To accompany my daughter, I worked as a chef in the kindergarten

Chapter 164 Chicken soup stewed with mountain spring water!

Chapter 164 Chicken soup stewed with mountain spring water!

One more dish is enough.

Three people can't eat a lot of dishes. In fact, it is more appropriate to cook three dishes.

Too much is easily wasted.

The kind where a big table is set up when guests come, and they all have to be thrown away in the end.

Or just keep reheating and eat leftovers at every meal.

In this way, bacteria in the dishes will continue to accumulate.

Just stir-fry as many vegetables as you want, so there's no waste and it's just right.

Finally, let’s make some ground delicacies.

This is a very classic dish.

It is rich in nutrients and many people like to eat it.

Ye Chen first peeled the potatoes and cut them into hob pieces.

The eggplant is also cut into hob pieces, and the green pepper is cut into small slices.

Eggplant is a vegetable that absorbs oil very much. He sprinkled some starch on it to reduce oil absorption.

Heat the oil in a pan, wait until the oil is 80% hot, and then put the potatoes in and fry them.

When the potatoes turn golden brown, you can remove them and set aside.

There is no need to over-fry it, as it will need to be refried later.

Ye Chen poured a little more oil into the pot and then fried the eggplants.

There is also a kind of three delicacies, which does not require fried potatoes and eggplants.

That is a more innovative approach.

After all, modern people advocate health and think that deep-frying is not very healthy.

Ye Chen still uses the traditional method.

Add base oil to the pot and fry the eggplant.

It can also be taken out after frying until slightly golden.

Use light soy sauce, oyster sauce, starch, sugar, water,

Make a sauce according to a certain proportion.

Ye Chen sprinkled in scallions and ginger slices and sauteed until fragrant, then added potatoes, eggplants and green peppers and stir-fried together.

Pour in the sauce and stir-fry until the sauce evenly coats the three delicacies.

Just add some minced green onions at the end.

Out of the pot!

Su Qingyin also came to the kitchen.

"I'll serve you the food."

"Just let me serve the food. It's quite hot. Don't burn you. Go ahead and get the utensils."

"Well, okay!"

Su Qingyin nodded obediently and went to look for tableware in the cabinet.

Marven brought all three dishes to the table.

The color looks very attractive.

Especially the pot of chicken soup, which exudes a rich aroma and looks delicious.

"Xiaochen, your craftsmanship is so good!"

Grandma couldn't help but praise her.

She also thought that her granddaughter liked Ye Chen and deliberately said that he was good at cooking.

Now it seems that this is true.

This dish is all about color, flavor and flavor.

Just by looking at the appearance, it’s hard to find a place to eat!

Su Qingyin came over with the tableware.

"Grandma, his cooking is delicious. You can try it later!"

Su Qingyin served everyone a bowl of rice, and the first bowl was given to grandma first.

Not to mention grandma, Su Qingyin looked at these dishes and said,

My mouth is watering.

Especially the chicken soup, it smells so delicious.

The soup is golden and clear, and looks very good.

"Grandma, try Ye Chen's craftsmanship."

But she still held back, of course she wanted her grandma to taste the first bite!

She gave her grandma a big chicken drumstick and put it in a white porcelain bowl.

"Hey, granddaughter, I won't eat the chicken legs, but you will."

Just as grandma was about to put the chicken legs back, Su Qingyin put her hands on her hips and pretended to be angry: "No, grandma must eat it. If you don't eat it, I will get angry!"

Ye Chen smiled and put another chicken drumstick into Su Qingyin's bowl. "Grandma, you and Qingyin are one each, you don't have to be humble now."

Su Qingyin felt warm in her heart, Ye Chen played the role of the fake boyfriend quite well!

Grandma also smiled and gave Ye Chen a few more points in her heart.

It's hard to find such a good boyfriend these days.

He thinks of his girlfriend in everything and puts her feelings first.

If two people are together in the future, they will definitely be happy, right?

"Okay, then let me try Xiaochen's craftsmanship."

Grandma picked up the chicken legs and put them in her mouth.

Both of them looked at grandma nervously, for fear that it would not be to her taste.

Ye Chen didn't know why he was so nervous.

He's obviously just pretending to be a boyfriend, so why does he feel like he's meeting his parents?

It’s really weird!

The attractive golden color of chicken legs is mouth-watering.

The chicken legs were stewed very well, and it took almost no effort to bite open the chicken legs easily.

It exudes a light and fragrant taste, with a slight salty aftertaste in the mouth. The solid meat exudes a tender and juicy taste, and every bite is full of the unique deliciousness of chicken.

The rich meat juices flow out and moisten your mouth with every bite, making you intoxicated and unable to extricate yourself.

Savor it carefully, the chicken legs exude a light meaty aroma, accompanied by a subtle umami and slightly sweet aftertaste, which seems to leave a string of happy notes on the tip of the tongue.

Grandma nodded with satisfaction and gave him a thumbs up: "These chicken legs are so delicious! Xiaochen, your craftsmanship is so good!"

"As long as grandma likes to eat."

Ye Chen couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief,

He has never wanted to be recognized by his grandma as much as he does now.

"I said yes, his craftsmanship is so good!"

Su Qingyin was also very proud.

If you praise Ye Chen for cooking delicious food, isn't that just praising your own taste?

She filled a bowl of chicken soup and placed it in front of grandma.

"Grandma, try the chicken soup again."

"You guys should eat too, don't just watch me eat."

The two of them also moved their chopsticks and started eating.

Su Qingyin ate the chicken leg first, and the rich meaty aroma filled her entire mouth.

As expected of the chicken drumsticks picked by Ye Chen himself, they seem to taste even better!

The scrambled eggs with garlic sprouts and ground three delicacies are also very delicious.

Because they are made with mountain spring water from the farm, both dishes have a light and sweet taste.

It tastes different.

Su Qingyin spooned some chicken soup on the rice, and the whole rice was soaked in chicken soup.

The rice grains in chicken soup are plump and translucent, exuding a charming aroma, adding to your appetite.

As the chicken broth gently moistens the rice grains, the rice begins to absorb the essence of the chicken broth, outlining the unique chicken aroma.

Carefully scoop up a spoonful, the heat will steam up and the aroma will overflow.

The tenderness of the chicken and the softness of the rice blend together, fully releasing the delicious flavor of the chicken.

Every bite of chicken soup rice brings you full comfort and satisfaction. The aroma of chicken, rice and vegetables are intertwined, leaving you with endless aftertaste.

Take another bite at this time, not to mention how good it tastes!

It tastes no worse than chicken!

During this meal, Su Qingyin kept picking up vegetables for grandma.

It can be seen that grandma is also very happy eating.

After finishing a bowl of rice, I wanted to add some more.

Su Qingyin quickly stood up: "Grandma, I'll help you serve the rice!"

"Half a bowl is enough." Grandma said.

Soon, half a bowl of white rice was brought over, exuding a faint fragrance of rice.

"Grandma, you have a good appetite today. You ate a whole bowl of rice."

In the past, grandma could only eat half a bowl of rice.

After all, he is an elderly person and his appetite is not that strong.

Eating more than half a bowl of rice is already good.

(End of this chapter)

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