Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 238 Not at the scene

Chapter 238 Not at the scene (11)
When he arrived at the site of the ancient city wall, Xiao Ke parked his car. As soon as he got out of the car, he saw a familiar figure walking towards him. The man was carrying a Canon SLR camera. When he got closer, Xiao Ke saw clearly that he was from high school. History teacher Guan Xiong.He rushed up to meet him, held Guan Xiong's hand tightly and said, "Teacher Guan, long time no see. You seem to be more energetic than before."

"No, no, I'm getting old. Look, my hair has turned gray. I haven't seen you in ten years, right?"

"Yes, I haven't visited you since I was admitted to college. I'm sorry, but I happened to meet my mentor here today and I'll treat you to dinner."

"Isn't this inappropriate?" He looked at Lu Yingying. He thought she was Xiao Ke's girlfriend and was afraid of disturbing their world.

"Teacher Guan, please give me a chance to atone for my sins."

"What's your fault?"

"I have not visited my mentor for ten years. Of course I am guilty."

"Hahaha, then let me give you this opportunity...she is your girlfriend, right?"

"No, it's a comrade."

Guan Xiong greeted Lu Yingying with a smile, and Lu Yingying fell in love with him at first sight. She kindly took Guan Xiong's hand and walked to the restaurant.

Xiao Ke asked for a small box, ordered a lot of delicious food, and chatted while drinking and eating. Guan Xiong said that he had been transferred to work in the Museum of Culture and History, and was mainly responsible for the protection and restoration of traditional culture. He was here to inspect ancient times today. How the city wall was repaired.

Xiao Ke looked at Laishan outside the window and asked, "Teacher Guan, do you know Laishan?"

"Know a thing or two."

"Is there a road connecting the east and west sides of Laishan?"

"Because the top of Laishan Mountain is full of steep cliffs, the road can only go up halfway to the top, so there are no roads on the east and west sides. Before the liberation of Laishan, gold deposits were discovered, but they were hollowed out by the Kuomintang government and local gangsters in 1937. Later, It was occupied by the Japanese again, and they dug deeper, so there were mines everywhere on the top of Laishan Mountain. Over time, these mines were covered by vegetation, so few future generations know about it."

"Oh, is this really true?"

"Yes, it is recorded in the old local chronicles, so it is definitely true."

Xiaoke suddenly had an idea in his head: Could Qian Tong ride a motorcycle through the mine and come to Laishan Villa to kill people?That would give him enough time to complete the murder.

"Teacher Guan, which direction did the Kuomintang government mine gold from Laishan at that time?"

"The mines are all dug from west to east."

"Have you opened up the mines on the east and west sides?"

"No, they ran out of gold about halfway through, so all the mines don't lead to the east."

Xiao Ke asked: "Have you ever gone to inspect it?"

"When I was young, I went there twice with people from the geology team. There are a total of 13 caves in the Laishan Gold Mine, and none of them have been opened to the east."

Xiao Ke was deep in thought. Lu Yingying saw Xiao Ke in a daze and poked him with her elbow. Xiao Ke woke up and said, "Teacher Guan, you did me a big favor today. Come on, I'll give you a toast. You can do whatever you want, I'll drink it all." "Xiao Ke raised a glass of red wine and drank it down.

When they went to work on Monday, Xiao Ke and Lu Yingying came to the team leader's office. Xiao Ke told Jiang Yiming his thoughts: "Qian Tong may spend a lot of time opening up the mine, riding an off-road motorcycle through the mine, and come to Laishan." The murder was committed in the villa. The Laishan villa is located on the mountainside to the east of Laishan, and Qian Tong's home is located on the top of the hill to the west of Laishan. It is very close to the Laishan villa by motorcycle from Qian Tong's home. The straight-line distance does not exceed 4 kilometers, and the curved distance is no more than 6 kilometers. It will be more than 20 kilometers. It is such a short distance that if you ride a motorcycle, you can get there in less than [-] minutes. However, this is just my reasoning and speculation. The facts can only be determined by on-site inspections."

"Xiao Ke, your idea is very good, but I have read a geographical magazine and said that the rock formation in Laishan is mixed granite, which is relatively hard. If Qian Tong wants to open the mine and create an alibi, he must complete the excavation work alone. , he may not dare to use explosives, otherwise he may be discovered, and once he is discovered, all his previous efforts will be wasted." Jiang Yiming said.

"If a small amount of explosives are used deep in the mine, no one will hear it. Starting from Qian Tong's residence, the mountain begins to become steeper. Very few people go up the mountain to collect herbs and hunt. He will not worry about being discovered." "But." Teacher Guan once said: The deepest mine in the west of Laishan Mountain only reaches half of the mountain, and the remaining half is 900 meters long. It will take several years or even more than ten years to open it. He usually has to plant trees and protect the forest, which Do you have time to complete such a huge project?" Jiang Yiming felt unreliable.

"Hatred can make people lose their minds and go crazy to complete tasks that are difficult for others. What's more, Qian Tong is a retired soldier. He has an iron will, a strong body, and deep hatred. Otherwise, how could he happen to contract that barren mountain? "

"Well, it's better to meet once. You contact Mr. Guan and explain the situation to him. I will write him a letter of employment to show our sincerity and ask him to cooperate with us in the Laishan investigation. My name is Zhou Ting and Mr. Wu led the peripheral team up from the east side of Laishan and observed all the way to see if they could find any clues, hoping to find the entrance to the cave you speculated."

"Qian Tong must be monitored. If he knows that we are going up the mountain to look for mines, he may escape."

"Okay, I'll tell the surveillance team to do it."

Xiaoke called Guan Xiong and explained the situation clearly, and Guan Xiong agreed to assist them without hesitation.

Lu Yingying and Xiao Ke drove to the cultural center to pick up Guan Xiong. After the meeting, they drove to a stop 100 meters in front of Yefeng Village, and then drove the car into the woods to avoid being discovered by Qian Tong.

Although Guan Xiong has not been to the west of Laishan for 30 years, he can still recognize the previous road. He led Xiao Ke and Lu Yingying in front. Guan Xiong is nearly sixty years old, but he is agile and has brisk and powerful steps. He is less than half a century old. Hours later, they arrived at the first mine. Guan Xiong said: "There are a total of 13 mines on the mountain, distributed in less than one square kilometer. I don't know which mine is closest to the east, but I know which one is closest to the east." The mine is the longest and deepest, Xiao Ke, which mine do you think we should go to first?”

"If Qian Tong wants to open up the mine, then he should choose the deepest mine, or the mine closest to the top of the mountain, because the closer to the top of the mountain, the smaller the mountain will be, which will reduce the workload. Let's go first Take a look at the deepest mine." Xiao Ke said.

Lu Yingying stopped and looked around. The mountain was at a 65-degree angle, undulating and extending to both sides. It was a sunny day today, and nine holes on the mountain could be seen under the bright sunshine. She said: "If you want to open up the mine, you must open the hole." The mud and rocks inside were pulled out of the cave entrance and dumped down the mountain. Why didn't I see fresh mud and rocks?"

"Most mines are about 3 meters high and wide. He can pile mud and rocks in the holes because he only needs 1.5 meters wide and 1.8 meters high to dig a mine, which can fit a motorcycle." Guan Xiong said.

Guan Xiong led them to the entrance of the deepest mine. The entrance was covered with weeds and small trees. The entrance was not big, about 2.5 meters wide and 3 meters high. It was covered by vegetation and difficult to spot without getting closer.

They turned on their police flashlights and followed the entrance of the hole deep into the hole. Soon they found shoe prints and motorcycle wheel marks on the ground.Xiao Ke was very excited. He squatted down and placed a few number plates for surveying the scene next to them, and used a camera to take pictures from all angles.

They continued to walk forward and found that the ground was more than a foot higher than the ground at the entrance of the cave. It was full of gravel and silt. These gravels were loose floating layers. From this, they could judge that they had been laid down not long ago. So, it should be When people dug holes, they brought gravel here and dumped it.

When walking about 1000 meters in, the hole suddenly became smaller. Xiao Ke took out a measuring tape and measured it. It was 1.2 meters wide and 1.6 meters high, which was just enough for a motorcycle and a person to pass.There were many repeated motorcycle tire marks on the ground, which proved that Xiao Ke’s guess was correct.

They walked about 850 meters in and suddenly saw a ray of light shining into the cave. Xiao Ke was very surprised and trotted out. When he ran outside, he stood on a rock and saw the Laishan Villa not far down the mountain. .

They went down the mountain along the rugged path. Xiao Ke deliberately looked for tire marks along the way, but found none.It has been half a month since the incident. After the rain, the Yangtze River entered the rainy season, and the continuous rain washed away the tire marks.

They walked for a while and met Zhou Ting and Wu Jiang who were going up the mountain from the east, as well as colleagues from the peripheral group.Xiao Ke reported the situation to them.

Wu Jiang and Zhou Ting also gained something. When they were hiking, they picked up a black woolen windproof hat in the grass on the roadside. It was the same style as the suspect's hat photographed by the Laishan Villa No. 10 surveillance camera.If this hat was thrown away by Qian Tong, then physical evidence such as Qian Tong's saliva, sweat, and dandruff should be left on the hat. DNA testing materials should be extracted from it and compared with Qian Tong's DNA. Yes, if the comparison is successful, it will be an important piece of evidence.

The next day, Xiao Ke and Lu Yingying began to contact Qian Tong head-on.Lu Yingying requested that Qian Tong's blood be drawn for testing. Qian Tong readily agreed and seemed very confident in herself.Xiao Ke extracted Qian Tong's shoe prints and compared them with his shoe prints in the mine. The results proved to be the same.However, Xiao Ke compared the tire marks of Qian Tong's motorcycle, but they couldn't match them. This was far beyond Xiao Ke's expectation.

"Why don't Qian Tong's tire tracks match up?" Xiao Ke asked Lu Yingying in the car returning to the team.

"It's very simple. He can buy two old tires at a motorcycle repair shop to replace the original tires, and then ride the motorcycle to commit the crime. After committing the crime, he can replace the original tires with the ones in the mine. The tires don’t match up.”

"Could it be someone else who did it? For example, someone hired someone to kill someone?"

"It's impossible. A person like him who has been fooled will not trust anyone. This is his character. This is what criminal psychology says."

(End of this chapter)

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