gourmet food

Chapter 396 Popular Education of Sichuan Cuisine

Chapter 396 Popular Education of Sichuan Cuisine

Chu Yunfeng's words aroused a great response. The biggest impact was that many people did not believe it and found it a bit baffling.

Especially young people in the Chengdu area and many middle-aged people in Sichuan.

Everyone has been eating these dishes since childhood. Aren’t you deceiving people?
People who had a good impression of Chu Yunfeng before suddenly became a little resentful. Some people even had a very bad opinion of him and felt that there was something wrong with his character.

Everyone also thought that Chu Yunfeng's statement should be to promote his boutique, which was selfish.

Even if you have selfish motives, your methods must be smarter, right?
In front of everyone, you actually made such nonsense and told everyone that the Sichuan food you grew up eating was not authentic?


We eat this way every day, and it hasn’t changed for decades. What do you think you’re talking about if you’re not talking nonsense?
The live broadcast room started to explode.
All kinds of questioning, inquiring, and heckled subtitles came one after another, which was dizzying.

There is also a person far away in the capital, who has been paying attention to this live broadcast from the beginning.

At the beginning, there was a constant smile on his face, but after Chu Yunfeng was questioned, his expression became serious.

This person is President Hou!

Seeing several restored Sichuan dishes prepared by Chu Yunfeng, President Hou felt as sweet as honey.

Such a high-end loft is used as a boutique store, and it also conducts live broadcasts. These are things that President Hou did not expect.

Unexpectedly, Chu Yunfeng grew up so fast, and he was helped by many noble people along the way.

I thought that the promotion of Sichuan cuisine would have to wait at least a year, but who knew that it could reach such a scale in less than a month.

It's unbelievable!

President Hou was very pleased to see this matter developing so smoothly. It seemed that he really had a keen eye for talents, and "discovering" Chu Yunfeng was definitely the most correct thing he had ever done in his life.

But when he saw so many people questioning in the live broadcast room, President Hou suddenly felt a little heartbroken.

Sichuan cuisine has really been silent for too long, making it impossible for everyone to appreciate the glory of Sichuan cuisine back then, which even national leaders were full of praise for.

Not only did the live broadcast room react strongly, but even the people in the banquet hall felt that Chu Yunfeng was joking.

Before, it was only Mr. Shui who raised questions, but now Mr. Jiang, Mr. He and Mr. Huang also joined in.

Long Ma and Lao Wang "stand still". They know much more than everyone else, and they know a lot about the past of Sichuan cuisine.

Knowing that Chu Yunfeng said such words now, he must have a back-up plan, so be patient and wait and see how Chu Yunfeng solves this matter.

"I know that everyone has a lot of doubts in their hearts, so let me tell you about the history of Sichuan cuisine so that everyone can have a new understanding of our Sichuan cuisine, okay?"

Chu Yunfeng spoke in a leisurely and smooth manner, with no trace of panic on his face.

After Chu Yunfeng's words caused a huge reaction, Mu Qing and others hurried to the attic. Everyone looked at him nervously. It seemed that this matter had become a bit big today!
Especially Mu Qing, Chu Yunfeng's desire to revive Sichuan cuisine got her response from the beginning, and she even told Mother Wu to teach Chu Yunfeng some traditional Sichuan cuisine.

Wu Ma said with a wry smile at that time: "I have taught everything I can teach. Except for a few things that he can't learn, this "little pervert" has learned them all."

Wu Ma secretly sighed that she was not a good girl to stay in college. She looked at Mu Qing and ran away shyly, and shook her head feebly.

Originally, today was a good start, and we could proceed step by step. After a few more banquets, and everyone had a certain understanding, it would not be too late to "rectify the name."

Now that I think about changing everyone's inherent impression of Sichuan cuisine, I am indeed a little anxious, although looking at Chu Yunfeng there who is as steady as a rock, he doesn't look anxious at all.

Mu Qing was so nervous that her palms were sweating. If she didn't deal with this situation well today, the Yipin sign might be destroyed. Can the store still be open without word-of-mouth?

"Tell me about it, we are all ears." Mr. Shui's initial question was actually not malicious. Many of the dishes tonight were indeed Sichuan cuisine, and they were also very beautifully cooked.

The biggest problem lies in the menu. There are so many dishes on it that I have never heard of 80% of the dishes, but this is not the biggest problem.

I have carefully read these dishes one by one. You can tell from the names of the dishes that most of the dishes are not spicy. This is the key point.

Is authentic Sichuan food not spicy?
Can non-spicy dishes be called Sichuan cuisine?

You go around the country and randomly pick people and ask them, is Sichuan food spicy?

The answer must be unanimous, that is, Sichuan food must be spicy. So now you tell everyone that Sichuan food is actually mainly non-spicy. How can everyone agree and accept it?

"Okay, let me talk about the hot pot first!" Chu Yunfeng did not "reason" with everyone at the beginning. What he takes in advance must be given first. We have plenty of time, so let's share some interesting things with you first. The topic is.

hot pot?

Which city doesn’t have one now?

This is a topic that everyone is interested in!
"In our Sichuan and Chongqing region, the most famous thing is hot pot, right?
It is said that people in western Sichuan can eat spicy food, and this hot pot is the biggest proof. Especially in winter, everyone will be very warm after eating a pot of extremely hot hot pot.

And this hot pot is also the biggest feature of this western Sichuan region, right? Now when we talk about hot pot, the first impression everyone can think of is Rongcheng and Chongqing, right? "

Chu Yunfeng took hot pot as the topic and took time back to its origins, starting from the Eastern Han Dynasty, and then to the Tang Dynasty, and extended Bai Juyi's "green ants new fermented wine, red mud small stove. It is snowing in the evening, Can I have a drink?"

It intersperses the origin and development of some Sichuan cuisine, and finally comes to the Qing Dynasty and modern times.

Chu Yunfeng's explanation was well-founded, and the rhetoric was very inspiring. Some people didn't believe it at first, but after immediately going to the search engine to check it, everyone was dumbfounded.

They found that everything Chu Yunfeng said was true, and these were real history.

In particular, Chu Yunfeng talked about the history of the development of Sichuan cuisine in modern times. The ups and downs of the story made everyone listen with interest, and then they understood how Sichuan cuisine developed.

Especially when it comes to the Chengdu area where Manchu and Han banquets were once held. Although they are much inferior to those in Beijing, they have their own unique charm.

In modern history, besides the capital, how many other places could have hosted Manchu-Han banquets?

Of course, there must still be some people who don't believe it, but at least half of them searched and found that all of this is true.

So a large number of subtitles began to flood the screen, telling everyone that this was true, and even a few opposing voices were drowned in it.

This is a popular education about traditional Sichuan cuisine, and it was made by Chu Yunfeng with great fanfare!
(End of this chapter)

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