hunter commando

Chapter 197

Chapter 197

The sad thing is that even though many days have passed, I don't dare to think that when I think of the old man, I lose control of my emotions.It's hard to express my feelings for the old man. You all know that Rifle's joining the army was influenced by the old man.

In this article, using poor writing style, I will talk about the old man, me and the old man.

He is a warrior of Mao Zedong's ideology.

When I was thinking about what words to use to express the problem I encountered, after much thought, I returned to the life of the old man, and Mao Zedong's ideological warrior was the most appropriate.

Have you ever seen selfless people, those selfless dedication models written in our primary school textbooks?

I have seen him, there is one beside me, the old man.

Until I personally buried the old man in the soil facing the reservoir, my only uncle was still scolding him in front of the grave.

Because when the old man was still capable, he did not help his children, and all opportunities, opportunities, etc. were given to others.One of the things that my uncle kept repeating the most was that when the old man first spoke up, it was decades ago. When he was looking for a teacher to run an elementary school, the second grandfather who graduated from high school, who was the old man’s younger brother, refused to let him go. He went to teach and found someone else instead.

The reason is simple: that person's family situation is more difficult.

Teachers were very popular at that time.

My father has lost count of the people who were dragged out by the old man back then, but no one in the family ever borrowed even an ounce of strength from the old man.Nowadays, those who were dragged out by the old man, no matter how bad they were, had buildings with several floors, and the good ones were the division-level cadres who retired, changing the fate of their families.

Dad said that the old man also missed a good opportunity back then. It should be said that loyalty and filial piety cannot have both.At first, my great-grandmother was reluctant to let go of the old man because he was the eldest son.So after the troops left, the old man stayed.But those who participated in the revolution with the old man and followed the army early retired from their high positions and enjoyed their happiness.

After the war, the old man chose filial piety.

I never imagined what I would be like today if the old man left with the army.The disgusting second-generation official or the idle rich second-generation?Quite nonsense.Maybe as I get older and see through the world, my thoughts in that regard are no longer so strong.

I never imagined what kind of material help the old man, including my father, could give me in my life.Therefore, my little old man taught me two things: first, to be a good person, and second, to create wealth with both hands.

He has killed people and was almost killed. He is also an intellectual. He is particularly concerned about his status as an intellectual.
I remember when the old man was hospitalized for the first time, I was reading a book during the vigil. Suddenly I wanted to test the old man, so I took it over and pointed to the title of the book and asked him, Grandpa, do you know how to pronounce this word?The old man said, we are on our way.

Until his death, the old man's eyes were not nearsighted.It's a pity that he couldn't speak at that time, and the customs in the countryside were quite strong, otherwise he might have wanted to donate healthy and useful organs.

The old man has always told me that I must study hard. Only by reading well can I become a useful person and serve the people as a leader.He also often said that if his cultural level had been higher, he could have been the chief envoy.I think it's quite funny.

The old man can rest in peace. What he often said to me at the dinner table: There is a room of gold in a book.

Man, I did it.

Nowadays, I make a living by writing books. I can really make money by writing. The real gold comes from books.

I clearly remember that before I joined the army, I handed my debut novel, which smelled of ink, to the old man. The old man sat down and started reading it immediately.It’s just that today’s writing habits and reading habits are very different from those a few decades ago. It’s even said that traditional Chinese characters are the most suitable for the old man.But I will deeply remember his gratifying smile at that time, which supported me to the army and supported me through so many trainings.

The old man had a scar on his nose. My father said he was accidentally cut by flying wood chips when he was chopping firewood. As a result, his nose was cut in half, and there was a deep gap at the wing of his nose.But I clearly remember that when I was in high school and started to think about writing a book, I asked the old man about the time he fought in the past, but he mentioned a battle about the scar on his nose. There are tears.After that day, no matter how I asked, he was unwilling to mention the war that year.

But I can still imagine how the old man survived the battlefield through the scars on his body.

Starting from the year before last, the old man's movement began to become inconvenient. First, it was difficult to walk with both legs, and he had to move slowly even with a cane.From that moment on, I started taking turns bathing him with my father. I wanted to cry every time I gave him a bath.Looking at the scars on his body, I couldn't help but feel emotional.How many lives and deaths did the old man go through before he got here? Even though he has a rich imagination, it is difficult to imagine.

The old man still wants to save face.

It was even difficult for him to walk. When he came back from the hospital for the first time, he was sitting in the back seat of the car. I walked over and opened the door, smiled and said to him, Grandpa, I will carry you up.I live on the third floor and have to carry it.Guess what, he chuckled and said, "You're going to carry me?" He had such a contemptuous look on his face that I was extremely surprised.

Of course, I carried him on my back. Dad had a lumbar disc prolapse and couldn’t carry heavy objects.

The old man is very strong, only two centimeters shorter than me.At first, it was very difficult for me to carry him up and down the stairs. My father and I were holding each other, so I couldn’t carry him to the third floor.

One thing that shocked me happened when the old man was hospitalized for the first time. When the doctor asked about the situation, the old man said that the old man had never been in the hospital. The doctors and nurses were shocked.Maybe in their imagination, an old man of this age should be a frequent visitor to the hospital.But the fact is that the old man didn't even know which way the hospital door opened.

The imaginations of the doctors and nurses came true. The first time was followed by the second time, and gradually there were more.The old man's physical condition is deteriorating and he is becoming more and more fragile.It’s just reincarnation, that’s how everyone is.From a child to an adult, and then from an adult to a child, I personally experienced the old man's process from an adult to a child, and I have no regrets.

I wash his face three times because I remember when he was a kid, he washed my face three times. He said this would make it clean.The face must be clean.I carefully cleaned the dirt between his toes, and I also remembered the scene when he washed my feet when I was a child.Of course, I carried him on my back, and I also remembered the scene when he carried me down to the village to handle affairs when I was a child.

I picked out the fish, shredded the meat, tested the temperature of the soup, and then fed him, just like he served me when I was a child.I dressed him and covered him with a quilt, just like when he coaxed me to sleep when I was a child.

The old man's breathing slowly slowed down, as if he was asleep. I called him a few times, and a few tears fell from his eyes. Maybe he had something to say but couldn't say it.

I know, the old man must want to tell me that you should study hard. .

Rest in peace, old man.

(End of this chapter)

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