gourmet food

Chapter 394 Liver oil burns sea cucumbers

Chapter 394 Liver oil burns sea cucumbers

Liver oil burns sea cucumber?
Everyone had a lot of doubts after hearing the name of this dish.

What is liver oil?
This is the first doubt everyone has.

Secondly, everyone has never heard of the name of this dish. Is there any other Sichuan cuisine that can make sea cucumber?
In everyone’s impression, there are very few seafood dishes in Sichuan cuisine, let alone sea cucumbers.

The most commonly heard dish about sea cucumbers is sea cucumbers fried with green onions. What is the method of sea cucumbers fried in liver oil?
I have to say that this is the current stereotype that many people have about Sichuan food. They think that Sichuan food is only spicy and lacks those exquisite high-end dishes.

Even seafood dishes have nothing to do with you. Seafood dishes are the specialty of the coastal areas.

“This sea cucumber roasted in liver oil uses top-quality Liao ginseng, and it took a total of 6 hours to make through complex cooking techniques.

At the same time, this dish is also a state banquet dish in Sichuan cuisine. Mr. Cai Lan was full of praise after tasting this dish.

It has been said that this dish is at risk of being lost due to its complicated workmanship, and it will be difficult to eat it in the future.

Boss Chu has only recently learned this dish. This is the first time he has made this dish in a boutique. Please give it a try. "

The information revealed by Liu Xiaoxiao surprised everyone. The most important thing is that this dish has been tasted by Cai Lan.

Who is Cai Lan?

That was a gourmet master-level figure, and what he said was very weighty.

"It seems that this dish is not simple. Even Mr. Cai Lan has such high praise."

"Yes, this is probably the only place in Chengdu where you can taste this dish, right?"

"No, I've been to all the high-end restaurants in Chengdu, but I've never seen this dish before."

"This is definitely a top-notch dish. Counting this dish, this is the third state banquet dish, right?
I think the last dish at the state banquet must be even more amazing. It was really an eye-opener today. "

Everyone present sighed and were very satisfied with today's dishes.

"Okay, after I've been sighing for a long time, should we use chopsticks?
Xiao Zhao, help us share this bottle of wine. "

Long Ma handed over the gold and jade house to Xiao Zhao and urged everyone to taste it quickly. Such exquisite dishes should be worthy of such top-notch wine.

Long Ma and Lao Wang were also extremely looking forward to the delicious taste. Although they had obtained several bottles through Chu Yunfeng before, they were reluctant to drink them and kept them all at home.

Lao Wang even thought that after tasting this top-quality wine today, he would probably be reluctant to drink the wine at home.

The live broadcast room also exploded, with all kinds of information flying all over the place. After seeing that Sichuan cuisine can make such awesome seafood dishes, everyone burst into a strong discussion enthusiasm.

At this time, the number of people online has risen to about 700 million, and it is not far away from 1000 million. It seems that there is hope that we can hit this "level".

"Sichuan cuisine is awesome. I saw three state banquet dishes tonight. Where can I usually see such dishes?"

"With so many exquisite dishes, in terms of ratings, shouldn't Michelin give it a 5-star rating? By the way, does Michelin have a 5-star restaurant?"

"Sichuan cuisine is indeed one of the eight famous dishes. I didn't expect to be so good at making seafood dishes. Book a ticket immediately and go to Boss Chu's shop to eat delicious food tomorrow."

The main audience of Xiaopozhan is mostly young people, and today's dishes give them a new understanding of Sichuan cuisine.

Although the stereotype that spicy food is mostly spicy cannot be reversed for a while, it is like a seed buried in everyone's heart.

It turns out that the high-end Sichuan cuisine is like this. It is not inferior to other dishes, and is even more exquisite and sophisticated.

Sea cucumber is known as water ginseng and has a particularly good nourishing effect on the body.

The Rongcheng area is deep inland. In the past, only landlords and wealthy families could afford this food.

It is also popular among many people and has great benefits for health and fitness.

But now you have to take some risks when eating sea cucumbers. It was only recently reported that some farmers use dichlorvos to breed them.

You can roughly imagine what kind of consequences this highly toxic pesticide will have on the body.

So be sure to pay attention to the difference when purchasing.

Old Wang loves to eat sea cucumbers the most. After seeing this dish, he couldn't hold back, so he picked up a piece and put it in his mouth.

Sea cucumbers taste very chewy and a little soft, which shows that the quality of sea cucumbers is very good.

The longer the sea cucumber is grown, the waxier its meat will be. If the sea cucumber is grown for a short time, the meat will only have a bouncy texture but not a soft and waxy texture.

"It smells so fragrant," Mr. He gave a thumbs up after tasting it carefully.

The aroma of "cockscomb oil" has completely penetrated into the sea cucumber and pork liver, and after four hours of cooking, the aroma has been concentrated into the essence.

“I used to think that the tenderer the pork liver, the more delicious it is, but today’s pork liver gave me a new understanding.

Every "grain" in this old liver is like soft bean paste, coupled with rich oil, the combination of fragrance and taste is simply amazing. "

Although Mr. Shui had been silent for a while, this dish immediately "resurrected him with full blood", and he couldn't help but comment on it.

"The taste is amazing. I have tried many kinds of sea cucumber recipes, and this is definitely the most delicious one, bar none."

Lao Wang let out a long sigh. He had eaten at least 20 kinds of sea cucumber dishes, but now he realized that all the food he had eaten before was in vain.

"That's true. I also feel the same way. Boss Chu's cooking skills should not be underestimated!"

Long Ma nodded and agreed very much with what Lao Wang said. This dish alone would give Chu Yunfeng a great "status in the world."

That is, many people will come to ask Chu Yunfeng to cook, which is very common in the circle.

Generally, a chef is invited to cook at home, and the remuneration is very generous.

"It's a pity that I can't have another dish, but I will definitely order this dish next time I order a banquet."

Lao Wang's words made Long Ma very depressed and hurt.

You can just order it, why do you have to say it in front of me?

If you don't invite me to the next banquet, won't it make me feel uncomfortable?

The depressed Longma looked at the golden liquid in the wine glass in front of him, immediately picked it up and said, "Come on, let's enjoy this top-notch wine together and see what it tastes like."

When the wine was opened, everyone was almost drunk before they drank it. The strong aroma of the wine had already made everyone intoxicated.

Now that you hear Longma speaking, why don’t you quickly pick up the glasses and get ready to clink them?
Two people couldn't wait to clink their glasses, so they just made a gesture and couldn't wait to bring it to their mouths.

Everyone who tasted the wine immediately closed their eyes and enjoyed the wonderful taste of the wine.

The intoxicated expressions on everyone’s faces fully demonstrated the beauty of this wine.

The banquet hall was quiet for three minutes before someone spoke up: "Good wine, wonderful."

Everyone nodded, but immediately felt depressed. Although the wine was delicious, it had become useless.

There is another dish behind, but now there is no wine.
Chu Yunfeng's figure appeared at the door!

(End of this chapter)

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