preparing for the trade in the coming year.However, there are also more and more unfavorable rumors about Luzon.Finally one day, Xiamen fishermen rescued a few victims at sea, and after questioning, they found out that they were small traders who had escaped from Luzon.When they landed, the situation on Luzon Island immediately spread throughout the coastal areas of Fujian, especially Zhangzhou and Quanzhou: most of the Chinese wintering in Luzon came from these two areas.

"Did the La people attack our Tang people?"

"A war started?"

"We Tang people have suffered countless casualties?"

Those who heard the news firmly expressed their disbelief at first, and then rushed forward to inquire about their family members.Reluctantly, these Luzon overseas Chinese escaped from Luzon Island on homemade rafts from the Tondo camp after the all-out war.When they escaped, the Chinese had just suffered a disastrous defeat in the battle of Del Monta Monastery.They couldn't provide any recent news, because they drifted on the sea for nearly 20 days on their stomachs, and finally the raft fell apart, leaving only 20 of the original 3 people.

In the inner hall of the Zeng family, the news was like a lightning strike, almost knocking out everyone in the Zeng family.Amid the sound of crying, Zeng Jing returned to his home in a daze, his palms were numb, and his heart was uncomfortable. He sat in front of the dressing table, and the first thing that caught his eyes was the charcoal sketch left by Yin Feng.

She was heartbroken, but couldn't cry; in the depths of her heart, she had already integrated the fantasy of her ideal husband with the image of Yin Feng, but the harsh reality seemed to break this illusion again; Life may end before it begins.

These days, the temples in Quanzhou and Zhangzhou are surprisingly full of incense, and they are full of old and young women and children who come to pray for the safety of their relatives far away.

The news also reached Li Dan's family, and Li Huayu and Xu Xinsu immediately decided: no matter what, they must go to sea to save their elder brother Li Dan.

Yin Feng, who is thousands of miles away in Luzon, has no time to feel his wife's miss.He found that he could no longer control the size of his fleeing team.

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