Who still falls in love in the interstellar era?

Chapter 189 How to break through the impregnable defenses of modern humans

Chapter 189 How to break through the impregnable defenses of modern humans

As soon as Wang Chao finished speaking, Page reported: "Received a communication from a communication satellite. It contains the secret key used by this ship. It is judged that it was sent by Nimiao."

"Take it."

Lily: "Uh, can you put it on the screen? Let me feel a little involved."

Page: "The communication uses original machine code, which can be read directly by prosthetics and converted by humans."

Wang Chao: "Change it a bit and let Lily feel a little more involved."

In fact, when he was speaking, the manned computer had already completed the interpretation of all the information, and even the reply had been decided. The information exchange between the prosthetics was so fast.

Nimiao's message mainly introduced the network situation, and sent a disguised network access port through which the ground network could be directly accessed from the New Jackdaw.

In addition, Nimiao also invaded the local aviation administration database and took control of the local satellite system and survey telescope system.

What the survey telescope now sends back to the control center are all fake images carefully forged by Nemiao. Don't expect to see the new Jackdaw from this telescope in the future.

Nimiao asked what to do next, and Wang Chao replied that she should be connected to the satellite to prepare to support Helena's ground operations.

Wang Chao completed the above interactions in less than a second. At this time, Page had just compiled the communication into images and sounds that natural people could recognize, and played them on the screen.

Lily was watching intently when Helena spoke up: "Then I'll drive down in the old Jackdaw?"

Lily: "Wait a minute, have you finished communicating?"

Helena: "The exchange should have been completed, but look at it, didn't I ask the question just to take care of you?"

Wang Chao also said: "This is why we brought the Old Jackdaw. When we land, remember to mine some ores that the spacecraft needs."

Nimiao said in the communication: "I have marked the mineral veins on the planet that are not mined yet. There are quite a few. But be careful, it will leave a trail cloud when it breaks into the atmosphere."

Modern spacecraft rely on shields to block atmospheric friction, so the outer shell does not heat up to red as it enters the atmosphere, as did pre-aerospace-age spacecraft.

However, when the spacecraft lands, a low-pressure area will still form at the tail, and the water vapor in the area will condense to form a track cloud.

Nimiao: "I can modify the scene seen by people equipped with prosthetic eyes and connected to the Internet, and erase the track cloud. But I can't control those who are not connected to the Internet, and those who are still using 'original' eyes. ”

Helena: "Can I choose a landing point, break out from an uninhabited area, and then fly near an inhabited area?"

Ni Meow: "It's difficult to create a completely uninhabited area, but you can choose an area where everyone has prosthetic eyes and is connected to the Internet."

She marked an entire area and selected a landing route.

Wang Chao: "Will you be discovered if you hack so many people at the same time?"

"The satellite I'm connected to has a backdoor created by local hackers. Let me put it this way, their technology is like a group of junior high school students. To fight against such an opponent, you don't even need to increase your computing power." Although the communication sent back by Nimiao was just It was machine language, but Wang Chao could still imagine her proud expression and tone.

Helena: "Then it's decided. I'm going down."

After saying that, she turned and walked towards the elevator on the bridge.

Lily had just read the message sent back by Nimiao. She turned her eyes to the elevator door and saw Helena's figure locked inside the door.

Lily: "I...should I just wait until you want me to sing before I sing?"

Wang Chao: "Yes. Before this, you could connect to the local network, and Nimiao gave us the interface."

Liefeng added: "And she also thoughtfully installed the most popular local short video software for us."

Lily nodded, picked up her tablet, spotted the newly installed software at a glance, clicked on it, and started watching short videos.

Wang Chao and Liefeng also approached.

Gale: "A lot of outdoor content."

Wang Chao: "Many of them are exploring various places on this planet. I have to say that this planet is quite beautiful."

As she was talking, Lily came across a new video. In the video, a boy wearing a peaked cap pointed at the sky: "I swear I saw a flash of light just now! A spaceship has arrived in our remote colony!"

Lily originally wanted to continue paddling, but her fingers stopped after hearing this.

A girl entered the scene: "My father said that our colony has not been known to the outside world! It must be Lao Qiao who went out to do shopping."

Wang Chao: "Old Qiao? The one in the communication just now? It sounds like he is also responsible for purchasing goods in the core world?"

Liefeng: "We need to purchase... So this colony does not have LV5 printing capabilities?"

With LV5 printing capabilities, as long as there are mines, you can build anything. And now it is so easy to store information. Any colony ship can carry a huge amount of blueprints, enough to replicate the entire human industrial chain on any planet.

Such a colony would not need purchasing at all and could be completely self-sufficient.

The little boy in the peaked hat protested: "It is impossible for Old Joe's spaceship to create such a bright flash! I saw it two years ago!"

Wang Chao and Liefeng looked at each other.

It had been two years since this colony last sent out a spaceship to make purchases.

Just at this time, Nemiao sent back a communication: "I found the only interstellar spacecraft that can still operate in this colony. It is in the orbit of the gas giant next door. By the way, they found a large amount of helium 3 on the second satellite of the gas giant. , and an automatic mining station has been built.”

Wang Chao: "What about the transportation system? Among their spacecraft, I didn't see any interplanetary spacecraft transporting helium-3 from the gas giant?"

Nimeow: "They don't use nuclear fusion locally. Instead, they build solar, wind and hydroelectric equipment. The founders of the colony... are a group of environmentalists."

Li Feng exclaimed: "Environmentalism? Do they really exist?"

Nowadays, human productivity can achieve 100% recycling of waste, and fusion reactors have almost no pollution. Environmentalism is gradually dying out under the influence of excessive productivity - at least this is what general textbooks say.

Lifeng had obviously read the general textbook.

Nimiao: "Although it is unbelievable, these people are indeed environmentalists. In addition, I also found something very interesting. This planet has no living things since Monday, and is just an ordinary dry planet."

Wang Chao: "How do you say that?"

"It took them about five years to mine ice from the gas giant's satellite and launch it to the planet. This is a picture from that time."

In the communication channel, Nimiao gave everyone a lot of data, which contained a large number of pictures.

A star ring composed of ice cubes launched from the planet next door, a bolide shower caused by a large amount of ice cubes entering the atmosphere, and the first heavy rain on this planet...   Nimiao: "The temperature of this planet is relatively low, these environmentalists Throwing a lot of ice cubes, the kinetic energy of the ice cubes is converted into heat energy when it enters the atmosphere, heating up the entire planet."

Wang Chao originally thought about how throwing some ice cubes would heat up the planet, but when he saw the volume of ice cubes in the information sent back by Ni Miao, he immediately had no doubts anymore.

All the water on the planet below is transported in the form of ice cubes from the gas giant satellite next door. It is not surprising that cosmic transportation on this scale heats the planet.

Liefeng: "Aren't they environmentalists? Isn't it contrary to their purpose to completely change the environment of a planet in this way?"

Nimiao: "They are environmentalists in a narrow sense. They believe that an environment without life is not worthy of being called an environment and is not worthy of protection. So they used manpower to create such a planet. According to the information we obtained, this planet is not like this A rich and colorful ecological environment.”

Wang Chao: "Then they sacrificed this planet?"

"Yes, they are enforcing their own environmentalism on the planet."

Wang Chao touched his head: "For the sake of environmental protection, we first artificially create a 'nature'. What kind of ultimate self-deception is this?"

Nimiao: "What's even more interesting is that they performed gene editing when releasing the species. Mosquitoes on this planet will not bite humans, and venomous snakes will stay away from humans..."

Wang Chao: "Environmentalists...created themselves a planet to play house on?"

Shouting to protect nature, but removing all the parts of nature that are harmful to humans through gene editing...

Nimiao: "There is something more interesting, look at this."

New information was sent, which was an inspection report by biologists from this colony. It said that some mutations were found in local gene-edited species, and [may] cause mutations that are harmful to humans.

Wang Chao frowned.

At this time Lily said: "Aren't you looking at my tablet? Did Nimiao send back the message again?"

Was discovered by her.

Wang Chao: "Yes, Nimiao just sent back a new communication, which is about the history of this planet. Let Page display the content visually for you."

Lily looked at the loudspeaker - on the new Jackdaw, this action was basically equivalent to "looking at the spacecraft's artificial intelligence."

Page: "Wait a moment, the image is being generated."

A second later, Nimiao's screen appeared and she began to repeat the content of the message she had just sent back.

Lily listened intently to the fake Nimiao's "broadcast", while Wang Chao and others continued to communicate through communication.

Helena: "I seem to have figured out how to mislead the people on this planet. Is there any follow-up to this report? What are the chances of actually generating a mutation that is harmful to humans?"

Page immediately replied: "It's not high. The main reason is that through genetic modification, the resistance, physical fitness and other data of today's human beings have been unprecedentedly improved. Even without mechanical modification, modern humans can all live a long life."

Artificial intelligence thoughtfully gives the average age of the entire galaxy.

Wang Chao was shocked when he saw the average age of 120 years old.

He carefully checked the document that came with the average age, and found that the average age also included those space mercenaries who died in their twenties and thirties. If we only looked at the long-lived people, there were even some who survived without relying on prosthetics. 150 year old record.

Oh my god, if Simmel had this lifespan, he could watch three meteor showers with Fulilian!

And then it can be transformed into a server skull to stay with Fulilian forever - Hey, something weird got mixed in, don't care!

Wang Chao gave up his sudden wild thoughts and returned to the current question: "So, it is almost impossible for these mutations to threaten current human beings, right?"

"Yes. After all, today's human beings are carefully designed, and it is difficult for things that naturally mutate to defeat them."

After Page finished speaking, Nia immediately added: "Genetic modification works in human science fiction works often emphasize that 'life will find a way out' and use the disasters caused by life out of control to highlight the warning significance. Human biotechnology It did cause some disasters in the pre-aerospace era.

"But... that's because the biotechnology at that time was relatively primitive. At that time, humans had not yet understood the meaning of each gene, and could not freely perform gene editing.

"The military virus that caused the global plague in the 21st century was actually a defective product. The gene editing of the virus was wrong, which made the virus uncontrollable."

Wang Chao was shocked, what the hell! And this history?

Could it be that it refers to the new crown?

He checked the records and found that it was not the new coronavirus. When the new coronavirus occurred, even the United States had no way to accurately edit genes and could only use hybrid optimization to try to create weapons-grade strains.

What Nia is talking about here is the gene-editing virus developed by anti-human adjustment organizations after the development of gene editing technology in the mid-21st century.

As a result, the virus was edited incorrectly and a weapons-grade strain was produced that killed humans indiscriminately.

The mortality rate at that time was almost as high as the Black Death, which directly disintegrated the state and contributed to the formation of a unified world government.

Then this unified government fell apart due to large-scale space colonization.

Sure enough, history is a circle.

Returning to gene editing technology, human beings' editing capabilities are no longer the same. They can create weapons-grade viruses that can strike with precision. However, humans' own immune systems have become invincible after genetic modification. Weapon-grade viruses can kill other than humans. All species are still overwhelmed by the human immune system.

Humans are able to colonize so many planets, thanks to this edited immune system, which can even fight against alien viruses - new viruses can only cause symptoms of colds and fevers at most.

That's why the scientists who discovered unplanned mutations on this planet didn't feel nervous at all and wrote research reports leisurely.

Wang Chao: "Helena, did you hear that? It's almost impossible for these mutations to truly threaten humanity."

Helena: "It doesn't matter whether it threatens humans or not. I just want to use an excuse."

Wang Chao: "Are you planning to create a fake pandemic on this planet?"

"Then we come in the form of a savior. How about this? Isn't this script good?"

Wang Chao: "Can it be done? First of all, how do we make the genetically modified humans on this planet show symptoms of infection?"

Helena: "Put laxatives in the drinking water."

Wang Chao was stunned for a moment.

"What did you say?"

"I said I put laxatives in the drinking water. The human body is adjusted to be invulnerable to any virus, and the digestive system is also extremely strong. Eating raw alien animals and plants may just end up with diarrhea.

"But the human body will not resist laxatives." Helena explained, "Besides, as long as everyone is directed in the direction of the virus, no one will think of checking the water source. Even if someone does, I can focus on it. he."

(End of this chapter)

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