Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 240 Not at the scene

Chapter 240 Not at the scene (13)
"After I calmed down, I stopped searching blindly. I bought a bug and took her parents on a trip. I installed the bug on her home phone. After two months of bugging, I finally found out that she had plastic surgery and started I joined a cultural company and settled down in Laishan Villa. From then on, I began to think of ways to murder her. After several months of careful consideration, I finally figured out a way to dig through the mine to prove that I was not at the scene... I really didn't. Thinking that she is so greedy that she would get plastic surgery for 100 million and abandon me and all her relatives and friends, do you think this kind of person should pay for my parents' lives?"

"Of course not. If you are calm enough, you can report the crime and then patiently comfort your parents. Then maybe nothing will happen and the money will come and go. Facts have proved that with your IQ and perseverance, it is not difficult to earn 100 million arrive."

"Of course I reported the crime, but ten years have passed and the police haven't given me any explanation. Your police officers are either incompetent or accepting bribes. Otherwise, how could she transfer her household registration?"

"I admit that there are indeed corrupt elements in our ranks, but that is an exception. The vast majority of police officers are good."

"I don't want to discuss this issue with you. I'm tired. I've finished my explanation. Send me to where I should go. I'll admit it even to hell." Qian Tong seemed to have let go of a heavy burden.

Wu Jiang called the police outside the door to come in and sent Qian Tong away.After Qian Tong left, Zhou Ting sighed: "Oh, one million four human lives, why is human life so worthless?"

"All this stems from Zhou Chaohua's greed and money worship. Zhou Chaohua has been afraid of poverty since she was a child. She once said: 'A good man is not as good as personal money.' For her, love is just a way to cheat money." Lu Yingying answer him.

Daishan Community is located on the edge of Jiangnan District. It is a newly developed community. The residences are beautiful and gorgeous, the layout is reasonable, the greening standards are complete, and the hardware facilities are complete. It is favored by young upstarts. The only disadvantage is that it is far away from the city center and shopping. not very convenient.

In the early morning of April 2015, 4, it was raining continuously, and the rain and fog were everywhere. You could see less than 4 meters away, and the houses seemed to be floating in mid-air, mysterious and gloomy.

The 17-building 2-unit building has a total of 7 floors, with two families living on each floor. There is a large iron door on the first floor, which is the only entrance and exit. Except for children, every resident has a key for easy access.However, because the security of the community is relatively complete, residents often leave the door open for easy access.

Aunt Wang, who lives in Room 702, has just retired. She is the earliest person in the unit to get up. Every morning, she walks for an hour on the tree-lined avenue of the community, and then goes home to cook breakfast for her son, daughter-in-law, and wife. Try to use the remaining heat.

Aunt Wang held an umbrella in her hand, opened the door, put on her rain boots, and was about to go downstairs. Suddenly she smelled a fishy smell. Her nose was very sensitive and she thought it should be the smell of blood. She looked around and found that the fishy smell came from Room 701. It was coming from the air, so I went to the door of Room 701 to observe, and the smell of blood became even stronger.She knew the owner of Room 701, named Feng Ling. She was a single woman in her early 30s. She was upright and charming, warm and generous, and a good girl. Aunt Wang became friends with her every year.They often gave each other delicious food, wine, and fruits, but they did not have a close friendship because Feng Ling never confided his inner world to her.Maybe this is what people call the generation gap.

"Lingling, Lingling, are you at home?" Aunt Wang called Feng Ling's nickname loudly, but no one answered after calling her several times. She tried to push open the heavy wooden door. At this time, her husband Jin Shuiliang opened the door. , said: "You barked so early in the morning, didn't you disturb her sleep?"

"No, old man, something might have happened to Lingling. Come over and smell it. There seems to be a smell of blood in her house."

Jin Shuiliang is the security manager of the city building. He immediately became alert and came to the door of room 701. He smelled deeply and really smelled the strong smell of blood. He tried to push the door, but it opened as soon as he pushed it. Feng Ling was lying in the middle of the hall, with a pool of blood flowing from his body...

Aunt Wang wanted to run in to see Feng Ling, but Jin Shuiliang held her back: "Don't go in, this may be a murder case. If you go in, you will destroy the scene and cause trouble to the police."

"What if Lingling is not dead? Then don't we just ignore him? I can't bear it in my conscience." He said he was about to rush in again, but was pulled back by Jin Shuiliang again.

"Don't be impulsive. The blood on the ground has changed color. Lingling's face is also very pale. She must have been dead for a long time. We must call the police immediately." Jin Shuiliang worked as a policeman at the street police station when he was young. Later, he was fired for making a drinking mistake, so He has the awareness to protect the scene.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed 110. After the police officer listened to Jin Shuiliang's explanation of the situation, he directly called Jiang Yiming. Jiang Yiming quickly summoned the team members, brought the investigation tools, and drove two cars to the scene.

After Jiang Yiming listened to Jin Shuiliang's explanation of the situation, he praised him for doing a good job.They sealed off the site, laid out the survey steps, and began the survey work.

There was a pool of flowing blood on the marble floor, which flowed to the door of the living room before solidifying. There was splattered blood on the floor, sofa, ceiling, and curtains. Feng Ling clutched his chest with both hands and lay curled up on his side. , eyes wide open, as if seeing something very scary.

Luo Jin said: "The deceased had been dead for a long time. Her heart was stabbed three times, causing hemorrhagic shock and death. Judging from the wound, it should be a dagger. The dagger was inserted into the deceased's chest at a slight angle from top to bottom. The three wounds were all at the same angle, indicating that the murderer stabbed the deceased three times before he fell."

"Approximately how long have you been dead?" Jiang Yiming asked.

"Judging from rigor mortis and light body spots, the deceased should have died between 02:00 and 03:00 today, five or six hours ago." "The murderer can be judged from the angle of the knife. Approximate height?"

"Okay, the murderer should be over 185 centimeters tall."

"Why did the murderer stab the deceased three times?"

"This shows that the murderer and the deceased had a deep hatred, and secondly, they were afraid that the deceased would not die."

Jiang Yiming turned around and asked Wu Jiang: "Old Wu, have you found any valuable traces or clues?"

"There is a string of shoe prints on the clean floor. From the naked eye, the shoe prints are a pair of size 41 Jiefang shoes. These shoes have been badly worn. Nowadays, except for people at the bottom of society, almost no one wears these shoes. , because it has been raining from last night to today, the shoe prints are particularly obvious. I can’t figure out how people like migrant workers, homeless people, and unemployed people can be related to high-level white-collar workers like the deceased.”

"Maybe he hired a murderer to kill someone." After saying that, Jiang Yiming opened the ajar door of the bedroom and found that a safe beside the bed was opened.He approached the safe and looked at its appearance. It was about 100 centimeters high and 70 centimeters wide. Most people would not use such a large safe unless the owner needed to store a large amount of cash.

The safe is divided into three floors. The upper floor occupies half of the space, and the middle floor occupies a quarter of the space. There is a small drawer on the bottom with a stack of invoices. There is no money or jewelry in the safe. It may have been looted by the murderer. Empty.

The upper pallet was covered with a layer of red velvet. There were indentations of five hundred-dollar bills on the velvet. The indentations were very deep. It seemed that the deceased had put a lot of money in the safe, estimated to be hundreds of thousands.Could this be a murder case?
The second layer of pallets is also covered with velvet. There are indentations on the velvet, like box marks for gold and silver jewelry. There are nine indentations in total. It seems that there are many jewelry and they are valuable.

Jiang Yiming asked Zhou Jingjin to come in and fingerprint the safe.Zhou Ting squatted down and looked with a magnifying glass. He saw fingerprints on the password keys. He sprinkled fingerprint powder and extracted the fingerprints, which soon showed clear fingerprints.Zhou Ting said: "Captain Jiang, from the cross-section of the fingerprint, we can see that this person's fingers are slender and the fingertips are not big. He should be female."

"Then it should be Feng Ling's. The murderer forced Feng Ling to open the safe, took away all her belongings, and then silenced her."

"But after the murderer got the money, why did he kill her? Wouldn't it be better to tie her up, gag her, take away her communication equipment, and then escape?"

"Maybe the deceased recognized the murderer, maybe it wasn't as simple as seeking money and killing."

"Yes, I think so too."

Jiang Yiming walked out of the bedroom and came to another room. On one side of the room was a long row of bookshelves, filled with ancient and modern Chinese and foreign literary classics, various fashion magazines, and some philosophy books.Opposite the bookshelf is a very long simulation of "Along the River During the Qingming Festival". There is an executive desk on the right side of the window, and a desktop Apple computer is placed on the desk.It seems that the owner has good cultural taste.

Jiang Yiming opened the door of another room. There were wine racks inside, storing thousands of bottles of red wine and foreign wine of various brands.He walked out of the wine storage room, opened the thick curtains, opened the door to the balcony, and came to the balcony. The residents downstairs were busy going to work, and the elderly sent their children to school. No one knew that something bloody had happened in the community. of homicides.Jin Shuiliang's family was restricted from going out by Jiang Yiming to prevent the news from leaking and causing unnecessary panic.

At this time, Wu Jiang came in and said that their investigation work had been completed. Wu Jiang's expression was lighter than before at the murder scene. It seemed that the murderer had left many clues.

"Old Wu, you seem very confident that you can solve this case?" Jiang Yiming asked.

"Yes, that's what I think. The murderer left fingerprints, shoe prints, and sweat at the scene. I think the murderer's criminal IQ is not high, and he will be brought to justice soon."

Jiang Yiming smiled and nodded, telling them to close the team.

(End of this chapter)

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