Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 579 The shocking discovery of bones

Chapter 579 The shocking discovery of bones (3)
Could it be that the deceased was buried naked here?Or was it that after being killed, all the clothes and accessories were stripped off and taken away?If this is the case, this murderer has strong anti-reconnaissance capabilities.

"Could this deceased be related to Chi Ye?" Jiang Yiming asked everyone.

"I just looked carefully at the shoe prints in the photo, and none of them have the same texture as the shoes Chi Ye was wearing when he died." Wu Jiang replied.

"But when Zhou Ting and I started digging the grave, judging from the freshness of the soil, it should have been dug within 20 to 30 days. Could it be that after Chiye dug the treasure from the wild grave, he buried the remains of the deceased , and then erase your shoe prints?"

"It's possible, it's also possible that the murderer has been monitoring Chi Ye. After seeing him dig up the treasure, he quietly followed him, killed him, and then came back here to erase the shoe prints at that time, so that I couldn't let Chi Ye Be associated with this skeleton.”

"If this is the case, the murderer of Chi Ye is too powerful."

"It's a pity that when Zhou Ting and I started digging the graves, we didn't consider using multi-band light sources to illuminate them. Otherwise, some physical evidence might be found." Jiang Yiming was a little annoyed.

"The light at noon is so strong that multi-band light sources are difficult to use. I can't blame you."

"We can find ways to block the sun, such as building a shed."

At this time, the daylight gradually passed away, and the burning sunset slowly turned from crimson to light yellow, disappearing into the horizon, and the cicada's voice seemed hoarse.Jiang Yiming told everyone to call it a day and discuss it at work tomorrow.

"My colleagues and I in the laboratory used instruments to test the unnamed skeleton. The age of the deceased was 25 years old. We used a gas chromatography mass spectrometer to test the skeleton. It proved that the deceased had been buried in the soil for 20 years, and that he was buried in the summer of 1997. It's there." Luo Jin said.The weather started to get hot, with the highest temperature reaching 32 degrees. There was no air conditioning in the conference room. Luo Jin felt a little stuffy. After speaking, he walked to the vertical air conditioner and pressed the cooling switch.

"Has it been tested for poison? Could the deceased have been poisoned?" Jiang Yiming asked.

"We haven't done a poison test yet because the deceased has been dead for too long and most of the bone marrow has been evacuated. It may not be possible to do a poison test. It depends on whether the test substance can be extracted from the dental pulp. However, I found that on the right side of the deceased's back, on the third Above the eight ribs, a very shallow scratch was found. I concluded that it might have been a cut with a sharp instrument. It should have been left when the murderer stabbed the deceased with a sharp instrument. Therefore, the poison test can be postponed."

"Is it certain that the deceased was murdered?"

"Yes, and the murder weapon is very sharp, otherwise it would be difficult to leave knife marks on the ribs."

"We first need to investigate the four suspicious shoe prints. If we can find its owner, we may solve this mystery."

"Yes, the owner of one of the shoe prints may be the murderer of Chi Ye." Xiao Ke said.

"Are you saying that Chiye must be related to the unknown skeleton?"

"Yes, let's assume that Chi Ye got the treasure map and came to Minghuang Valley in the middle of the night to look for the treasure. He was discovered by the murderer. The murderer followed Chi Ye quietly behind him and stabbed Chi Ye to death. Then he got the treasure map and came to bury it. He digs for treasures from unnamed bones, and after finding them or failing to find them, he buries the bones again, leaving shoe prints on the floating soil."

"I have compared the shoe prints, and there is no murderer's shoe print among these four shoe prints." Wu Jiang said to Xiao Ke, because the suspect's shoe prints were extracted when he first investigated the scene, so Wu Jiang can be sure that .

"What if the murderer puts on another pair of shoes after killing Ikeno?"

"It's possible that the murderer did this to interfere with our view, but I think the probability of this is low."

"Although it is not very likely, there is a possibility that the murderer might have hired locals to find the deceased's grave. After finding it, he would dig the grave with the three hired people. Unexpectedly, they would soon find the skeleton. After that, the murderer told them to go back and stay to find the baby."

"Then, we still have to investigate the owners of these four shoe prints. Xiao Ke, who do you think the murderer will hire to dig the grave?" Jiang Yiming asked.

"It should be a farmer from a nearby village. Because the local farmers are familiar with the terrain and are willing to endure hardships, the probability is very high. In short, the murderer will hire strangers and will never hire acquaintances. Otherwise, it will be easy to find him. "

"Okay then, just do what you want. Zhou Ting and I will continue to follow the May 5 case. You and Lao Wu will investigate the four suspicious footprints, and Lu Yingying will investigate the missing people in the summer of 30." Jiang Yi Ming said that because most public security bureaus began to use computers at that time, the information of missing persons would be entered into the intranet, making it easier to find.

Songzhuang is the village closest to Minghuang Valley, and Wu Jiang feels that he should start with the villagers first.

Both pairs of shoe prints are size 42 Hongxing Erke sneakers. Both pairs of shoes are badly worn, but judging from the gait, they belong not to one person, but to two people.One person has an internal birthmark; the other person has an outward birthmark.People who wear these shoes are generally from the peasantry.Because they were reluctant to throw away their old shoes, they wore them to work in the mountains.

The other two pairs of shoes are sizes 41 and 40. The size 41 shoes are Yichuan brand sandals, and the size 40 shoes are Mulinsen brand sandals. These are low-end and cheap shoes, and the people who wear them are also from the bottom of society or frugal people. Most shoes above size 40 are worn by men, and few women wear shoes of that large size.

Although these shoe prints were left at the scene, there were many people who went to Minghuang Valley. They might have been left by people who accidentally stepped on the wild grave. After all, it was not far from the creek. If you are thirsty, you can go to the creek. If you drink water from the stream or wash your hands, there is no point in finding the owner of the shoe prints.

However, even so, we still have to investigate. Who dares to say that the murderer is not one of the owners of the four shoe prints?

Under normal circumstances, people who wear shoes over size 40 should be over 166 centimeters tall. This is Wu Jiang’s experience from observing footprints for many years. Of course, there are people with small shoes and large shoes, but they are very few.Therefore, just call the men above 166 in Songzhuang and conduct an investigation.

If there are no results, expand the scope of investigation.

Wu Jiang explained their situation to Guan Shanlin.Guan Shanlin said that because most of the villagers went to work in the mountains during the day, it was impossible to call everyone back for investigation. It was best to do it at night when they were at home.

He said that most of the young people in Songzhuang are not at home. There are only very few young people and middle-aged and elderly people at home. There are about 90 middle-aged and elderly men and less than 166 men with a height of 60 centimeters and above. Therefore, it is relatively easy. Check.

"Director Guan, let's do this. We have brought three pairs of shoes, namely Hongxing Erke brand sports shoes, Yichuan brand sandals and Mulinsen brand sandals. We will show these to the villagers at home to identify which people in the village wear these shoes. , we can quickly identify the suspect." Wu Jiang thought for a while and said.

"That's good, but you can't say they are the police. It's better to say you are cadres from the Civil Affairs Bureau. Otherwise, they may not tell the truth. The villagers in our village are very united and will not betray the villagers for justice." Guan Shan Lin said worriedly.

"Okay, we will visit the villagers as cadres of the Civil Affairs Bureau. We will start from the first house in the first row."

"Okay." Guan Shanlin put out the cigarette butt in the ashtray on the coffee table, stood up, straightened his clothes again, pulled his belt buckle forward, tightened his trousers, and led Wu Jiang and Xiao Ke out of his house.

The three people visited more than 20 homes. Some were away from home because they were working in the mountains, and some said they didn’t know because most of the people they visited were elderly people, so they didn’t remember who wore what shoes and who wore them. what clothes.

They asked five women, but they all said they didn't know.Wu Jiang felt that even if they knew, they would not say anything. They had the attitude of "everyone sweeps the snow in front of their own door and doesn't care about the frost on other people's tiles". After answering their questions in a hurry, he went back to doing housework.

They came to Dr. Wu Jiawang's home, and he enthusiastically invited them to sit down and drink tea. There was a set of exquisite tea sets in the clinic. The tea was all wild tea sent by the villagers, which was fragrant and organic.

He is the only doctor in the village and has been practicing medicine for 30 years. The villagers respect him very much.He knows the situation of each family very well.He not only has a good memory, but also is good at observing people's words, meticulous and patient. Therefore, he is almost an encyclopedia of Songzhuang.

He knew that Wu Jiang and Xiao Ke were from the city bureau's criminal police team and were here for the Chiye case.

"Doctor Wu, I heard that you have a good base among the people and know the situation of the villagers' families very well. We would like to ask you for a favor. Can you please cooperate?" After Wu Jiang sat down, Wu Jiawang had not yet waited for Wu Jiawang to boil the water. , and started asking.

"Okay, I will definitely cooperate with you. I am an old party member and I still have this awareness."

Wu Jiang took out three pairs of shoes from his backpack and showed them to him: "Can you please help me see which villager in your village wears these three types of shoes?"

"These are Hongxing Erke sneakers. Many young people in our village wear them. However, I can't remember them. However, there is an old man who likes to wear these shoes. His name is Ning Yishu. He is a herbal collector. He often Sold me the herbs, so I remember him wearing these shoes."

"How old is he? Where does he live?"

"He said he was 70 years old this year and would celebrate his 70th birthday at the end of next month. He asked me to go to his house and have two glasses of wine then. I said yes. He lives in an old house behind the village."

"How tall is he approximately?"

"This... is about 176 centimeters, right? He is a tall and thin man."

"He is still going to the mountains to collect medicine at the age of 70? Does he have a wife and children?"

(End of this chapter)

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