Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 581 The shocking discovery of bones

Chapter 581 The shocking discovery of bones (5)
Wu Jiang's video was taken after they used a sieve to sift the floating soil, so the new soil was in piles, while the floating soil when Jiang Yiming shot the four shoe prints was flat, which shows that Ning Yishu did not lie.Wu Jiang admired his keen insight and memory very much. He didn't expect that at the age of 70, his brain was still so good. If he didn't give up on himself, he would definitely have some small achievements.

However, it was precisely because Ning Yishu was so smart that he was able to murder Chi Ye.


"This...this is a bit difficult for me..."

"No, your memory is very good. Think about it carefully. If you can't remember it, you may not be able to get rid of the suspicion of murder!"

"What? Kill? I know how to kill? I don't even dare to kill a rabbit, how can I dare to kill someone!" He was shocked and looked at Wu Jiang in disbelief.

"It's no use talking to yourself, where were you that night?" Wu Jiang stared at him sternly.

He was startled by Wu Jiang's gaze and quickly lowered his head and said: "Let me calm down and think about it... I rarely spend the night outside... Oh, I remembered it. That night, after watching TV Go to bed."

"Who can prove it?"

"Officer Wu, aren't you making things difficult for me? I am a lonely old man and the only one living in Old Songzhuang. No one around can see me sleeping." His eyes rolled a few times.The micro-expression told Wu Jiang: He was lying.

"You are lying. In fact, you are not good at lying. I can tell it at a glance. Tell me, if you don't tell the truth, we can ask the Yinhe Township government to cancel your low premium because you have a strong labor ability. It’s not worthy of wasting national resources.”

"Officer Wu, if you have something to say, although I am still in good health now, people will get old one day. If I fall ill and fall in bed one day, without low insurance premiums, I will starve to death." His expression He suddenly became pale and panicked as if he had seen a ghost.

“Then only by telling the truth can we allow you to continue to enjoy low premiums.”

"Well, actually that girlfriend came to my house to sleep with me...Oh, this is really embarrassing to say." He lowered his head, as if he was a child who had done something wrong.

"Who is your girlfriend?" Wu Jiang still thought he was lying.

"Her Fang Hongli...she is from Dawan Village." He did not dare to look up at them.

"From Dawan Village? How old is she this year?" Wu Jiang knew Dawan Village. There is a small road on the right rear of Songzhuang leading to Dawan Village. It is about 5 kilometers away from Songzhuang and can be used by small vehicles.

"She was born in 1967. She has always wanted to marry me, but I am already 70 years old, can't afford to eat for a few years, and live in that shabby house. I don't want to hurt her, so we have been putting it off. .”

Wu Jiang asked Ning Yishu to go back first, but he could not leave the city until the case was solved.He bowed to Wu Jiang and Xiao Ke with great gratitude, then took out a cigarette and offered it to them to smoke, but was rejected. Wu Jiang saw that he actually smoked soft-packed Liqun cigarettes, which retailed for 20 yuan per pack. Old people can't afford it.

After Ning Yishu left, Wu Jiang called Guan Shanlin in and asked him about Fang Hongli's situation.Guan Shanlin said: "Fang Hongli is here to defraud Ning Yishu of his money. She will never marry him. To put it bluntly, Fang Hongli is the popular lover of the elderly in nearby villages. No, it is more appropriate to say that she is a secret prostitute. No matter who she sleeps with , she will all charge."

"Doesn't the government care?"

"There is no way to control this person. She refuses to change despite repeated admonitions. There is no reason to put her in jail. Moreover, she will live in this village for a few nights today and a few nights in that village tomorrow. It is impossible to control her. Anyway, she has various ways to escape the government's attack. and education. Deputy Township Chief Chen once asked me and the director of Dawan Village to persuade her not to ruin the atmosphere in the village. She said yes, just ask me to give her money to spend, or you can sit at my house to eat. You Tell me, how can we control such a shameless woman?"

"Does she have a husband and children?"

"No, I heard that I got sexually transmitted diseases when I was young, so I didn't dare to go to the hospital. I didn't go to the hospital until the uterus was severely eroded. As a result, I had to remove the uterus, so I couldn't have children."

Wu Jiang knows very well that the government has no good way to deal with this kind of people. Her unscrupulous behavior has been cultivated since she was a child and has a lot to do with her family. She may have been hit and gave up on herself, so she just broke the pot and tried to survive as long as she could. As long as you are better than others, it doesn't matter what you do.

They felt it was necessary to check with Fang Hongli, so they drove from Songzhuang to Dawan Village.This road is only 3.5 meters wide. If you encounter a large truck, it will be difficult to drive. Even if two cars meet, you must drive onto the shoulder of the road, which is made of dirt.

There were almost no cars on the road, only two motorcycles passing by.Wu Jiang was sitting in the passenger seat and saw scattered villages at the foot of the mountain, lying quietly in the embrace of the mountains. Occasionally, there were a few crowing of chickens and dogs, and many glass windows reflected the dazzling light in the sun.A strong wind blew by, and the woods at the foot of the mountain made waves like waves. It was very pleasant, cool and beautiful.

The altitude of Dawan Village is not as high as Songzhuang, only 220 meters. This can be seen from the altitude meter on Wujiang's mobile phone.However, the residential houses in Dawan Village are not as neat as Songzhuang. Instead, they are uneven, old and new. The entire village is located at the foot of Shenxian Mountain.

It is half the size of Songzhuang and has a population of nearly a thousand. Most of the villagers make a living by growing tobacco. Of course, they are mainly middle-aged and elderly people, and young people are rarely seen. This is a common problem in almost every village in China. Those left behind are middle-aged and elderly people, children, or women.

Under the guidance of the villagers, Wu Jiang and Xiaoke found Gu Chengcai, the village party secretary of Dawan Village.His house is a newly built two-and-a-half-story building. After they introduced themselves, Gu Chengcai asked them to sit down and talk slowly.

Gu Chengcai is a middle-aged man, about 40 years old, wearing a black T-shirt and blue jeans. He has a simple smile and a face as dark as someone from Africa. He is tall and has thick hands covered with calluses. He is a typical farmers.

"Secretary Gu, is there a woman named Fang Hongli in your village?" "Yes, this is a problem woman. What happened to her? Was she...arrested by you?" He wanted to ask if she was arrested for prostitution. I got up, but I thought it was too harsh, so I stopped.

"No, we are from the criminal police team of the city bureau, and the criminal police are in charge of homicide cases."

"Oh, she killed someone?" He was stunned for a moment, as if Fang Hongli really killed someone.

"No, but it is related to the murder case. We want to find out about the situation from her."

"Oh, I have her mobile phone number, how about I call her?"

"Okay, if she is at home, you can find an excuse to call her to your home, or we can go to her home."

"Well, I see."

Gu Chengcai took out his mobile phone, called up her phone number, and dialed, but the phone was turned off.

"Let's go to her house and have a look." Wu Jiang said to Gu Chengcai.

"Okay, let's go." He stood up and walked out, from the beginning of the village to the end of the village. Along the way, many elderly people looked at them, their eyes seemed to have evil intentions. This made Wu Jiang puzzled. Gu Chengcai couldn't be ignored. Are the villagers welcome?

Wu Jiang knew that someone who was not popular with the villagers had become the village party secretary. The election of village party secretary was made by the township party committee who put forward the names of the candidates, and then the party members in the village voted for the election. However, the person with the most votes was not elected, but was decided by the township party committee. Because the township party committee is afraid that party members will be bribed by wealthy candidates to get a lot of votes.Therefore, it is ultimately up to the township party committee to fully understand the person's abilities and moral character.

However, some village party secretaries appointed by the township party committee do not get along with the villagers, so some of them are unpopular with the people.There are pros and cons to this system.

After walking more than 200 meters, they arrived at Fang Hongli's home at the end of the village. She also lived in an adobe house, which accounted for one tenth of this kind of house in Dawan Village.

Gu Chengcai walked to her door and saw that the wooden door was unlocked. He pushed it with his hand, but it couldn't be pushed open. It turned out that the door was bolted from the inside.

"Will she sleep at home?" Wu Jiang asked.

"It's already 1pm, how can you sleep at home?"

"How could the door be bolted from the inside if you weren't home?"

"There is a back door to her house. Let's go take a look. Maybe she bolted the door and went out through the back door, giving people the illusion that she was still at home." Gu Chengcai led them around to the back door, but the back door was also open from the back door. It's bolted inside.

Xiao Ke was a little worried about her having an accident: "Will she die in the house?"

"How is that possible? She is strong, can eat and drink, and she won't starve to death even if she doesn't eat for ten days." Gu Chengcai shook his head and said, he felt that Xiao Ke was overthinking.

"Can you think of a way to go in and have a look?" Wu Jiang asked.

"No, let's call her first and see if she's at home." Gu Chengcai went to the bedroom window to check. The window was closed and the curtains were drawn. He raised his hand and knocked lightly on the window door, " Sister Hongli, are you at home?"

However, no one responded, so he raised his voice and knocked harder, but still no one responded.

"Officer Wu, this situation is a bit abnormal." Gu Chengcai said.

"The bolt of this kind of wooden door can be opened and bolted with just a knife." Xiao Ke said.

"Okay, let's wait, I'll get a knife and open the door."

After saying that, Gu Chengcai wanted to go home and get a knife. Suddenly, there was a sound inside the door, the door bolt was pulled open, and with a thud, the door opened: a tall middle-aged woman stood in the middle and asked sleepily. : "Secretary Gu, what are you doing?"

"Why did you pretend not to hear me when I called you so loudly?" Gu Chengcai was a little angry.

(End of this chapter)

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