Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 580 The shocking discovery of bones

Chapter 580 The shocking discovery of bones (4)
"No, he is a bachelor. He married a wife when he was young. Later, because his wife had an affair with a city man, the city man eloped with his wife and daughter. From then on, he felt that women were unreliable, so he never married again. Because without a wife and children, there is no motivation, so for most of his life, he only earned some living expenses by collecting herbs and lived happily in poverty."

"Dr. Wu, thank you!" Wu Jiang picked up a small tea cup, drank the tea in the cup, and then stood up, "Director Guan, let's go to Ning Yishu's house to have a look."

They walked out of the clinic, with Guan Shanlin leading the way. They walked up the village road on the right side of Songzhuang. This was a relatively steep road. The cement road under the scorching sun was stirred up by a strong wind and a cloud of dust was flying in the air. Song The village is at the center of the wind, with refreshing wind blowing through it in summer, making it an ideal summer resort.

After walking for 10 minutes, Guan Shanlin took them into a dirt road. There were several wild peaches growing on the roadside. Their pink faces were hidden among the green leaves and they were smiling. Why was there no one picking the fruit?Ning Yishu's house is just above the peach tree. It is a two-story adobe house.

Looking around Wujiang, there are ruins and overgrown grass all around, creating a desolate scene that is in sharp contrast to the new village.Guan Shanlin said that it used to be an old village, but it was later unified and planned, and all the old houses were built to where they are now.

Ning Yishu's door was unlocked and ajar. Guan Shanlin pushed the door open and shouted: "Uncle Ning, Uncle Ning, are you at home?" However, no one answered.

"He may have gone up the mountain to collect herbs." Guan Shanlin said.

"Why don't you lock the door when you go to the mountain to collect herbs?" Wu Jiang felt strange.

"We villagers are like this. Unless the whole family goes on a long trip, the door will not be locked during the day."

"Shanlin, he went on a long trip, maybe to the city." At this time, an old man in his sixties walked by and said to Guan Shanlin.

"Why don't you lock the door when you travel far?"

"Well, who could steal his ruined belongings?" The old man sneered, with beads of sweat on his face. He might have just returned from working in the fields.After saying that, the old man left.

Because the door was only opened a crack and the light in the house was not good, Wu Jiang pushed open the two wooden doors, which made a squeaking sound and seemed to be about to fall down.

After the door opened, the hall suddenly became bright. Wu Jiang saw a pair of worn-out Hongxing Erke sneakers next to a sofa. He squatted down and took the shoes to look at. They were size 42. The soles were badly worn and the shoes were covered with mud. There is a lot of dust in the sand and it smells like sweat.

He turned the shoes over and looked at them. He recognized them at a glance as one of the shoe prints left on the wild grave. In order to judge more accurately, Wu Jiang took out his mobile phone and pulled up the photos of the shoe prints from the gallery to compare. , confirmed to be shoe prints left at the scene.Ning Yishu was about the same height as Chi Ye's murderer, and the shoe prints were left at the scene, so Ning Yishu's suspicion suddenly increased.

Ning Yishu must be found as soon as possible. If Ning Yishu digs a wild grave for the murderer for money, and the murderer knows that Wujiang and the others are looking for him, he may kill him and silence him.

"Director Guan, how is Ning Yishu's conduct?"

"He is an honest and responsible person. He has never done anything bad. He is just a bit withdrawn, not gregarious, and doesn't like to talk. He is our minimum living allowance recipient."

Wu Jiang felt that he could not be that simple. Most murderers were withdrawn, and extroverted people would only quarrel or fight with people face to face.

Wu Jiang used his mobile phone to open the public security intranet and entered Ning Yishu's name and date of birth to check whether he had a criminal record. It turned out that he did.

It turned out that at 2016 pm on January 1, 20, he was caught by the police on the spot while soliciting prostitution at the "Lai Lai Lai" hair salon in Huming Lane, Liangcun. He was detained for 11 hours and fined 12 yuan.He confessed that this was not the first time he had visited prostitutes. He couldn't remember how many times he had visited prostitutes.It can be seen that he is not an honest person.

A person who enjoys the national subsistence allowance actually has money to go to prostitutes?Ning Yishu admitted to the police that he paid 150 yuan for a prostitute. His low premium was only 320 yuan per month, which was just enough for him to have two prostitutes. The bus fare from Songzhuang to Liangcun cost at least 50 yuan, which meant that the low premium was not enough for him. Went to the hair salon twice.

"Director Guan, I checked and found out that Ning Yishu often goes to the city to visit prostitutes. How can such a person be allowed to enjoy the subsistence allowance?"

"He has no wife and children, and no income. He meets the standards of a subsistence allowance household. It is understandable for a bachelor without a wife to vent... I have also criticized him, but he said it very well in person, but behind his back ...Alas, I feel sad for his misfortune and angry for his inability to fight."

"It seems that his physical strength is not inferior to that of young people?"

"Yes, even though he is 70 years old, he is still in good health because he has been working in the mountains for many years, so he has that desire."

"He doesn't have a mobile phone? You find a way to get him back."

"He has a mobile phone for the elderly. I don't have his number. Dr. Wu has a good relationship with him, so he should have his number. Let's go to the clinic to find Dr. Wu."

So, they returned to Wu Jiawang's clinic. When they asked, they found out that he indeed had Ning Yishu's mobile phone number.Wu Jiang asked Wu Jiawang to call him and ask where he was?When will you go home?
Wu Jiawang took out his mobile phone and dialed Ning Yishu's mobile phone. The call was connected immediately: "Brother Yishu, where are you?"

"Oh, my family is prosperous. I'm in the countryside going to the market."

"When do you want to go home?"

"It's almost time. I'll go home after selling the last half a catty of stone fungus. Is anything wrong?" "It's okay. Come home to my clinic. I have something to ask you. How about you bring back the remaining stone fungus and sell it?" Give it to me and I’ll give it to you based on the previous price.”

"Okay, thank you very much." After saying that, Ning Yishu hung up the phone.Stone ears are named because they are shaped like ears and grow in damp stone crevices on cliffs. They are flat and irregularly round, with brown upper surfaces and black hairs on the back.It has the effects of nourishing yin and moistening the lungs, cooling blood and stopping bleeding, clearing away heat and detoxifying. It is very popular among people, but it is relatively expensive.Ning Yishu was not afraid of the cliffs and took the risk to collect stone ears, which made many villagers admire him.

Yinhe Township is about 10 kilometers away from Songzhuang. Ning Yishu rode an electric bike to go to the market. A quarter of an hour later, he arrived at Wu Jiawang's clinic. After Wu Jiawang weighed his stone fungus, he paid him the money. He saw Guan Shan Lin was sitting on the sofa drinking tea with two strangers. He felt a little strange and wanted to leave the clinic quickly.

"Uncle Ning, please wait a moment, these two policemen are looking for you." Guan Shanlin said to him seriously.

"What...are you looking for...for me?" He stuttered a bit.

"It's not convenient here. Let's go to the village committee office to talk." Xiao Ke stood up and motioned for him to go out. He had no choice but to follow Xiao Ke, with Wu Jiang and Guan Shanlin walking behind them.

Could Ning Yishu be the murderer?

Ning Yishu sat in the village committee office with a frown on his face, big beads of sweat on his face, and looked at the corridor from time to time, because Guan Shanlin took a chair and sat in the corridor playing with his mobile phone in order to avoid it.Maybe he thought that only Guan Shanlin would speak for him, but Guan Shanlin only left him with a back view, which disappointed him.

Wu Jiang and Xiao Ke sat opposite him and looked at him.Although Ning Yishu is 70 years old, he looks younger than his actual age. He has very little white hair and a dark complexion. He is very healthy and his eyes are bright and shining. There were many white particles stuck to it, and he was wearing an old black shirt, and the cuffs were frayed to the point of threading.

"Ning Yishu, we are here to understand the situation from you today. You don't have to worry. As long as you explain the problem clearly, we will never embarrass you."

He nodded, but still didn't believe Wu Jiang's words.

"Have you been to Minghuang Valley recently?"

"I've been there, often, but I only passed by there. I picked herbs at Devil's Mountain and Shenxian Mountain, especially the stone fungus, which grows in the crevices of rocks. Stone fungus does not grow in Minghuang Valley. "

"Have you never stopped by the stream in Minghuang Valley?"

"Yes, but rarely. Unless I am thirsty, I will go to the stream to drink water. Otherwise, I will keep walking along the road."

"Have you ever gone to the creek to drink water in the past month?"

"I drank it. Summer is here and the weather is very hot. I occasionally go to the stream to drink water."

"Where do you usually drink water?"

"About the middle section of the creek, there is a big rock there, and there is a small pool under the rock. I always drink from this pool."

Wu Jiang took out his mobile phone and called up a short video from the gallery. This short video included wild graves and surrounding scenery, and the creek was also included in it.Wu Jiang handed the video to Ning Yishu to watch. The video was only 21 seconds long and he finished it quickly. Wu Jiang replayed it for him to watch.

He read it again, and after reading it asked: "Officer Wu, this is the scenery of the Minghuang Valley creek. What do you mean by letting me see this?"

"Have you ever walked through these places?"

"Walk by, I drank water here." He answered calmly.

"Has anyone hired you to dig things in Minghuang Valley recently?"

"No! There are no wild medicinal materials in Minghuang Valley, so there is nothing to dig out."

"Have you noticed that a lot of new soil has been dug out 15 meters to the left of the creek?"

"Oh, I remembered it. When I passed that land that day, I felt strange, how could there be so much new soil? Are there any treasures buried here? However, this thought passed in my mind. , I left after drinking the water, and I never thought about this issue afterwards."

"Is what you saw the same as what you saw in the video?"

"It seems different. The new soil at that time was relatively flat. I stepped on it a few times with my feet, but the new soil in the video was in piles and there was a pit."

(End of this chapter)

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