gourmet food

Chapter 355 Finding Bugs

Chapter 355 Finding Bugs
The farce didn't last long. Boss Xiao Mao and Ai Ai finally found a good seat. There were more shades here, which was very suitable for protecting girls' skin.

"Come on, come on, I've been holding back for a long time, how about trying it quickly?" Ai Ai was the most depressed. Xiaoxiao had eaten it before the two of them just now, and it was said that it tasted really good.

No, she said she would come over right away. She said she had found a bug in Mr. Chu's store. She wanted to give it a try and see if it worked.

There are still bugs in Boss Chu’s store?

Boss Xiaomao didn't believe it, but Xiaoxiao swore that if this bug was established, then he could eat the same dish twice in Boss Chu's restaurant in one day!
Bragging, right?

Boss Xiao Mao didn't quite believe it. He had never seen anyone eat two portions in Boss Chu's shop for so long. This was absolutely impossible.

But Xiaoxiao's confident tone made her a little suspicious. It was hard to imagine that she was hallucinating because it was so delicious?

Ignore her, you will know when she comes, now you have to taste the delicious food as soon as possible.

Both of them ordered a portion of chicken shredded cold noodles, jelly and ice noodles. At first, they thought they would just try it, but when they ordered, after seeing the tempting picture, they couldn't help but order the same. One serving.

What should I do to lose weight?
There is a very classic saying called "Only when you are full can you have the strength to lose weight."

So you have to eat enough first!
As soon as I opened the lid of the cold noodles, I was greeted by a strong sour and spicy taste, which involuntarily tempted me to swallow my saliva.

After mixing well, the coloring effect of red soy sauce is very good, and with the garnish of red oil chili, it looks very appetizing.

Ai Ai delicately picked up one and stuffed it into her mouth. After the cold noodles entered her mouth, she felt silky for the first time. Yes, it had a silky feeling.

How can this be?

Is this noodles?The noodles are almost always soft after being cooked. Even after being stirred with vegetable oil, they are at best not sticking to each other. How can they have such a silky texture?
This shows what?
It shows that the noodles are soft and have a little bit of strength. When you take a bite, you can feel the slight slippery feeling on the teeth, but it does not stick to the teeth. This kind of taste is simply amazing. .

Then the combination of sour, spicy, sweet, salty, numbing flavors exploded, igniting the taste buds on the tip of the tongue, combining the excellent texture and taste experience with each other, almost making Ai Ai want to swallow her tongue.

"It's so delicious. I've never had such delicious cold noodles."

Ai Ai sighed, picked up some shredded chicken and ate it with cold noodles, and experienced another kind of texture and taste. The refreshing fragrance brought by the tender chicken was even more addictive.

After you are tired of eating shredded pork, the juicy and crispy bean sprouts can relieve your tiredness, especially the acetic acid flavor wrapped on the bean sprouts, which is the only way to increase your appetite.

"Oh my god, how on earth did Boss Chu make such magical food? It's so delicious that I almost want to cry when I eat it."

As a shop owner who has been "working hard" in the snack street for a long time, Boss Xiao Mao has a very deep understanding of this street and local snacks.

The taste and texture of this cold noodle made by various restaurants are roughly the same. The slightly different ones are probably just on the side dishes. Some add a little mustard dices, and some add fried soybeans.

Although it will increase the taste and aroma of cold noodles, compared with Boss Chu's classic method, it is not the slightest difference.

Whether it is taste or texture, it is definitely a top-level enjoyment. I don't know where Boss Chu got the ingredients and the way of making them. It is simply amazing.

No wonder it can be sold at such a price. Such taste enjoyment is definitely not something that can be easily exchanged for such a small amount of money.

Even if you go to a high-end restaurant, you definitely won't be able to taste such a taste, and the price of a high-end restaurant may be higher than this price, but the taste, haha~!

The bowl of jelly was quickly finished by the two of them, and the sour and spicy taste made them fan their tongues.

Even so, when the spicier it gets, you won't be able to stop and will eat faster, so the two then opened the lid of the jelly, saw the crystal clear appearance, and took a deep smell of the unique vinegar aroma. , Immediately couldn't help but continue to drive.

Bouncy yet tender, this is the first feeling in your mouth.

If anyone had told me before that the jelly had a chewy texture, I would have definitely sprayed it in his face.

This is what they really felt after taking the first bite.

Anyone who has eaten jelly knows that in the past, when food standards were very low, alum would be added during the production process.

There are two advantages to doing this, that is, the jelly is not easy to break, and the color will be more transparent.

With the improvement of people's living standards, the country has attached great importance to food standards, and later strictly prohibited the addition of this additive.

Therefore, the jelly eaten later will be easily broken after a little force from the chopsticks.

Obviously, it is impossible to add alum to the jelly made by Boss Chu. How could someone who doesn’t even add MSG and chicken essence to Boss Chu’s cooking add alum?

But how to explain the taste of this Q bomb?

This can only be attributed to the high-end ingredients and superb cooking skills.

Eating cold noodles emphasizes sourness, so the spiciness of eating cold noodles before has been reduced, but the spiciness is still raging in the mouth.

Finally, when I opened the lid of the ice powder, the strong smell of brown sugar was inhaled into my nose, which immediately reduced the spiciness a lot.

Boss Xiao Mao ordered the glutinous rice cake ice powder. When she took one bite, the cool, elastic, and soft texture intertwined. The perfect oral storm made her close her eyes and enjoy it endlessly.

Ai Ai ordered the classic mash ice powder, which also felt cool and chewy in the mouth, followed by the sweet wine aroma of mash.

The aroma of wine from the fermented glutinous rice wine adds to the deep experience of delicious food. I can’t stop, but I want to stop talking, but I say
"What are you two doing, being crazy here?"

A very discordant voice sounded in their ears, completely interrupting their enjoyment.

"Who is ruining my mood!" Boss Xiao Mao and Ai Ai shouted immediately. When they opened their eyes, they saw that it was Xiaoxiao.

"You damn woman, didn't you see that we were enjoying and reminiscing just now? How dare you disturb us? Prepare to be punished!"

After saying that, the two of them unceremoniously scratched Xiaoxiao's creaking holes and other ticklish places, causing the ticklish Xiaoxiao to surrender immediately.

"Stop making trouble, did you enjoy eating just now?" Xiaoxiao asked with an evil smile on her lips.

"It's cool!" They both nodded at the same time, not knowing what she meant when they saw her expression.

"Do you want another bowl?" Xiaoxiao drew a magic circle with her hand and continued to ask.

"I think!" the two of them immediately replied in unison.

After eating it, I really felt that it was not enough. It would be great if I could have another cold noodles. I still have to eat shredded chicken. The taste of the chicken is so delicious.

"If you want, come in with me and see how I can outwit a bowl of cold noodles." Xiaoxiao walked in front confidently, quite like outsmarting "Mighty Tiger Mountain".

The feeling of walking made the two of them have an illusion, why does it look so like a mountain sculpture?

Seeing as she is so confident, can she really break Boss Chu's rule of only ordering one portion?

(End of this chapter)

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