Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 239 Not at the scene

Chapter 239 Not at the scene (12)
"So where does he put the tires he replaced?"

"It must be somewhere a person doesn't know, such as under a cliff, or buried in the soil. I'm sure it's on this mountain. He can't take two tires to the beach or river and throw them away, let alone sell them. To the repair shop, because there are monitors all the way, he would never take that risk.”

Two days later, Luo Jin extracted a few grains of dandruff from the windproof hat and compared it with Qian Tong's DNA, which proved that the hat belonged to Qian Tong.

Xiao Ke asked Jiang Yiming to apply for an arrest warrant from the Procuratorate and formally arrest Qian Tong.Jiang Yiming said: "We can only prove that Qian Tong's windproof hat was left on Laishan Mountain, and the shoe prints in the mine can only prove that he has been there. This evidence is not enough to apply for an arrest warrant, and it will definitely be rejected by the procuratorate."

"What more evidence do you need?"

"Such as car tires, the murder dagger, the murderer's fingerprints and DNA, etc."

"Is this easier said than done? If we can't find these things, can't we convict Qian Tong?"

"Do you even need to ask? It's not your first day as a criminal police officer, and you still ask such a mentally retarded question. Did your brain get kicked by a donkey?" Jiang Yiming teased him with a smile.

Xiao Ke stood there in a daze, as if he didn't understand what he meant. Jiang Yiming added: "Comrade Xiao Ke, I understand your eagerness to solve the case, but we must handle every case as a solid case. It can stand the test of time. Unjust cases such as the Hugjil pattern, the case of Zhao Zuohai, the case of Zhang Hui and Zhang Gaoping's uncle and nephew, etc. are all caused by the lack of a complete chain of evidence, which leads to wrongful convictions. Once wrongly convicted, after the parties involved are executed, even many years later Even if the injustice is over, the deceased cannot be brought back to life. This is a great injustice to the deceased." Jiang Yiming patted Xiao Ke on the shoulder and said.

"Captain Jiang is right. We would rather misplace than misjudge. We will definitely find irrefutable evidence and convince Qian Tong!" Xiao Ke straightened his body and gave Jiang Yiming a military salute.

"Otherwise, we will subpoena Qian Tong and conduct a lie detector test on him to guide our investigation. If Qian Tong is not responsible, we will find another way out." Lu Yingying said.

"Okay, we have enough conditions to summon Qian Tong."

Today's lie detectors no longer need to connect wires to the subject's body and measure the curve fluctuations of his skin electricity, respiration, and pulse to determine whether the subject is lying. As long as the computer monitor is pointed at the subject's face, the test The lying program can automatically determine whether the test subject is lying.

Qian Tong was summoned to the interrogation room of the Criminal Police Team. Xiao Ke pointed the monitor at Qian Tong and asked, "Do you often go to Laishan Villa?"

"No!" Qian Tong replied calmly.

"He lied." Lu Yingying's voice in the monitoring room came from Xiao Ke's earphones.

"Have you seen Zhou Chaohua recently?"


"He lied." Lu Yingying said again.

“Have you ever bought a used motorcycle tire?”

"What are you talking about? I only replace new tires on motorcycles, never old ones."

"He lied."


"You can go back." Xiao Ke said to Qian Tong.

Qian Tong smiled at Xiao Ke: "You came to me to ask these incomprehensible questions? I am a mountain person, I like peace and quiet, and I am most afraid of coming to the noisy city."

"Don't worry, we will prepare an isolated place for you in your next life so that you can live peacefully." Xiao Ke had a sneer on his lips.

Although it is clear that Qian Tong lied, there is no evidence that Qian Tong was at the crime scene. How can we find evidence?This made the members of the No. 1 Major Crime Team think hard. They often got together to discuss, analyze, and reason, but they could never come up with a good solution.When a case reaches a deadlock, the best way is to return to the scene. The scene is like gold sand on the river bed. As long as you keep panning, you will definitely get gold.

Jiang Yiming led all the team members to the crime scene. When they were about to enter Zhou Chaohua's yard, Chengming went home. He drove the car into his yard, then got out of the car with David in his arms, and prepared to walk into the house.Jiang Yiming saw Cheng Ming and asked, "Boss Cheng, what's wrong with David?"

"Oh, are you guys?" Cheng Ming was only looking after David and hadn't noticed them standing in the yard next door. "The doctor said David's ribs were kicked and broken. I took him to the pet hospital for dressing."

"When did you find out David was injured?"

"After you finished surveying the scene, it ran to my house and cried at me, as if it was in pain. I thought it might be injured, so I checked its whole body. When I touched its chest, it hurt. You have to scream wildly.”

Jiang Yiming thought: David is a clever dog. Maybe he was kicked and broke his ribs while protecting his owner. Then, this person must be Qian Tong.Will it rush forward and bite Qian Tong when it sees its owner fall?How else could it get hurt?If it was injured in front of Zhou Chaohua, Zhou Chaohua, who doted on David, would definitely take him to see a doctor. Yes, David should have been injured when Zhou Chaohua was killed.

If this is the case, David should have bitten Qian Tong, otherwise Qian Tong would not have been able to kick and break David's ribs. David was huge, and it was not possible for ordinary people to kick and break his ribs.If David bites Qian Tong, then David's teeth may tear off the fibers from Qian Tong's pants, and Qian Tong's blood may be left on the fibers...

There were only splatters and running blood stains at the scene, but no dripping blood stains.When they investigated the scene, they extracted a large amount of blood. After Luo Jin's testing, they found no other blood except Zhou Chaohua's blood. Of course, it was impossible for them to collect all the blood of the deceased for testing. If Qian Tong The blood dripped into Zhou Chaohua's blood and mixed together, so they had no way of knowing.

Jiang Yiming asked Luo Jin to collect all of Zhou Chaohua's coagulated blood and return it to the team to see if he could detect another person's blood.He and Wu Jiang came to David's kennel, took out a multi-band light source, and carefully inspected the kennel.

The kennel was made of brown down quilt and was very clean. Jiang Yiming found a white dog food basin next to the kennel, with a small black fiber on the side of the basin.He picked it up with Nie Zi and sprayed it with luminol. There was a blood reaction on it, which made him and Wu Jiang secretly happy. If the blood on the fiber belonged to Qian Tong, then this would be ironclad evidence of Qian Tong's murder.

Luo Jin conducted a DNA test on the blood on the fiber, and then compared it with Qian Tong's DNA. The results were the same.

"Tell me about the process of killing Zhou Chaohua." Wu Jiang said to Qian Tong, who was locked in the interrogation chair.

"Kill someone? How dare I kill someone? Please bring me the evidence." Qian Tongse said in a serious voice. He was a retired soldier and knew that the procuratorate would not issue an arrest warrant without evidence, so he felt cold and had no confidence.

"Okay, I'll convince you to lose." Wu Jiang walked to Qian Tong and squatted down, lifted up his left trouser leg, looked at it for a while, then put the trouser leg down, and then lifted up his right trouser leg. After careful observation, he found There were teeth marks on the instep of his feet, "Were you bitten by Zhou Chaohua's shepherd dog?"

"Officer, you have a very rich imagination." Qian Tong said.

Wu Jiang stood up and returned to his seat, taking out an evidence bag: "This is fiber extracted from Zhou Chaohua's kennel. There is blood on it. After DNA comparison, it is exactly the same as your blood. How do you explain it?"

Qian Tong looked at it and suddenly turned pale. He quickly lowered his head and thought about countermeasures...

"Stop trying to evade responsibility by sharpening your head." Wu Jiang took out another dagger and showed him, "Our police dog found this under a pile of rocks in the mountain behind your house. Although the dagger was cleaned by you, However, we still found Zhou Chaohua’s blood from it, and the most important thing is that your fingerprints were on the dagger.”

Qian Tong took a quick look and trembled all over. Knowing that his end was coming, he closed his eyes and said slowly: "I will fall into your hands. I accept my fate."

"I didn't expect you would spend eight years to open up the mine and create an alibi. I really admire you."

"Eight years is nothing. Have you ever watched the American movie "The Shawshank Redemption"? The protagonist Andy spent 8 years digging a 20-meter secret tunnel to escape. I can't compare to half of him."

"Andy has such a strong will to clear his grievances, and you want to kill people. Although Zhou Chaohua defrauded you of 100 million, your Paulownia tree can be sold for at least 200 million, and the return of huge profits and ten years will be enough Can’t you dilute the hatred in your heart?”

"Of course not. She defrauded me not just out of 100 million, but also out of love, and even my family was ruined! At that time, my career had just started and I didn't have much money, because I had sworn: I must establish a career first and then a family! So at the age of 35, I still Before we got married, I met Zhou Chaohua, and we fell in love at first sight. I thought she was a gift from God to me. We also made vows to each other a month ago, and I loved her and trusted her. My parents asked us to get married, and she asked to buy a house to get married. , I discussed with my parents, and they were very supportive of me and gave me their life savings of 50 yuan. I used the company guarantee and borrowed 50 yuan from the bank, and gave them to her together and deposited them in her account. I didn’t expect her She actually ran away with my 100 million. I looked for her everywhere, almost turning the entire Yangtze River over, but I couldn't find her. My father was so angry that he had a heart attack and died after resuscitation failed. My mother suffered from depression and jumped to her death. , my company also collapsed because of this, and my only mission in life is to find her and then kill her, so that my life will not be in vain."

"How did you find her?"

(End of this chapter)

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