Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 582 The shocking discovery of bones

Chapter 582 The shocking discovery of bones (6)
"Oh, I had insomnia last night. I didn't fall asleep until dawn. Finally I got up and took two sleeping pills before falling asleep. I didn't expect that I slept like a dead pig until now. I'm sorry, Secretary Gu." She laughed loudly, cynically.

"These two police officers from the city bureau are looking for you to understand the situation. You go and change your clothes before you come out to meet the guests." Gu Chengcai saw that she was wearing red and white pajamas, so he asked her to change.

"I'm just meeting two policemen. Is it necessary to be so grand?" She actually winked at Gu Chengcai.

"Be serious, they are here to investigate murder cases, not to catch gamblers and crack down on pornography."

Fang Hongli smiled and turned around and entered the bedroom.Gu Chengcai invited them in and sat on the bench in the living room.Wu Jiang looked around the living room. The living room was very simple. Except for an old color TV, there were no extra electrical appliances. There was a wooden ceiling above the living room and a rough cement floor on the floor.If she is good at defrauding old men of their money, then where did her money go?

"I heard that she is the popular lover of the elderly in nearby villages? Then she should be relatively rich. How can she live like this?" Xiao Ke asked Gu Chengcai softly. He was afraid that Fang Hongli would hear it and hurt her self-esteem.

"Everyone has a fatal weakness. Her weakness is gambling. She can't live without playing mahjong for a day. However, playing mahjong is a highly technical job, and she plays with young people. How can she have any brains? Are they good at it? So, almost every bet is bound to lose." Gu Chengcai shook his head helplessly.

Fang Hongli came out wearing a white sportswear. Her tall figure looked even stronger, her breasts were as big as watermelons, and her mouth was covered in lipstick, which made her look extremely gaudy.Her facial features are fairly regular, and although her skin is rough, it is fair and rosy, making her somewhat attractive to older men.

Gu Chengcai said that she had a good figure when she was young, but after she turned 30, she loved eating snacks, so she became fatter year by year and gradually became what she is now.It is almost impossible for a woman who does not know how to cultivate herself to have a good life, even if she is naturally beautiful.

"Fang Hongli, do you know Ning Yishu? You have to tell the truth, this is related to his life and death." Wu Jiang looked at this woman who was about 170 centimeters tall and weighed 70 kilograms, thinking about her terrible life, and his mood gradually faded. Get heavy.

"I don't know." She said with a smile.

"But he said that you are his girlfriend and often spend the night at his house. Don't kid yourself."

"It's ridiculous. He is 20 years older than me. How could I be him..." She suddenly realized that her words were contradictory and stopped quickly.

"Is it revealing the truth?" Xiao Ke said.

"Don't worry, we are not here to investigate your personal affairs, and we will not embarrass you. We are here to investigate a murder case. If you have any conscience, you must tell the truth. Otherwise, we may arrest Ning Yishu and shoot him." Wu Jiang said seriously.

"Okay, whatever you want to ask, I'll tell you everything." She brushed her brown bangs with her hands, raised her head, put away her smile, and began to face the problem seriously.

"Where were you on the night of May 5th?"

"More than 20 days have passed and I can't remember. I have many boyfriends. I will sleep at Li's house tonight and Zhang's house tomorrow night. I really can't remember."

"You didn't even think about it, so you just said you couldn't remember it. How about we change a place and let you think about it carefully?" Xiao Ke was a little angry.

"Where to go?"

"Criminal Police Team of the Municipal Public Security Bureau."

"No, no, no, no, I won't go. It's hell on earth. Just let me think about it..." She lowered her head and covered her face with her hands. Her thick hair covered her entire face, and she couldn't see clearly. Her expression... Suddenly, she raised her head and said, "Oh, I remember, I slept with Ning Yishu at his house that night." She looked at Wu Jiang calmly.

"What time do you go to bed? What are you doing before going to bed? Who else is with you?"

"We went to bed very late that night. Before going to bed, Ning Yishu and I drank in a small restaurant in Songzhuang. We didn't go home until about 1 o'clock and went to bed. Ning Yishu and I were both very drunk. If you don't believe me, you can ask Boss Song of the restaurant, there were two other people drinking with me and Ning Yishu at that time, one was named Song Dajiang; the other was named Song Xiaojiang, who was Ning Yishu’s nephew.”

"We will investigate. If the investigation results are not what you said, then, I'm sorry, we can only ask you to go to the Municipal Bureau's Criminal Police Team to cooperate with the investigation."

"Absolutely! How dare I lie to two detectives?" Her voice was loud, like a man's. People who didn't know it would think she was a transgender.

If you go to Songzhuang and ask the owner of the restaurant, this matter can be confirmed. When they return to the city bureau after get off work in the evening, they have to pass by Songzhuang and ask again then.

Wu Jiang suddenly saw that Fang Hongli’s feet were extremely large, and she wore at least size 41 shoes. The reasons for the extremely large feet of both men and women were: first, heredity; second, she often ran or worked in the wild without wearing shoes since she was a child; third, diet and environment etc.

Fang Hongli is wearing a pair of white Anta sneakers, the color matches her clothes. It seems that she is not used to wearing high heels. High heels in sizes 41 to 42 are more difficult to buy, and wearing high heels makes it easier to expose her big feet. Therefore, it is her choice to wear sneakers. the best choice.

"Fang Hongli, what size shoes do you wear?"

"It's either size 41 or size 42 shoes." "How to put it, we usually wear shoes of a fixed size."

"If I wear leather shoes, I will buy size 41, and if I wear sports shoes, I will buy size 42. However, I have not worn leather shoes for many years."

"Have you ever worn Hongxing Erke sneakers?"

"Yes, but it was given to me by someone else."

"Where are these shoes now?"

"Put it in my bedroom. I'll show it to you." She stood up quickly, walked quickly to the bedroom, opened the door, and closed it again.

With his ears tipped, Xiao Ke heard someone talking softly in the bedroom. He felt strange. He walked forward and pushed open the bedroom door. When Fang Hongli saw Xiao Ke, she suddenly screamed.

A middle-aged man in shorts quickly ran into the toilet, slammed the door shut, and locked the door.Xiao Ke was afraid that Fang Hongli was hiding the murderer at home, so Gu Chengcai kept calling her from the window, but she pretended to be asleep and did not answer.

"Which man is who?" Xiao Ke rushed to the toilet door and asked Fang Hongli sternly.At this time, Wu Jiang and Gu Chengcai also ran into the bedroom and looked at Fang Hongli doubtfully.

"Yes... he is my boyfriend..."

"Boyfriend? What's his name? Where is he from?" Wu Jiang understood that the man in the toilet might be a prostitute, but he could not rule out that he was a criminal suspect.

"His name is...Gu Chengdong...he is from our village." She said anxiously, not as calm and relaxed as before.

"What? Gu Chengdong?" Gu Chengcai stared at Fang Hongli in disbelief. After a glance, he walked to the toilet door and slammed the door so loudly that the glass almost broke. "Gu Chengdong, open the door quickly, otherwise, I told you to walk around because you can't eat!" He yelled angrily inside.

The door latch made a "click" sound, and the door opened. A man in his 40s appeared in front of everyone. He walked out fearfully. Gu Chengcai stepped forward, slapped him several times in the face, and cursed: "You... You beast, I’m going to hold a village committee meeting immediately and fire you from your position as secretary!”

"Secretary Gu, Hongli and I are in love..." Gu Chengdong argued carefully, not daring to look at Gu Chengcai.

"Nonsense! Your wife is so beautiful and virtuous. If you just leave her alone and have a good relationship with her, are you still a human being?" Gu Chengdong is 5 years older than Gu Chengcai. He is of medium build, thin, and has fair skin. He and Gu Chengcai form a strong bond. contrast.He was Gu Chengcai's cousin, so Gu Chengcai dared to slap him.

"Why don't you quickly put on your clothes and leave? Why don't you ask these two police officers to arrest you and detain you?" Gu Chengcai pushed Gu Chengdong hard. Due to the excessive force, Gu Chengdong hit his head against the wall and made a "thud" sound. Loud noise.

Gu Chengdong didn't dare to say it hurt, so he could only cover his injured forehead with his hand, while using the other hand to get the clothes thrown on the bed, and then ran out like a ghost.

Although Xiao Ke and Wu Jiang have come into contact with many suspects or related persons, they have never seen such a scene. It turns out that the relationship between the sexes at the bottom of society is so chaotic that it almost loses human relations, because Fang Hongli is Gu Chengdong's cousin.

Gu Chengcai turned around and stared at Fang Hongli, his face that was already dark turned even darker.He wanted to scold her, but he didn't know how to start. In the end, he just pointed his finger in her face and said: "Don't let me see you with him again, otherwise, I will call the police to arrest you immediately!"

"Secretary Gu, I didn't take any money from Secretary Gu." She said unconvinced.

"Okay, I will hand over this matter to the Yinhe Township Police Station to supervise it. Where are the Hongxing Erke shoes I want you to find?" Wu Jiang didn't want to spend time on this kind of thing.

Fang Hongli squatted down, put her head under the bed and looked for a while, then stretched out her hand, touched it, took out a pair of old shoes, and handed it to Wu Jiang.

Wu Jiang looked at it for a while and thought it was another pair of size 42 shoes that had been stepped on the wild grave. The soles were more seriously worn, but not as badly as Ning Yishu's shoes, so the shoe marks could still be seen.Ning Yishu's steps are in an outward shape, while hers are in an inner shape.

There is a lot of mud and sand in the tread of these shoes. They may not have been worn for a long time. They were thrown under the dark and damp bed. They have become moldy and emit an unpleasant smell.

"Who gave you these shoes?"

"Who else could it be? It's Ning Yishu, that stingy guy who never gave me anything more than 300 yuan."

"Did you wear these shoes and go to Minghuang Valley with Ning Yishu, and drink water in the creek's pool?"

(End of this chapter)

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