gourmet food

Chapter 354

Chapter 354

"Refund the liquidated damages?" Boss Zheng heard what the other party meant, that is, he would rather refund a large amount of the liquidated damages to himself at a loss.

But there is only one condition, and that is to terminate the lease contract. To put it bluntly, it means that you will not be allowed to continue renting.

The liquidated damages seemed very generous, but the popularity of my store had already grown, and this street had a lot of traffic. If I moved to another place, my business might plummet.

So the liquidated damages just look good, but are actually honey with traps, which are delicious but very deceptive.

Looking at Chu Yunfeng who was very calm, Boss Zheng felt a deep sense of powerlessness in his heart, and he regretted coming to find trouble.

This young man was really tough in the background. His little tricks were completely defeated in front of him, and he also went straight to Huanglong and cut off his own livelihood.

"You don't have to be so serious, right? We have something to talk about. I pay the rent very promptly and the cooperation has always been a pleasure. We have something to discuss!"

At this point, Boss Zheng had to bow his head and plead.

"This is not a question of rent, but an order from above. If you mess with someone you can't afford, there's nothing you can do about it." The attitude on the other side was very tough.

Sure enough, the news of this world came too soon. I wanted others to close the store, so how could I have thought that the fire would burn me?

"Let's discuss it, don't push people to death?"

When Boss Zheng said this, he didn't expect that he was the one who started it.

"Haha, if I had known today, why did I do it in the first place?
But as mentioned above, if you can get the other person’s forgiveness, then forget it this time, but you have to do what he wants! "

The other party suddenly proposed a solution, which gave Boss Zheng a glimmer of hope.

However, this meant that he had to bow his head to this guy who was a little too young.

Bow down?

I think back then I was...
but now, hey
The same was true for Boss Li. After feeling Chu Yunfeng's "energy", he was frightened and very depressed when he thought about it.

Using force alone has no advantage at all, and fighting for connections is a total failure. In the end, it will be a problem for you to even earn a living. How can you do it without bowing your head?
"Got it, I know what to do."

Boss Li hung up the phone feebly, and looked at each other with Boss Zheng. Both parties saw the helplessness in the other's heart, and the meaning of the call was very clear.

"Boss Chu, it's our fault that this happened today, please show your respect. How about we end things amicably?"

Boss Zheng still had a sense of luck and wanted to see if he could reconcile with Chu Yunfeng just like this.

"I have received your sincerity, but we cannot change the fact that the store will be closed for two days. This is what we agreed before. You cannot be without integrity!"

The gentle smile on Chu Yunfeng's face gave people a very sincere feeling, but in this case, Boss Zheng would only feel that this smile was very fake, hidden in the fabric, and made him feel very uncomfortable.

"Boss Chu, if we close the store for two days, we will lose a lot of business. You see, my business has not been very good. Isn't this a bit too much?"

The forced smile on Boss Li's face made him look as if he was about to cry, and his rude smile made him look so funny.

"That makes sense. Then look at my business here is so good. If I close it for two days, will the loss be greater?"

Chu Yunfeng's words were merciless. If you can't bear to close the store for two days when business is bad, how about I can bear to close the store here?
So what this means is that Chu Yunfeng will not give in. Think about it yourself.

"This" Boss Li was at a loss for words and didn't know what to say. Chu Yunfeng, the rebel general, left him speechless.

"Boss Chu, I admit defeat. I'll go back and make preparations. I'll close the store for two days tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Are you satisfied?"

Boss Zheng saw that the situation was stronger than others. If he didn't bow his head, Boss Chu might make some tougher demands, and then he would lose more than he gained.

"Hey, you can't say that. You closing the store has nothing to do with me. It sounds like I'm forcing you. Are you right?"

Chu Yunfeng didn't want to be labeled as a "bully". Although he was a "bully", he still had to suffer from being dumb, leaving him speechless.

This approach is called relieving anger.

"Hello, I just want to rest for two days. That's it. I'll take my leave now."

Boss Zheng suddenly felt that his life had been in vain all these years, and he could not gain any advantage over a young boy.

"Um, I, I'm going back too. The store will be closed for two days starting tomorrow. I'll also rest, rest."

Boss Li saw that even Boss Zheng was gone, what else could he do?

Seeing the two of them fleeing, the guests in the store all applauded and celebrated. I really experienced a lot today. In just a few minutes, this turnaround happened so quickly.

I thought that Boss Chu would suffer a loss if this matter went wrong. There was a problem with business today, and the store might be closed for a while. Unexpectedly, Boss Chu also had a backend, and he was not afraid of these troublemakers at all.

Suddenly, everyone had a deeper understanding of Yipin. It seems that Boss Chu is not simple.

Contrary to everyone's speculation, Chu Yunfeng was very confused. What was the reason for the last call from the landlord?

It is unlikely that President Xiong did this, because President Xiong would not know the shops on the street of these two people, and he would not know the landlord behind them.

Official matters naturally have official solutions, and such slightly threatening tactics will not be used, so Chu Yunfeng immediately understood that other people should help with this matter.

Who is it?

"Sorry to keep everyone waiting. I will continue to make snacks. Today's promise will not change and we will be open until evening."

These customers in the store just spoke uprightly. Chu Yunfeng felt their enthusiasm, so he had to repay them.

"Great, hurry up, I'm already drooling from the wait."

"Hurry up, hurry up, the queue outside the door is so interesting, I want to go out and squat right away to feel it."

People in line have the same mood. They all want to get their snacks quickly and then go out to "enjoy" them.

Boss Xiaomao outside the store saw the two people fleeing like rats, and knew that Xiaoxiao must have taken action, and you deserved your misfortune.

You must know that Xiaoxiao's family is a landlord, and many storefronts on this street belong to their family.


Even their own store belongs to them.
You should tell Boss Chu about this later. He is probably a little confused too. Although Xiaoxiao said that we do good deeds without leaving our names behind, it is better to tell him so that Boss Chu will not mutter about it!
There was another person outside the store who was thinking about it, and that was Boss Lu on the side.

There were a lot of people queuing up before, which brought a lot of business to his store, especially the sales of cigarettes, which almost doubled.

There is really nothing going on on this street that I don't know. When I saw these two people appearing, I knew that Boss Chu might have to close the store, and he was depressed that his business would also be affected.

When he saw that the two "bullies" on this street had been subdued, Boss Lu immediately walked out happily and shouted to the people queuing outside to move closer to his store.

Firstly, it will give everyone more space, and secondly, Boss Chu will accept his favor when he sees it.

Thirdly, wouldn’t my own business be better?

(End of this chapter)

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