Chapter 188 Invasion

After Nia finished speaking, Wang Chao looked at everyone and said, "It seems I have to drive this boat..."

"What are you thinking!" Nimiao interrupted him, "After setting the route, it will fly there automatically. It's fully automatic now."

Page echoed: "Yes, you didn't fly the spaceship on the new Jackdaw. It was all my artificial intelligence that was 'fully automatic'."

Nemiao stood up and ordered to Page: "Get ready to land on the boat and set the route. I will dock directly to the satellite, and then you will contact me through the local planet network.

"Remember to open the 65535 interface of the spacecraft."

Wang Chao: "What is this interface for?"

"Let me use the computing power on the spacecraft." Nimiao replied angrily.

After saying that, she walked straight to the elevator at the end of the bridge.

Helena: "The next step is to wait."

The time for the landing craft to transfer to the satellite orbit cannot be shortened, so the next step cannot be taken until Nemiao flies over.

Lily: "Shall I perform a show for everyone?"

Wang Chao: "You'd better save your strength. You might have to perform a show for the entire colony next. If you want to kill time...Page, can you receive communications from people here?"


The next moment, a strange voice came from the loudspeaker: "The survey telescope did observe a large-scale, instantaneous luminous phenomenon, which was very much like the light of a spacecraft leaving hyperspace. However, the survey telescope did not see the spacecraft at all, and the infrared observation also failed." No infrared heat source was seen.”

The image of the communication appeared on the screen a second late.

There are two images displayed. One side looks like it is on the space station. The person speaking is a man with very impressive hair. One look at the hair volume and it is clear that he must be an engineer.

The man was wearing space overalls that had not been changed for a while. The logo on the overalls was probably the emblem of the local space agency.

The picture on the other side looks full of retro meaning: paper documents actually appear in the picture. At the time when Wang Chao traveled through time, the printer in the office was basically only used to print documents that required actual signatures, such as contracts. It is said that contracts can also be signed electronically in the future.

The oldest middle-aged man in the office laments all day long that the consumption of ink cartridges is much less than before, and then recalls the days when he had to purchase office supplies every month.

As a result, now, three hundred years later, a large number of paper documents appear on the communication screen.

He couldn't help but ask Page: "Is that paper on the picture on the ground?"


Wang Chao: "Why is there paper?"

Helena answered on behalf of Page: "Maybe it's the office owner's hobby. Just like some people like paper books."

As she spoke, the ground side asked: "Are you saying that there was a picture of leaving hyperspace, but no spacecraft was observed?"

The bald man on the space station nodded: "Yes."

" it a postal parcel?"

"Postal parcels don't have such a big luminous response. And where did the parcels come from in our colony? Maybe we are not even on the star maps of the outside world."

That's indeed not the case. Wang Chao and the others came here just after looking at the star map. This place on the star map is an "unmanned" galaxy. The only man-made objects may be the probes and remote sensing satellites launched during the exploration of this galaxy.

The people on the ground were obviously not satisfied with the answer from the space station: "Then what is this luminous phenomenon? Don't try to fool us with the malfunction of the survey telescope. We have seen luminescence on the ground! It's daytime here in town, and we even saw flashes of light during the day!"

The space station engineer scratched his head, which had few hairs left: "There's no point in fooling you. In this way, you can check the information I sent back. The survey telescope didn't see anything.

"We don't know what kind of light it is. It can't be the light of God's manifestation, right?"

The person on the ground sighed: "Old Qiao, you know there are no people on the ground who understand aerospace, and we don't have professionals who can analyze the information you sent back."

Helena heard this and muttered in a low voice: "A common situation in small colonies is the lack of professional and technical personnel. The demise of many small colonies is because the people who mastered key technologies died, causing the colonies to gradually stop functioning, and the last remaining people Had to flee."

Wang Chao: "What if the person who dies happens to be a guy who can fly a spaceship? Fly away by automation?"

"Of course." Helena shrugged, "That's just luck. If you're not lucky, you'll be trapped in the colony. In the end, the experts in the colony died one by one, and the system stopped step by step. The remaining people could only return to their previous state. In the civilized era, slash-and-burn farming was practiced.”

Lily sighed: "Slash-and-burn farming? Then the stories that humans once conquered the stars gradually turned into legends, and their descendants even began to not believe that quite a few of the stars in the sky were inhabited by humans."

Wang Chao: "This is quite a sci-fi development. Maybe the situation will be like this in another thousand years."

While the "interstellar visitors" here were thinking, the "locals" ended the call.

Page immediately reported: "Radio communication was detected. It seems that someone on the space station is walking in space. This is their conversation."

Then a voice came, obviously the voice of the bald engineer from the space station just now: "Mike, the people on the ground asked what happened with the flash. They also suspected that the survey telescope was malfunctioning. After you repair the external pipeline, remember to check the telescope. .

"Perhaps there is some flaw in the lens that prevents us from seeing the spacecraft that produced such a violent flash."

Mike immediately responded: "Damn, I'm almost exhausted after changing the pipes. This kind of work should be done by a fucking robot!"

"The robot is under maintenance. The computer estimates that sending it out now has a 30% chance of losing it forever. You should suffer a little."

Wang Chao: "The condition of the robots they use for maintenance is not very good... Maybe this colony does not have advanced printing capabilities and cannot produce core parts of the robots, causing the robot's reliability rate to be worrying."

Now that the new Jackdaw has LV5 printing capabilities, the problem of prosthetic loss that previously troubled Wang Chao has been greatly alleviated, because broken parts can be thrown into the recycling furnace for recycling and then printed out.

Of course, this kind of recycling will cause losses. After a while, you will have to buy new parts, or you can mine them yourself and produce new parts according to the design drawings.

In any case, the time limit for trouble-free activities that was previously "hanging" by Lily's singing can finally be put down.

The colony in front of us obviously does not have strong printing capabilities and cannot recycle robot parts. It can only use longer and longer maintenance times to cope with the increasingly low success rate.

At this time, the engineer named Lao Qiao brought the topic back to the flash: "So what happened to that flash? You were outside just now, did you see it with the naked eye?"

"Of course I saw it. I thought it was another colonial ship, and it came over happily thinking that this was an unmanned galaxy. Old Qiao, why doesn't the mayor send someone to update the star map information?"

Nia: "It seems that the supreme ruler here calls himself the 'mayor'."

Wang Chao nodded and continued to listen to the other party's conversation.

Old Qiao: "I think he may not want to have another immediate boss. Now he is the mayor and the local emperor here. If the outside world updates the star map, there may be a peace officer or special envoy from the outside to treat him condescendingly. Give orders." Mike: "I see. We seem to be in danger now. The only defense force on the planet is the photon torpedoes on our space station. Those torpedoes are basically not launched except for the annual 'Foundation' celebration."

Old Qiao: "Don't worry, we don't have helium-3 here, and space pirates won't come. What can they rob when they come to us? Watermelons on the ground? The helium-3 consumed here cannot be replenished. It's a pure loss-making business."

"Maybe...pirates can capture slaves!" Mike said.

Old Qiao sneered: "Don't be stupid, can humans be more efficient than machines? It takes so much effort to capture a bunch of slaves who have to eat and sleep, who work for you from time to time, and who are unlucky and make mistakes. Isn't it good to use robots? "


Mike: "Then... come to arrest Mrs. Yazhai?"

Old Qiao: "Who to arrest? The older generation here are basically elderly, and those like you in your thirties are considered young people. As for the new generation because there is no genetic adjustment center, look at how many crooked melons and cracked dates there are.

"We have all lived outside, and we have all seen the handsome men and beautiful women walking around outside. Look at the young people born in the colonies now, they are all crooked."

Mike smiled awkwardly, and then suddenly remembered something: "There are some pretty ones, too. The little girl from the Jenkins family is pretty pretty, too."

"The best among the poor. I think you have lived in this shabby place for a long time, and your aesthetics have collapsed. When you see a child who is not bloated and has a straight face, you feel beautiful."

Liefeng looked at Wang Chao: "Father, why don't you take a note and write it down in your notebook? The little girl from the Jenkins family is very pretty. Please write it down quickly!"

Wang Chao: "We are not pirates here to capture Mrs. Yazhai. Besides, I have a boatload of beauties accompanying me, and I have lost interest for a long time. Don't make any noise and continue listening!"

However, the next two people on the space station started having a meaningless chat.

Liefeng listened for a while and shouted that he was bored and wanted to "change the channel."

Then Peppa changed a bunch of channels and found that most of the radios were talking about daily routines, or discussing postpartum care of sows.

What a quiet and peaceful remote colony.

Liefeng suddenly had a thought: "Wait a minute, since we can receive the signal, can we directly access the local network?"

"It will be exposed." Helena said, "Accessing the network requires interaction. For example, if you want to access a certain URL, you must first send the URL to the parsing server. If you can only receive it, you will not be able to access the website. If you don't believe it, ask Page."

Page immediately replied: "That's true, but there is a way that doesn't require sending a message. That is to intercept the data flow between a person and the DNS resolution server, so that we can see what he is browsing."

Wang Chao and Liefeng shouted almost at the same time: "DO IT!"

Page: "Intercepting in progress. The interception is complete. It is a network data stream from the ground. It is speculated that an APP called Douhua needs to be used, but I decoded the video data separately."

Then Page displayed the picture on the screen.

It looks like the photo was taken at sunset.

The sunset sky on this planet is actually blue-purple, and it looks much more fantastical than the sunset on Earth in Wang Chao's impression.

Lily was stunned and sighed: "It's so beautiful."

Gale: "I have been living on the space station and have never seen the sunset. It is indeed beautiful."

Nia: “Have you never even seen a sunset in VR?”

Liefeng spread his hands: "That's right, because I have never entered a virtual reality scene created by people with experience in ground life. This is what our 'Sons of the Void' are like."

Children of the Void is a mockery of people who are born in the universe and grow up in the universe.

While everyone was discussing the sunset, the screen suddenly switched. It was probably because the viewer swiped the screen.

The next scene is an earthy video that Wang Chao is familiar with: strong music, the unexplained swaying of the person in the painting, and unexplained content. Well, it’s a set that Wang Chao is familiar with.

Wang Chao suddenly asked Helena: "It has been so long since we entered the space era, why are humans still watching short videos to kill time?"

Helena: "Because this colony is an underdeveloped area, only some of the rich and powerful here can afford a complete virtual reality device and can pass the time with virtual reality games."

Wang Chao: "Does everyone in the core star area play virtual reality?"

Helena looked at Wang Chao: "You ask me? Don't you know better than me how you highly prosthetic people manage your time?"

Wang Chao then remembered that although he did not live in the core star area, his equipment was the core of mankind's top technology, and he could be considered to be living under the influence of mankind's top technology and productivity.

In addition to playing sumo wrestling, he usually spends his time by taking advantage of the seamless interaction between himself and the machine to soar in the ocean of data.

Although his manned computer does not have enough computing power to generate a virtual world similar to the real world, it is still possible to lower the requirements to generate some virtual reality scenes that are not so fake.

For example, virtual reality like a 21st century 3D game can be easily generated by a computer.

Wang Chao does not need any external equipment to experience these virtual reality scenes. He can start "playing" as soon as he lies down on the bed.

Manned computers can even be combined with human imagination to turn various novels into virtual reality. For example, it can simulate the prison scene in The Revenge of Monte Cristo to let people experience the process of jailbreak. Another example is that it can turn Hugo's "1993" into a virtual reality. Years" expanded into a picture scroll of the Great Revolution, allowing Wang Chao to be immersed in it.

Excess productivity allows everyone to produce their own "games" and literally go wherever they want.

At this time Lily said: "Every time after playing sumo wrestling, Wang Chao would throw me aside and enter a state of meditation."

Wang Chao: "I was reminiscing about the romance just now."

No, I was actually playing a game in my mind, but if I told it, I might get yelled at by a lion from Hedong, so I had to lie.

Lily believed it immediately and showed a sweet smile: "That's it, then I will also reminisce about it in the future."

Damn, I feel so guilty...

At this time, Page reported: "We received a message on the Internet that seemed to be sent to us. The content was: 'I'm in, and I can start the next step, meow.'"

Nia: "Miss Black Cat is so cute, she even said 'meow' at the end."

Helena: "No, no, no, that's her signature, right? Her name is Nimiao, and her surname is Nimiao."

Wang Chao: "Now that Nimiao has invaded the network, it's your turn Helena. I think those communications just now have pointed out the target for us. If you want to know if there is a quantum entanglement communication device in this colony, just go to the self-proclaimed 'mayor' It would be great if he didn’t have one. If he didn’t, there’s a high chance that there wouldn’t be one in the colony.”

(End of this chapter)

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