Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 48 Set fire

The fire consumed a lot of oxygen, and a strong wind suddenly blew up in the swamp.Fortunately, the wind was blowing to the outside, and fortunately the swamp was large enough, otherwise Yin Feng and others might have been suffocated by the fire.

Since Yin Feng had cleared all the combustibles from the swamp in advance, only the heat wave of the fire could threaten the people in the middle of the swamp, while the surrounding natives were in bad luck.The potential of human beings in critical moments is amazing. Most of the aborigines have experienced forest fires, and they ran back as soon as they saw the fire.Helpless, the crowd was too crowded when they attacked the swamp just now, and the fire rose too suddenly. A large group of indigenous people collided with each other and fell down. Before they could get up, the fire had caught up and engulfed the crowd immediately.There are crackling sounds of burning mountain fires everywhere, the whirring sound of the wind fueling the fire, and the screams of the dying natives, accompanied by the rumbling sound of several old trees falling in the flames, making people feel as if they were in the middle of nowhere. in hell.

The Spaniards have entered into this hell completely voluntarily.When several vanguard soldiers appeared in front of Lieutenant Gallina, the Spaniards had already seen the flames and smoke rising in front of them.Immediately there appeared the panic-stricken and desperate natives, who rushed towards Lieutenant Galina's troops regardless.

"Turn around and run!"

There was no need for Lieutenant Galina to issue orders, the surrounding native auxiliary soldiers had already scattered and fled, and the Spanish soldiers also wanted to flee for their lives immediately, and no one wanted to contend with the power of nature.It's a pity that their queue was too tight just now, and it's difficult to turn around now.Lieutenant Galina pushed down his soldiers desperately, even stepped on the fallen soldiers, and ran backward desperately.All the Spaniards fled desperately for their lives in a panic, throwing away everything on them that might catch fire: matchlocks, powder, muskets.

However, the things thrown away by the Spanish soldiers became combustion accelerants, and the spread of the fire has slowed down a lot, and it was suddenly detonated by the gunpowder, causing a huge fire.What's more terrible is that the wind direction at this time happened to be blowing towards the Spaniards!The marine climate characteristics of Luzon Island determine that there are more winds blowing from the ocean direction, so the huge flame suddenly rose tens of meters high among the trees, and the flame licked the treetops of the tropical broad-leaved forest, igniting a huge fire. The fireballs rushed from the treetops on the ground to the fleeing Spaniards and natives, attacking them up and down.

The fleeing Spanish soldiers and native auxiliary soldiers were surrounded by fire again and again, and rushed out of the sea of ​​flames with smoke all over their bodies, and then were engulfed by the flames that caught up.The fire was overwhelming and engulfed everything, and by the time they rushed out again, the number had been much reduced.

The poor Spanish vanguard, together with the native auxiliaries, a total of 250 people, were swallowed by the fire within 1 minute.Only a dozen or so people were able to rush out of the sea of ​​flames again. Except for Lieutenant Galina who stepped on his soldiers to escape, Brother Flores, who had narrowly escaped death under the hands of the Chinese several times, escaped again.The executioner of the massacre of the Chinese in the Maquina Manor was devastated, his black robe was burned and thrown away long ago, and the monk jumped into a small pond almost naked, so he was blessed by God and escaped.

This fire caused a wildfire within a radius of tens of miles, and also cleared the way forward for the Chinese fleeing team.When Yin Feng and the others started their journey on the still hot black scorched earth, there was no thatch in front of them that could hide the enemy, and everyone had a much wider field of vision, and the natives who appeared everywhere like shadows also disappeared completely. .In the distance around them, black smoke was rising everywhere, and the unburned trees were still emitting flames.

There was already some awe in the eyes of everyone looking at Yin Feng.Everything in the fire attack plan was planned and supervised by Yin Feng.This is all due to the forest fire incident he interviewed when he just graduated: the forest around a certain reservoir caught fire, and only the people on the island in the center of the reservoir were able to escape.So he chose this swamp with a large enough area and played a game of burning Chibi.If the area of ​​the water area is not large enough, if the edge of the swamp is not low thatch is easy to be burned immediately, this kind of game may kill Yin Feng himself: either he will be suffocated by lack of oxygen in the fire, or he will be in the water that has been roasted into boiling water by the fire. Burn to death.

The brothers of the pirate gang, as well as the refugees who fled with them, privately compared Yin Feng's feat of burning the aborigines with Zhuge Liang's burning of the rattan armored soldiers.Now, as no one knows, the fire also nearly wiped out a whole Spanish army.

However, the fire also affected other fleeing Chinese refugees. Many scattered refugees died in the wildfires around the place where the Spaniards were buried.Seeing the spread of wildfires from a distance, other Chinese changed their escape route and detoured to San Pablo further south.As a result, hordes of Chinese just met Captain Velasco's troops.

Captain Velasco also set a fire, killing thousands of Chinese and overseas Chinese.Now, Yin Feng unintentionally repays him in his own way.

The Spanish army in the direction of San Pablo was reinforcing the Dalun Mountains and the Badangan. As a result, they encountered several Chinese teams in the afternoon. Between dense forests and grass, between villages and roads, small rivers and swamps Constantly fighting with the Chinese who are desperately moving forward.The shooting of muskets could not stop the Chinese who suddenly burst out from the dense forest and grass at close range.The battles were usually small-scale, fierce hand-to-hand combat, because things were unexpected, and Captain Velasco had no time to direct the troops to pull out the formation and shoot with volleys of guns.Even so, due to the gap in weapons and equipment, the Chinese insurgents at most disrupted the marching ranks of the Spanish troops, and they were not opponents of heavily armed and well-organized Spanish soldiers in hand-to-hand combat.However, the desperate fight of the Chinese still confused the Spanish army.

Captain Velasco was very puzzled, why these Chinese were so reckless against the knife edge of their own troops?When he saw the thick smoke and flames rising higher and higher in front of him, he immediately understood everything, turned around the Arabian horse he was riding, and loudly ordered the troops to turn around and retreat.

Then a strange phenomenon appeared, the hunter and the hunted ran side by side, running as fast as they could; the Spanish soldiers gradually fell behind the overseas Chinese they wanted to kill because they were fully armed and armored. Surrounded and devoured by the wildfires that spread rapidly from all around.The smarter Spaniard soldiers abandoned all equipment, ran fast with their physical strength, and began to surpass the Chinese again.

The weird race didn't stop until they crossed a swamp; the power of the fire was blocked by the water, but Captain Velasco found that his troops were completely scattered and could not be gathered for a while; and those Chinese They have fled all over the mountains and plains to the south.

Yin Feng didn't know at all that because of his own fire, it caused the largest fire in the history of the entire southwestern Luzon Island.There is no way not to be big, dozens of fires are lit at the same time in a place with a radius of 1 square kilometer, and it is rare that the spread is not large.

When Captain Velasco was busy collecting troops, he accidentally encountered Captain Gallinado and Brother Flores, who had escaped from death, and learned from them the cause of the wildfire that spread over tens of square kilometers. : Unless man-made, it is impossible to have a fire that spreads so fast.

A heavy rain in the afternoon came unexpectedly, and finally contained the momentum of the fire spreading unscrupulously everywhere.

In the evening, the two Spanish pursuit forces: Velasco's San Pablo detachment and the main force of Captain Biragon's army finally joined forces on a piece of scorched and smoky land.Due to the heavy loss of the forward troops, the officers discussed and decided to camp in place and sent messengers to Manila City for help.

At the same time, before dark, the fleeing team of Yin Feng and others also approached the northern pass of Dalun Mountain.This mountain pass is now controlled by the Spaniards. The last time Coutere scouted the retreat route, the farthest reached the swamp, so he didn't know the terrain here.

The guide who led the way was a brother from the Pirate Gang who used to do hawker business in this area.By asking the guide, Yin Feng figured out that Dongshankou is only a mountain away from the mountain path that Yin Feng sneaked to Manila.As long as you break through this mountain pass, you will be able to climb over the mountains and reach Badanyan Beach.

Several of the most daring brothers from the Pirate Gang sneaked up to the mountain pass together with Lin Xiao in the grass.Although the Spaniards here saw the forest fire at noon, they didn't know it was a man-made fire, nor did they know that their friendly troops had suffered heavy losses, and they didn't expect the Chinese to come so soon.They lit torches everywhere in the camp, and they were having a meal with the game they had hunted in the mountains during the day, and the scent of the game wafted into Lin Xiao's nose.Through observation, Lin Xiao and others finally figured out the other party's situation: more than 40 Spanish colonial militiamen were guarding behind a wooden fence at the mountain pass, and there were also more than 100 Tagalog native auxiliary soldiers.

Most of the day's rapid march, several days of long-distance trek, after the threat of the pursuers and the surrounding raiders was temporarily eliminated, the fleeing people were all exhausted, and all were knocked down by all-round physical and mental fatigue.When Lin Xiao and others came back, many people didn't even eat dry food, and fell asleep on the side of the road.

Lin Xiao and others reported the reconnaissance results to Yin Feng. Yin Feng stood up and said to Colonel Kutley, Lu Shitou, An Heping, and others: "Night attack! We will capture the mountain pass before dawn, so that we can attack the mountain in three days. Arrive at the Badalan Beach within [-] days. Ladies and gentlemen, you..."

Yin Feng found that all the leaders were looking at each other with embarrassment.

Lu Shitou couldn't help yawning, and then pointed to the surroundings: "Brother, everyone couldn't sleep all night last night, and today we fought for a long time and drove for a long time. Look at everyone, they are already too tired to grow up." It’s like this, where can we go to attack at night!”

Colonel Cutley said in blunt Chinese: "Sir, I understand your urgency, but in my opinion, these soldiers cannot fight without rest. After we came out of Balian, basically no one could fight." Get some sleep."

Yin Feng kicked the ground impatiently, bowed his head and said for a moment: "Everyone, don't forget that the Ganlian people are chasing after us. If you don't take advantage of the enemy's lax defense to take the mountain pass tonight, there will be a fierce battle tomorrow!" He He raised his head, his face was covered with dirt, his eyes were bloodshot, and his eye sockets were sunken.In fact, he was more tired than anyone these days, he was in contact with the top and bottom, running back and forth in the team to maintain order, personally arranging all the details of the fire attack, there were too many things to worry about.Yin Feng's ability to persevere is due to the good physical strength and endurance brought to him by his four years of judo training in college before the time travel.

Yin Feng looked at Lin Xiao and asked, "How are the brothers from Xinxing?"

Lin Xiao replied: "Our brother is okay, he hasn't slept well for several days, and he is a little tired, just sleep well."

Lu Shitou sighed: "Brother Yin, just let everyone sleep, if you don't take a rest, everyone will collapse."

Yin Feng looked around, under the dim moonlight, on the scorched land and on the wet river bank, there were refugees sleeping everywhere; some were lying on the ground with their clothes on, or they were cuddling each other to sleep.Several flatbed carts in the line were also full of people. On the one occupied by the Zeng family, only Li Lihua's pretty and graceful figure was sitting by the cart, looking towards him, and the rest of the people were asleep.

Yin Feng avoided Li Lihua's gaze, sighed, and said to everyone: "Forget it, let everyone sleep." He casually called Lin Xiao's watch: "Brother Guangguang, have you sent people to the back to guard? "

Lin Xiao is not a careful person, although the Sailor Musketeers are under his command.He was a little dazed for a while, but fortunately, Kuteri said: "Don't worry, the owner, I have sent Mai Xiaoliu and others to guard the back."

Yin Feng shook his head: "Guangze, you go to the back to take over from Little Six and the others. Next time, don't neglect to send a security post."

He said to Lu Shitou and the others: "Everyone sleep, we still have to launch a sneak attack before dawn tomorrow!"

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