Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 45 Blood and Fire and Massacre

The Chinese who were frustrated in the attack had to withdraw from the range of their firearms, and the Spaniards in the city suddenly cheered.All the Spaniards in Manila were shouting loudly: "Reinforcements are coming!"

At the same time, around the Chinese camps gathered on the south bank of the Pasig River and Binondo, gunfire sounded almost simultaneously; not only the troops of the governor of Pampanga arrived, but also Velasco, the Spanish garrison commander of Cebu, arrived. The captain also arrived with Spanish regulars and reinforcements of native musketeers, archers, and spearmen.

This is the most dangerous moment for the Chinese.

Since the Chinese insurgents did not have a unified command and no one had war experience, no one expected the Spanish reinforcements to arrive so soon, so many people fell into a situation of being at a loss for a while.Several Chinese leaders either died in civil strife or died in battle. The Chinese insurgents without command could no longer maintain their morale.Some of them are looking around not knowing what to do, some are still struggling to attack the city, and some are already preparing to retreat to Balian.The Chinese left behind by Binondo have been attacked by the Pampanga native soldiers and are collapsing north and south.There are very few remaining Christians in Binondo, and this time they will no longer be able to escape the massacre by the Cebu native soldiers.

The entire Binondo was completely destroyed by the fire, and all the houses in the Binondo residential area, including Li Dan's house, were completely engulfed by the fire.The home of Huang Kang, the director of Balian, in Binondo was also burned down by the native soldiers.Huang Kang's wife, daughter and youngest son had hanged themselves in the house beforehand, and their bodies were hung in the house, and they were burned to nothing together with their own home.A few days later, Huang Kang himself was hanged in Manila without a public trial on charges of secretly financing and instigating rebellion.So far, apart from his adopted son An Heping, Huang Kang, a Chinese immigrant who has lived in Manila for more than 30 years, and his family have suffered disasters, and none of them survived.

On the eve of the final destruction of Binondo, the Tagalog wives of those Chinese Christians knelt in front of the native soldiers of the same race to intercede for their husbands, and the result was that they were killed together with their husbands.The Spaniard's order was clear: all Chinese must pay for the rebellion, and anyone who opposed it would be shot to death.

In order to protect the San Franciscan Church in Binondo, there are more than 100 Chinese Christians who did not hesitate to clash with their compatriots and hid in the church.They went to Manila to surrender to the Spaniards, but they were shot back by the cannon and took refuge here in the chaos of the battlefield.Hearing gunshots all around, they poured out of the church, knelt in front of the church and held up a cross to beg forgiveness from the Spaniards.

However, the halberds and short spears of the indigenous soldiers in Cebu were not hindered by the cross at all, and soon these Chinese Christians were killed one by one. The indigenous soldiers also torched the remaining Chinese Christians hiding in the church All the disciples were burned to death.This church built by the Chinese and protected by the Chinese was completely destroyed by the Spanish servants.

It was the troops of Captain Velasco, the commander of the Cebu garrison, who attacked Binondo.At this time, many kinds of Spanish ships and canoes came from the upper reaches of the Pasig River. Velasco led the reinforcements composed of Spaniards and native musketeers, archers and spearmen after occupying Binondo. , and began to land on the south bank; the indigenous infantry of Pampanga Governor Don Fernando also rushed to the south of Manila at the same time, and together with Captain Velasco's troops launched an attack on the physiological people on the entire front.The fighting immediately spread throughout Balian and surrounding areas.

The west gate of Manila City suddenly opened, and a large number of indigenous soldiers rushed out with arrows, and then 100 Spanish regular troops came out of the city gate beating drums.

A group of Chinese who were retreating to Balian saw the Spaniards rushing out of the city, thinking that there was a chance for close combat, they immediately cheered up and threw themselves into the battle.They broke up the ranks of the native soldiers, and beat the native soldiers who only held bows and arrows and short spears to the ground with big clubs. The native soldiers and Chinese rebels in the melee were all overthrown.

At this moment, Captain Biragun and Brother Flores, who had escaped from Yin Feng's hands on the bank of the Bashi River, rushed over with the Japanese and attacked the Chinese team from the side.This attack by the Japanese completely defeated the Chinese team, and they also chased the Chinese insurgents all the way into Balian.

The Spaniards, Japanese and indigenous mercenaries who attacked Balian again set fire to and looted the remaining Balian market.Many respectable Chinese merchants who stayed in their shops and never took part in the uprising, desperate to see everything being completely destroyed, hanged themselves to preserve their dignity when the Spanish troops rushed in, or set themselves on fire with their belongings burn it.Flames erupted from all over the Balian District, and the Chinese who were defeated and fled walked around in the thick smoke of the fire; they passed among the corpses of Chinese businessmen who hanged themselves hanging on both sides of the street, and the enemies behind kept chasing up and leaving the last one behind. The Chinese insurgents who were cornered turned around and fought back, fighting hand-to-hand with the enemy everywhere in the streets and alleys.

At this time, most of the Chinese insurgents on the battlefield outside Manila retreated to Balian.Although the morale of many people has been low, their number still far exceeds that of the enemy. Many people stubbornly fought against the enemy in all places such as the ruins of Balian, the ruins of the fire, and braved the artillery fire from the city of Manila and the Spaniards. The musket bullets rely on the terrain advantage to repel the enemy time and time again.The Spaniards, Japanese, native soldiers and Chinese fought in the midst of the fire and smoke from noon until it was dark. The Spaniards still could not completely control the entire suburb of Manila and had to retreat to the city.

As soon as the external pressure weakened, the problem of the Chinese scattered in the sand was repeated again. The remaining Chinese, less than 20000, retreated from the Balian District in disorder, retreating south and north respectively.They no longer have any prestigious leaders. The leaders of the Chinese Christians were killed in the internal strife. The leaders of the Zhangzhou Gang, the Quanzhou Gang, and the craftsmen's guild were all killed in the morning siege.No one was still thinking about winning, so the Chinese insurgents lost their organized resistance, scattered into small groups based on the same county, township, village or family, and withdrew from Balian in a chaotic manner.Fortunately, they were all nocturnal, and the Spaniards did not notice.

There are also some Chinese who feel that there is no way to escape, stay in Balian, and decide to destroy together with Balian.They are mainly expatriates who have lived in Luzon for more than ten years or even decades, and there are no relatives in their homeland to turn to; if they want to die in poverty on the streets in their hometown, it would be better to perish together with the enemy in Balian .

On the entire Luzon Island, the only organized Chinese armed forces were the fugitive team led by Yin Feng and Lu Shitou.

Since Binondo was first captured by the Spaniards, fewer Chinese retreated north of the Pasig River, only about 2000 people, while most of the rest broke out to the south of Balian, and most of them went to the direction of the Batangas coast. .

The next day, the Spaniards noticed the movement of the Chinese rebels, and they rang the bells of all the churches in the city again.

Governor Don Pedro Acuna addressing the Spanish colonists in Manila City at the Royal Manila Courthouse:

"Gentlemen, thank God we have defeated the siege of Manila by the Physiologists. We are far from celebrating, however, as the Physioid rebels had sneaked out of Balian last night. News from the native scouts Said: There are thousands of people fleeing all the way north of the Bashi River, and more of them are fleeing south towards San Pablo and Badangan. I have sent Captain Velasco to chase down the rebels in the south, Ah Major Zquita will go to the north to quell the rebellion. Now, the harvest season has arrived in various places. We must keep these harvests and quell the turmoil as soon as possible. At the same time, I have sent people to notify the governors of all provinces in this colony, order They kill all the biological people in the area on the spot, not letting a single one go. We must restore order as soon as possible, gentlemen!"

Speaking of this, he looked sternly at a group of Spanish businessmen and gentlemen below: "I know that some people here are sympathetic to biological people, maybe because of commercial profit, you have some biological people hidden in your home; I hereby reiterate my order: From now on, execute all biological humans throughout this colony!"

Soon, the governor's order was carried out, and the few Chinese in Manila who were protected by sympathizers were all massacred within one morning.Some were hanged on the street, some were assassinated in the protector's home, and some were escorted to Manila prison by the former protector, and finally hanged in the municipal square.

Archbishop Benavides is very busy these days, organizing icon processions everywhere.Every day in and outside the city, people carry icons and sing hymns to parade around, and missionaries tirelessly organize Thanksgiving parades.

At the home of Bernardo's business partner, the new Christian Francisco Diaz de Montoya, a group of Spanish soldiers broke in and arrested the Chinese Christian businessman Miguel Otto.

Biological Christian Miguel Otto, formerly known as Shi Yuan, was the first Chinese manager of Balian and a long-term business partner of De Montoya.De Montoya stopped the soldiers: "What are you doing?"

The soldier said viciously; "Sir, this biological man is involved in the rebellion, and we are ordered to arrest him."

"Mr. Otto, do you admit it?"

Shi Yuan—Otto said: "No, I did not participate in the rebellion. It is useless to say this, it is my life! Thank you, Mr. Montoya, and thank you for taking me in." Shi Yuan smiled and said to the master bow deeply.

In the afternoon, de Montoya saw the body of Miguel Otto, Shi Yuan, hanging on the gallows in the Plaza Mayor in Manila.

A few days later, apart from Huang Kang and Li Dan in the underground prison of Fort Santiago, there was no Chinese left alive in Manila.Huang Kang was also sentenced to hang for rebellion by the Manila Royal Court a few days later.Before he died, he refused the confession given by Archbishop Benavides of Manila; he saw the true face of the archbishop and accused Archbishop Benavides of instigating the war.Then, Huang Kang himself went to the gallows, no longer praying to the God of the Spaniards, but praying to the long-forgotten Mazu in his heart: after death, he can be reunited with his family in the underworld.

The Spanish army was quickly dispatched to the north and south of the Pasig River, and a Spanish and Japanese mixed force entered the half-ruined Balian again to search for the last Chinese survivors and loot the goods and property left in the market.

When the enemy's footsteps sounded, the last group of Chinese who stayed in Balian set their houses on fire.The last conflagration immediately became a piece, and the overwhelming flames drove the Spaniards and Japanese who rushed into Balian out of Balian.The members of the mixed army, whose dream of getting rich was shattered, had to gather under the city, and together with the Spaniards at the head of the city, watched the whole Balian turned into a sea of ​​flames.The Chinese didn't intend to leave anything behind - including their own lives; they poured tung oil on the houses in all the blocks, and not even the unburned ruins fell; so the fire burned unstoppably, and burned continuously for two days , making Balian completely a blank land.

Captain Gaspar, who was lost in Balian the day before, ended up with no bones left.

Major Azquita's troops, mainly indigenous infantry from Pampanga Province, successfully caught up with the chaotic Chinese fleeing procession and slaughtered them en masse near the Tondo Church.A group of Chinese broke through desperately and wanted to flee to the swamp camp for refuge again, but it was too late.As the news of the defeat of the Chinese had spread, the Tagalog natives who had been holding a wait-and-see attitude also began to attack the Chinese. They captured and burned the Tondo Swamp Camp before the Chinese.The last part of the Chinese who retreated north, about 400 people, committed suicide on the edge of the swamp on the third day after the failure to attack Manila.

At this time, Yin Feng was distressed by the growing size of his fleeing team...

After the Chinese came out of Balian, they divided into two groups and went all the way to San Pablo.The Spanish troops led by Captain Velasco, the commander of the Cebu garrison, followed the Chinese detachment to San Pablo. They killed those who were left behind due to wounds and hunger, and caught up with the rear of the Chinese detachment. Shoot the physiological man with a musket bow and arrow.The angry Chinese turned to attack them, and they retreated quickly, and then let the indigenous infantry form a dense phalanx with spears to wait for the physiological people to attack, while shooting continuously with muskets.The Chinese insurgents fell under the muskets in large numbers. Even if they went forward, it would be meaningless to rush to the spears to attack the Spaniards. The Chinese could not break through the spears at all.

The Chinese had no choice but to continue to move forward, but the Spaniards chased up and harassed, shooting and killing the Chinese in the rear team.In this way, as the Chinese walked all the way, they left behind their corpses.In the end, this group of more than 6000 Chinese fleeing teams failed to reach the seaside and were surrounded in a hilly forest.

The angry Chinese burned all the Spanish churches, monasteries, and other buildings in the area they passed.Ruins were left behind.

This morning, Captain Velasco continued to follow and kill the Chinese. A large number of native soldiers rushed into the woods, but were beaten out by the Chinese with the most primitive weapon - wooden sticks.The Spanish regular army soldiers who followed the native soldiers were unprepared, because they were greedy for the treasures that the Chinese carried with them, and they only cared about collecting property from the Chinese corpses. The Chinese attacked and dozens of people were killed on the spot.

In a rage, Captain Velasco dispatched several small cannons to bombard the forest, and then ordered all the soldiers to set fire to the mountain.The season was approaching the dry season in the Philippine Islands, and the fire quickly engulfed the entire mountain.

The Spanish troops lined up at the foot of the hill.However, until the fire was extinguished by burning all the trees, not a single Chinese escaped from the sea of ​​fire and begged for mercy and surrendered. They and the trees on the whole mountain were turned into ashes, and they would rather die than surrender.

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