Chapter 163 Grandma, let my boyfriend cook!

"Then when do you plan to get married?"

"Oh, grandma!"

Su Qingyin immediately blushed: "How could it be so fast!"

Really, I just brought Ye Chen home once,

Grandma is just thinking about getting married?

This is too fast!

Besides, Ye Chen was just pretending to be his boyfriend, but it wasn't real.

Where can I talk about marriage?

Grandma patted Su Qingyin's little hand and said, "My girl is so shy."


Su Qingyin threw herself into her grandma's arms, just like she did when she was a child.

Ye Chen came in with the chicken. The chicken was quite energetic and kept flopping around when he grabbed it.

"Grandma, Qingyin, how about I make some chicken soup for lunch and fry two more vegetables?"

Grandma chuckled: "Okay, Xiaochen, since you are the chef, I will follow your arrangements."


Ye Chen agreed and went to the kitchen to cook.

Grandma and Su Qingyin were chatting in the room.

After all, we haven’t seen each other for several months, and we still have a lot to say.

Ye Chen first went to the yard to kill the chicken.

He had killed chickens before. When he first learned to cook, his master taught him how to kill chickens.

He said that as a chef, these are essential skills.

You don't have to use it, but you can't do it without it.

Usually they are killed by the chicken seller.

Now in the village, we definitely can't go looking for someone to kill, so we have to do it ourselves.

Fortunately, he still remembered to kill like this, otherwise it would be quite a headache to face this chicken.

Never cut off the head directly.

The congestion cannot be released and the chicken is tight, making it very unpalatable.

Ye Chen first went to boil a pot of water and prepared various tools.

The killing officially begins next!

He found a rope and tied the chicken's wings and feet to prevent it from escaping.

This time the chicken was not flapping so fiercely.

Find a stick and knock the chicken unconscious.

The next step is bleeding. Let the blood out so that it will not accumulate in the meat.

He cut a small incision in his neck with a knife, let the chicken blood flow out, and used a small bowl to catch it.

The next step is to pluck the feathers. Put the chicken in a large basin and water it with hot water to soak the chicken feathers. Then you can pluck the feathers.

Finally, the body was disemboweled and all kinds of internal organs were taken out.

The technique of cutting is also very particular, and the internal organs cannot be broken.

Finally, take out the internal organs and clean them both inside and outside.

Soon, he entered the kitchen carrying a naked chicken.

Grandma nodded with satisfaction after seeing it: "Xiao Chen killed the chicken cleanly."

"Grandma, I told you, Ye Chen's cooking is delicious, just wait for the big meal!"

Ye Chen picked up the kitchen knife and cut the whole chicken into pieces of suitable size with a few clicks.

First blanch the chicken to remove the fishy smell.

In fact, the chicken that is killed is very fresh and does not have a lot of fishy smell.

But fearing that Su Qingyin wouldn't be able to get used to it, he still chose to blanch it.

He added two slices of ginger and a little cooking wine.

This has a very good effect on removing fishy smell and can also bring a bit of wine flavor to the chicken.

Heat oil in a pot. Grandma’s stove is a standard rural stove.

This kind of earthen stove has strong firepower, cooks quickly, and the dishes cooked are very fragrant.

However, if you do it for the first time, it is easy to fail to control the heat.

This is not difficult for Ye Chen.

Kindergartens are also large, similar things.

Heat oil in a pan, add onion, ginger, pepper, star anise, and dried chili until fragrant!

"Cough, cough, cough!"

As soon as the chili was thrown down, white smoke steamed up, choking him so much that he could hardly open his eyes and coughed repeatedly.

There is no way, there are range hoods in cities, but there are no earthen stoves like this in rural areas.

And the smoke produced by chili peppers is very choking.

But it gets better once you get used to it.

After frying the various ingredients until fragrant, Ye Chen put the chicken pieces in. While stir-frying, add cooking wine and light soy sauce.

It's almost done and the chicken has changed color. Add some dark soy sauce for color.

Stir fry evenly so that each piece of chicken is coated in golden color.

Finally add water to cover the chicken.

This is all mountain spring water.

Ye Chen took a sip just now. It was very sweet and much better than the water in the city!

Generally speaking, mountain spring water is rich in minerals and is pure natural and pollution-free.

This is perfect for stewing chicken.

He added salt and chicken essence to the pot and tasted it.

After the fire comes to a boil, reduce the heat to a simmer.

After about half an hour, it will be ready to collect the juice.

While waiting for the chicken to stew, Ye Chen was not idle either. He picked up the broom and started cleaning.

In fact, the house is already very clean.

But he always felt uncomfortable if he didn't do something.

There was just an earthen stove stewing chicken, and he couldn't cook any other dishes.

You have to wait until the chicken is finished stewing.

Su Qingyin was chatting with her grandma, and it was not easy for him to interrupt her.

Just start cleaning.

After grandma saw it, she nodded with satisfaction.

"Granddaughter, Xiaochen is so diligent."

Su Qingyin also smiled when she saw Ye Chen's look: "Grandma, are you satisfied with him?"

"Satisfied, granddaughter, when will you two get married and have a baby? Grandma will be really satisfied!"

Su Qingyin suddenly blushed.

She thought again that Ye Chen had a child.

Although she also likes Xiaonan, will grandma mind?

Oh no, I'm just pretending to be a boyfriend. How can I think about getting married?

Su Qingyin quickly put this idea out of her mind.

Ye Chen went over to open the lid of the pot and took a look. He inserted the chicken with chopsticks. If it could be easily broken, the chicken was considered to be stewed.

In fact, the chicken does not need to be stewed so much, it will taste better if it is a little chewy.

But considering grandma’s taste.

After all, she is old and her teeth are not very good.

Simmer the chicken a little to make it easier to eat.

Fry another scrambled egg with garlic sprouts.

It’s good to eat garlic sprouts in summer.

The eggs are laid by our own hens and are completely natural and pollution-free.

This kind of fresh eggs is much more fragrant than those bought in the city.

Garlic sprouts are also grown at home.

After Ye Chen approved from grandma, he went to the courtyard to pull some garlic sprouts.

These garlic sprouts are fresh and tender, and they look very beautiful.

It's definitely delicious when fried.

Ye Chen first cleaned the garlic sprouts and cut them into even inch sections.

Crack three eggs and break them up with chopsticks.

Heat oil in a pan and add enough cooking oil.

Then add the eggs.

Don't stir fry in a hurry, wait for the eggs to set before flipping.

Pour the scrambled eggs into a bowl.

He added base oil to the pot and poured the garlic sprouts in.

Add a small amount of cooking wine and stir-fry quickly.

Then add salt and oyster sauce,

Sprinkle a little bit of chicken essence and it's ready to go.

What you eat is purely natural, green and pollution-free.

It doesn’t require a lot of seasoning.

Eggs and garlic sprouts are delicious together.

If so, wild garlic sprouts will taste more fragrant.

It has a natural fragrance.

You can't ask for more now.

The fried eggs and garlic sprouts are finished.

(End of this chapter)

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